I have often asked myself the same question in this thread as it applies to snd, lenny lenbo and sheriff hoe.
Even worse is that these folks deify him and two of them claim that "God" works through Trump.
That must be some kind of fucking "God" they worship, one who condones and actually encourages criminality, one who considers women
objects for sexual gratification purposes only, a God that looks the other way and doesn't care if someone lies, in Trump's case
over 33,000 DOCUMENTED one during his four-year tenure as POTUS, a God who does not believe in accountability
and always blames other people for his own massive shortcomings but never himself!!
If you can believe it, even though Trump is 76 years old, lenny leno even as a man in his fifties is terrified at the thought of his
life continuing without Trump and also acts as a human condom to protect and cover up for him for EVERYTHING!!
In the case of sbd and sheriff hoe, if things are going badly for Trump, they just bring out the Trump Devolution card once again and tell
us for the zillionth time that it is imminent!!
Needless to say, these are three badly disturbed human beings and obviously dissatisfied with their current sorry lot in
life and hope somehow that by deifying and trying to emulate Trump publicly in this thread, that will be the catalyst
to suddenly transform themselves into all of the power, respect, dominance, money, etc., that they have strived for all
of their adult life!!
All I can sat to that is good luck!!