Important Virus Update


Jan 8, 2015
Question for SBD and Lenbo - I don't like getting involved in all this going on in this thread because I truly believe that both sides - the Reps and Dems - both lie to suit their own agenda.

However the question I have for both of you is that Trump apparently got the vaccine and the booster and is urging all to get it and is admonishing his own party about not getting it or speaking up about getting it and why won't either of you acknowledge this ?
This is not fiction, but fact, that he received the vaccine and booster and has spoken up about it.

Why will not either of you acknowledge this ? If you did somewhere in the 1220 plus pages, than I apologize because I didn't see it.

Again, not looking for an argument, just a civil response.
You looking for a normal person response in this stupid thread that's only full of lies, fantasies and hate mongering? These losers have painted themselves in a corner a zillion times, there's no logic or reason to anything in here. You're wasting your time buddy, like everyone in here.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Question for SBD and Lenbo - I don't like getting involved in all this going on in this thread because I truly believe that both sides - the Reps and Dems - both lie to suit their own agenda.

However the question I have for both of you is that Trump apparently got the vaccine and the booster and is urging all to get it and is admonishing his own party about not getting it or speaking up about getting it and why won't either of you acknowledge this ?
This is not fiction, but fact, that he received the vaccine and booster and has spoken up about it.

Why will not either of you acknowledge this ? If you did somewhere in the 1220 plus pages, than I apologize because I didn't see it.

Again, not looking for an argument, just a civil response.

I’ll make it short and sweet for you . I’m not anti vax , I’m anti mandate like I’ve stated before .

If he called people gutless who won’t disclose their vaccine status it’s not a statement I would agree with him on .

Nov 11, 2007

View attachment 23517

Domestic terrorism.


If the truth be told, this thread was started by you in order to be make you and your "bat" happy each day by your stroking it each day with

your fantasy that your vastly exaggerated sense of self-importance is really resonating with folks out there who read what

you have to say and believing it!!!
Jan 11, 2008
I’ll make it short and sweet for you . I’m not anti vax , I’m anti mandate like I’ve stated before .

If he called people gutless who won’t disclose their vaccine status it’s not a statement I would agree with him on .
Thanks for the response, especially in a civil way !!

I agree with you in the fact that I am not anti-vax - I received the vax - but I am opposed to the anti mandate. I feel it should be up to each individual in what they believe.

I received the vax and it was my choice and I feel everyone should have their own choice - just like if you vote Rep or Dem - it is your choice and you should not be blasted for what you believe.
Thanks again for the response.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't know what the Hell you mean, and in any case, I don't put any credence into anything what Breaking 911 says!!

More importantly I firmly believe based on what you have said and posted, much of which is in accordance with the QAnon Doctirne,

that YOU are anti-Semitic!!

ps hmm-reading my posts again I see, when you claim you don't-how shocking!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Only two elected presidents had fewer their first year in office: Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, the latter of whom spent much of his first year in office recovering from an assassination attempt. President Gerald Ford had fewer press conferences in 1974, the first calendar year during which he served, but he assumed office only in August 1974 upon Nixon's resignation.

His handlers are doing a great job of playing Hidin’ Biden .

But unfortunately for them the American people see right through it as witnessed in the polls .
Aug 17, 2019
Libtards need to stop with the "why is Trump pushing the vax" nonsense.



> Can Trump remove the vaccine from those who have already taken it? NO.

> Are there any people out there who are still undecided? VERY FEW.

> Is anybody listening to Donald Trump for vaccine advice? NO.

> Did Trump have to warp speed the vaccine to save the world from inevitable collapse and worldwide vaccine mandates due to a 5+ year lockdown planned by the DS? YES.

> Did Trump make these vaccines? NO.

> Would Trump gain anything from coming out NOW against the vaccines he used to save the world? NO.

> Would the fake news media absolutely destroy him for it? YES.

> Are the vaccines and big pharma being massively exposed regardless of what Trump says about them? YES.

> Are we fighting even harder to expose everything because we feel like it's up to 'We The People' to save our country? YES.

> Is it truly up to us, 'The People' to save the country? YES.

> Are we exposing every damn traitor in this country who supports this communist nonsense? YES.

> Has Trump always maintained that the vaccines can never be mandated and that its important everyone has the right to their own free-will choice? YES.

> Did Trump reopen our country and save our economy after the initial attack? YES

> Did Trump stockpile tens of millions of doses of HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic? YES.

> Did Trump call out Pfizer's booster as a money making scam? YES.

> Is the military required to always have an antidote in the works in the event that we are attacked by a bio-weapon? YES. [Documents below]

> Could we have an antidote to the harmful effects of the vaccine already waiting? POSSIBLY. [Yes we do]

> Did Donald Trump save the world? YES.

Remember, "The cure cannot be worse than the disease."

The "cure" was mandated vaccines which would lead us to vaccine passports, to the Great Reset, to hell on Earth and full control by Globalists.

This was always the plan of the DS.

Half of the world is rising up against this madness.

We grow in size every single day.

We are closer to God than ever before.

This tidal wave cannot be stopped.


It may look messy, even scary, but we are WINNING.

Keep rising up.

Keep standing in your integrity.

And don't give in.

Remember, GOD WINS.




Trump has called out vaccines in the past.

Trump called out the booster as a money making scam.

Trump has always been anti-mandate.

Trump informed us of the therapeutics.

The man who informed Trump on HCQ is a leading voice in the anti-vaccine push.

Trump's former national security advisor is publicly against the vaccine.

Trump's sons are publicly against the vaccine.

Trump was great friends with JFK Jr., whose cousin is now leading the anti-vaccine effort.

Do any libtards have the ability to think LOGICALLY?

Do you really think Trump is oblivious to the entire situation?

Why aren't all of these people calling Trump out?



Nov 11, 2007

Should read Success RATE rather than rare.

I would not use the word "rare" in this instance in any case, because NEVER is what the operative word should be.
Jan 11, 2008
My question, and again, I am being civil, is if Trump received the vaccine and the booster why won't you acknowledge that ?

I know he is anti mandate, as am I, but if he received the vax, he at least must believe in it.

Just because Trump believes in it doesn't mean that everyone must believe in it but I don't see you even acknowledging that Trump received the vax.

That doesn't mean you have to agree with the vaccine, but acknowledge that it is everyone's personal right to receive the vax or not - and Trump's personal choice was to receive the vax.


Nov 11, 2007

"A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated."

View attachment 23518

Natural Immunity is the only way just like the op stated at the onset and maintained throughout.

More will follow.

This is a completely stupid and unfounded remark at this stage of the game considering the fact that no one including fpp/sbd

knows if the game is over, meaning that there might be more new mutations and variants that emerge, possibly more lethal than

what now exists, for which new vaccines will be needed.

People who make remarks like the one above are the same kind of folks who would believe that they won a baseball bet

because the team they bet on scored three runs in the top of the first inning and the home team has not even batted yet!!!
Aug 17, 2019
Question for SBD and Lenbo - I don't like getting involved in all this going on in this thread because I truly believe that both sides - the Reps and Dems - both lie to suit their own agenda.

However the question I have for both of you is that Trump apparently got the vaccine and the booster and is urging all to get it and is admonishing his own party about not getting it or speaking up about getting it and why won't either of you acknowledge this ?
This is not fiction, but fact, that he received the vaccine and booster and has spoken up about it.

Why will not either of you acknowledge this ? If you did somewhere in the 1220 plus pages, than I apologize because I didn't see it.

Again, not looking for an argument, just a civil response.

I support God's gift of free-will.

"My body, my choice"

However, this thread was started to alert people to the truth, hoping it would lead them to a better understanding as to what the real agenda was, resulting in better informed decisions.

The very first post stated covid was a bioweapon.

This has since been proven and is irrefutable.

What you have lived the past 22 months NEVER had anything to do with any virus.

It had nothing to do with political parties or beliefs.

It was always about a small group of global elites trying to implement the NWO "Great Reset".

Some of us knew this was coming for more than a decade.

And we worked overtime to try to warn the public.

The information posted here came from the most reliable sources, many on the inside.

Even so, the op consistently encouraged the reader to do their own research, use discernment and to trust their own intuition more than ever.

Unfortunately, savage1, and eventually his LGBT libtard friends, tried to hijack this thread.

They stalked the op 24/7 and littered the thread with nothing by fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

In their delusional minds they turned the op into "nostradamus" and believed the op was making "predictions".

They made it about "right" or "wrong".

They are simple-minded folks and don't have the ability to think beyond what they see and hear on CNN.

They are buried in ignorance and hate for President Trump.

They are delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

This has been clear from day 1.

Meanwhile, the op has consistently been about peace, love and unity.

And have provided many proofs to support any claims made.

Proofs included official documents including court documents, official communication like emails, videos, etc.

Savage1 and his LGBT libtard budies have not provided one piece of evidence to support any of their claims which are always the opposite of what the op posts.

Anyway, hope the information provided helps you at some level.

Whether you are vaxxed or not doesn't concern me, only the TRUTH does.

Truth is God.
Aug 17, 2019

“They don’t want to say it because they’re gutless,” Trump said. “You gotta say it, whether you had it or not. Say it."

They are spinning this into him "supporting" the vaxx.

It's not true.

They are even trying to suggest he is directing his comments towards DeSantis.

Again, this is not true.

they are just trying to create chaos.

It's their only purpose and goal.

Trump has always been clear that he supports free-will choice.

He is pushing the "gutless" issue because the Supreme Court is currently entertaining arguments as to whether the criminal Biden Administration’s Covid-19 vaccination mandates are lawful and constitutional.

He knows there are Judges involved in this decision who are NOT vaxxed.

It's the not vaxxed part he has a problem with.

It's their history of hypocrisy.

"Do as I say not as I do".


Again, this is a war!

And Trump's role is to methodically bring all evil players to the surface for the public to see.

Sometimes you have to show the people!

Only then can REAL change happen.


Nov 11, 2007
I support God's gift of free-will.

"My body, my choice"

However, this thread was started to alert people to the truth, hoping it would lead them to a better understanding as to what the real agenda was, resulting in better informed decisions.

The very first post stated covid was a bioweapon.

This has since been proven and is irrefutable.

What you have lived the past 22 months NEVER had anything to do with any virus.

It had nothing to do with political parties or beliefs.

It was always about a small group of global elites trying to implement the NWO "Great Reset".

Some of us knew this was coming for more than a decade.

And we worked overtime to try to warn the public.

The information posted here came from the most reliable sources, many on the inside.

Even so, the op consistently encouraged the reader to do their own research, use discernment and to trust their own intuition more than ever.

Unfortunately, savage1, and eventually his LGBT libtard friends, tried to hijack this thread.

They stalked the op 24/7 and littered the thread with nothing by fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

In their delusional minds they turned the op into "nostradamus" and believed the op was making "predictions".

They made it about "right" or "wrong".

They are simple-minded folks and don't have the ability to think beyond what they see and hear on CNN.

They are buried in ignorance and hate for President Trump.

They are delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

This has been clear from day 1.

Meanwhile, the op has consistently been about peace, love and unity.

And have provided many proofs to support any claims made.

Proofs included official documents including court documents, official communication like emails, videos, etc.

Savage1 and his LGBT libtard budies have not provided one piece of evidence to support any of their claims which are always the opposite of what the op posts.

Anyway, hope the information provided helps you at some level.

Whether you are vaxxed or not doesn't concern me, only the TRUTH does.

Truth is God.
Any objective and intelligent person who has been with this thread since i started or for that matter any significant period

of time that what he just posted is 100% lies and as I have pointed out full of contradictions, nonsequiturs, inconsistencies,

unresolved paradoxes, total illogic from one post to another.

In addition, using the above example his posts are based on begging the question and poisoning the well.

Most importantly in the above post and in all the others, there is ZERO mention of his 99.8% TIME SENSITIVE FAILED Predictions,

with the most notable one being his prediction of Trump's reinstatement/devolution which he has predicted just about every day

since Biden was declared the winner and with ZERO admission that the prediction(s) did not come true and just as importantly,


Also, he claims to be peaceful and loving, etc. and yet he professes allegiance to QAnons, who are anything but that as well

as being anti-Semitic-perhaps he can reconcile that with what he professes!!!

In addition, he claims that folks like Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Bill Gates, Cuomo, Newsom, George Bush and other members

of the "deep state" have tried and executed at GITMO and yet we continue to hear to see and hear these folks in public.

His only explanation for this is that what we see and hear are body doubles.

Ad oh yes, he continues to maintain that Trump not only actually did win the 2020 Election but did so in "the biggest landslide

in history" and won ALL fifty states in so doing and won over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

I apologize for saying the same thing before.

However, if he is going to try to deify himself which he is doing her and try to blow off what I and the other 6-8 other regular

folks have done over the last 22 months exposing him, hoping that it will fly and especially with those who aren't wise to his ways, I am

going to tell the other side of the story, which is the TRUTH to which he doesn't care to admit and tries to hide from!!

Nov 11, 2007

“They don’t want to say it because they’re gutless,” Trump said. “You gotta say it, whether you had it or not. Say it."

They are spinning this into him "supporting" the vaxx.

It's not true.

They are even trying to suggest he is directing his comments towards DeSantis.

Again, this is not true.

they are just trying to create chaos.

It's their only purpose and goal.

Trump has always been clear that he supports free-will choice.

He is pushing the "gutless" issue because the Supreme Court is currently entertaining arguments as to whether the criminal Biden Administration’s Covid-19 vaccination mandates are lawful and constitutional.

He knows there are Judges involved in this decision who are NOT vaxxed.

It's the not vaxxed part he has a problem with.

It's their history of hypocrisy.

"Do as I say not as I do".


Again, this is a war!

And Trump's role is to methodically bring all evil players to the surface for the public to see.

Sometimes you have to show the people!

Only then can REAL change happen.

There is no need to respond to this latest round of bullshit, delusions and lies separately as my response is essentially the same

as my previous post!!

ps For me amongst all of the bullshit in the above and his other post, he still has not answered the question

DIRECTLY that baseball dave asked of him-how shocking!!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing that newcomers should know about fpp/sbd.

He refuses to debate me about the stuff I just posted and what others have documented about him.

Imo he does not because all of the stuff I cited about him is indefensible.

In fact, one of his obvious excuses for not debating me is that he PRETENDS NOT TO READ MY POSTS, which I have proved a number

of times is a lie in itself.

In addition, when someone other than myself makes a valid point about him or something he said, he simply dismisses it as

"fake news" and/or insults the poster but never responding directly to the point or question(s) asked of him!!

Nov 11, 2007
If one has done a number of bad things and has gotten away with it, sooner or later the odds and karma catch up to that person,

and justice will prevail,.

To use fpp/sbd's words but this time words with teeth, there is nothing anyone can do that can prevent this from happening.

Imo this moment has arrived with Trump!!

Jan 13, 2019
Great post!!!!

True trumper.

He said he likes his followers to be stupid.

You should be on a A list.

I support God's gift of free-will.

"My body, my choice"

However, this thread was started to alert people to the truth, hoping it would lead them to a better understanding as to what the real agenda was, resulting in better informed decisions.

The very first post stated covid was a bioweapon.

This has since been proven and is irrefutable.

What you have lived the past 22 months NEVER had anything to do with any virus.

It had nothing to do with political parties or beliefs.

It was always about a small group of global elites trying to implement the NWO "Great Reset".

Some of us knew this was coming for more than a decade.

And we worked overtime to try to warn the public.

The information posted here came from the most reliable sources, many on the inside.

Even so, the op consistently encouraged the reader to do their own research, use discernment and to trust their own intuition more than ever.

Unfortunately, savage1, and eventually his LGBT libtard friends, tried to hijack this thread.

They stalked the op 24/7 and littered the thread with nothing by fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

In their delusional minds they turned the op into "nostradamus" and believed the op was making "predictions".

They made it about "right" or "wrong".

They are simple-minded folks and don't have the ability to think beyond what they see and hear on CNN.

They are buried in ignorance and hate for President Trump.

They are delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

This has been clear from day 1.

Meanwhile, the op has consistently been about peace, love and unity.

And have provided many proofs to support any claims made.

Proofs included official documents including court documents, official communication like emails, videos, etc.

Savage1 and his LGBT libtard budies have not provided one piece of evidence to support any of their claims which are always the opposite of what the op posts.

Anyway, hope the information provided helps you at some level.

Whether you are vaxxed or not doesn't concern me, only the TRUTH does.

Truth is God.
They dont come any more simple minded that Savtard, Little Wil, and the other libtard stooges who spout their stupidity here constantly. Savtard tries to play the victim. If you disagree with the idiot you must be a jew hater. He acts like an ADL troll!

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