Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

Nov 11, 2007

Trust me when I tell you that there is/will be as always a lot of market manipulation/hanky panky that takes place prior to

the announcement, right after it and when Powell gives his press conference shortly afterward.

We all talk about corruption in government, but imo and having invested in the market on my own for well over 50 years,

for the most part, the rampant manipulation that goes on sadly the SEC and other agencies involved in regulating

the market have fallen way short of doing whatever needs to be done to clean it up!!

Along the same lines, imo at times, those economic numbers which are given out at 8:30 before the market opens have been

fudged for the benefit of a relative few people!!

In short, this thread is filled with all kinds of political conspiracy theories, most of which I don't believe have any legs!!

Imo that is far from the case when it comes to the stock market and for me, the pro wrestling/fake wild volatility up and down

moves each day orchestrated and accentuated by the self-serving market makers who play upon people's emotions

such as fear and greed to ensure maximum profits for themselves, are the main culprits as well as those with whom they conspire!!

Since for the most part I am a long-term investor and realize that over time, the cream will rise to the top in spite of this bs,

I just accept the above as part of the game one has to be willing to accept to participate until such time if ever someone really steps up

to the plate and does something about it!!

Jan 18, 2017
“It’s spooky. Thousands of banks are underwater,” said Professor Amit Seru, a banking expert at Stanford University. “Let’s not pretend that this is just about Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic. A lot of the US banking system is potentially insolvent.”

Prof Seru and a group of banking experts calculates that more than 2,315 US banks are currently sitting on assets worth less than their liabilities.

These lenders include big beasts. One of the 10 most vulnerable banks is a globally systemic entity with assets of over $1 trillion. Three others are large banks. “It is not just a problem for banks under $250bn that didn’t have to pass stress tests,” he said.

The FDIC has only $127bn of assets (and less very soon) and may ultimately require its own bailout.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Is that Donald Trump wearing BRICS?


Nov 11, 2007

Trust me when I tell you that there is/will be as always a lot of market manipulation/hanky panky that takes place prior to

the announcement, right after it and when Powell gives his press conference shortly afterward.

We all talk about corruption in government, but imo and having invested in the market on my own for well over 50 years,

for the most part, the rampant manipulation that goes on sadly the SEC and other agencies involved in regulating

the market have fallen way short of doing whatever needs to be done to clean it up!!

Along the same lines, imo at times, those economic numbers which are given out at 8:30 before the market opens have been

fudged for the benefit of a relative few people!!

In short, this thread is filled with all kinds of political conspiracy theories, most of which I don't believe have any legs!!

Imo that is far from the case when it comes to the stock market and for me, the pro wrestling/fake wild volatility up and down

moves each day orchestrated and accentuated by the self-serving market makers who play upon people's emotions

such as fear and greed to ensure maximum profits for themselves, are the main culprits as well as those with whom they conspire!!

Since for the most part I am a long-term investor and realize that over time, the cream will rise to the top in spite of this bs,

I just accept the above as part of the game one has to be willing to accept to participate until such time if ever someone really steps up

to the plate and does something about it!!
So predictable-upon the .25 raise announcement in interest rates, the Dow went up over 100 points, then went slightly negatively

and now is creeping up again.

The most laughable thing will be at 2:30 when Powell speaks and clarifies things, and just one or two words he utters can and

will cause the market to jump or fall!!!

Welcome to the WWE of the US Stock Market!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
So predictable-upon the .25 raise announcement in interest rates, the Dow went up over 100 points, then went slightly negatively

and now is creeping up again.

The most laughable thing will be at 2:30 when Powell speaks and clarifies things, and just one or two words he utters can and

will cause the market to jump or fall!!!

Welcome to the WWE of the US Stock Market!! lol
Just as I predicted, as soon as Powell stated that it will take some time to bring inflation down, the down went from plus 20 to minus

60 within seconds helped of course by the mm's who know that there are lots of novices, unsophisticated investors and instant

gratification folks who will sell when they hear words like this, and who will prey upon/take advantage the "get me out at any price"

the mentality of these stupid people and give them a shitty for whatever they are selling!!

So what do you know-Powell said something favorable and the Dow which was down 60 points a few minutes ago is now up 90, now

only 60 and now if you can believe it minus once again because of a few negative words issued!! by Powell!!

The only sure thing is that people who make their investment decisions with this Las Vegas get rich quick/crapshoot philosophy

mentality will NEVER EVER be successful in the stock market!!

Nov 11, 2007
Suffice it to say that the back-and-forth up and down gyrations in the stock prices from one extreme to another continue

as Powell continues to ramble on between positive and negative.

Once Powell is done speaking, if history is any guide, there will be some more wild gyrations.

"Round and round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
The best comparison I can make to the utter WWE/bullshit/rigged driven market in full view today with the interest rates and Powell

is to a hot sunny afternoon when the temperature is 90 degrees.

Lo and behold an early afternoon thunderstorm with some heavy rain and winds comes through and knock the

temperature down to around 70 degrees within minutes.

Then the quick storm is over, the sun comes out and the temperature starts to quickly rise again and maybe repeat itself.

The only difference is that at least with the thunderstorm the changing temp. is natural and expected whereas

with the stock market the fluctuations are artificially manipulated, and controlled by folks who are very skilled and experienced

in what they do.

Sadly what they do is in THEIR best interests and not yours!!

Now the Dow is down 140 as Powell starts to finish up!!

It is too bad that sbd doesn't have"quite" the same sense/predicting ability when it comes to Trump's alleged devolution

as yours truly does with the stock market!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
So predictable-upon the .25 raise announcement in interest rates, the Dow went up over 100 points, then went slightly negatively

and now is creeping up again.

The most laughable thing will be at 2:30 when Powell speaks and clarifies things, and just one or two words he utters can and

will cause the market to jump or fall!!!

Welcome to the WWE of the US Stock Market!! lol

Great news for borderline retards looking to retire early on high rate CDs .


Sep 5, 2010
Another great read, and 1000% correct.


Raw Story
Raw Story


'Stop quivering': Conservative demands GOP calls the bluff of Trump loyalists​

Story by Ray Hartmann • 2h ago


Scott Olson/Getty Images
Scott Olson/Getty Images© Raw Story
The Republican Party needs to move on from Donald Trump and ignore the loyalists who tell the party they won’t support any presidential candidate but him, conservative writer Charles C. W. Cooke argued today in a stinging National Review column.
Under the headline, “It’s Time to Call the Always-Trump Faction’s Bluff,” the article did not mince words.
“If the Republican Party wishes to have a shot at winning the 2024 presidential election, the sizeable portion of its members who remain immune to Donald Trump’s medieval-era demands of absolute fealty are going to need to stop quivering, come out from under their beds, and tell their tormenters in no uncertain terms that they should feel free to go ahead and shoot the phantasmic hostages they insist they’re keeping in the attic,” Cooke wrote.
Cooke called out Trump as a “loser” and argued that “the number of Republican voters who are actually prepared to boycott non-Trump candidates in a fit of pique is vanishingly small, and, as we saw in 2022, those who do stay at home in protest are considerably outnumbered by the Republicans and independents who delightedly return to the fold.”

The commentary rejected GOP concerns that Trump supporters would sit out the election – guaranteeing victory for President Joe Biden – should the party nominate someone other than Trump.
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“This is untrue. It is a lie, a falsehood, a ploy. It is an empty promise, based upon an assumption of potency, numerical strength, and broad-based monomania that is simply not in evidence. Certainly, the Always Trump contingent makes a lot of noise, but practically speaking, they do not matter.”
Cooke criticized Trump’s “disqualifying behavior” in Georgia and other states, and added: “Donald Trump ought not to be the Republican nominee on the simple grounds that he is incapable of putting together a coalition that can gain power. He is a loser. He loses. He’ll lose in Georgia and Arizona and Nevada and New Hampshire and Michigan and in every other contested area where he and his followers elect to compete. Ultimately, there is nothing to fear from the Always Trump brigade, because it represents the vanguard of an army that cannot march.”

Cooke criticized Trump’s “disqualifying behavior” in Georgia and other states, and added: “Donald Trump ought not to be the Republican nominee on the simple grounds that he is incapable of putting together a coalition that can gain power. He is a loser. He loses. He’ll lose in Georgia and Arizona and Nevada and New Hampshire and Michigan and in every other contested area where he and his followers elect to compete. Ultimately, there is nothing to fear from the Always Trump brigade, because it represents the vanguard of an army that cannot march.”

His loser followers will keep sending him money.

It's what ultra low iqanons do.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig:

Sep 5, 2010
What a great document to read, enjoy!

Just another big nothing burger!


Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

The stupid! It burns!


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