Important Virus Update


Mar 19, 2008
Here is an encore performance from those who missed it this morning:

Some words are in order here:

First of all, if diehard Trump supporters including those in here want to deny that all of the adversity surrounding Trump doesn't affect

the sentiment negatively regarding Trump of the OVERALL POPULATION and would rather believe their own HOPES AND PROJECTIONS

in order to get through their day as well as to consciously bury their own fears and anxiety as to what is occurring), then fine.

I also believe that some of their modus operandi in certain cases is to try to get back at us who are clearly sitting in the driver's

seat by taunting us with alternate news which has no bearing to reality to try to somehow get back at us!!

To be fair, most human beings including myself sometimes deny what is and try to project an alternative reality to make us

feel better but at the same time refuse to deal with the problem in a constructive way.

In my case, I have suffered from acid reflux for years and have also had a small hiatal hernia for a while.

To cut to the chase, up until now I have accepted this and the associated pain and discomfort which accompanies it.

About three or four weeks ago I noticed that the problem has started to become a bit worse.

I made an appointment with my gastro doctor and had a cat scan a few days later.

The results indicated that the hiatal hernia opening had increased significantly to the point where surgery MAY

be required.

I have a consultation with a surgeon that my gastro recommended (five-star review) to discuss the matter.

The point is that when I got the news, I was initially in denial and stated that I don't need any surgery and will just live with it.

Once I calmed down, I decided that between now and the appt. to simply modify my diet, don't eat too late at night and other

suggested advice on what I eat and drink, etc for those who have a hiatal hernia to see if it improves.

Actually, things have improved, but still, I am going to that appointment to discuss options!!

Most importantly I finally came to my senses and realized that I am 78 years old and that shit can and will happen to

most people who get to be that old and deal with it accordingly!!

I think my comparison to those who remain in denial of the reality of the current Trump situation is quite obvious!!
I hope it is nothing serious, but you told this entire story yesterday. Senility

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
My general sense is that things are going to heat up again pretty soon in Georgia as it regards to Trump's phone calls to try to change

the results!!

I have 100% confidence that in Georgia as is the case with all of the other investigations other than perhaps in New York with

the "hush money" indictment, that Trump's ass is going to be nailed really good either with further embarrassment and/or

with an indictment, which in effect will reduce his current minuscule chances of ever being POTUS even more.

If and when this occurs, I will at least temporarily take Lenny Lenbonehead off of ignore so that I can delight in reading

what I am sure will be his squealing like a pig name calling and insults at those who were instrumental in effecting this


If any of these folks happen to be black, Hispanic, etc as is the case in New York, I expect that the associated

anger and hatred expressed by Lenny to be significantly higher as it is with all racists!!

Aaaaww !

You temporarily took your ball and went home . Couldn’t handle the heat .

Even if he is charged , there is nothing stopping him except your two libtarded fantasies of Trump going to jail or dropping out of the race as part of a plea bargain to stay out of jail .

Nov 11, 2007
As an experienced, well trained and highly intelligent and educated person, one thing I noticed before I put virtually

everyone on ignore over the last week or so other than wilbur, schmirt and habsburger, is that what these folks share in common

is that they love to engage in personal attacks at me, whether it be me JEALOUSY over, my lovely and devoted wife,

my highly successful professional career, financial success, and ability to express my thoughts articulately, debate and so much more.

Not surprisingly they are deadly silent when it comes to talking about THEMSELVES.

I attribute this to their own FAILURES in the categories I cited as well as possible in other areas and their own feeling lack of

confidence and low self-esteem.

The fact that other than Lenny, they PRETEND not to read my posts as an excuse not to respond to them simply

tells me that they are scared to because if they did go one on one with me, I would knock them out somewhere early in the first round!!

A little voice inside of me told me over the last week to stop responding to them and put them on ignore because

1) Over the last three years, I have successfully exposed them for who and what they are, and that no further

overkill is needed-in any case people who have read and documented what I have stated either agree or disagree with

me-it is that simple!!

2) Just as impotantly, since most of what I have stated has to do with my take on Trump as opposed to theirs for the most

part is 100% diametrically opposed, and since I am more confident than ever that I am in the catbird seat so to speak regarding

his fate and most importantly that he will never be POTUS again (which is the bottom line), I see no point in going back

and forth with them ; they are clearly losing big time already and it is only going to get worse for them and Trump

at an accelerated rate in the upcoming days, weeks and months!!

The fact that all of them have shown to be white supremacists racists and in sbd's case anti-Semitic is even further reason to ignore

all of them rather than to demean myself and wallow in the filth with these low life dreck goyim pigs in the body of a human being!!

That said WHEN there is something big that comes out of one or more of these investigations, I will take them off of ignore

temporarily to see how they react-they should be a treat in itself!! lol

That's it for now!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Aaaaww !

You temporarily took your ball and went home . Couldn’t handle the heat .

Even if he is charged , there is nothing stopping him except your two libtarded fantasies of Trump going to jail or dropping out of the race as part of a plea bargain to stay out of jail .
Of course he'll bow out when his TDS delusions don't come true, and right when things are about to get super spicy!

:an_laugh:"Oh boy! We got him this time!" - Deep State cabal ?

Psst, TARDS... You were never close in the first place...not even in the ballpark.

When you know, you know ? ? ?

CHINA COUGHS UP THE DOCUMENTS: Releases Proof of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of Payments from China Firm to Hunter Biden – And They’re Just Getting Started!


Nov 11, 2007

Its time to eat lunch and then partake of this first really sunny warm day in the 80's up here in Western Mass. in Mass. in many months

with some outdoor activities and enjoyable and satisfying yard work!!

For at least most of the afternoon, it is time to say fuck Trump and the investigations and enjoy life as it is intended to be!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Of course he'll bow out when his TDS delusions don't come true, and right when things are about to get super spicy!

:an_laugh:"Oh boy! We got him this time!" - Deep State cabal ?

Psst, TARDS... You were never close in the first place...not even in the ballpark.

When you know, you know ? ? ?

CHINA COUGHS UP THE DOCUMENTS: Releases Proof of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of Payments from China Firm to Hunter Biden – And They’re Just Getting Started!


question source as per his go to fact checkers


Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
Donald grinned and said, "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her," prompting groans from the audience.
Hey wilbur,(and anyone else) as a person who loves to go on hikes not just for the exercise but for the fun, enjoyment and

relaxation, let me tell you about my experience today.

As you know up here in Western Mass. unlike you like jogging, walking, cycling, etc in cold weather, from sometime in October until sometime

in Spring, when there is a warm day, outdoor exercise anyways essentially ends!!

Well today at least for today and tomorrow, the day I have waiting for since October arrived and I just took advantage

of the 87-degree sunny and warm day and took my EBike out for around a 40-minute ride.

Thoughts of Trump, the investigations, etc. were the furthest things from my mind.

There are virtually no cars on the roads I travel, so no worries there, but there are lots of scenic views of nature to view!!

Let's just say I was in seventh heaven enjoying it immensely as well as getting some badly needed exercise for my legs and cardiovascular

system because well I have been lazy this winter and haven't been feeling so hot because of the hiatal hernia I talked about yesterday!!

On days like this, I feel great to be alive and can hardly wait until the warm weather gets here for good.

Perhaps if the shut-ins in this thread as well as anyone for that matter want to at least explore the possibility that there are

very enjoyable things to do in life other than politics, the Covid Vaccine, etc., I highly suggest something along what I and wilbur do

in order to perhaps bring some actual enjoyment to your own existence rather than for example pulling out your hair worried

about whether Trump will be indicted or not/ and/or elected POTUS again and trying to convince yourself and others that Trump

will emerge from of all these investigations as clean as a whistle!!

The fact that the value of my stock portfolio went up in a nifty five-figure amount just added to my overall enjoyment of this

truly magnificent and heavenly day!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hey wilbur,(and anyone else) as a person who loves to go on hikes not just for the exercise but for the fun, enjoyment and

relaxation, let me tell you about my experience today.

As you know up here in Western Mass. unlike you like jogging, walking, cycling, etc in cold weather, from sometime in October until sometime

in Spring, when there is a warm day, outdoor exercise anyways essentially ends!!

Well today at least for today and tomorrow, the day I have waiting for since October arrived and I just took advantage

of the 87-degree sunny and warm day and took my EBike out for around a 40-minute ride.

Thoughts of Trump, the investigations, etc. were the furthest things from my mind.

There are virtually no cars on the roads I travel, so no worries there, but there are lots of scenic views of nature to view!!

Let's just say I was in seventh heaven enjoying it immensely as well as getting some badly needed exercise for my legs and cardiovascular

system because well I have been lazy this winter and haven't been feeling so hot because of the hiatal hernia I talked about yesterday!!

On days like this, I feel great to be alive and can hardly wait until the warm weather gets here for good.

Perhaps if the shut-ins in this thread as well as anyone for that matter want to at least explore the possibility that there are

very enjoyable things to do in life other than politics, the Covid Vaccine, etc., I highly suggest something along what I and wilbur do

in order to perhaps bring some actual enjoyment to your own existence rather than for example pulling out your hair worried

about whether Trump will be indicted or not/ and/or elected POTUS again and trying to convince yourself and others that Trump

will emerge from of all these investigations as clean as a whistle!!

The fact that the value of my stock portfolio went up in a nifty five-figure amount just added to my overall enjoyment of this

truly magnificent and heavenly day!!
My overall current feelings and mood for this day based on the weather and the bike ride can best be expressed by this wonderful

song and movies from the '80s:


Sep 21, 2004
Another day another f**k up . The broken down senile POS needs his bed .

He said what this time ?


Time to give the 80 year old some credit. Everyone knows whoever is helping him is just doing whatever whoever wants said and done. That is the political way let’s just pay our bills and write your congressman/woman and ask them whatever you need or believe will help you and or others. American dream is alive if you are. Watch the Reds beat the Phillies 1st pitch is almost thrown… good luck

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