Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
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Geez, wonder what isn't part of the system?



Dec 17, 2004

Welcome to Year 3 of the Chinese Virus. Here are some thoughts as we begin a new year under the Biden Build Back Broke Disintegration Plan:

According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years.

We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years.

So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources?

Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?

Isn’t it curious that in some states like California, Washington, Illinois, and New York, shoplifting of items less than $950 is not a crime but the Biden Build Back Better Spendalooza calls for hiring 87,000 IRS agents to monitor individual banking transactions of $600 or more? Fascinating.

We recently celebrated Christmas. Some neighbors refused to shout “Ho, Ho Ho” for fear that it might be insulting to Vice President Kamala Harris. No joke!

Someone needs to educate me as to how we are going to produce all the batteries needed to facilitate a transition away from fossil fuels to battery-driven vehicles when the basic ingredients for batteries are all found in rare minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and zinc and others, all of which must be mined in countries not exactly friendly to us.

Also, if you have ever driven on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the 405 in Southern California and were stuck in traffic, how exactly will the repair truck reach a disabled vehicle before their battery dies…along with the batteries of all the other vehicles in traffic?

When will construction start to build the 500,000 battery charging stations Joe Biden told us about? Where will they be situated? Won’t they be powered by burning fossil fuels?

If you ever feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, try to remember that it took 20 years, trillions of dollars and four Presidents to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with………. the Taliban.

If you feel your job is hard and you are unappreciated, think about the poor slob who serves as the sign language interpreter for Joe Biden.

Let me try to understand this: we can’t seem to find illegals to deport, but we can sure find them to give them money! How does that work?

If there was a barnyard election, the pigs would always vote for the person that feeds them and gives them treats, even though that same person is going to slaughter them someday. That same philosophy is the very definition of socialism.

Memo to Generation Z and the Woke Generation: The Stars and Stripes that fly over our Nation’s Capital and are wrapped around the coffins of our honored dead who sacrificed their lives to keep us free, is my Flag. I will never apologize for it. The Flag does not stand for skin color, race, or religion. It stands for freedom. Never forget that!

If you do not take an interest

in the affairs of your government,

then you are doomed to live under

the rule of fools.

. . . . Plato

Nov 11, 2007
I have a quick comment on the Carroll deliberations:

I have no idea what the verdict will be.

To be perfectly honest, I have the same feelings here as I did in the Kavanaugh case.

In short, as was the case with Kavanaugh, we are talking about alleged sexual incidents that took place many years ago,

that imo at these late dates are hard to prove one way or the other for obvious reasons.

In short, even if Carroll wins the case, I will not brag about it because as implied above it only has certain amount of relevance

so many years later.

If she loses, it won't be a big deal either, as imo the other criminal investigations involving Trump are much more serious relative

to whether he should be POTUS againa

We are not talking about murder here in the Carroll cae, which in the former case imo there should be no statute of limitations!!

To be honest and fair, I have to agree somewhat with Trump's legal team that despite the change in the New York law permitting

this matter to be brought to court so many years later, that Carroll should have done something long before now

if it really was as psychologically damaging as she claims if in fact, she is telling the truth, which imo is impossible to actually prove

one way or the other!!

For me what DOES matter in this investigation and what should be of most concern to voters is the manner in which Trump in his typical

manner has bashed the judge and/or anyone else involved who is not on his side as well as his implied threats!!

In addition, imo what should matter is NOT if he technically raped this woman or not but rather what has been brought about

again about his horrible attitude toward women in general as if they are second-class citizens at best or to be blunt, nothing

more than animals to service his sexual needs and wants, the same as predatory animals in the jungle!!

As I see it, those who have not yet made up their minds about Trump should use this case as just one more indication of

who and what Trump is as a human being in deciding whether he should be the nominee for POTUS and more importantly.

to serve as POTUS for another term!!
The other thing I will say about the Carroll verdict is that even though for me it pales in importance with the various criminal

investigations going on with Trump, and as stated, the verdict doesn't mean that much me one way or the other in an absolute

sense, imo it is important in that sense:

If Trump loses this civil case, imo it may very well in intangible ways make it more likely that he will be indicted and convicted

in criminal investigations.

I say that because confidence begets confidence and when the likes of Jack Smith and the other investigators see that Trump

can be found guilty in a civil case that occurred over 25 years ago, it is going to give confidence in their thinking

that it even more likely that he can and will be found guilty of charges that occurred in the last couple of years!!

This in turn will give them added impetus in their pursuit believing full well that if they have the evidence, Trump will be

indicted and convicted!!

I wouldn't expect the three major Trump supporters to believe that this is possible, but then again this is not shocking

because 1) they believe Trump is a deity and thus untouchable and 2) they have very shallow minds when it comes to

heady stuff like this which goes beneath the surface of their skin and thus any response they might have to this would

be emotional at best-that in essence is why I consider them beneath my level of intelligence, education and understanding

and why they are on ignore!!

Nov 11, 2007
I keep tabs on and save especially notable, laughable FAILED predictions and lies of sbd and save them for future reference.

Here is one of those from January 24, 2021, several days after Biden was inaugurated.

I will leave it to you (for those who don't know already) to decide what it says about snd and how much credibility you should

give anything sbd says about anything,

From sbd on January 24, 2021:


By now you should understand you are watching a movie.

Biden's "oval office" looks very different than the one Trump left.

The "Executive Orders" he is signing are BLANK PIECES OF PAPER and not real.

He is operating from a studio set that is using green screen and other studio technologies.

D.C. is now the Capitol of the defunct and bankrupt USA, Inc., the Corporate Republic. [Act of 1871]

It is also classified as a "foreign entity" due to foreign efforts to steal the election.

The White House is occupied by Biden but has no legal power over the NEW SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC that is currently being established.

The new government will not even be located in D.C.

This movie you are watching is really nothing more than a PREVIEW of what would have happened IF Biden really was the legal and legitimate President. [he is not]

The Military and "white hats" want people to see and understand that allowing a fraudulent election to install an illegitimate government is a horrible idea.

Some may refer to this as a "scare event".

The fake news networks brainwashing campaign over the past year have deceived many.

Their massive censoring campaign blocked them from seeing truth.

You cannot tell the deceived ones you MUST SHOW THEM THE TRUTH.

This process is a controlled one.

These truths will be painful for them.

Many will still reject them.

Those who allow themselves to see the truth will awaken to a whole new reality and be able to heal.

The new government and financial system is ready to go.

And it won't be long before it's implemented.

The Military is your LEGAL government right now and are in full control.

Biden is not.

Those who are in "fear" or are "concerned" about what you are "seeing", don't be!

What you "see" isn't what's real.

Everything you are seeing is "optics".

There is a method to this madness.

Mass arrests ARE happening.

A global financial reset is imminent.

The truth and justice we are all seeking is coming very soon.

Stay calm. Stay strong. Stand united. Fear nothing.


Sep 5, 2010
I keep tabs on and save especially notable, laughable FAILED predictions and lies of sbd and save them for future reference.

Here is one of those from January 24, 2021, several days after Biden was inaugurated.

I will leave it to you (for those who don't know already) to decide what it says about snd and how much credibility you should

give anything sbd says about anything,

From sbd on January 24, 2021:


By now you should understand you are watching a movie.

Biden's "oval office" looks very different than the one Trump left.

The "Executive Orders" he is signing are BLANK PIECES OF PAPER and not real.

He is operating from a studio set that is using green screen and other studio technologies.

D.C. is now the Capitol of the defunct and bankrupt USA, Inc., the Corporate Republic. [Act of 1871]

It is also classified as a "foreign entity" due to foreign efforts to steal the election.

The White House is occupied by Biden but has no legal power over the NEW SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC that is currently being established.

The new government will not even be located in D.C.

This movie you are watching is really nothing more than a PREVIEW of what would have happened IF Biden really was the legal and legitimate President. [he is not]

The Military and "white hats" want people to see and understand that allowing a fraudulent election to install an illegitimate government is a horrible idea.

Some may refer to this as a "scare event".

The fake news networks brainwashing campaign over the past year have deceived many.

Their massive censoring campaign blocked them from seeing truth.

You cannot tell the deceived ones you MUST SHOW THEM THE TRUTH.

This process is a controlled one.

These truths will be painful for them.

Many will still reject them.

Those who allow themselves to see the truth will awaken to a whole new reality and be able to heal.

The new government and financial system is ready to go.

And it won't be long before it's implemented.

The Military is your LEGAL government right now and are in full control.

Biden is not.

Those who are in "fear" or are "concerned" about what you are "seeing", don't be!

What you "see" isn't what's real.

Everything you are seeing is "optics".

There is a method to this madness.

Mass arrests ARE happening.

A global financial reset is imminent.

The truth and justice we are all seeking is coming very soon.

Stay calm. Stay strong. Stand united. Fear nothing.

One thing for sure, Biden's White House doesn't have condiments dripping down the walls.

Nov 11, 2007
One thing for sure, Biden's White House doesn't have condiments dripping down the walls.
Imo Trump should be one of the REAL people sent to GITMO to be tried and executed for treason, not the made-up/imagined/projected

ones of sbd!!

A better and more realistic one(if that is the right choice of words) would be if indicted and convicted, for Trump to be tossed into

and locked in a cage on a truck with a big window and transported to cities all around the country so that millions of people could see

a former criminal POTUS on display!!

And actually, it could work in Trump's favor also, as he could wave to all of these folks who in his mind came out in droves to "praise and admire" him!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Jackmeoff Smith really makes me nervous.

I know he's sitting on some major things. :lie:

Trump is definitely going to jail when he's done.


Poor low IQ lightweight . Who puts his intellect way above others in this thread . His only hope is one of the outstanding investigations leading to jail time .

Or as he says . a possible plea deal where Trump accepts to drop out of the race to avoid jail time .


Aug 5, 2021
I keep tabs on and save especially notable, laughable FAILED predictions and lies of sbd and save them for future reference.

Here is one of those from January 24, 2021, several days after Biden was inaugurated.

I will leave it to you (for those who don't know already) to decide what it says about snd and how much credibility you should

give anything sbd says about anything,

From sbd on January 24, 2021:
As long as there’s money to be made by selling lies, weaponizing Trump’s viciousness, and peddling conspiracies, Fox News and SBD types will continue. Profiting off of lies has become a big business in America. It’s one of the core challenges to our democracy.


By now you should understand you are watching a movie.

Biden's "oval office" looks very different than the one Trump left.

The "Executive Orders" he is signing are BLANK PIECES OF PAPER and not real.

He is operating from a studio set that is using green screen and other studio technologies.

D.C. is now the Capitol of the defunct and bankrupt USA, Inc., the Corporate Republic. [Act of 1871]

It is also classified as a "foreign entity" due to foreign efforts to steal the election.

The White House is occupied by Biden but has no legal power over the NEW SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC that is currently being established.

The new government will not even be located in D.C.

This movie you are watching is really nothing more than a PREVIEW of what would have happened IF Biden really was the legal and legitimate President. [he is not]

The Military and "white hats" want people to see and understand that allowing a fraudulent election to install an illegitimate government is a horrible idea.

Some may refer to this as a "scare event".

The fake news networks brainwashing campaign over the past year have deceived many.

Their massive censoring campaign blocked them from seeing truth.

You cannot tell the deceived ones you MUST SHOW THEM THE TRUTH.

This process is a controlled one.

These truths will be painful for them.

Many will still reject them.

Those who allow themselves to see the truth will awaken to a whole new reality and be able to heal.

The new government and financial system is ready to go.

And it won't be long before it's implemented.

The Military is your LEGAL government right now and are in full control.

Biden is not.

Those who are in "fear" or are "concerned" about what you are "seeing", don't be!

What you "see" isn't what's real.

Everything you are seeing is "optics".

There is a method to this madness.

Mass arrests ARE happening.

A global financial reset is imminent.

The truth and justice we are all seeking is coming very soon.

Stay calm. Stay strong. Stand united. Fear nothing.


Aug 5, 2021
As long as there’s money to be made by selling lies, weaponizing Trump’s viciousness, and peddling conspiracies, Fox and SBD types will continue to do it. Profiting off of lies has become a big business in America. It’s one of the core challenges to our democracy.

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