Regarding Lenny, sbd and sheriff joe, I am going to say this as it applies to all/
I have said the same thing in so many words before but maybe if I say it enough times, it might sink in!!
It applies especially to Lenny as he is the only one of the three who responds to what I have to say as opposed to the other two
who PRETEND not to read my posts as an excuse so as not to have to respond.
Anyways, I have no problem discussing and debating matters with posters who deny SOME of the charges leveled against Trump but
not ALL, that is the situation that exists with Lenny and his two cohorts.
With him/them it is ALWAYS a case of defending Trump AGAINST EVERYTHING no matter how much evidence there is and the
documentation of it!!
It is always the case that it is a lie, blaming someone else, saying that he was charged with is not a criminal and/or no big deal
and in general a 100% denial of anything negative surrounding Trump.
In Lenny's case especially, it is quite evident and why I have designated as a reincarnated human condom because it is always
a case of his offering UNCONDITIONAL protection and defense of Trump and NEVER a case of actually admitting that trump
said or did something which he should not have!!
I obviously don't expect Lenny to accept this because of his arrogance and inability/refusal to see both Trump and himself
in the manner in which objective people do!!
If and when Trump is indicted and/or convicted, I expect it to be deja vu with Lenny and also the other two when they throw
out everythingbut the kitchen sink to proclaim Trump's innocence and at the same time vilifying all those people who
provided the evidence!!