Tom Rice gets it...
A winner for sure..
The good news though is that his would-be tyrant days are over as far as even being POTUS again.
Any hopes he has of being POTUS again will be finished off when the results of the January 6th Investigation are in as
well as the other ones he is facing.
It goes without saying that no matter how much negative stuff comes out during these investigations, his diehard supporters
will look the other way, but fortunately, the American Public as a whole will not!!
ps Imo no matter how much he tries to string people along now to extort money out of people for himself by hinting that
he wants the nomination, in reality, because of lots of factors including his age, the fear that he might lose if
nominated, etc., he does not want to be the nominee!!
There are lots of folks on the sidelines who are just waiting for the right time chance to announce their candidacy!!