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Mar 19, 2008
either don't have the intellectual ability and/or the inclination to respond to challenging posts of mine like this one!!
No one can be this dumb. I guess 30+ years at the same desk doesn't allow you to have common sense. They are not challenging posts and who would want to respond? Everyone is blocked

Nov 11, 2007

The point is not how Trump is polling today against DeSantis and Biden. It is that he cannot win a national election. That is why Democrats are working so hard to lure Republicans into nominating him. The question is not how you personally feel about Trump, or what you think about the accomplishments of his presidency. The question is whether you are content to have Democrats unilaterally rule Washington. That’s what a Trump nomination would guarantee.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The point is not how Trump is polling today against DeSantis and Biden. It is that he cannot win a national election. That is why Democrats are working so hard to lure Republicans into nominating him. The question is not how you personally feel about Trump, or what you think about the accomplishments of his presidency. The question is whether you are content to have Democrats unilaterally rule Washington. That’s what a Trump nomination would guarantee.

As predicted . The moving of the goal posts .

Dems are working hard to have Republicans nominate Trump .

Because an 82 year old early dementia patient polling at 37% will have the EZ pass the the WH .

This is what intellect sounds like .

Dumber by the day .

Sep 12, 2022
Just when you think he can't get any dumber, he surprises us all, and sets a new low.

He's very special.

A special kind of stupid.

Savage reminds me of Potter from It's a Wonderful Life.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
These NBA players have the numbers 9 and 11 on the same day the media aired footage of the twin towers by "mistake" during the same basketball game.

? ? ? ?



White hats in FULL control!


Nov 11, 2007
Even though the three main Trump contributors have been on ignore for around three weeks as well as the several newbies

for reasons explained, I am providing this with additions for the newbies which I posted in March about sbd in

case I am not on ignore with to give them a better understanding of who and what sbd is as a person based

on what I, wilbur and the others have documented about him.

If you choose to believe otherwise, so be it.

I don't care and will never know in any event whether you read it and/or respond to it.

I feel good writing it as I do any time when I reveal the DOCUMENTED truth about someone!!

Here you go:

"The reason that sbd and what he says for the most part don't connect and why he is given next to zero credibility is actually quite

simple, namely because he tries to do too much in this thread, which in turn creates a dichotomy of things that feed upon

one another and just make him look like the clueless, attention-seeking troll that he is!!

In short on the one hand, sbd has shown that he badly needs and craves attention based on his personality and other events

that have taken place in his life.

Clear examples of this are such things as his daily predictions over the last two years that Trump's

reinstatement/devolution is "imminent," as well as his insane mantra that "hundreds of millions of vaccinated people"

in the world have died when over and over again I have proved that this contention is mathematically impossible and/or

just a downright delusion/lie(take your pick) on his part!!

And oh yes let's not forget his claim that thousands of members of the evil ds have been executed at GITM over the last two years

including the Clintons, George Soros, Bill Gates and many more who are still alive and have been seen and heard publicly or

in the media too many times to count!!

That in itself is bad enough in its own right, but here is where part two comes into play, all of which just makes sbd look more

pathetic and also tells us more about his character and modus operandi.

This can be summarized by stating that his modus operandi is also based on trying to piss off those who oppose him and

who have exposed him, by repeating over and over again his cliches, mantras, lies and hackneyed expressions and trying to get us to react,

In fact, we have reacted with our documentation which has buried him even further in the eyes of anyone other than his flunkies in here

in here(assuming that there is anyone else who reads this thread at this juncture!!).

Along the same lines, sbd somehow thinks that by having ZERO accountability for his 99.8 FAILED predictions, he can irritate

us even further!!

Again we do/have react(ed) to that and have pointed out the 100% lack of accountability, which in turn just corroborates who

and what he is all about to the few who don't already know!!

I could go on but I think my point is clear here-while in real math adding two positive numbers together,

one gets a higher positive number, in the world of sbd's math adding two negative numbers not only adds up to a

negative number but in fact greatly accentuated higher negative numbers, which can be summarized by saying that in his

case the negative total is much larger than the sum of the parts!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Before lunch here are more things that the newbies and anyone else who are not familiar with sbd should know, which

I posted back in March:

"Here is one more updated blast from the past that defines who and what sbd is and his posting style and modus operandi:

If you have somehow missed the last three years of this thread, here you as it applies to sbd:

His thousands of predictions have failed to come true a DOCUMENTED 99.8% of the time, most notably Trump's


In his statements and commentary he begs the question 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he poisons the well 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses contradictions to what he has said previously 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses inconsistencies 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses nonsequiturs 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses illogic 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses unexplained paradoxes 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary his accountability for his failed predictions is ZERO PERCENT!!

In his statements and commentary he makes up and/or imagines things and conspiracies like GITMO 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary and in addition, he is a desperate internet troll seeking attention without which he cannot get

through his day!!"

Those are just for starters off the top of my head!!

Dec 17, 2004

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
In the current war on the satanic cabal, our military is fighting another military that no one knows even exists.

Many of our soldiers have died fighting to rescue the children in these underground tunnels...

"vast underground tunnels and water systems under huge cities"

? ? ?


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