Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007


Child trafficking.

Immunity was provisional and revoked for lying.

She will be joining her late husband soon.

Why not post the entire story, fpp/sbd and show us also the source of the story.

Relax though as I did it for you.

Not surprisingly it is from "Real Raw News," one of the worst and most unreliable and untrustworthy sources out there.

Just as importantly by their own admission, they are a satirical site and not to be taken seriously.

Here you go:


Nov 11, 2007
Here is some more about the "nothing burger" re: the Trump CRIMINAL Fa,ily:


Nov 11, 2007
Folks-the Fpp/sbd Restaurant is running a three-day one-year Anniversary of Biden's Inauguration Special on our delectable

Nothing Burger.

If you buy one of our Nothing Burgers at the regular price of $29.99, you can get the second one at the giveaway price

of only $14.99!!!

You won't find a better quality burger anywhere!!

Our half-pound burgers contain the choicest bull excrement known to man and are ground daily and thus served as fresh as is humanly


The burgers are served with our equally famous Trump FRIED potatoes, or if you prefer, a tossed salad or a cup of our nationally

acclaimed Duck Soup which we chose to name and serve as a commemoration and symbolic reminder of how our famous

founder, fpp/sbd, is regarded by people who converse with him when it comes to Trump and political matters in


We are expecting that demand for this choice morsel served at the incredibly low price will be demand, meaning that you get

at the restaurant early to avoid long lines(we do not accept reservations).

This discount will not be repeated!!

Come on over today or as soon as possible to treat yourself to this one of a lifetime burgers for the price you have just dreamed


The supply of Nothing Burgers is limited, and there will be no rainchecks issued if we run out and cannot replenish our inventory

before this promotion ends!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration will begin making 400 million N95 masks available for free to Americans starting next week, now that federal officials are emphasizing their better protection against the omicron variant of COVID-19 over cloth face coverings.

He’s gone from get the vaccine and ditch the mask to wear an N95 because they’re much more effective than a piece of cloth .

Coming from the guy who said he has a plan to shut down the virus .

Lol ! What a shit show !
Aug 17, 2019
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration will begin making 400 million N95 masks available for free to Americans starting next week, now that federal officials are emphasizing their better protection against the omicron variant of COVID-19 over cloth face coverings.

He’s gone from get the vaccine and ditch the mask to wear an N95 because they’re much more effective than a piece of cloth .

Coming from the guy who said he has a plan to shut down the virus .

Lol ! What a shit show !


Nov 11, 2007
Once again I warn folks who take delight in watching Biden fail to get it done and hope that this continues, that they might be

be careful what they wish for because the people at the top of the Democratic Party also recognize this and have plenty

of time between now and 2024 to canvas who is out there and find some folks who would be much more appealing to the populace

in the way of a nominee(not that I think Biden will even want to be the nominee by then).

I should add that the Democratic Party head honchos made not even be needed, as IMO there are a number of possible candidates

out there, the same as with Trump, who are also giving strong consideration for running for POTUS and just waiting for the

opportune time to announce it.

There is a long way to go until 2024 and lots of things can and will change between now and then!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The useful idiot gets to speak today to tell everyone what a fine job he has done in his first year .

Things are so great for the party Hilary smells blood in the water .

The midterms are the start of the dismantling . 28 and counting . The numbers of Dems not running for re election or running for another office .

Their party savior is out there for ‘24 . They just haven’t found him/her yet .


Dec 21, 2007
Betallsports aka BAS at theRXForum is a STIFF
As you may or may not know, I was a Moderator ‘Defying’ @ theRXforum aka theRX years ago for a handful of years. BAS is/was the head moderator of the forum at the time so the title of my boss isn’t that far off. I built a decent relationship with him during my time there. I found him to be a genuine and standup guy. I wrongly judged him to be one of the good ones.
I’m not creating this post to create drama. Everything is factual. I have no reason to lie as I’ve left these communities years ago. However, I feel compelled to share the information as he continues to be involved at the forum and in the community.
One of my favorite things about these forums throughout my time is the contests offered there. It provides unique gambling style contests, either forum or poster ran. TheRX had one of the biggest and best. It’s a structure like the now Circa and Westgate Contest where you pick 5 NFL games against the spread each week and the person with the most points wins. TheRX was able to generate $30,000+ prize pools for these contests. It made it very appealing and fun. A huge draw for theRX forum itself.
In 2018(?), the winners of the contest were claiming on the forum that they were not being paid by BAS who held the funds. BAS who recently had a stroke claimed he could not access the money because it was in a safety deposit box far from where he was receiving care and he was currently immobile and that it was only in his name so no one else could access it. This delay was quickly creating distrust on the online community that I loved and worked at for years. The heat was getting turned up on him and the forum publicly so I stepped in.
BAS, if you know him, then you know what I’m saying, but he is a very proud guy. He greatly cares about his reputation. In a convo with BAS, he assured me he has the money but simply couldn’t access it and would be able to very soon. So, I offered to pay out the winners and he would simply repay the money to me once he was healthy enough to access it.
I paid the money out of my own pocket. My bitcoin investment (which now would be worth 6 figures), plus with cash I had on hand. I paid every winner, every dollar they were owed. Approx $30,000. I have exact amounts and who received what to this day.
As time goes on and I’m getting a ton of excuses from BAS about his health and why he can’t pay yet. I did receive two separate $1,000 payments over the next 6 months, leaving a negative balance of roughly $28,000. BAS’ story over time becomes more erratic and more unbelievable with each deadline that passes. Sometimes these deadlines are ones he sets himself regarding the lie he is currently telling. At times, he completely abandons the lie that the money exists in the safe and goes to on to others on how he will get the money, like he’s selling his condo in FL or he’s selling his business. Then suddenly back to the money is in the safe, to dozens of lies and stories.
As you probably have gathered, I have not received another penny in years. I notified SBR forum, who owned theRX forum at that time. I notified the current owners of theRX forum. No one seems to care that I stepped up for the forum. BAS simply cannot pay nor has made any effort to make even the smallest payments. He simply is a broke stiff, stiffing the only person that stepped up for him.
For those that question why I would do this, that’s a great question. Even one of my closest forum friends who knew about it in real-time, questioned me. At the time, I thought I was being the most noble human I could be, something I continually strive to be.
Here I was to be fortunate enough to be in a position to help an old man out, who done right by me in the past. One that I believed was fighting for his life and didn’t need all the negative energy of an internet forum while he fought a life and death battle. All it would cost me was the couple hours it took to pay out the people. It would also help the people of the forum that I once LOVED, it was my internet home. If you ever had a true internet home, maybe that will make sense to you. It wasn’t just a random internet place to me. Plus, I wanted the players (the contest winners) to be paid, as they truly won a difficult contest, and we’re losing all hope they would be paid. They were angry and hurt. I thought this act of service would be easy enough, and help a ton of people.
BAS himself will not deny these allegations as he knows I have years of text messages and emails to prove otherwise. Furthermore, the winner themselves were paid directly by me. I was naïve to do such a thing, but this is my story regardless. That $30,000 would go a long way in improving my life right now and it’s a shame that trying to do a selfless good deed ends up impacting my future negatively. But I suppose, no good deed goes unpunished.
And now you know…

Nov 11, 2007
I don't want Hillary Clinton to run as the Democratic nominee that's for sure for lots of reasons.

However, if I am wrong and she does get the nomination, and if I am even more wrong and Trump gets the nomination,

then let's just say that Trump's only chance would be the same as it 2016, namely winning by THe Electoral College Votes only.

There is no way in Hell that Trump could defeat her in the Popular Vote and for that matter just about anyone else for the simple

reason that the majority of people have already shown that they do not want Trump as POTUS for lots of reasons.

As I see it, as time advances and more things come out about Trump, his deficit in plurality in the Popular Vote is

only going to get worse!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

New York Attorney General Letitia James disclosed new details Tuesday night about her civil investigation into former President Donald Trump’s business, saying the probe has uncovered evidence suggesting the company put a fraudulent value on multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit.

James, who launched her probe in 2019, also said in the court filing that the former president “had ultimate authority over a wide swath of conduct by the Trump Organization" that involved fraudulent misstatements to financial institutions, the Internal Revenue Service, and other parties.

She specifically mentioned the responsibility of two of the former president’s adult children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


As well as specifically mentioning this

Her office added that it "has not yet reached a final decision regarding whether this evidence merits legal action."

Oops !


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

YouTube on Friday suspended Bongino from posting content on the platform for one week and demonetized his videos for at least 30 days because he said in a video that masks are "useless" in stopping the spread of the coronavirus.

Weren’t we recently told the same thing from the so called
“ experts “ ?

Sep 5, 2010
The walls are closing in.

Pleading the 5th to 500 questions???
Must be a "political witch hunt".


Nov 11, 2007
More walls closing in.

The only sure thing is that the few Trump lovers in this thread currently who post every day are one

or more of these things in no particular order:

1) Scared shitless that Donny and/or his criminal associates and/or family members are not going to get away with it this time around.

2) Live in a state of denial that any of the charges leveled against Trump are true.

3) Hope by saying he is innocent and/or saying that nothing will come out of the investigations, that in itself will result

in Trump's innocence.

4) In line with #3, are hoping that they can get some measure of revenge by what I alluded to in #1, 2 and 3 by taunting

those of us who can see what is unfolding here, which is and will not turn out to be pleasant for them!!

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