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Nov 11, 2007

I am sure untold millions of people in the country agree with Gerealdo but definitely not ill-bred slime like sbd, lenny and sheriff joe

who would have done the same thing-it is no wonder that none of them can find a suitable mate with their macho misogynist

manner of thinking.

On the other hand, if they looked hard enough, I am quite sure they could find someone of the Marjorie Greene ilk to

at least help them get their rocks off if nothing else!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

I am sure untold millions of people in the country agree with Gerealdo but definitely not ill-bred slime like sbd, lenny and sheriff joe

who would have done the same thing-it is no wonder that none of them can find a suitable mate with their macho misogynist

manner of thinking.

On the other hand, if they looked hard enough, I am quite sure they could find someone of the Marjorie Greene ilk to

at least help them get their rocks off if nothing else!!

You guys have something else in common . Wives than can be your daughter .

Nov 11, 2007
One thing for now if there is actually anyone reading what is stated here other than those who post in this thread

which I have big doubts about,

keep in mind that although the two Trump cases, indictments and verdicts as well as the debate the other night

make quick interesting topics for thought and conversation, ultimately the various ongoing criminal investigations

surrounding Trump and what comes of them are going to be the real determinants of who folks vote for in the

2024 Election, whether it is Trump(which for reasons stated previously imo is highly unlikely) and for that matter

Biden, who for many obvious reasons I have big doubts as to whether he will be

the actual nominee in 2024.

To cut to the case, the big and only prize here is who actually wins the 2024 Election, and I maintain that as it stands today and

unless something changes dramatically, the chances of Trump's winning are .1% or 99.9% chance of losing,

which are actually worse if you can believe it than sbd's .2 correct predictions over the last three years or 99.8% of FAILED

documented predictions overall and 100% FAILED predictions of Trump's "imminent" reinstatement/devolution that we have heard

on an almost daily basis over the last 28 months.

If the Big Three and the newbies obviously disagree with this assessment, go ahead and assure each other that

they are right, but at the same time realize I won't read it because these folks are on ignore and will be until

such time that what I have stated is an actual reality.

At that time, I will take these folks off of ignore, stay around for a week having some fun with them, and then permanently exit

from both reading and responding to this thread FOREVER-no need to read more failed predictions and other attempts

to try to deny reality as it is as opposed to what they want it to be and certainly not wanting to watch them hold hands,

cry on each other's shoulders and reassure themselves that eventually, it is all "part of the plan" and that when all is said

and done that Trump and they will emerge victorious!!

Back much later today if I have any additional commentary!!
Sep 12, 2022
Nobody died from covid.

But tens of thousands died from nursing home murders.

And hundreds of millions have already died from the deadly shot.
These dopes think Stupid-19 was a real thing. Savage is probably triple jabbed and boosted.


Sep 5, 2010
Looks like the ultra low iqanons were posting their nonsense all day, to noone but themselves.

Bunch of sad losers.

Get the checkbooks out after the 23rd, cause the orange encrusted buffoon will not shut his mouth!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Soon, real soon.

Still getting ready for the return.


Nov 11, 2007
Looks like the ultra low iqanons were posting their nonsense all day, to noone but themselves.

Bunch of sad losers.

Get the checkbooks out after the 23rd, cause the orange encrusted buffoon will not shut his mouth!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Soon, real soon.

Still getting ready for the return.

Rest be assured that Asswipe#1 sbd will tell us not to worry that it is all fake news, that it all part of the plan, that just like

al of the other times no one has got Trump this time and never will, and most importantly For the zillionth time Trump's

devolution is imminent

Asswipe #2 Lenny the Trump jism collector will mostly concentrate on any and all Trump indictments and

those who find him guilty as part of some kind

of scam committee and/or out to get Trump, blah, blah blah but NEVER EVER will admit that there is even the most remote

the possibility that Trump the "deity" could even think of doing something criminal let alone do it.

But then again what should we expect from a reincarnated human condom whose sole intent is to protect Trump against

all criminal charges no matter how well-documented they are!!

And finally, we have Asswipe#3 sheriff joe who combines the "best" of Asswipe #1 and Asswipe #2 and adds a particular aura of madness,

delusion and danger to the equation, so dangerous in fact that imo if enough things go wrong with his delusions,

failed predictions about Trump's devolutions, etc., it may push him over the top to the breaking point where let's just

say diplomatically that I sure as hell would avoid public schools, shopping malls, etc. because of rightful fears that

he could strike at any time!!

Back late tonight if I have anything worth posting!!
Aug 17, 2019

> 2 million homeowners are behind on their mortgages.

> 6 million renters are behind on their rent.

> There are countless Blackrock officials involved in the Biden Administration.

> Blackrock openly and aggressively supports China, calling it the "biggest opportunity to exist".

> Blackrock has been aggressively buying every house they could find in America, in many cases outbidding normal buyers by 20-50%. WHY?

> Blackrock is responsible for the manipulation of the of the current price increases in the housing market.

> Biden Administration let this moratorium expire without action.

> They knew it was set to expire for weeks and yet didn't address it until the final hour before break. WHY?

NONE of this is coincidence or by accident.

It was always the plan.

The NWO "Great Reset" has officially begun.
Also worth noting:

Vanguard is the 'sleeper' in this and is working closely with Blackrock for the "Great Reset".

If you have the power to manipulate the real estate market, or any market, to the upside you have the power to crash it too. [logical thinking]

Crashing the markets is the final phase of every "Great Reset".

It is necessary to bankrupt The People to secure their power and control.

Now is not the time to be overconfident, or adjust your lifestyle up thinking this is 'forever'.

Stay conservative and prudent.

As stated many times, the current markets are being highly controlled and manipulated and artificially held up.

These market increases this year are not real.

Real, meaning there is no fundamental reason for the current levels.

It is not sustainable given the current backdrop and reality.

The average volume of the market is down 15%-20%.

Light volume with higher moves is usually a 'warning' sign.

And we also know overnight repos continue to set record highs.

The markets are a ticking time bomb.

The warning signs are everywhere.

Just be careful.
? ? ? ? ?


For nearly 3 years I have warned about Blackrock and how evil they are.

It all started with the Blackrock creating the first real estate "buying frenzy" in America at the start of fake covid.

I wanted everyone to be very careful during that time.

Now, Blackrock is doing it again.

And people everywhere are falling for it once again.

But, this time people are going to get destroyed!

And, WORSE, let me explain how it's being done.

? This is where you NEED TO PAY ATTENTION.

Larry Fink is the CEO of Blackrock.

25 years ago, he developed a supercomputer, the artificial intelligence that now controls more wealth than any country in the world.

In fact, it controls more than 21 TRILLION DOLLARS of our WORLD ECONOMY.

To put this in perspective, IT'S FOUR TIMES the value of ALL MONEY in the world.

This artificial intelligence was created for world dominance, the Great Reset and NWO.

This AI directs the actions of the Federal Reserve, almost every major bank and Wall Street firm, over 17,000 Traders, roughly 17% of the bond market, nearly half of the ETFs, and more than 10% of the global stock market.

This AI has now made Blackrock the largest shadow bank in the world.

It has given Larry Fink, the original founder of Blackrock, total world dominance.

It was, and is, all part of the NWO agenda.

Blackrock always seems to show up at a time of "crisis".

During the financial crisis of 2008 it was Blackrock's AI that determined what the "financial stimulus/bailout" should be.

And, of course, it resulted in $2.5 trillion in new funds for Blackrock.

Then when fake covid started, Blackrock showed up again.

This time calculating what the stimulus should be.

And remember that huge $4 trillion of stimulus money that basically vanished and went unaccounted for?

Inexplicably, the Federal Reserve began aggressively buying EFTs for the first time ever.

Who was the beneficiary of that?

Blackrock. [surprise!]

Now, let's talk real estate again!

Over the last 2 years Blackrock has been buying up single-family homes.

About 2 months ago Blackrock stepped up their game and began aggressively manipulating the market by creating bidding wars.

They can afford to outbid everyone because they have unlimited financing at hyper-low interest rates.

Buying up the real estate is the WEF's final major move of their NWO Agenda 2030.

Owning the real estate makes them the global landlord and gives them total and complete control over all.

Remember, "you will own nothing and be happy".

The WEF makes it very clear that through artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 6G technology and synthetic biology, they intend to transform human into human-AI hybrids [transhumans], making them their robots.

Their goal is to use real-time health data like vaccine cards and CBDCs as slave passes.

Literally controlling every aspect of you and every single you do.

The good news is, THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED.

The bad news is we need humans to wake up and STOP playing/feeding their games.

Every time someone sells their for the simple "greed" factor they are keeping their agenda alive.

They know humans chase the dollar.

Humans love money and materialism.

So they offer above market value bids for your home because they know you WILL take it, most without even thinking it through.

If humans would STOP selling away their homes for worthless dollars this game would end fast.

But, unfortunately, many are still sleeping and are clueless.

Most believe that what theya re witnessing is "normal".

It's not!

It's being fully controlled and manipulated by Blackrock's artificial intelligence.

The same artificial intelligence that has held up the markets during the last 3 years.

Satan has risen through Blackrock and the False King of Tyranny who was just crowned.

Remember what the op stated several times.

The final battle will be God versus Artificial Intelligence [AI].

There is nothing more evil or a greater risk to humanity, the universe or God itself than artificial intelligence.

STOP feeding AI!

Use it as a tool if you need to and then 'get out'.

Spending countless hours a day using technology and social media is making it easy for them to ultimately control you!

Most importantly, stand together, stand in love, stand with GOD.



Nov 11, 2007
Describes his ultra low iqanon followers to a tee!

For those who don't want to open the link, here is the article, which so perfectly defines Trump and well

as of course our three ill-bred Trump fellators with no sense of right or wrong, here is the article:

"During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Saturday Show," former GOP strategist Rick Wilson said the double whammy of Donald Trump's $5 million sexual assault and defamation courtroom loss this week and his demeanor on a CNN town hall devoted to him the next night exposed him as the "scumbag" he is.

Speaking with host Jonathan Capehart, Wilson -- a frequent and vociferous critic of the former president -- lambasted Trump in no uncertain terms.

"The intention on the segment about the no-good, very-bad week that Donald Trump has had, and the conversation we are having, at least you are part of the conversation is, when it comes to the primary fight, it's not bad at all," host Capehart prompted. "I'm wondering, Rick, does it mean that it's bad for him when it comes to the general election? That is the big fear."

"I think this week, both in the demonstrations of what kind of -- well I don't even know what to call him a man-- what kind of a scumbag the guy really is," Wilson shot back.

"That was really laid bare both in the E. Jean Carroll verdict and in the [CNN] town hall," he continued. "I think for the general election, this does it make it more likely to do the things my team at the Lincoln Project has been successful at doing of peeling off Republican voters who can't handle the revolting character of Trump. Who can't handle being in the party that says he will pardon the January 6th terrorists. That being in a party where he has an audience clapping while he jokes about committing sexual assault.

"We believe for the general election, Trump's poisoning the well more and more every day," he added. "And the primary race ending sooner, means we will have to get to work many months ahead of where everybody thought."

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