Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Here’s plan B . Double and triple team him with charges in DC and Atlanta , his R opponents say no mas due to the Trump’s overwhelming lead in the polls and Trump just might be running solo by year end . Then let’s see what the twerp Garland does to his boss’ number 1 and only contender .

Enjoy the funeral over at DNCNN



Looks like the only felony committed was the leak from Fat Alvin’s office to Steele Dossier hoaxer Michael Isikoff .

"no no forget Stormy Daniels... just wait until you see what comes out of Georgia and Mar-a-Lago.... oh boy we really got him this time.... no, seriously... just wait and see... I'm not kidding..."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Here is my analysis and capsule of how sbd, lenny lenbo and sheriff joe have taken the news beginning

last week that Trump would be indicted in New York up until and including today:


This one is easy as anyone who has been around a whole realizes that his predictions have failed 99.8% of the time and 100% of the

time when it comes to Trump's devolution with 100% lack of accountability.

The key here is that as we all know when something like Trump's devolution has failed to come true, sbd simply moves the

goalposts out to say that it will stay happen especially Trump's reinstatement/devolution.

However when he and lots of others were blindsided last week with the announcement of Trump's impending indictment,

it created a huge problem because one cannot move out the goalposts once a failed prediction, in this case

that Trump will never be indicted, actually does occur and is a fact!!

Thus to take the heat off of himself, since the announcement was made of the indictment was made last week, sbd has focused

on trying to and flooding the thread with many lies, delusions and insults to try to divert attention away from himself with more

new predictions which will fail like the others!!

Lenny Lenbo:

Imo out of the three Trump guys in here he was the most surprised and hurt by the indictment as just a month or so ago, he stated

that the chances of Trump being indicted in Georgia at around 10%.

I would have to assume that in New York, where the circumstances and case itself are far less serious that he believed that chances

of the indictment were closer to 1%.

As is the case with sbd, he has noticeably increased the number of posts with name-calling and insults as well as trying to convince

HIMSELF first that nothing is going to happen to Trump other than to walk away with the Republican nomination with the polling

numbers and totally dismiss everything else including the seriousness of the investigations and/or to rationalize them away as

well as to try to project his own fears and anxieties onto me and wilbur.

Sheriff Joe:

He by far is the toughest nut to crack, and out of all three of the Trump guys here is the one who lives in a world that is most devoid of


I commented in detail already today, and suffice it to say once again, that imo he is the most dangerous of the three and could lose it

at any time if things continue to get worse for Trump, which could engender a random shooting outburst/rampage on his part!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
"no no forget Stormy Daniels... just wait until you see what comes out of Georgia and Mar-a-Lago.... oh boy we really got him this time.... no, seriously... just wait and see... I'm not kidding..."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Remember when the stooges were salivating over the thought of Trump’s tax returns being released ?

Then when they were..

? ? ? ?

Sep 5, 2010
We have it all.


Ivanka, did you get it all?

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
Last post of the night:

While I understand and respect the fact that the Big Three Trump supporters in this thread don't have the God-given intelligence

education, professional experience and debating skills that I do, as grown adults they should know by now that when there is massive

adversity which faces them, in this case, Donald Trump, it is self-defeating to live in denial of the fact and/or worse make statements

or predictions with no basis other than their own hopes and projections,

When the statements and predictions grow exponentially when the heat and documentation right there in front of them with

nowhere to hide, to any intelligent and objective reader it simply indicates that in spite of their fake and false bravado, in fact they are

really and rightfully worried at this point!!

I apologize to anyone who happens to read this post and already realizes that what I just posted is 100% true, but I see

no harm in posting it and hopefully it will sink in with the Big Three although because of their psychological makeup,

I seriously doubt it!!
Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 7.42.14 AM.png

Put all of the attention on President Trump so they can steal another important election in Wisconsin at the same time.

"Look here, not there."


Nov 11, 2007
A great document for your reading pleasure.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

A great document for your reading pleasure.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

Why wouldn't or shouldn't he be shaken as his political future and more importantly the REST OF HIS LIFE is at stake with the

proceedings and more importantly the more serious other investigations and their outcome!!

And don't kid yourself-despite their cockiness, confidence and taunting, sbd, Lenny and sheriff joe try to project in

here, they are worried, actually scared shitless also, because on some level of consciousness, they realize that the jig is up for Trump!!
Aug 17, 2019
He looked real shaken last night .

Is he in jail yet for opening his mouth ?

Lots of sad faces over at DNCNN


"no no forget Bragg... just wait until you see what comes out of Georgia and Mar-a-Lago.... we really got him with these... seriously, not kidding... and it's going to happen today... I mean tomorrow... no, next week.... forget I said that, I mean next month.... keep watching pal..."

In the life of a brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional person whose Master is fake news media.

Nov 11, 2007

It goes without saying that untold numbers of people who are not members of the Trump fascist/far right-wing cult were also

turned off by his speech, which in effect just gives more impetus to Trump's political demise with the best yet to come!!

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