Important Virus Update


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
More reason for the three stooges to put their eggs in the basket of JackMeOff , Fat Alvin and Fanny the activist .

Policies , we don’t need no stinkin’ policies .

56% of American disapprove of Biden’s performance as President.

Only 36% approve.

54% of Americans think Trump did a better job handling the economy.

Only 36% think Biden is doing a better job.

In a Trump/Biden rematch, 44% of Americans say they would “definitely/probably” vote for Trump.

Only 38% say they would “definitely/probably” vote for Biden.

54% of Americans think Joe Biden is not trustworthy.

A whopping 63% of Americans don’t think Biden has the “mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as President”, and 62% don’t think his “physical health” is good enough to “serve effectively”

On the other hand, 54% of Americans think Trump has the “mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as President”, and 64% think he’s in good enough“physical health” to “serve effectively”

Apr 2, 2013
I really hope you are right. This once great nation is in a world of hurt.

Nov 11, 2007
Of course, it is all bullshit and attention-seeking imagined nonsense!!

Apparently, this poster is not familiar with sbd's DOCUMENTED 99.8% failed predictions over the last three years, most notably hundreds

if not thousands of ones telling us that Trump's reinstatement devolution was/is imminent.

Among the multitude of crap he has posted as you know is his claims that ALL of the Clintons, Bill Gates, George Soros and hundreds

if not thousands of members of his "evil ds" have been eliminated over the last three years even though the folks he cites have been

seen and heard hundreds if not more times in public!!

He claims that these folks are body doubles, actors, optics, illusions, dead spirits, etc of these people.

In short, while the poster is correct in calling out sbd, imo he really needs to go back in the thread and find out more about

sbd and our success in documenting and exposing his attention-seeking delusions, lies, paranoia and projections!!
Several other things that all newbies should know about sbd before believing anything that he says/predicts about anything:

1) Sbd still claims that Trump not only won the 2020 Election but also won ALL FIFTY STATES AND RECEIVED UPWARDS OF


2) He claims that "hundreds of millions of Covid vaccinated people in the world have already died and that hundreds more will follow

even though 1) he cannot provide any documentation of this bs and 2) over the last two or three years only a DOCUMENTED

56 million have died annually from ALL CAUSES which include heart attacks, strokes, cancer, old age, etc.

I will leave it to you to decide if sbd has "inside information" that no one else is privy to!!

3) This entire forum is dominated by Trump supporters and Republicans, and yet other than sheriff joe, a fellow crackpot,

no one else has come forward to defend him in anything I have mentioned in my two posts today.

Conversely, no one has come forward to dispute, question, or rebut anything that I, wilbur, schmirt, habsburger, et al

have DOCUMENTED about his failed predictions and all of the other attention-seeking imaginary stuff I cited

just today let alone the other many hundreds of times!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is something for newbies to know about that I posted sbd in April in response to someone who praised him without doing their

dd first:

For anyone who is a "weekend warrior" and who thus missed this posted previously as it relates to sbd, I am reposting it because

it exemplifies what sbd is all about as documented by me, wilbur et all over the 37 months that this thread has been open:

I am repeating what I posted yesterday about sbd that I posted to a new member before I put him on ignore for those who didn't

see it because (and sorry if it sounds boastful) because it is all 100% true and should be considered by anyone coming over to this

thread and who is not familiar with who and what sbd is all about as documented especially by me, wilbur, habsburger, schmirt, etc.

and several other contributors along the way!!

If someone doesn't want to accept what we have documented in the very small sample II have revealed here over the three

plus years that this thread has been opened, then it is fine with me if they want to bury their head in the sand-it is their loss

and denial of reality and not mine!!

Again I strongly urge that you read what follows as a sample of what I am talking about as well as to take some time and randomly

pull out some pages and posts from sbd in the post and our responses and rebuttals to it none of which has he been able to


Here you go once again with a brief CliffsNotes summary of sbd that I posted yesterday in response to what a novice posted:

"Before I put you on permanent ignore, you might want to consider this about sbd as you are new here:

Do you consider 99.8% FAILED predictions on sbd's part since the thread was started and 100% FAILED hundreds if not thousands

of daily predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was going to happen either on specific days or that it was/is

imminent over the last 27 months as "great work?"

Do you consider 100% lack of accountability for these failed predictions as "great work?

Do you consider sbd's claims which are still in effect that Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GOT OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

in the 2020 ELECTION "great work??"

Do you consider "great work" this small sample of folks who according to sbd have been arrested and executed at GITMO??

This is a list from June of 2021 which has only been added to since that time

From Sbd:


Huma Abedin – June 7th

Bill Clinton – June 14th

Hillary Clinton

John Boehner – June 17th

William Barr – June 17th (to be held at another location)

Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21st

Actor Kevin Spacey – June 21st (location not yet known)

Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23rd

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28th

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate – June 29th

Former FEMA Director Brock Long – June 29th

Susan Rice – July 2nd

Mass arrests will happen after the "return".

The "return" will be soon.

Let's just say it's going to be a VERY HOT summer."

Do you consider as "great work" sbd's continued assertion that "hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated

for Covid in the world have already died and hundreds of millions more will die" when in fact only a DOCUMENTED 56


I could go on all day with sbd's attention-seeking lies, delusions, projections, etc but I don't have either the time or inclination to

do so-that is why I don't bother to read/respond to any of his posts anymore!!

The only mistake I did was not doing it sooner than I did!!

That's it!!

ps If you want to know more about him and his lies, etc., and how the likes of I, wilbur, schmirt. habsburger et al have documented and

exposed him for who and what he is, then I suggest that you just randomly go back and chose some days and posts

of his on those days and our responses to that, and you will see that it is all true!!

If you still think he is doing great work, well fine-he needs all of the help he can get as well as his "deity" and

"model of perfection" Donald Trump!!

Bye, bye and enjoy your life!!" lol

Apr 2, 2013
Hey Coorslight... this what stupid looks like ? ? ? ?

And you can't fix stupid.
Yeah, I do not pay attention to any of those dipshits.
Just tired of hearing nothing can stop what is coming when the cou try is fuc$ed right now. If we are really in charge we are not doing a very good job.

Mar 19, 2008
Here is something for newbies to know about that I posted sbd in April in response to someone who praised him without doing their

dd first:

For anyone who is a "weekend warrior" and who thus missed this posted previously as it relates to sbd, I am reposting it because

it exemplifies what sbd is all about as documented by me, wilbur et all over the 37 months that this thread has been open:

I am repeating what I posted yesterday about sbd that I posted to a new member before I put him on ignore for those who didn't

see it because (and sorry if it sounds boastful) because it is all 100% true and should be considered by anyone coming over to this

thread and who is not familiar with who and what sbd is all about as documented especially by me, wilbur, habsburger, schmirt, etc.

and several other contributors along the way!!

If someone doesn't want to accept what we have documented in the very small sample II have revealed here over the three

plus years that this thread has been opened, then it is fine with me if they want to bury their head in the sand-it is their loss

and denial of reality and not mine!!

Again I strongly urge that you read what follows as a sample of what I am talking about as well as to take some time and randomly

pull out some pages and posts from sbd in the post and our responses and rebuttals to it none of which has he been able to


Here you go once again with a brief CliffsNotes summary of sbd that I posted yesterday in response to what a novice posted:

"Before I put you on permanent ignore, you might want to consider this about sbd as you are new here:

Do you consider 99.8% FAILED predictions on sbd's part since the thread was started and 100% FAILED hundreds if not thousands

of daily predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was going to happen either on specific days or that it was/is

imminent over the last 27 months as "great work?"

Do you consider 100% lack of accountability for these failed predictions as "great work?

Do you consider sbd's claims which are still in effect that Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GOT OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

in the 2020 ELECTION "great work??"

Do you consider "great work" this small sample of folks who according to sbd have been arrested and executed at GITMO??

This is a list from June of 2021 which has only been added to since that time

From Sbd:


Huma Abedin – June 7th

Bill Clinton – June 14th

Hillary Clinton

John Boehner – June 17th

William Barr – June 17th (to be held at another location)

Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21st

Actor Kevin Spacey – June 21st (location not yet known)

Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23rd

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28th

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate – June 29th

Former FEMA Director Brock Long – June 29th

Susan Rice – July 2nd

Mass arrests will happen after the "return".

The "return" will be soon.

Let's just say it's going to be a VERY HOT summer."

Do you consider as "great work" sbd's continued assertion that "hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated

for Covid in the world have already died and hundreds of millions more will die" when in fact only a DOCUMENTED 56


I could go on all day with sbd's attention-seeking lies, delusions, projections, etc but I don't have either the time or inclination to

do so-that is why I don't bother to read/respond to any of his posts anymore!!

The only mistake I did was not doing it sooner than I did!!

That's it!!

ps If you want to know more about him and his lies, etc., and how the likes of I, wilbur, schmirt. habsburger et al have documented and

exposed him for who and what he is, then I suggest that you just randomly go back and chose some days and posts

of his on those days and our responses to that, and you will see that it is all true!!

If you still think he is doing great work, well fine-he needs all of the help he can get as well as his "deity" and

"model of perfection" Donald Trump!!

Bye, bye and enjoy your life!!" lol
Here is also something newbies should know about Savage

Senility is real. The next time he mentions his intelligence and wealth, let it be known that he did 30+ years at the same desk job. His well to do parents had to pay for all his schooling. He didn't earn his wealth, it was a nice inheritance which is why he now has a wife. He never had a social life. If this thread was ever closed, he would be on suicide watch.

Nov 11, 2007
People who refer to folks who have documented the massive failures of sbd over the last three years "dipshits" should perhaps stop

burying their heads in the sand and take a look at what reality is and NOT project what they want it to be, the latter clearly exemplified

by sbd and his fellow mentally demented and crazed lunatic, sheriff joe, as documented by me, Wilbur et al!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

"These people are sick"

Aug 17, 2019
Yeah, I do not pay attention to any of those dipshits.
Just tired of hearing nothing can stop what is coming when the cou try is fuc$ed right now. If we are really in charge we are not doing a very good job.
We are actually doing an incredible job!

It's in what you don't see [yet].

The goal was keep it a "silent war" to protect civilian life from mass casualties.

How it's played out took decades to plan and has been executed to near perfection!

Aug 5, 2021
We are actually doing an incredible job!

It's in what you don't see [yet].

The goal was keep it a "silent war" to protect civilian life from mass casualties.

How it's played out took decades to plan and has been executed to near perfection!

Only found in "The Twilight Zone"

It's all optics.

The "op" has maintained his idiocy from the get-go.

From the virus being a scam to victories to the dead unvaxxed!

From Damar Hamlin's death and body double to military tribunals where Chelsea Clinton was the last at the firing squad.


Nov 11, 2007
Only found in "The Twilight Zone"

It's all optics.

The "op" has maintained his idiocy from the get-go.

From the virus being a scam to victories to the dead unvaxxed!

From Damar Hamlin's death and body double to military tribunals where Chelsea Clinton was the last at the firing squad.

Combine your post with my post 51,850 earlier and you have a great representation of who and what sbd is, namely, a screaming

desperate,attention-seeking failed asshole in life who spews forth nothing but, delusions, lies, contradictions, unresolved paradoxes,

begging the question, poisoning the well, spewing forth almost 100% unsupported opinions, etc.

In general he is a perfect example of someone who instead of trying to improve his current miserable lot in life by first finding out what

ails him that has resulted in his withdrawal from society and latching on to another LOSER/Criminal as someone to emulate, has chosen

on some level of consciousness to dig the hole even bigger for himself, which if he continues in this fashion, will eventually lead to a point

of no return and a 100% lost soul!!

ps the same and more if possible of possible applies to sheriff hoe, I mean joe!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Did you know you're a slave?

AND...did you know you're currently being liberated?

Behind the scenes with military precision to avoid mass civilian casualties.

Because nobody wants that.

But soon, you will know everything.

Very soon.

In 1925, the owners of the Federal Reserve formed the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Just 5 out of the 100 shares issued were identified, with the balance of the shareholders of US CORP remaining anonymous, yet the money hail leads to THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROWN, and THE VATICAN. That's right, the tax dollars YOU send to the Internal Revenue Service go straight to the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are under their control.

The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them franchises of US CORP.

Representatives and Senators neither represent nor work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and, as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The "president" isn't just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.

Do you have a Social Security number? Congratulations! You're one of 337 million people with a number - an employee of US CORP.

That's right, you're a SLAVE.

To foreign banksters.

And you didn't even know it.

The same foreign banksters who have funded BOTH sides of EVERY WAR and CONFLICT since the civil war for their own criminal gain.

Think about 'history' for the last 150 years or so in THAT context - worse than anything you can possibly imagine. History as YOU know it is all "fake news" -- ALL OF IT!

But there is good news...actually GREAT news!

You'll never guess who ended US CORP? Who went overseas, demanded their signatures, then ripped those shares right out from under them and brought them back home to the US...


US CORP has been dissolved.

What we're seeing now are the remnants lashing out...the last remaining chess pieces on the board causing chaos and destruction.

Because for the first time in over 100 years, Americans are FREE.

Truly historical times.

But the best is yet to come!

Aug 17, 2019

anti-Trump = anti-American and anti-God.

pro-Trump = pro-American and pro-God.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be anti-Trump but pro-American and pro-God.

Because GOD is working through Trump.

And the anti-Trump smear campaign that started the moment he walked down those stairs in 2016 was created by the most evil Satanists on this planet.

The same DS cabal group that "white hats" have quietly battled with to free humanity from their control and crimes-against-humanity.

That smear campaign was a military-grade brainwashing and mind-control program.

Savage1 is not only anti-Trump, he is a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

His tard buddies like wilbur, schmirt and habsburger are also anti-Trump and are also being misled by Satan.

They are all victims of this sophisticated military-grade brainwashing and mind-control program.

They fell victim because they have weak minds.

And now they are stuck and can't get out, and never will.

At this point, all we can do is pray for their souls!


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