Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
In case you missed it.

Get ready for the return.


Soon, real soon.

Got condiments?

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Don't kid yourself-Trump is scared shitless of Jack Smith and should be because he is going to reduce him to ashes after all

is said and done!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Kaitlyn : The Electoral Count Act says the VP can do no such thing .

Trump : Then why did they change it ?

Kaitlyn : They didn’t change it , they strengthened it .

Trump : Thank you . Audience laughs .


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Sep 21, 2004
Read my lips

Nov 11, 2007
Kudos to Kaitlan Collins for doing a masterful job of not backing down to the misogynist asshole, putting him

in his place and exposing him even more with his outrageous lies, evasion of answering questions DIRECTLY, and most

notably about still claiming with ZERO proof as usual that the 2020 Election was rigged and that he won!!

As usual, when backed against the wall and pummeled and especially by a woman, he called Kaitlan "nasty!"

He embarrassed himself and insulted everyone in the viewing audience by claiming with his lie that he never met the Carroll

lady and didn't even know who she was until it all started!!

I could go on but why bother, because in essence, it was just Trump being Trump!!

For me his big three lowlife despicable wannabe dick-suckers in this thread are cut out of the same slimy mold, and why they are

on ignore and will remain there until I am satisfied for varying reasons that Trump is officially done!!

At that time I will take all of them off of ignore, exchange "pleasantries" with them for no more than a week and then

exit PERMANENTLY from reading/posting anything at all in this thread!!

Thank you, GOD, for allowing me to be born into a family which instilled the right values in me.

Sadly that is not the case with the Big Three in this thread!!

Mar 19, 2008
Thank you, GOD, for allowing me to be born into a family which gave me such a great inheritance and paid for all my schooling. Without all that, I could never have afforded to buy my wife which I know is OK by you God. You never granted me any social skills and made me work at the same desk job for 30+ years, but I know that was your plan for me and I have perfected it. I also thank you for letting me sit in the rubber room of a forum for most of my life so I don't need to spend time socializing with others.
Good life Savvy

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I ran into this hero yesterday, in South AL. He tried to tell me that Biden was the Commander-in-Chief. I said, No way, I’m not buying it. Then he said, Well really it’s Obama. I said, Nope, not that one either!

He asked me who I thought the CIC was, I said “DJT that’s who! He said, I wish he was.

Anyway, after I talked to him for a few minutes, he realized I wasn’t your average normie, he said, You know I can’t talk about that.

He asked me to tell the Patriots to pray for them. They are about to go to the Sudan to rescue some ppl.

I asked him about the tunnels and the sonic booms we heard recently, in our area, his exact words were, Don’t you worry about that they are taken care of.

Pretty cool. I asked could I take a pic of his patches and he said, Yes, just don’t get my face, which I knew & respected.

Very cool guy, 22 tours in combat, a Special Forces Major.

He did say one thing though that I will never forget.

He said, Everything I do, I do for God and I fear nothing. I’m a Satan eradicator!



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Kudos to Kaitlan Collins for doing a masterful job of not backing down to the misogynist asshole, putting him

in his place and exposing him even more with his outrageous lies, evasion of answering questions DIRECTLY, and most

notably about still claiming with ZERO proof as usual that the 2020 Election was rigged and that he won!!

As usual, when backed against the wall and pummeled and especially by a woman, he called Kaitlan "nasty!"

He embarrassed himself and insulted everyone in the viewing audience by claiming with his lie that he never met the Carroll

lady and didn't even know who she was until it all started!!

I could go on but why bother, because in essence, it was just Trump being Trump!!

For me his big three lowlife despicable wannabe dick-suckers in this thread are cut out of the same slimy mold, and why they are

on ignore and will remain there until I am satisfied for varying reasons that Trump is officially done!!

At that time I will take all of them off of ignore, exchange "pleasantries" with them for no more than a week and then

exit PERMANENTLY from reading/posting anything at all in this thread!!

Thank you, GOD, for allowing me to be born into a family which instilled the right values in me.

Sadly that is not the case with the Big Three in this thread!!

Sadly . You’re a clown too .

CNN town hall host Kaitlin Collins had a team of producers, researchers and directors in her ear to team up against Trump... and he STILL made her look like a clown.


Nov 11, 2007

This and what I posted late last night is all one needs to consider about the Town Hall Meeting last night, and why imo it sure as hell

isn't going to get any independents or undecideds to switch over to this repulsive scourge!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sadly . You’re a clown too .

CNN town hall host Kaitlin Collins had a team of producers, researchers and directors in her ear to team up against Trump... and he STILL made her look like a clown.

Because he speaks the truth.

The unvarnished truth.

That's all he has to do - all ANYONE has to do.

Call out the demons and shine the Light exposing them as the satanic clowns they are.

"I will fear no evil; for You are with me" - Psalm 23:4

God's warriors.

Aug 17, 2019
Because he speaks the truth.

The unvarnished truth.

That's all he has to do - all ANYONE has to do.

Call out the demons and shine the Light exposing them as the satanic clowns they are.

"I will fear no evil; for You are with me" - Psalm 23:4

God's warriors.

This has been demonstrated here in this thread.

Those of us who stand in truth and speak truth are constantly attacked by those who fear truth and are being misled by Satan.

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