Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019



This is huge for America but most people have no idea how huge this also is for the rest of the world and the liberty of Earth!

White Hats in control!

And now sit back and enjoy the rest of the movie.

Arrests are now imminent.

Divine Plan. Divine Timing.

If you don't think Amy Coney Barrett was part of the plan, you are not paying attention.

This war is being brilliantly executed.


Sit back and enjoy the rest of this movie!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
SC doesn't have to take election cases.. But , I wouldn't want to be a SC judge that turns down the case with 69 million angry people sitting out there

Jun 4, 2018
These coincidences are unbelivable
Who Won the Election?
Nov 4, 2020

Did you watch the election returns on Tuesday night? Did you stay up all night? At about midnight on the east coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by large margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then for some unexplainable reason, Wisc, Mich, Pa, NC, and NV all stopped counting votes simultaneously... in unison.... took a "pause" ... at around 1 AM. None of those states counted any additional votes for the next 3 hours. So what did they do for those 3 hours?

Note these unusualities:

1. All of those 5 states have Democrat governors.

2. Suddenly during the 3 hour shut down, in the dead of night when most people were sleeping, all those states found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump. 5 for 5. At midnight in Michigan, Trump was ahead by 5% (400 thousand votes) with 80% of the votes already counted. When the next 10% of votes of about 400,000 were counted from Wayne County (Detroit), then suddenly Biden caught Trump with 90% of the votes in. Biden made up 5% with 10% of the total vote. That means that all the votes (close to 100%) from Wayne went to Biden. That also means that practically all registered voters voted in Wayne County. Does anyone believe any of that is possible? The same thing happened in Madison, Wis, In Raleigh, NC, in Las Vegas, NV, and could be happening in Phil, Pa by Friday. So why did all those Democrat stronghold cities take a "pause" to report their votes?

3. Not one pundit questioned why a shut down in counting votes happened in all those states simultaneously. Not one. Not even on FOX. Not one questioned how almost all of the newly counted votes in those battleground states went to Biden. Only NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those 5 states with Democrat governors with Trump ahead before the "pauses."

4. Wisc is now reporting 3,239,920 votes cast when there are only 3,129,000 registered voters on record. More people voted than actually registered. When questioned, the Democrat Sec of State says there are 3.6 million registered voters from late registrations. Even if there are 3.6 million registered voters, that means that 90% of them voted when the average was 55 to 60% across the USA. How did almost all votes from Madison go for Biden? Almost 100% of registered voters, not just votes? Did ballot harvesting happen? How about in those other battleground states?

4. CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS all refused to call the elections in Tx and Fla until almost all votes were counted, yet FOX called Az only 30 minutes after the polls closed with less than 50% of the votes. Arizona had a million outstanding votes in Republican Maricopa County with Biden ahead in the state by only 100,000 when Az was called for Biden.

If you think that the media cartel was hard at work demonizing Trump for the last 4 years ... 94% negative Trump reports.... then it was in full swing last night at protecting those Democrat governors in the battleground states.

Think about this for a moment: “resist” by Democrats from the first day that Trump was elected, recounts, no peaceful transition of power, impeachment, 3 years of false accusations about Trump colluding with Russia to affect the 2016 election, Mueller, Comey/Clapper/Brennan with the FISA requests and the Steele Dossier paid by Hillary Clinton, 22 FBI agents lost their jobs because of spying on Trump, riots/looting/violence, continued polls that proved to be wrong, $400 billion by Soros and Bloomberg for Biden, Wall Street 4 to 1 in donations to Biden, lack of coverage about the Bidens' relationships with China/Russia/Ukraine/Burisma, and then Covid, covid, covid around the clock by the media ... with little mention of the record economic and international results by Trump.

Covid became the reason for the unsolicited mail out of ballots by Democrat governors. Covid was used to scare voters and to distract them from Trump accomplishments. Covid was used as the reason to shut down economies in Democrat run states. Let's see what happens with Covid now that Democrats and the media no longer need it.

So did those battleground states run by Democrats use ballot harvesting or any other types of election fraud? How did the vote tallies change so dramatically after those Democrat governors "paused" in their election counts in the dead of night? In all 5 Democrat controlled battleground states? If the media, Democrats, and deep state could be in such collusion against Trump for 4 years, then how hard is it to question collusion in ballot counting last night by those Democrat governors?

What gets lost with a Biden election? for staters: any investigation of Biden with Burisma and China, the Barr investigations, the Durham investigations, the investigations of deep state players, and Constitution integrity with DC as a state and with packing the Supreme Court. Democrats had lots on the line so they practiced “the end justifies the means” just as Alinsky instructed. They cheated and the media helped.
Great post w-thumbs!^

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Remember this from August 18th?

All original ballots are registered on a QFS blockchain to prevent fraud.

12 states were targeted.


Official ballots are being counted.


The Dems fell right into the big trap of the sting operation.

You are just watching the movie play out right now.

And just wait until you see how it ends!


As I have said I will believe it when I see it. If this is true and I doubt it is for many reasons.
With the main one being the Post Office is in the pocket of the Democrats. They cheat for the Democrats, not set them up.

I do not know where you are getting all this trap information, honestly I hope it is true but really think it is just made up b.s.
for multiple reasons..

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
As I have said I will believe it when I see it. If this is true and I doubt it is for many reasons.
With the main one being the Post Office is in the pocket of the Democrats. They cheat for the Democrats, not set them up.

I do not know where you are getting all this trap information, honestly I hope it is true but really think it is just made up b.s.
for multiple reasons..

I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of trap was set of some kind. But if we know about this watermark theory , the enemy does now too. So you would think they would be showing their panic right about now. When you know someone is on to you , you change course real fast if you can.

My guess , this is just off some kind of conspiracy site .
Would have been a great plan I will admit
Aug 17, 2019
I know .stay patient ..stay strong..

And turn off the fake news media.

They are literally owned by the Dems-DS.

They are feeding you the dramas that aren't real.

Again, there is so much more going on behind the scenes that the public isn't aware of.


Jan 8, 2015
Hahahaahhhaaaaah!!! It's all over!!!! "Stay Tuned" he says!!! Reality is about to hit you like a Mack truck!!!!!

New member
Jan 18, 2005
And turn off the fake news media.

They are literally owned by the Dems-DS.

They are feeding you the dramas that aren't real.

Again, there is so much more going on behind the scenes that the public isn't aware of.


So, please share all that is going on behind the scenes that you keep referring to? We know about the ballot trap you have been talking about.
What else? I mean the trap sounds great but as I said I will believe it when I see it. If the ballot trap was real it would be coming out as now is the time
to show your hand otherwise Trump will not win anything.

I wish I could be optimistic like yourself but with what I see and know there really is not much to be optimistic about.
You have to show specific and proven factual info about cheating the vote if you even want a chance at the courts or state legislature to overturn an election.

Please tell me the plan so I can be more confidant in something is actually going on.

No, I am not watching, believing msm
Aug 17, 2019
As emotions continue to run high it's important to KEEP PERSPECTIVE!

This isn't about 'another 4 years', it's about the future of this country.

It's about removing the power from the evil Dems-DS and 'invisible enemy'.

How do you do it?

Set up traps and expose everything they do.

And this is what is happening with the election.

Trump and his team have already done this many times already, including with Pelosi, Schiff, Fauci and the Fake News networks

It might not make sense in the beginning or be confusing.

But when you are in WAR you don't come out and tell the public everything you are going to do.

When you are in a sting operation do you go in and arrest everyone before they commit the crime or do you wait until the crime is committed?

You have to wait until you they actually do the crime, otherwise, nobody will ever believe they did it.

Instead, watch it happen, expose it and let it spread across social media for increased public awareness.


Soon you are going to see how this all comes together.

Remember, Trump has been telling the world the Dems-DS were going to cheat. (He always knew)

Even Biden told us they were going to cheat. He said, "we have put together, I think, the most the extensive inclusive voter fraud organization in history."

Why did they release the "laptop from hell" right before the election?

Forget Hunter and the photos, they wanted to show you the money laundering to show how the foreign governments like "CHY-NA" can influence the Dems and election.

Right now the MSM fake news is trying to desperately to convince you that Biden is winning.

But STOP and think logically.

How is it possible to maintain control over the senate and flip all these House seats but LOSE the election.

So all these people who voted for all these Republicans in the House and Senate decided they wanted Biden instead of Trump?

Again, it just doesn't make sense and proves, in itself, the Dems cheated.

Again, logical thinking.

You need to understand this is a GIGANTIC sting operation.

Trump has known the Dem-DS playbook for a very long time.

He is using their tactics against them.

He is creating an 'electoral crisis' with his statements and posing questions as solutions to assure the safety measures are created and implemented to make sure this never happens again in the future.

NOBODY wants this to happen again.

Everyone wants a fair election.

So why isn't the DOJ stepping in?

Because the DOJ has to wait 10 days before they can intervene.

And it is most likely going there.


Trump wants it to go there.

So he can prove to the world they cheated.

He has all the proof and more than he will ever need.

But he wants 'The People' to see it for themselves.

You can't tell them, they won't believe it.


This is why the confirmation of ACB was so significant.

This is also why the Dems-DS were doing everything in their power to keep RGB alive.

They knew if RGB died it was 'game over'.

Massive happenings are coming in the next days and weeks.

The goal is to keep the Dems-DS engaged and get the public to wake up to the truth of what is happening.

But here is what will happen.


Dems-DS will be livid and ask for a recount.

Trump wants them to ask for it.

Votes will need to be counted again.

They will need to be certified.

And this is where the cheating/corruption gets exposed.

Dems will expect the recount to destroy Trump.

BUT IT WILL BACKFIRE and only benefit him.

When it's over the final results will show TRUMP WINS IN A HUGE LANDSLIDE.

Remember, it's a sting operation.

This can't be emphasized enough.

Also remember, Rudy Giuliani is famous for taking down the Gambino family/5 families in the 1980s.

Many don't know TRUMP was instrumental in that takedown.

So it's not coincidence Trump and Giuliani are teamed up again for this!



Stop worrying!

We already know the outcome.

Enjoy the rest of the movie!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
We all can agree that we knew they were going to cheat , no big surprise there , and the Dems knew we knew they were going to cheat... I have to believe they put some safeguards in themselves to avoid detection...The problem I see with this , if we all know its a sting operation , the Dems do too..

I also don't think we're going to win these last 4-5 states either..Once this fraud got implemented the mission wasn't going to stop until they got over the top in enough states to show alot bigger margin of victory... Making the case even tougher for us to expose.... Tougher to argue Trump needs to overturn 5 states...For the public , that's a tough one to swallow..
Aug 17, 2019
We all can agree that we knew they were going to cheat , no big surprise there , and the Dems knew we knew they were going to cheat... I have to believe they put some safeguards in themselves to avoid detection...The problem I see with this , if we all know its a sting operation , the Dems do too..

I also don't think we're going to win these last 4-5 states either..Once this fraud got implemented the mission wasn't going to stop until they got over the top in enough states to show alot bigger margin of victory... Making the case even tougher for us to expose.... Tougher to argue Trump needs to overturn 5 states...For the public , that's a tough one to swallow..

Does Trump look worried?


And with good reason!

When it's over Trump turns over almost every state and proves he won in a massive landslide!

The Plan is being executed to perfection.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Does Trump look worried?


And with good reason!

When it's over Trump turns over almost every state and proves he won in a massive landslide!

The Plan is being executed to perfection.

So that means the plan is still good if Trump actually loses these states and the election ?

And the sting is still good with the other side knowing its being conducted.. No way anyone can convince me that you could keep this under wraps from the DS.

Does the other side look worried even knowing a sting is underway and they're in the crossfire ? No
Aug 17, 2019
So that means the plan is still good if Trump actually loses these states and the election ?

And the sting is still good with the other side knowing its being conducted.. No way anyone can convince me that you could keep this under wraps from the DS.

Does the other side look worried even knowing a sting is underway and they're in the crossfire ? No

It doesn't matter at this juncture if he wins or loses.

He wants them to call the election as final so it solidifies the crime.

And then move to the DOJ to expose it all.

And then the arrests can happen.

The Dems-DS know they have been caught and this is why they are not calling it.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
We all can agree that we knew they were going to cheat , no big surprise there , and the Dems knew we knew they were going to cheat... I have to believe they put some safeguards in themselves to avoid detection...The problem I see with this , if we all know its a sting operation , the Dems do too..

I also don't think we're going to win these last 4-5 states either..Once this fraud got implemented the mission wasn't going to stop until they got over the top in enough states to show alot bigger margin of victory... Making the case even tougher for us to expose.... Tougher to argue Trump needs to overturn 5 states...For the public , that's a tough one to swallow..

Exactly my point. Trump is not going to win by a slim margin. Biden is going to carry all the remaining states as the Dems will just keep adding and counting votes until they have enough to claim victory in that state.

Do you not know this? Not see this? Sorry what you just posted is not going to happen. Do not see it happening at all as Trump is not going to win by any margin.
Biden is going to carry the remaining states. Then what is the plan?

New member
Jan 18, 2005
I said the 5th would be "significant".

It was.

I never said Trump would be declared winner on the 5th.

Ok, so how was the 5th significant? What happened that I missed as significant? I did not notice anything

Also, when/if Trump loses would make it exponentially more difficult to get the election overturned by any court. Once an election is declared official you will never get it changed.

The other thing is you are showing those videos of people talking about the corruption and cheating that is going on.

Problem the public is not seeing any of it. The msm is not going to show it so the general public which are largely morons and sheep will know nothing of
proof as you say is part of the the plan to expose them

I am sorry the pieces you put together do not fit overall. As I said you keep talking about things going on that are highly doubtful to be honest.
You keep talking in riddles or vaguely

You said the 5th was important Ok what happened that was so important?

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