Important Virus Update


New member
Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now before returning to watch the news:

Getting back to the questions I have asked of sbd over the last three days, none of which he responded to, the point I want to make is this.

When opens a controversial thread such as his with right wing conspiracy theories and accusations all directed at democrats and with

time sensitive predictions to go with them, I as well as anyone else has a right to question him about these matters.

Also as every knows, there is the word, "accountability," which certainly applies here.

Simply ignoring relevant questions such as he has done not only over the last three days but since he has since he started the thread on March 18 of this year,

is a cop-out and irresponsible; I believe it imperative that I point this stuff out to you so that you folks out there can not only evaluate the posts and links

each day on their own merits, but just as importantly to consider the integrity, sincerity and actual purpose/motove of the person(sbd) who posts the material.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He is on ignore, he is on ignore, he is on ignore

I am a 75 year old whore buying hypocrite scumbag. I am also a fuckin compulsive liar

My name is savage. I sit here all day while my bought whore and stimulus check live life without me!

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage is the biggest pussy on the planet. His hourly goal is to shove his hate and political agenda down our throats every day in a forum people do not go to for politics. This scumbag hypocrite is scared to death of the Politics forum where people may actually debate him. He does not want that debate because he knows he would have his teeth knocked out.

Nah, he would rather talk to himself in here where nobody cares, but i will continue to lead him on a leash and bury this prick on a daily basis.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I guess the whore and the son spend another day on the sidelines while the 75 year old hate filled lunatic pounds the keyboard again all day

At this point the whore is nothing more than a roommate and the son is a stimulus check

pretty sad

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X’s 27

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and Epic HYPOCRITE i told you all it would happen. He is Pathetic

Lock City. I know this asshole better than he knows himself

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He wonders why i and others all fuckin hate him. He wonders why people are comparing him to vitterd, the most vile member here that has long been banned and not a guy anyone wants to be compared to. He wonders why normal conversations are far and few between when he is involved.

I'll tell you why, because he is nothing but an arrogant asshole. That's why

A real man says what he means and means what he says. This pussy is anything but a man. His word never means anything as it changes with the wind. The most recent example ...

"will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum"

"I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen"

"I assure you!"

Those are all from just 1 post that i keep quoting to show how much of a hypocrite & LIAR he is. On a forum when your word means nothing, you mean nothing. He is so caught up in hatred and the need to be right that he seriously cannot help himself. He could walk away and say it's not that big of a deal in the big picture and i did give my word but no, not this asshole. If he wants things here to change, it starts with HIM!
Aug 17, 2019
Trump campaign receives record number of ticket requests for Tulsa rally

President Trump’s rescheduled campaign rally next weekend has received the largest number of ticket requests for any of his events, his campaign team claimed on Sunday.

“Just passed 300,000 tickets,” Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, tweeted. “Biggest data haul and rally signup of all time. Saturday is going to be amazing!”

There are 3 things the Dems fear most ahead of the election:

1. Trump rallies (he is a rock star)

2. Trump vs. Biden debates (Trump will destroy him)

3. A unified America (love and unity are their biggest threat)


Public Ad Seeking MINORITY Actors/Fake Protestors for Pres. Trump's Rally in Tulsa this Saturday

Just another fake protest being planned to help fake news fuel their fake anti-Trump narrative in MSM.

Aug 17, 2019
Dept. of Health & Social Care Solicits You & Your Children for COVID-19 Research Study Group


"WAVE 2" (expect it)

Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (of course)


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Aug 17, 2019
NYC's Contact Tracers Have Been Told Not to Ask People if They've Attended a BLM Protest

New York City’s coronavirus contact-tracing force are not asking those who test positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a Black Lives Matter demonstration, a city spokesperson confirmed.

“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, told THE CITY about the directive. “If a person wants to proactively offer that information, there is an opportunity for them to do so.”

De Blasio, who announced his program last month to hire 1,000 “contact tracers,” has promised to reveal Monday how many city residents have been questioned so far.

Tracers are supposed to ask those who test positive for Covid-19 to “recall ‘contacts’ and individuals they may have exposed,” Cohen explained. Tracers also probe for any “close contacts” of the patient — anyone that has been within six feet of the infected person for at least 10 minutes.

New York City officials have taken a soft stance over fears that mass protests could lead to a spike in coronavirus cases. “Let’s be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don’t blame the protesters. Blame racism,” Mark Levine, head of the city council’s health committee, tweeted earlier this month.

Don't blame the protestors for any spike in the virus, BLAME "RACISM".

Don't blame the elected officials who openly encouraged and supported the protests in their cities for any spike in the virus, BLAME "RACISM".

And if blaming "racism" doesn't work they will just BLAME TRUMP for any spike in cases.
Aug 17, 2019
Roger Goodell says he encourages NFL teams signing Colin Kaepernick

Goodell released a video earlier this month apologizing on behalf of the NFL for not doing a better job of listening to players' concerns on racial inequality. He received criticism for not mentioning Kaepernick by name in his video, according to ESPN.

"We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people. We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier, and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest," he said. “We, at the National Football League, believe Black Lives Matter. I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much-needed change in this country."

On Monday, he spoke of why the NFL decided to speak up in regards to those issues.

"What they were talking about and what they were protesting and what they were trying to bring attention to was playing out right in front of us -- and tragically," Goodell added. "And so all of us saw that, and it was difficult for all of us. And so that was an important point for all of us."

So let's get this straight,

4 years ago it WAS NOT okay for Kaepernick to kneel and he was banned/blacklisted from the league for doing so.

But now IT IS okay for everyone to kneel and Kaepernick can play again.

4 years ago kneeling wasn't convenient to the shadow group that owns the NFL but NOW IT IS because it feeds the "racism" agenda they so desperately need to win the election!

Understand yet?

Black Lives Matter only during election years!
Aug 17, 2019
Trump and Barr Fooled Them All - They didn't Take the Bait

President Donald Trump faced a seemingly insurmountable problem. Again.

After having gone through a fake impeachment, the CCP virus pandemic—which was coupled with a never-before-attempted economic shutdown—the Trump administration was suddenly faced with an escalating series of simultaneous riots in cities across the nation.

Peaceful protests across the country following the death in police custody of a black man named George Floyd in Minneapolis quickly turned into a series of violent nationwide riots.

It turned out much of this rioting seen across America was orchestrated by anarchist groups that are loosely referred to by the name “Antifa.”

Trump and Attorney General William Barr on May 31 announced that the U.S. government would be designating Antifa as a terrorist group and that all federal law enforcement agencies were now coordinating their efforts through the 56 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces to “identify criminal organizers and instigators.”

While the Democrats and the media anticipated getting the optics they so desperately craved—of Trump sending in soldiers with bayonets fixed, charging at the “peaceful protesters”—what they got instead was the sudden appearance of a bunch of federal tactical units from the FBI, the Secret Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Bureau of Prisons, and other agencies, in full gear, many with no rifles, and certainly no bayonets.

As the entire nation is about to belatedly discover, federal agents don’t need the permission of governors or mayors before they can enter a state or a city to enforce federal laws and arrest those who are breaking them.

And it happens to be a federal crime to conduct terror attacks against American communities.

It seems the play among some Democrat governors and mayors was to refuse to call in the National Guard while also making their police departments stand down and give the rioters “space to destroy,” which would cause the situation to become so bad that Trump would be forced to act.

And the action they anticipated the president to take was to seize control from the governors and send in the active-duty military to restore order. That would have allowed them to play their “Trump the Dictator” narrative all the way to the election.

But Trump didn’t do what they expected.

If I could clearly see what the progressive left was attempting to bait Trump into doing from here in South Texas, then of course the president could see this for himself.

So Trump didn’t send the active-duty military in and the left isn’t going to get their desired optics of regular military units chasing down rioters in the streets.

Just as he did with his CCP virus response, Trump avoided the trap set for him while cutting the Gordian Knot that was presented to him.

Recall that Democrats and the media spent months trying to browbeat this chief executive into seizing control from the Democratic governors and handling the virus response on a federal level. When they weren’t trying to bait him into doing that, they were trying to bait him into nationalizing various key industries.

Trump refused to do that either.

Instead of doing what they eagerly hoped he would do, Trump’s enemies complained impotently as he forged an unprecedented alliance between federal agencies and private industry, the likes of which had not been seen since World War II.

POTUS and his Administration knows "what's up".

They will never take the bait.

And every time POTUS avoids the "traps" the Dems get more and more pissed.
Aug 17, 2019
There could be more than 30 alien civilizations in the Milky Way, shocking study says

If extraterrestrial civilizations exist, we may not have to go too far to find them.

A new study from researchers at the U.K.'s University of Nottingham suggests there are 36 planets in the Milky Way galaxy, a calculation the experts have dubbed "the Astrobiological Copernican Limit."

“There should be at least a few dozen active civilizations in our Galaxy under the assumption that it takes 5 billion years for intelligent life to form on other planets, as on Earth,” University of Nottingham professor Christopher Conselice added.

These "breaking" stories always make me laugh.

And so does the fact that people still don't believe "aliens" are real.

It's 2020 people.

LIFE IS EVERYWHERE in our Galaxy and beyond.

Accept it and get over it!

Only your ego would trick you into believing YOU are the only one that exists in the vastness of the infinite universe.

Not only are "aliens" real they have been walking among us for millenia.

The most common ETs walking this planet with us are the Zetas ("greys"), Orions ("humanoid"), Pleidians ("humanoid") and Sirians ("humanoid").

The movie "Paul" in 2011 was released as "disclosure".

Paul is a Zeta grey and his depiction is very accurate.

Pres. Eisenhower signed a treaty in 1954 with the Zeta greys.

He met with them personally at least 3 times.

The Zetas were at risk of extinction and needed our help.

Eisenhower signed a treaty allowing them to "abduct" for purpose of procreation so they could save their race.

This is why there was an explosion of "abductions" from the late 1950s through the 1980s.

"Abductions" have diminished greatly since the late 1980s because their race has been saved.

No harm was caused to the abductees and all were blank-slated so they would not be traumatized by the experience.

JFK and Ronald Reagan both were going to disclose to the nation that Aliens are real -- JFK was assassinated a short tiem after and the attempt on Ronald Reagan also happened a short time after.

Aliens are not "conspiracy".

They are as real as YOU!

Soon you will know the truth.

Stories like this one are just softening the blow ("desensitizing") for you.

The Pentagon began their disclosure on April 27th, just 6 weeks ago, when they released UFO footage and confirmed its authenticity.

This news got lost in the COVID fear porn.
Aug 17, 2019

Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go with he first question of the day to be directed at sbd as well as for consideration for anyone reading this thread;

For the record, sbd has not responded ONCE to questions over the last three days, and his record is now 0-7.

Anyways for today I ask Mr SBD this question which is similar to one yesterday.

You have said too many times to count that Mr. Trump is not only going to win the Election but "in the biggest landslide ever."

Do you still believe that?

Also, as I am sure you are aware, the most recent polls show that Trump would lose badly if the Election was held today.

I have attached a link from the Rasmussen Polling Firm, which just about everyone agrees has a right wing slant.

I am asking to to read the attached link which contains not only the most recent polling data as well as commentary by Scott Rasmussen and

comment on it.


Here is the link:

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He is on ignore, he is on ignore, he is on ignore

I am a 75 year old whore buying hypocrite scumbag. I am also a fuckin compulsive liar

My name is savage. I sit here all day while my bought whore and stimulus check live life without me!

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

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