Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Begging the question, poisoning the well, lying MAKING FAILED PREDICTIONS and imaging things that aren't there all continue

to plague and define fpp/sbd, and why no one has come forth to defend his delusions such as

Trump won all 50 states and got over 90% of the Popular Vote, that Clintons, Bill Gates, etc were all executed at GITMO, and

just as importantly why no one has come forth to defend his 100% LACK of ACCOUNTABILITY regarding the above.

Sadly we cannot pray for him DIRECTLY at this juncture because his soul, conscience and entire being were hijacked a while back

by Satan.

He needs to somehow recognize that and pray to the REAL God to get them back!!!

Jan 13, 2019
I sure as hell know infinitely more about YOUR wife than YOU know about international matchmaking and the hundred of thousands of

SUCCESSFUL marriage including mine with a TINY divorce rate(a few percent) as compared to the divorce rate in this country

which is around 50%.

But of course dumb, ignorant and RACIST hillbilly fucks like yourself don't believe that and would rather reside in the past and sweep

actual facts underneath the rug.

Re: your wife, I wonder if before she met you, on an average using a daily and yearly basis, whether she "serviced" as many men or more

or less in comparison to how many failed predictions on an average fpp/sbd makes/has made using the same time frame!!

I would probably give the edge to fpp/sbd, but it would be pretty close!!

Also, I left out one adjective last night in describing your wife.

It is the word drug addict, which in her case means that she is/was not only addicted to drugs when she met you also, but

also ad"dick"ed to weenies!! lol
LOL. Once again you prove that you know nothing. It looks like you have some anger issues, probably because your mail order bride won't touch you, and you service yourself with a blow-up doll. With the exception of Hamburger and Wilbur, you are possibly the stupidest asshole on this forum. Your life revolves around coming to this thread and disputing everything and spreading your vastly inferior intellect around. You are such a delusional Dumbfuck! :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019
LOL. Once again you prove that you know nothing. It looks like you have some anger issues, probably because your mail order bride won't touch you, and you service yourself with a blow-up doll. With the exception of Hamburger and Wilbur, you are possibly the stupidest asshole on this forum. Your life revolves around coming to this thread and disputing everything and spreading your vastly inferior intellect around. You are such a delusional Dumbfuck! :lmao:
Lots of TRUTH here ? ?

She can't leave him either.

Because she was purchased she is his property, a slave.

Nov 11, 2007
LOL. Once again you prove that you know nothing. It looks like you have some anger issues, probably because your mail order bride won't touch you, and you service yourself with a blow-up doll. With the exception of Hamburger and Wilbur, you are possibly the stupidest asshole on this forum. Your life revolves around coming to this thread and disputing everything and spreading your vastly inferior intellect around. You are such a delusional Dumbfuck! :lmao:
Thanks again for corroborating that you do not have the ability to respond DIRECTLY to the VERY relevant points I made about

international matchmaking and your 100% out-of-touch/anachronistic view of it, and instead, using namecalling and insults with no basis

as your response!!

Nov 11, 2007
Lots of TRUTH here ? ?

She can't leave him either.

Because she was purchased she is his property, a slave.
What I just said to sportsm60 about world-famous and highly acclaimed international matchmaking agencies with statistics

to back up how successful they are, applies to you also.

I find it interesting but not all that surprising that not once/NEVER have commented on your "significant other" either on your

own or when questioned about it.

My overall sense is that your "significant other" is your right hand which does it thing at the appropriate time to the music and lyrics

of Michael Jackson's world-famous song of "Beat it!" (Triple LOL!!!

Jan 13, 2019
What I just said to sportsm60 about world-famous and highly acclaimed international matchmaking agencies with statistics

to back up how successful they are, applies to you also.

I find it interesting but not all that surprising that not once/NEVER have commented on your "significant other" either on your

own or when questioned about it.

My overall sense is that your "significant other" is your right hand which does it thing at the appropriate time to the music and lyrics

of Michael Jackson's world-famous song of "Beat it!" (Triple LOL!!!
I see that you project, once again. Since it is well known that your bought wife wont touch you, you have had to build your hand to man relationship. :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Clueless Joe trying to put lipstick on a pig after the disastrous jobs report .

His speech writers should look into writing comedy scripts .

Nov 11, 2007
Kindly tell us who your" inside sources" say it is.

Surely they must know which one of the dozen or more body double folks it is, and/or its it a holograph, etc??

Or maybe Biden was executed at Gitmo already "as was the case" with the Clinton's, Bill Gates, Cumo, Governor, Newsome,

and it is Biden's "evil" spirit that has "returned" as will "very soon" be the case with Trump. lol

Speaking of GITMO, have your "inside sources: divulged to you yet when it will be Dr. Fauci's turn to be arrested, shipped off

to Gitmo for trial and execution?

I am sure lots of folks in this thread would love to know this so that they can make their plans to be around when it happens!!! LOL

Nov 11, 2007


All this for a virus with a PROVEN 99.8% survival rate.

And yet, savage1 and his libtard buddies are STILL buying the bullshit.

Wait-you are actually contradicting yourself because according to you, the ENTIRE VIRUS was/is made-up and anyone

who died and/or even became infected by it did so because of some other sickness and it was attributed to the "non-existent,"

In effect, this means the term "survival rate" is a totally meaningless and irrelevant term, which should be permanently

struck from the record and any kind of statistics.

In essence, I am simply trying to help you state things in such a way as to make them consistent with what you have said


Unfortunately, as I and the others have shown and documented over the last 21 months, INCONSISTENCY is one of

MANY characteristics of your overall modus operandi, and why one of MANY reasons that no intelligent and objective

person who has read your posts, puts any credence in them whatsoever!!
Aug 17, 2019

The DS often uses holidays and weekends to carry out operations they want to hide from the public.

The "white hats" also tend to use holidays or long weekends to enact some kind of strategic operation.

And the "white hats" are well aware of satanic holidays, full moons, and other ritualistic days the DS satanists use.

Something REALLY BIG is coming!

It is expected between now and the new year.

It will be an huge global event that is dramatic and cannot be hidden.

The whole world will see it and know it.

Here are some potentials for such event:

One, or many, are strong potentials in the coming weeks while others by March.

- Global events such as declaring wars with other countries. This will be mostly for show out of desperation. There WILL NOT be any type of nuclear event so ignore the "threats" and "chatter" going on out there.

- "False flag" operations organized by the 3-letter agencies for distraction and cover.

- Collapsing of the financial markets and currency.

- Sudden deaths and disappearances of world figures, celebrity types, royals, such as the Queen in UK. ["Queen"]

- People you were told were dead, are revealed to have been in witness protection and alive.

- Emergency Broadcast system [EBS] being directed from military base or space program crew from satellite military systems.

- Temporary shut down of certain online services or internet access.

- Collapse and controlled demolition of structures. [i.e. hospitals, medical system, airlines, travel industry, shipping supplies, etc.]

- This may shut down supply chains in certain areas, such as the U.S. who will not have access to certain goods or products from overseas anymore.

- EMP type of destruction or repurposing of some landmarks in Washington DC including the White House. [DC as the political capital is done]

- Awareness that MANY MORE people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than the public is being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots. The mass genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal.

- Human trafficking harvesting for blood and body parts, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and child adrenachrome farms in underground bases and bunkers and off planet. [planned parenthood and intergalactic trafficking]

- Existence of the deep underground tunnels and military bases that acted as cover for nonhuman demonic entities and aliens to prey on humans.

- Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it.

- Fall of mainstream fake news media.

- Invasion and/or breakdown of Israel.

This is when all things come into full public view as previously stated.

Exact date(s) only known by God.

All is in Divine order.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay aware. Stay united.


Aug 17, 2019

As noted previously, we have been in a "sideways market" since April/May.

This means the market has fluctuated in a tight range, roughly 10%, or 33,000 to 36,000.

But, as we saw again today, inflation continues to spiral out of control, BIGGEST JUMP IN HISTORY!

Overnight bank repos are at a new all-time high, $1.354 TRILLION, HIGHEST IN HISTORY!

DS companies are cooking their books to make earnings look better than reality.

There is ZERO fundamental reason for the markets to be at these levels.

The DS is manipulating the markets, trying desperately to keep the markets at, or above these levels.

This is their plan to hide inflation!

They are doing the same with crytpo.

Remember, the DS currently controls the markets AND crypto.

Crypto has absolutely no backing whatsoever.

It is nothing but a value based on "this is what I say it is".

The holder has nothing but a piece of paper saying "this is what it's worth".

But what do you think is going to happen when the game officially ends, which is happening as we speak?

The DS will be bankrupt.

Crypto goes completely bust.

The markets will get significantly devalued to reflect the reality.

Currencies will get devalued overnight which, in turn, fuels the declines of the markets.

And people won't have any time to react.

The investor loses significant value in market assets and everything in crypto.

The financial advisors who want you to believe they understand the current markets will be left shocked and speechless.

The bomb is going to explode and it's imminent.

Get out of the way before it's too late.

This is most likely your final chance!

Libtards will try to discredit this simply because I have consistently issued this warning since the sideways market started.

They call it a 'failed prediction".

Libtards are clueless and delusional.

They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand any of this.

Savage1 is most likely jerking off to "new market highs" not even realizing it's meaningless in a sideways market.

Bottom line, crypto is nothing more than a "dollar and a dream".

If you are lucky enough to have profited from it you should consider getting out before it's too late.

Remember, greed kills.

As for the markets, again, now is the time to be in total preservation mode.

Protect yourself and your family!

? ? ?

Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 12.55.28 PM.png


"We the People" are fighting for the next generation.


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 20811


"We the People" are fighting for the next generation.


View attachment 20811


"We the People" are fighting for the next generation.


Above are some more examples of "winning." lol

No matter what comes of this, let's just say that being roughly the same age as Trump, I sure as Hell wouldn't stuff like this

on my mind to worry about!!
Aug 17, 2019

The truth is that the world is controlled by a secret society through the use of mutual blackmail, the content of which is so sinister it ensures absolute obedience from its members!

This society is so evil its members fear them more than the death penalty itself.

When you sell your soul to the devil it is an ETERNAL contract.


Nov 11, 2007

The truth is that the world is controlled by a secret society through the use of mutual blackmail, the content of which is so sinister it ensures absolute obedience from its members!

This society is so evil its members fear them more than the death penalty itself.

When you sell your soul to the devil it is an ETERNAL contract.

The only thing I am not sure about is whether you actually sold your own soul to the devil, or whether it was simply hijacked

by Satan, and that you don't realize it and probably never will!!

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