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Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this from my own thread and I suggest you read and carefully consider it before believing anything fpp/sbd

tries to get you to believe about his "Intell insider sources" :

"One Year Ago"

December 16, 2020

It is post 5708 and is found on page 286 of the IVU Thread.

I will leave it for you to decide what is says about fpp/sbd's ALLEGED and I mean ALLEGED Intell insider sources. lol


"Friday December 18th marks the 45th day after the election, when the DNI will declare the election NULL & VOID.

It will be based on the EO POTUS signed in 2018, stating that if the DNI determines there was foreign interference in the election, they can declare the election results nullified.

Then Governors vote in January, ONE VOTE PER STATE, with more Reps than Dems voting.

Anyone else excited about Friday?"

Here is another post issued the day after by fpp/sbd.

Ask yourself whether you should trust fpp/sbd moving forward based on stuff like this.

From December 17, 2020:

"Perhaps I can shed some light here on this "anonymous" post.

First, we are in a war.

This war has been going on the entire 4 years of Trump's term.

It's not a traditional one like the past (guns, bombs, etc.).

It is, instead, a cyber war.

Fake news networks, social media and Big Tech commies using fear-porn narratives, spreading disinformation and censoring, all designed to block you from the TRUTH and to try to destroy Trump and America while filling their own hidden dark and evil agendas.

Their only goal is to regain power in the WH.

The reason is because it is their only chance to keep their sick and evil crimes against humanity covered up.


Now, it is only reasonable to expect retaliation.

And retaliation is most likely to occur immediately AFTER TRUMP IS DECLARED OFFICIAL WINNER. [POTUS winning is a 100% certainty]

Trump's team has been quietly been preparing.

They have been withdrawing troops from foreign territories to bring them back home.

The reason is because they are needed here now.

Nellis AF base in Nevada is the hub of this movement and preparation.

Their activity levels are at some of the highest levels they have ever seen.

The Navy has deployed 3 aircraft carriers plus a landing helicopter dock (LHD) off the U.S. west coast and 2 aircraft carriers and their strike groups along with a LHD off the U.S. east coast.

Approximate locations on the west coast are the Oregon/Washington border, San Francisco and LA. [at-sea, not ports]

Approximate locations on the east coast are Connecticut and South Carolina. [at-sea, not ports]

One thing I want to make clear is there is NO PLAN TO DECLARE WAR ON CHINA OR ANYONE.


Again, we are in defense mode and NOT ATTACK MODE.

The following short video was confirmed by an intell insider as being reliable.

I encourage you to watch it to understand.

The spreading of disinformation is at an all-time high.

Big tech bots and paid cronies are out in full force trying to censor (block truth), spread misinformation and create as much fear as possible.

Now is the time to be careful who you engage with on social media, use discernment and trust your intuition more than ever.

Now is the time be smart and aware.

Avoid major cities like DC, NYC and LA.

Avoid any other cities that were targets of BLM riots.

Report anything suspicious to your local agencies.

BE THE "EYE OF THE STORM" for your family and friends.

This means stay calm, do not fear and offer reassurance and guidance.


Stay strong. Stand united. Fear nothing."

Jul 22, 2013

On Thursday, the Marine Corps said it has discharged 103 Marines so far for refusing the vaccine, and the Army said it has reprimanded more than 2,700 soldiers and will begin discharge proceedings in January.

The Air Force said earlier this week that 27 airmen had been discharged for refusing the vaccine order. And the Navy laid out its new discipline procedure this week, and has already fired one sailor from his command job for refusing to be tested while he pursues an exemption.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Jan 8, 2015

A Florida man who enthusiastically attacked police at the US Capitol on January 6 with a fire extinguisher, a wooden plank and a pole was sentenced to more than five years in prison on Friday, the longest sentence for a Capitol rioter thus far.
Robert Scott Palmer at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Robert Scott Palmer at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Another deplorable LOSER gets it!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
For me the disappointment with fpp/sbd and the few semi-followers he has in this thread is NOT because the January 6th insurrection/

coup d'etat took place, but rather that it DIDN'T succeed, which would have resulted in Trump's being reinstated and folks

like Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, thrust into the streets or even better executed!!!!

The same obviously goes for Trump himself!!

Jan 13, 2019
Reading my posts again I see although you claim to NEVER read them!!! LMAO!!

I provided a link to the 30,000 lies a few days ago-kindly comment on that.

But oh wait a minute-you can't comment on that because at last for that time, I was on ignore!!! lol

And once again I see you have resorted to your usual modus operandi of saying that what I have posted in fake, which is part

of your UNSKILLED larger modus operandi of begging the question, poisoning the well and lots of other terms

which apply to VERY weak "debaters"(and I use the term loosely in your case).

If you really are a licensed attorney, which I doubt, based on how you present cases as evidenced in this thread, it is

no wonder that you have zero clients and spend your entire day in this thread to try to somehow make up for you this aspect of

your life.

Finally, before you cast aspersions on my classy wife, perhaps you should take a look at your own "significant other," which

you are obviously embarrassed to talk about and never have upon request!!

I would be also, if as is the case with you, my significant other was my right hand, which for you other than posting your 99.8% failed

predictions, is used at the appropriate time using the title of one of Michael Jackson's most popular songs to BEAT IT!!! lol
That stupid link you posted did not list the supposed 30,000 lies. It only falsely stated that he lied 30,000 times with no proof. Typical Libtard rag. Did you even read the link you posted?

Nov 11, 2007
That stupid link you posted did not list the supposed 30,000 lies. It only falsely stated that he lied 30,000 times with no proof. Typical Libtard rag. Did you even read the link you posted?
I stand by the link and especially so since the 30,000 lies does include lies that he told over and over again.

If they did not include repeated lies, well then yes, obviously would be fewer than 30,000 lies.

When you stop and think about it though, does it really matter whether he even told just a few thousand new lies over his tenure or

somewhere between a few thousand and the 30,000 ones.

The point is that Trump is and has always been as Berni e Sanders describes him, "A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!

If you are in Lenny's camp and don't believe and/or that Trump told even one lie during his tenure, then sadly you

don't know what the definition of the word is and/or near a hearing aid because he told so many blatant ones, examples

of which are posted in the link.

Think as you like about "Honest" Donny-don't expect me to debate this matter with you because I heard enough of them with my

own ears to come to the conclusion that there are lots and lots of other ones which emanated from his foul and lying mouth

over four years!!

Nov 11, 2007
American TRAITOR'S deserve execution ... wouldn't you agree @savage1 ?
Yes they do but you got the wrong folks cited as examples.

You should have started with the folks who were in any manner, shape or form connected to what happened on January 6th

including Trump himself as well as those who knowingly lied and tried to overturn the Election by so doing.

Some names that quickly come to mind are Sidney Powell, Giuliani, Lin Wood and several other names which escape

me at the moment!!

Jan 13, 2019
I stand by the link and especially so since the 30,000 lies does include lies that he told over and over again.

If they did not include repeated lies, well then yes, obviously would be fewer than 30,000 lies.

When you stop and think about it though, does it really matter whether he even told just a few thousand new lies over his tenure or

somewhere between a few thousand and the 30,000 ones.

The point is that Trump is and has always been as Berni e Sanders describes him, "A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!

If you are in Lenny's camp and don't believe and/or that Trump told even one lie during his tenure, then sadly you

don't know what the definition of the word is and/or near a hearing aid because he told so many blatant ones, examples

of which are posted in the link.

Think as you like about "Honest" Donny-don't expect me to debate this matter with you because I heard enough of them with my

own ears to come to the conclusion that there are lots and lots of other ones which emanated from his foul and lying mouth

over four years!!
The page from the link you posted didn't mention any lies. on that page, it was stated that Trump lied when he said that we have built the greatest economy in the history of the world, which BTW was not a lie. Another worthless Libtard link!

Jan 13, 2019

Some of our Libtard generals are some real beauties. Its a small wonder that we havent been invaded yet!

Nov 11, 2007
The page from the link you posted didn't mention any lies. on that page, it was stated that Trump lied when he said that we have built the greatest economy in the history of the world, which BTW was not a lie. Another worthless Libtard link!
I am not going to go back and find the link, but if I recall the link clearly mentioned 15 of the most infamous lies Trump told.

Go find it yourself!!

If you want to disagree with what is considered a lie and/or like Lenny, believe that "Honest" Donnie as is "honest" as they come,

but don't expect to drag me into a debate of this nature.

For me there are simply two lies alone, never mind 30,000, that I need to justify my feelings about him:

1) The lies that he won the Election in a massive landslide.

2) Openly lying to the American Public early on that Covid was no big deal and that it would disappear.

Just check what Bob Woodward stated in his book when he interviewed Trump, who openly admitted his lie.

Again I heard countless ones in his press conferences.

The reality is that we don't agree whether Trump is a pathological liar or not and never will.

Thus I will not debate it further!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me the disappointment with fpp/sbd and the few semi-followers he has in this thread is NOT because the January 6th insurrection/

coup d'etat took place, but rather that it DIDN'T succeed, which would have resulted in Trump's being reinstated and folks

like Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, thrust into the streets or even better executed!!!!

The same obviously goes for Trump himself!!

The insurrection narrative is a phony as the Trump Russia conspiracy to steal the 2016 election .

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