Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
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Liek the op stated, keep following the resignations.


Nov 11, 2007
savage1 too dumb to even understand and breaking911 are nothing more than news feeds.

They post whatever they deem to be "top stories' in the interest of the public.

But the minute they post a story that goes against his delusional beliefs and narratives they are all of a sudden showing "bias" or are right wing conspiracists.

savage1 is losing it more and more by the day.

He will be full psychosis soon.

Nothing to say here other than to

1) Point out once again that you have NEVER admitted that one of your predictions failed to come true based on your

own opinion or that which one of your "trustworthy and reliable" sources fed you, most notably Trump's reinstatement which

you have predicted for specific days and/or is imminent.

2) ZERO accountability for above and instead just moving the goalposts for this to happen as well as issuing new

predictions virtually all of which failed.

3) Trying to backtrack again as you did earlier today and as Meadows is doing now, by trying to wash your hands/absolve yourself

of any responsibility by saying the sources are news feed only while at the same trying implying that what they say is 100% true.

That kind of specious logic and reasoning may work with some low iq folks but not with folks like me, whom you have painfully

found out over the last 20 months, have the intelligence, education, reasoning power, logic and just plain overall experience

both in my professional and personal life to see right through your lies and facade and VERY weak debating skills, as well as

your equally weak attempts to try to pull the wool over the eyes of folks who you deem to be stupid.

As I have reminded you in the past and will keep reminding you, be more careful in the future if you ever decide

to start a thread of this nature again, and check out your potential adversaries first.

If you had done this and thus not started this thread in the first place, you would not have been subjected

to the documentation, exposure and overall humiliation, ridicule and embarrassment inflicted by me and

the other half dozen or so other folks who have done the same thing.

Life is a learning process, and hopefully in retrospect someday, you will realize the folly of your present ways, will have learned

a very valuable lesson in life as a result of this thread and will take steps to ensure that you never put yourself in this position

again assuming of course that you do not have masochistic tendencies!!


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 20753

Barry, Bill and Michael.

100% TRUTH.

Question-when are Obama and his wife scheduled to be executed and I thought Bill Gates was already dead!!

Oh I get it-they already have or will be executed, but we will still continue seeing body doubles or other forms of optics filling in for them

when we see and hear them speaking in public places or via the various forms of media and communication. lol

Nov 11, 2007
For those who are new here and/or for some reason didn't notice it before:

I have challenged fpp/sbd both before and after the Election to wager with me on various matters including the result of the Election

itself and related matters with the money to be held in escrow by an agreed-upon person with the winner to take all.

Each and every time he has REFUSED to even acknowledge the wager let alone take me up on it.

In one instance he said he didn't believe he would get paid if he won because I am not honorable even though I said the

money would be held in escrow. lol

The overwhelming question is why did he refuse the challenge, which would have been ANY amount of his choosing

if he was/is so fucking confident in his predictions??

The obvious reason as shown by empirical evidence is that he would have lost in the monetary wager I proposed, and he knew damn

well in advance that is what would happen.

The same principle applies today in my open challenge (not a monetary one) to openly debate me about the matter of

his FAILED predictions most notably about Trump's reinstatement and his lack of refusal to admit it or hold himself accountable.

The question here is if I am stupid as he claims, it should be easy for him to defeat me in a debate of this nature.

I will once again leave it to you to decide what is says about HIM!!

Dec 17, 2004
Little Red Lying Hood

A lot of the mass looting ( aka smash and grab ) in Dem run cities is due to the pandemic .

Do they come any dumber ?

If any of that libtard smash and grab bullshit would be attempted where I am from, they wouldn't leave the parking lot alive with all the conceal carry we have!

Nov 11, 2007

Here is another possibility I haven't mentioned before as to why Trump won't be the nominee in 2024.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
U.S. Treasury’s Yellen says ready to retire ‘transitory’ to describe inflation

Liberal media new spin .

Current inflation crisis may not be a bad thing .

Aug 17, 2019
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? The same guy that just locked down the entire country and will force every citizen to get vaxxed by 2/1/22


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 20773

Note to Savtard and his Libtard buddies
No one has destroyed anything in this country.

Perhaps you should pay attention to what I said yesterday with my philosophical post about life itself.

As I said recently, even though I was a child at the time, I lived through the Joseph McCarthy era as

well all the years afterward were paranoid and screaming there were many communists amongst us who want

to turn our country into a communist one and who are pointing out examples of folks leading the charge.

Suffice it to say that in retrospect it was all bullshit up until now and will remain bullshit!!

As I said before though, I do believe some form of socialism will take holder pretty firmly over the sat 10-20 years not because

any particular person(s) instigated it, but rather because of a natural evolutionary process which is in line

with the majority of people themselves to let's just say even out what is and will continue to be perceived at an increasing rate

of financial inequality.

That is obviously my opinion and will not change until.if/when I perceive things differently.

Therefore while I will read your opinion and that of anyone else whose opinion differs from mine, I will not debate this matter

for the simple reason that no one is going to change my mid and vice versa!!

Nov 11, 2007
Those like yourself who have failed 99.8% of the time with their predictions, etc as is the case with you, and who NEVER

admit to their fallibility and who assume ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR SAME but instead live in a world of denial/and or

simply move the goalposts out and/or issue brand new predictions, are not in a position to be casting stones at others!!!

Do you GET IT yet???
Aug 17, 2019
Fully vaccinated and Covid positive LeBron James is starting to think something fishy is going on.


Somebody tell LeBron there is nothing fishy here.

It means the vaxx is working.

Aug 17, 2019
The incredibly high activity in Jersey continued through the night and already this morning.

Ospreys continuing their trips back and forth to NYC.

Countless jumbo planes flying in and out of the JBMD base.

My sources are quiet at this moment.

Again, something big is going on.


Just spoke with with a close friend who is a high ranking individual.

I asked about the recent activity.

He gave me a one word response.



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Biden is proposing federal rapid response teams to set up regional sites where monoclonal antibody treatments can be delivered by outpatient staff. The quick response teams and regional monoclonal antibody treatment sites have been in place in Florida for almost eight months

Ooooh !

Jan 13, 2019
No one has destroyed anything in this country.

Perhaps you should pay attention to what I said yesterday with my philosophical post about life itself.

As I said recently, even though I was a child at the time, I lived through the Joseph McCarthy era as

well all the years afterward were paranoid and screaming there were many communists amongst us who want

to turn our country into a communist one and who are pointing out examples of folks leading the charge.

Suffice it to say that in retrospect it was all bullshit up until now and will remain bullshit!!

As I said before though, I do believe some form of socialism will take holder pretty firmly over the sat 10-20 years not because

any particular person(s) instigated it, but rather because of a natural evolutionary process which is in line

with the majority of people themselves to let's just say even out what is and will continue to be perceived at an increasing rate

of financial inequality.

That is obviously my opinion and will not change until.if/when I perceive things differently.

Therefore while I will read your opinion and that of anyone else whose opinion differs from mine, I will not debate this matter

for the simple reason that no one is going to change my mid and vice versa!!
Of course someone with your vastly inferior intelligence will continue watching CNN to be told what to think! They say that ignorance is bliss. You must be one really blissful moonbat. :devilsmil

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