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Nov 11, 2007
I see you are twisting things around again. This all came about when I challenged you to prove that Q or SBD has an agenda to genocide all Jews, as you previously stated. That was a bald-faced lie. Not only are you an asshole, but you are a liar too. As far as your demands of answers to your idiotic questions, nobody is accountable to you here., Mr. welfare fraud investigator cock sucker. You are just some obnoxious idiot on an internet forum.
Keep trying Ahole.

I will make you another wager if you like that I can show by post number that I asked you FIRST to comment

of what you said re : your statement that "no one believes that Trump is infallible," when I alluded to

what fpp/sbd about Trump always being right.

You never did respond to that but instead tried to weakly state that you didn't mean that at all, even though you

clearly stated that in the post(I repeated it ) and tried to divert attention to the anti-Jewish commentary.

This is not the first time that this has happened.

The most glaring example of this was a few months back when you were agreeing with and lavishing praise

on fpp/sbd, I asked you multiple times to comment on that post in February where you called fpp/sbd an idiot

re: wacko conspiracy theories and told him that he was in serious need of professional help.

Rather than address the question, predictably ignored it and refused to respond to

it because you knew that if you admitted it, you might offend fpp/sbd.

It is the same situation today, as when you ran away and hid and then tried to change

the topic and try to exonerate yourself.

I am not all that surprised considering that you come from Texas where there are lots of redneck/fascist/

Trump dicking uneducated pieces of dreck cultists like yourself!!

Shall we go back and look at the posts today to see made the initial statement which required a response,

me or you??

At least, I did furnish a link for my response, whereas re: what I requested od you, you have provided ZILCH,


ps I forgot to mention that you used the same laughable response today as you did re: February that nobody

is accountable to me, which is simply a LOSER's way like yourself saying that you don't have a response!!

Sep 5, 2010
I see you are twisting things around again. This all came about when I challenged you to prove that Q or SBD has an agenda to genocide all Jews, as you previously stated. That was a bald-faced lie. Not only are you an asshole, but you are a liar too. As far as your demands of answers to your idiotic questions, nobody is accountable to you here., Mr. welfare fraud investigator cock sucker. You are just some obnoxious idiot on an internet forum.
^^^^^^^^^ Jim Beam after happy hour again.

Sleep it off, loser.

Sep 5, 2010
Keep trying Ahole.

I will make you another wager if you like that I can show by post number that I asked you FIRST to comment

of what you said re : your statement that "no one believes that Trump is infallible," when I alluded to

what fpp/sbd about Trump always being right.

You never did respond to that but instead tried to weakly state that you didn't mean that at all, even though you

clearly stated that in the post(I repeated it ) and tried to divert attention to the anti-Jewish commentary.

This is not the first time that this has happened.

The most glaring example of this was a few months back when you were agreeing with and lavishing praise

on fpp/sbd, I asked you multiple times to comment on that post in February where you called fpp/sbd an idiot

re: wacko conspiracy theories and told him that he was in serious need of professional help.

Rather than address the question, predictably ignored it and refused to respond to

it because you knew that if you admitted it, you might offend fpp/sbd.

It is the same situation today, as when you ran away and hid and then tried to change

the topic and try to exonerate yourself.

I am not all that surprised considering that you come from Texas where there are lots of redneck/fascist/

Trump dicking uneducated pieces of dreck cultists like yourself!!

Shall we go back and look at the posts today to see made the initial statement which required a response,

me or you??

At least, I did furnish a link for my response, whereas re: what I requested od you, you have provided ZILCH,


ps I forgot to mention that you used the same laughable response today as you did re: February that nobody

is accountable to me, which is simply a LOSER's way like yourself saying that you don't have a response!!

Savage once again destroying the ultra low iqanons.

Funny and sad at the same time.


Jan 13, 2019
Keep trying Ahole.

I will make you another wager if you like that I can show by post number that I asked you FIRST to comment

of what you said re : your statement that "no one believes that Trump is infallible," when I alluded to

what fpp/sbd about Trump always being right.

You never did respond to that but instead tried to weakly state that you didn't mean that at all, even though you

clearly stated that in the post(I repeated it ) and tried to divert attention to the anti-Jewish commentary.

This is not the first time that this has happened.

The most glaring example of this was a few months back when you were agreeing with and lavishing praise

on fpp/sbd, I asked you multiple times to comment on that post in February where you called fpp/sbd an idiot

re: wacko conspiracy theories and told him that he was in serious need of professional help.

Rather than address the question, predictably ignored it and refused to respond to

it because you knew that if you admitted it, you might offend fpp/sbd.

It is the same situation today, as when you ran away and hid and then tried to change

the topic and try to exonerate yourself.

I am not all that surprised considering that you come from Texas where there are lots of redneck/fascist/

Trump dicking uneducated pieces of dreck cultists like yourself!!

Shall we go back and look at the posts today to see made the initial statement which required a response,

me or you??

At least, I did furnish a link for my response, whereas re: what I requested od you, you have provided ZILCH,


ps I forgot to mention that you used the same laughable response today as you did re: February that nobody

is accountable to me, which is simply a LOSER's way like yourself saying that you don't have a response!!


Savage once again destroying the ultra low iqanons.

Funny and sad at the same time.

How sweet, Savtards pet monkey and girlfriend comes to his aid. You are both delusional idiots! What a great day, I got to laugh at all 3 of the stooges today.

Nov 11, 2007

Savage once again destroying the ultra low iqanons.

Funny and sad at the same time.

As the old saying goes, "one should not bite off more than they can chew"

As I said earlier, the best part\ of sportsm60 being a sacrificial lamb here(even if he doesn't realize it),

is that it serves notice to fpp/sbd that if DARES to openly engage me in debate re; his overall

modus operandi over the last 21 months, which I have thoroughly documented along with the great help

of the others who have done the same, he will suffer the same fate as sportsm60 did today.

In that sense I give fpp/sbd credit of sorts for just responding to me indirectly, knowing what would happen to him

if he decides to take me on with my debate challenge!!!

Sep 5, 2010
As the old saying goes, "one should not bite off more than they can chew"

As I said earlier, the best part\ of sportsm60 being a sacrificial lamb here(even if he doesn't realize it),

is that it serves notice to fpp/sbd that if DARES to openly engage me in debate re; his overall

modus operandi over the last 21 months, which I have thoroughly documented along with the great help

of the others who have done the same, he will suffer the same fate as sportsm60 did today.

In that sense I give fpp/sbd credit of sorts for just responding to me indirectly, knowing what would happen to him

if he decides to take me on with my debate challenge!!!
You are making the ultra low iqanons look like Red is smart.
Sportsmo is probably licking his nuts right now.
The drunken fool, probably beating his wife.
She's probably turning a trick.

Jan 13, 2019
As the old saying goes, "one should not bite off more than they can chew"

As I said earlier, the best part\ of sportsm60 being a sacrificial lamb here(even if he doesn't realize it),

is that it serves notice to fpp/sbd that if DARES to openly engage me in debate re; his overall

modus operandi over the last 21 months, which I have thoroughly documented along with the great help

of the others who have done the same, he will suffer the same fate as sportsm60 did today.

In that sense I give fpp/sbd credit of sorts for just responding to me indirectly, knowing what would happen to him

if he decides to take me on with my debate challenge!!!
LOL. God forbid anyone suffers the fate I did today, to have to suffer thru reading posts made by a Delusional, mentally ill, and insufferable bore, and his girlfriend/pet monkey. Oh the humanity.LOL

Jan 13, 2019
You are making the ultra low iqanons look like Red is smart.
Sportsmo is probably licking his nuts right now.
The drunken fool, probably beating his wife.
She's probably turning a trick.

You are making the ultra low iqanons look like Red is smart.
Sportsmo is probably licking his nuts right now.
The drunken fool, probably beating his wife.
She's probably turning a trick.
There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than whatever you just said.

Jan 13, 2019
So this is where you are hiding now? Trolling a poster you call a troll? Classic
Savtard got tired of having his ass reamed multiple times daily in the political forum so he just trolls this thread so his reamings are less frequent

Nov 11, 2007
LOL. God forbid anyone suffers the fate I did today, to have to suffer thru reading posts made by a Delusional, mentally ill, and insufferable bore, and his girlfriend/pet monkey. Oh the humanity.LOL
Not that any intelligent person needs any more proof as to who and what you are, but your latest post once again tries to divert

attention away FROM the 100% PERCENT FACT that you never responded to my request or even better to amend your original statement

about " no one believes that Trump is infallible" to one with at least ONE EXCEPTION, namely through documented posts(which I can and will

provide ie at least one time) that fpp/sbd did say this.

Being the person who can talk the talk but who can't walk the walk, you refuse my challenge for a monetary amount of you choosing that

I can prove and back up what I posted about what fpp/sbd said about Trump.

As far as my posts being boring, that is not surprising as you have neither the intellect or depth of thinking that I have to

either be interested or understand what I post!!!

Jan 13, 2019
Not that any intelligent person needs any more proof as to who and what you are, but your latest post once again tries to divert

attention away FROM the 100% PERCENT FACT that you never responded to my request or even better to amend your original statement

about " no one believes that Trump is infallible" to one with at least ONE EXCEPTION, namely through documented posts(which I can and will

provide ie at least one time) that fpp/sbd did say this.

Being the person who can talk the talk but who can't walk the walk, you refuse my challenge for a monetary amount of you choosing that

I can prove and back up what I posted about what fpp/sbd said about Trump.

As far as my posts being boring, that is not surprising as you have neither the intellect or depth of thinking that I have to

either be interested or understand what I post!!!
What about your fake lie Jew statement, Fuck face?

Nov 11, 2007
Savtard got tired of having his ass reamed multiple times daily in the political forum so he just trolls this thread so his reamings are less frequent
Lol-on the contrary-I left as promised because there was nothing left to debate once the Election was declared official.

Sergeant Languiel(not sure of spelling)also left for the same reason as well as others.

Again I am primarily here(and my own thread) to document and show what fpp/sbd is all about and suffice it to say, that

it isn't exactly pretty!!

I take my marching orders from God, my conscience and my inner voice and certainly not from an uneducated and lowly

peon like yourself!!!

Nov 11, 2007
What about your fake lie Jew statement, Fuck face?
Unlike you I provided a link, whereas you provided NOTHING in the way of an explanation as it regards your statement that

Nobody believes Trump is infallible.

Keep trying to turn the tables and LIE/IGNORE about it though!!

Jan 13, 2019
Lol-on the contrary-I left as promised because there was nothing left to debate once the Election was declared official.

Sergeant Languiel(not sure of spelling)also left for the same reason as well as others.

Again I am primarily here(and my own thread) to document and show what fpp/sbd is all about and suffice it to say, that it isn't exactly pretty!!

I take my marching orders from God, my conscience and my inner voice and certainly not from an uneducated and lowly

peon like yourself!!!
Of course there was nothing left for you to debate after wearing your ass for a hat most of the time. Satan is your god, you lowlife POS!

Jan 13, 2019
Unlike you I provided a link, whereas you provided NOTHING in the way of an explanation as it regards your statement that

Nobody believes Trump is infallible.

Keep trying to turn the tables and LIE/IGNORE about it though!!
You provide a link that says nothing close to what you claim. Carry on with your lies, Fucktard!

Nov 11, 2007
You provide a link that says nothing close to what you claim. Carry on with your lies, Fucktard!
Being the arrogant redneck/racist/fascist/not very intelligent person you can say and distort the facts and try to divert attention from the

facts anyway you want to.

The facts are:

1) You made an intitial statement that "Nobody believes Trump is infallible."

2) I immediately challenged that and stated that fpp/sbd has stated that "always right,"

3) I asked you to comment on this several times, which you ignored and refused to do.

4) I challenged you to monetary bet of any amount of your choosing that I could provide undeniable proof that he said it.

5) You refused to accept the wager not retract what you originally said,

6) I challenged to you to another wager if any amount that despite your lie to the contrary, that it was ME who brought up the subject

of the infallibility of Trump before I talked about the Qanons and the Jews and your response.

7) I did provide a link to the QAnond and their anti-Semitic views.

Although they didn't mention extinction directly, I will research this further provided you take back and.or rescind what you said about

"Nobody believes that Trump is infallible" in terms of fpp/sbd and this forum.

That's it-take it or leave it, and the two wager challenges are still on the table!!

Jan 13, 2019
Being the arrogant redneck/racist/fascist/not very intelligent person you can say and distort the facts and try to divert attention from the

facts anyway you want to.

The facts are:

1) You made an intitial statement that "Nobody believes Trump is infallible."

2) I immediately challenged that and stated that fpp/sbd has stated that "always right,"

3) I asked you to comment on this several times, which you ignored and refused to do.

4) I challenged you to monetary bet of any amount of your choosing that I could provide undeniable proof that he said it.

5) You refused to accept the wager not retract what you originally said,

6) I challenged to you to another wager if any amount that despite your lie to the contrary, that it was ME who brought up the subject

of the infallibility of Trump before I talked about the Qanons and the Jews and your response.

7) I did provide a link to the QAnond and their anti-Semitic views.

Although they didn't mention extinction directly, I will research this further provided you take back and.or rescind what you said about

"Nobody believes that Trump is infallible" in terms of fpp/sbd and this forum.

That's it-take it or leave it, and the two wager challenges are still on the table!!
LOL Take this :arrowhead

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