1A is not Trump, and by using the reference to him(DE Santis), you are simply showing that you are not all that confident that Trump will
get the nomination and with good reason!!
The one-week ban stands if DeSantis announces his candidacy per our bet!!
Again even though you don't want to accept it, the number of people who watched the Address while meaning something to YOU
may not have any relevance to millions of other people in the population.
You found that out the hard way in 2020 when the percentage of Biden supporters at his rallies was nothing compared
to those of Trump, and yet Biden won by seven million votes!!
Enough said with your foolish, dumb and your usual one-way/feeble/skin-deep/ill-equipped manner of evaluating things!!
As usual, you beg the question, poison the well and try to weasel your way out of the commentary I made about the relevance
of the women vote, how the majority of them perceive Trump and why it costs Trump dearly in the Popular Vote tally!!
But then again this is nothing new and should not be surprising to anyone who is familiar with your "debating skills!!"