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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Props used for fake "Biden"

? ? ? ?




Love that plane! :ROFLMAO:

You are watching a movie.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
From John Podesta's Military Tribunal


Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps began the proceedings by painting Podesta as a sanctimonious, smug lackey whom Hillary Clinton had recruited into her “nefarious cabal” in the early 1990s. Podesta’s unquenchable thirst for power and Clinton Cash morphed a barely competent attorney into a literal “yes man” who sacrificed his soul and committed unspeakable crimes to appease his Clinton masters, Rear Adm. Crandall told the three-officer, all-female panel picked to judge the merits of the military’s case.

In full dress uniform of their respective branches, the officers heard Rear Adm. Crandall rifle off names of 50 male and female minors Podesta had allegedly molested between 2003-2014. The admiral produced a dozen sworn affidavits from victims who had escaped Podesta’s clutches. Now adults, most were between 9 and 12 years old when Podesta convinced the victims’ parents that their children were being groomed for a future in politics, modelling, or Hollywood stardom. Two affidavits, authored by unrelated persons who did not know each other, told a strikingly similar story.

“The other 11 affidavits tell similar stores with one common denominator: John Podesta,” Rear Adm. Crandall told the panel. “These are not arguments to be contested. John Podesta admitted as much at pre-trial, and we have it all on tape. He engaged in serial, ritual abuse on children, and bribed and blackmailed parents to stay quiet. He and Clinton participated in these crimes with wanton abandon.”

Rear Adm. Crandall reminded the panel that Podesta, detained as an unlawful combatant, had no rights, and that it was their duty, not Ms. Anderson’s, to judge the validity of evidence.

John Podesta told us all kids want to see it,” the man’s quavering voice said. “Hillary was there, so was Bill. So was Chuck Schumer. Actor Tom Hanks. Many people I didn’t recognize. They all knew what was going on. He wanted me and my sister to touch his penis. He started wagging that tiny thing around.”

In the courtroom rivulets of tears streamed down Podesta’s face from behind his spectacles.

“He’s crying not for remorse but because he’s caught,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “You fine officers have children of your own. Imagine, as unthinkable as it is, if these were your children. We have much more to present, but if there’s no objection, this commission will recess until eleven hundred hours tomorrow.”

A cowering Podesta, shackled at the wrists, was escorted from the courtroom, his attorney at his side.



Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the U.S. Navy - Chief Justice at Gitmo

("The hangman at Havana")


Justice has been served.

God won.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO​

APR 27, 2023

Standing atop the gallows with a braided rope around her neck, Liz Cheney devoted her final breaths to excoriate President Donald J. Trump—who was not present—and his “minions,” accusing them of collectively subverting the Constitution to enforce a “private brand of justice.” Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.

As is typical at hangings, a uniformed soldier tugged on the rope stretching from Cheney’s neck to a beam several feet above them, testing for slack and tension. He nodded at Vice Admiral Crandall, signaling his readiness to push the button.

A ruddy-cheeked Cheney rambled on about how Trump and Adm. Crandall would eventually face their own tribunals with a predetermined verdict of guilty. She said an ineluctable fate awaited them and their co-conspirators. She held Trump and the admiral responsible for her father’s death and said her “people” would behead them.

“You’re all doomed,” she said, shaking her shackled wrists, and she called Adm. Crandall an irritant, like a buzzing mosquito waiting to be squashed.

“This isn’t personal; I take no enjoyment in my responsibilities,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “You took an oath to our country—let me correct myself. It’s not your country.

It stopped being your country the moment you betrayed the Constitution. You’re un-American. You, your people, you stand up there holding yourself blameless, no misgivings for what you’ve done. I pity you; I really do.”

The admiral seemed uncharacteristically patient. He gave Cheney more latitude than he had previous Deep Staters on the gallows. His face was devoid of expression, but he seemed genuinely interested in what made people like Cheney tick—What drove them to value greed over charity? What compelling force stripped them of decency? His dispassionate look became one of puzzlement as he listened to Cheney’s hateful monologue, her tongue flicking like a snake’s as she cursed the admiral and his family.

“You murdered my father. You killed my friends. And for that you will die,” Cheney said.

Apparently the admiral had heard enough. He instructed the soldier on the platform to push the button, and a second later, Cheney was dangling in the wind. A Navy physician affirmed Cheney’s death and noted the time: 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 24.

Adm. Crandall had a busy schedule. He still had to oversee the hanging of two corrupt feds and then board one of several flights that would eventually carry him to Guam, where tribunals would be held for the foreseeable future.


Savage's "rising star" Dick in Drag HANGED at Gitmo!

Justice has been served.

God won.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO, April 26, 2021 After 5 Day Trial, For Murder, Accessory To Murder, Treason, Child Trafficking, And Other High Crimes​

Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry milkshake. The last meal of the condemned.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump’s authority arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. After a five-day tribunal at the world’s most infamous detention center, a three-officer panel found Clinton guilty of murder, accessory to murder, treason, child trafficking, and other high crimes. Clinton, who had refused counsel, had uttered nary a word throughout the proceedings, and had taken Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s sentence of death with an unflinching gaze.

The hanging took place at 9:05 p.m., at once after Taps, which marks the start of quiet hours on U.S. military bases across the globe.

“The world is about to sleep quieter tonight,” Vice Adm. John G. Hannink said to a small assembly that included 3 Joint Chiefs of Staff and, notably, Donald J. Trump, who, garbed in his typical dark suit and crimson tie, had arrived at GITMO earlier in the day. Michael Pompeo and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani flanked him, both men having played an integral role in amassing evidence against Clinton.

Under military guard, a shackled Hillary Clinton was escorted from Camp Delta detention block to gallows made of steel latticework, with a downward swinging door beneath her feet, that the Army Corps of Engineers had erected in a clearing near Windward Point Lighthouse, on GITMO’s southern edge. Affixed to a steel beam was a rectangular box with five circular, red buttons protruding from the case. In front of each button stood a uniformed soldier. Atop the platform, another soldier slipped a braided noose around Clinton’s neck.

Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the execution detail: “When I say ready, and not one moment before, you will poise your left index finger in front of the button. You will keep it hovered there until I say execute, and then you five must simultaneously press your button. Only one of the five buttons will trigger the door, and none of you will ever know which button that was. Do you understand these instructions?”

“Yes, sir,” the five bellowed in unison.

A chaplain and a physician climbed the 13 steps leading to the top of the platform and stood beside a soldier who was checking to ensure the noose was secure around Clinton’s neck. Below them, Vice Adm. Hannink asked if Clinton wanted last rites or had any final words.

Clinton broke silence. “I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me,” she said, her voice a witch’s cackle.

“It’s already done,” Donald J. Trump shouted up at her.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

“Ready.” Vice Adm. Hannink nodded at the execution detail.

After a moment’s pause, he gave the “execute” order, the soldiers pressed their buttons, and the grate beneath Clinton’s feet swung open. Her legs and feet, still shackled at the ankles, twitched a moment or two, then stopped.

The rope was cut, and Clinton’s lifeless body lie sprawled in a damp patch of grass. The physician present checked her vitals and declared her dead.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to obliterate the Deep State said the overall mood was somber and melancholy; there was no celebration, no jubilation, just an atmosphere of contentedness, an acknowledgement that what had to be done, was done. The nature of her crimes overshadowed celebratory thought. But a four-decade reign of terror had come to an end.

“As much as Trump hated her, this was purely business. He cares about the children who suffered at her hands more than he cares about what she did to him. Yes, her demise sends a signal to the Deep State. But Trump knows there are many more to go, and he won’t celebrate till the job is done,” our source said.


You know CIC Trump wouldn't have missed this.

I would have paid a million dollars to be there!

I can't wait to watch these on TV!!!

Justice has been served - the demonic cabal witch is dead!

God won.


Nov 11, 2007
To save money they ought to throw the Proud Boys and Trump into one cell and then throw away the key!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO, April 26, 2021 After 5 Day Trial, For Murder, Accessory To Murder, Treason, Child Trafficking, And Other High Crimes​

Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry milkshake. The last meal of the condemned.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Monday night, her death the culmination of an operation that began on March 2 when U.S. Navy SEALs on Donald J. Trump’s authority arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua, NY mansion. After a five-day tribunal at the world’s most infamous detention center, a three-officer panel found Clinton guilty of murder, accessory to murder, treason, child trafficking, and other high crimes. Clinton, who had refused counsel, had uttered nary a word throughout the proceedings, and had taken Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s sentence of death with an unflinching gaze.

The hanging took place at 9:05 p.m., at once after Taps, which marks the start of quiet hours on U.S. military bases across the globe.

“The world is about to sleep quieter tonight,” Vice Adm. John G. Hannink said to a small assembly that included 3 Joint Chiefs of Staff and, notably, Donald J. Trump, who, garbed in his typical dark suit and crimson tie, had arrived at GITMO earlier in the day. Michael Pompeo and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani flanked him, both men having played an integral role in amassing evidence against Clinton.

Under military guard, a shackled Hillary Clinton was escorted from Camp Delta detention block to gallows made of steel latticework, with a downward swinging door beneath her feet, that the Army Corps of Engineers had erected in a clearing near Windward Point Lighthouse, on GITMO’s southern edge. Affixed to a steel beam was a rectangular box with five circular, red buttons protruding from the case. In front of each button stood a uniformed soldier. Atop the platform, another soldier slipped a braided noose around Clinton’s neck.

Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the execution detail: “When I say ready, and not one moment before, you will poise your left index finger in front of the button. You will keep it hovered there until I say execute, and then you five must simultaneously press your button. Only one of the five buttons will trigger the door, and none of you will ever know which button that was. Do you understand these instructions?”

“Yes, sir,” the five bellowed in unison.

A chaplain and a physician climbed the 13 steps leading to the top of the platform and stood beside a soldier who was checking to ensure the noose was secure around Clinton’s neck. Below them, Vice Adm. Hannink asked if Clinton wanted last rites or had any final words.

Clinton broke silence. “I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me,” she said, her voice a witch’s cackle.

“It’s already done,” Donald J. Trump shouted up at her.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

“Ready.” Vice Adm. Hannink nodded at the execution detail.

After a moment’s pause, he gave the “execute” order, the soldiers pressed their buttons, and the grate beneath Clinton’s feet swung open. Her legs and feet, still shackled at the ankles, twitched a moment or two, then stopped.

The rope was cut, and Clinton’s lifeless body lie sprawled in a damp patch of grass. The physician present checked her vitals and declared her dead.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to obliterate the Deep State said the overall mood was somber and melancholy; there was no celebration, no jubilation, just an atmosphere of contentedness, an acknowledgement that what had to be done, was done. The nature of her crimes overshadowed celebratory thought. But a four-decade reign of terror had come to an end.

“As much as Trump hated her, this was purely business. He cares about the children who suffered at her hands more than he cares about what she did to him. Yes, her demise sends a signal to the Deep State. But Trump knows there are many more to go, and he won’t celebrate till the job is done,” our source said.


You know CIC Trump wouldn't have missed this.

I would have paid a million dollars to be there!

I can't wait to watch these on TV!!!

Justice has been served - the demonic cabal witch is dead!

God won.

Wasn't Pompeo on the executed list himself ? If yes, how was he at this hanging ?

Nov 11, 2007

Trump and his diehard supporters, including the major three in this thread, are about to find out that Jack Smith is the last person that they

want to fuck with!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Wasn't Pompeo on the executed list himself ? If yes, how was he at this hanging ?
Until we see trials broadcasted on TV, we're going to get some conflicting reports.

I'm not entirely convinced the "lists" circulating are accurate, which is why I haven't posted them, but am 100% confident all of this happening. One of my sources is personally flying down to Gitmo in the next couple months to cover more upcoming military tribunals.

Judging by all the ankle monitors and boot pics, the volume of famous people standing trial is mind boggling..

I understand why the public hasn't seen them yet. Doing so would jeopardize the rest of the operation. Certain events have to happen before the "big reveal", which I take to mean certain pieces need to be knocked off the chessboard before the public officially knows.

"Military is the only way" - because we all know these elites would have never been arrested, let alone found guilty, under our current RIGGED corrupt civilian justice system.

God won.


Mar 19, 2008
Just another big nothing burger.

The time is coming soon, real soon.


:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
You can’t respond to anything I post. Maybe savage can dig into the trust and buy you a plane ticket to go see him and spend time in the jacuzzi. Then you can verify if he can get his toadstool up or not

Nov 11, 2007

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