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Sep 5, 2010
There are only insults and ZERO on their part to try to rebut the totally devastating news regarding their hero today.

The more they taunt and are sarcastic, which is clearly evident with sbd's post today, the more it is quite evident that they

realize Trump is in big doo-doo and that they are WORRIED AND RIGHTFULLY SO!!

People like sbd, lenny and sheriff joe who concentrate only on such things as how well Trump is doing with the polls regarding

2024 and with ZERO concern about his actual guilt in any and/or all of the investigations and who just blindly proclaim his

innocence no matter how damaging the evidence is are what I term to be the "slime de la slime" of American society!!
They did get good news as Newsmax was put back on Directtv.

Now they can keep up with the rest of the ultra low iqanons.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Pretty quiet in here on the latest Bragg vs Trump hush money payment case in NY

Looks like the resident Trump deranged loons fell off one horse and saddled up another to ride .

I’m guessing star witness Michael Cohen’s cred isn’t looking too good about now thanks to a letter resurfacing from 2018 and Bob Costello going scorched earth on him during his grand jury testimony .

I wonder if Banjo Boy Scarborough had anything to say about it this morning . Whatta ya say Witless ?


Nov 11, 2007
They did get good news as Newsmax was put back on Directtv.

Now they can keep up with the rest of the ultra low iqanons.

To be honest, Georgia and Mar-a-Lago are on my mind with just mild interest in Hush Money and Stormy Daniels because

imo the former as well as Trump's role on January 6th are going to be the biggies that seal his fate one way or the other!!

Nov 11, 2007

Lake can bitch, complain and appeal til the cows come home and she will still be on the outside looking in!!

She lost just like Trump did and needs to get over it!!
Aug 17, 2019
? "Vaccines don't work, masks don't work: everything the government told us about Covid-19 was wrong."

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It was 3 years ago savage1 showed up and tried to hijack this thread.

He called the op a tin foil wearing hat fool amongst other things.

But the op remained consistent along the way and provided countless proofs supporting his claims.

And now, here we are, a mainstream headline that finally admits it all.

Now, imagine how many lives could have been saved and how many vaxx injuries could have been avoided if they, and others like them, listened to "conspiracy theorists" like myself, Sheriff Joe and others like us!

When conspiracy becomes TRUTH!


Nov 11, 2007
Back for an encore performance:

An interesting observation to think about for all intelligent and objective readers to consider regarding sbd:

From time to time including today sbd posts something as fact that has not been proven and about which there are many varying

opinions and presents it as fact based on his sources only, which in many cases have proved to be far right-wing and/or

unreliable in the past.

In addition, to emphasize his points, he resorts to his usual modus operandi of begging the question and poisoning the well

and then slamming down the gavel to put some kind of finality to it in his mind!!

What is revealing here is that each time he does this, he adds the words that "the op(meaning himself) was right again"

which in essence means that he told us before what he is telling us now.

First of all, I find it interesting that while he brags about and takes credit for something which is far from factual,

he/the op NEVER has come back and said anything or shown any accountability about his 99.8% FAILEDpredictions, most notably

Trump's reinstatement/devolution. that DID NOT come true!!

Perhaps he can tell us why this phenomenon exists.

From my education and study of psychology as well as my experiences in life as a member of the human race, I draw

several conclusions from his modus operandi:

1) He is obviously very insecure about what most others think about him overall because of his continued need to post

something and then brag about the op(him) telling us that such and such would happen in the past when there was no clear evidence

that it happened then or now!!

2) Along the same lines, it shows that he craves and needs lots of attention from others to "validate" himself both in their eyes

as well as in his own!!


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Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more updated blast from the past that defines who and what sbd is and his posting style and modus operandi:

If you have somehow missed the last three years of this thread, here you as it applies to sbd:

:His thousands of predictions have failed to come true a DOCUMENTED 99.8% of the time, most notably Trump's


In his statements and commentary he begs the question 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he poisons the well 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses contradictions to what he has said previously 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses inconsistencies 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses nonsequiturs 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses illogic 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses unexplained paradoxes 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary his accountability for his failed predictions is ZERO PERCENT!!

In his statements and commentary he makes up and/or imagines things and conspiracies like GITMO 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary in addition he is a desperate internet troll seeking attention without which he cannot get

through his day."

Those are just for starters off the top of my head!!
Aug 17, 2019
?The Arizona Supreme Court grants Kari Lake a HUGE WIN?

The Arizona Supreme Court is forcing the lower court to look at the signature verification issues.

BUT these are the fake news headlines. ????

Screen Shot 2023-03-23 at 11.17.35 AM.png

Fake News spin at its finest.

The enemy of The People.


Nov 11, 2007
I am not a "devolution" expert by any means, but I would think that if there is ever a time after 26 months of FAILED predictions by

sbd and sheriff joe that Trump's devolution is imminent, this would be it if Trump is actually indicted and/or convicted.

I mean if sheriff joe's statement that devolution is going to happen in "Trump time," led by his own "private military,"

then what could be a more urgent and appropriate time for it to happen than now!!

Since I have not yet put sbd, lenny and sheriff joe on ignore, although it is on the radar depending on events, maybe they

or someone else who has an opinion(if there is anyone else who reads this thread) could chime as to when this is going to occur.

Nov 11, 2007
?The Arizona Supreme Court grants Kari Lake a HUGE WIN?

The Arizona Supreme Court is forcing the lower court to look at the signature verification issues.

BUT these are the fake news headlines. ????

View attachment 63011

Fake News spin at its finest.

The enemy of The People.

Lake can bitch, complain and appeal til the cows come home and she will still be on the outside looking in!!

She lost just like Trump did and needs to get over it!!

Nov 11, 2007

I am positive that this news will make at least one member of the Big Three Trump supporters very high and possibly all of them!!
Aug 17, 2019
? In case you haven’t noticed, President Trump is the master of narratives.

Screen Shot 2023-03-23 at 11.47.27 AM.png

Trump posts message that they are going to indict and arrest him.

Media goes into a frenzy thinking they finally got him.

Trump team plays into frenzy (legal team press conference, outrage, etc.)

Trump team circulates letter from Cohen team proving he is innocent.

Public sees the two-tier system of justice.

Trump gains sympathy and support from the people.

Trump wins, again.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

President Trump keeps playing the fake news media, DS cabal and tards like a fiddle!

And they all keep falling for it!

TDS is real and it's a serious mental illness.

And they all should be institutionalized and highly medicated!


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