Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Fox's Peter Doocy says on Thursday the White House plans to announce some of the strictest Covid restrictions on Americans yet.


The op stated at the onset to pay attention to Australia because America was next.

And here it comes.

The fake pandemic's path to global communism:

1. A hidden enemy to scare the public. [OMNICRON]
2. Mandates to stifle freedom. [COMING THURSDAY]
3. "Show me your papers."
4. Social credit scores designed to cancel you.
5. Artificial inflation for destroying the economy.
6. Turning your home into a prison.

If you STILL think this has something to do with a "virus" with a 99.8% survival rate, you are beyond delusional.

And you are the problem, not the solution.

Aug 17, 2019

Stage 1: Back channels - only those with true insider access know ["rumor"]

Stage 2: Alternative media reporting ["conspiracy"]

Stage 3: Mainstream Media ["credibility"]

Stage 4: Fake fact-checkers ["truth"]

What starts out as rumor becomes truth after stage 4.

Libtards love fake news networks and fact checkers because they think it rejects/denies claims by those reporting in stages 1 and 2.

In reality, fake news networks give stage 1 & 2 credibility and fake fact-checkers validate it as truth.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this.

Very low IQs.

Most of the info posted in this thread is stage 1.

Unless you are a "Coincidence Theorist", it should be clear by the number of posts made here BEFORE the news was even made public.


Reminder ?

Since the onset the op posted info. from personal sources, info. that was not in public view.

This includes arrests and tribunals for high profile people.

Many of those have gone through the stages above.

Remember, when a fake fact-checker "checks" it, it's confirmed truth.

This is how the channel of communication works.

Aug 17, 2019
CNN, ABC and more than a dozen other news outlets have filed briefs in SUPPORT OF Bannon's suit.

The DOJ is trying to prevent Steve Bannon from making public the documents turned over as part of discovery in his J6 case.

Bannon has filed a lawsuit to make the documents public.

CNN, ABC and more than a dozen other news outlets have filed briefs in support of Bannon's suit.

Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 6.26.00 AM.png

Well this can't be good for libtards.

CNN fake news network and more than a dozen other JOINING up with Bannon in the lawsuit?

And WHY is the DOJ trying to block the release?


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
CNN, ABC and more than a dozen other news outlets have filed briefs in SUPPORT OF Bannon's suit.

The DOJ is trying to prevent Steve Bannon from making public the documents turned over as part of discovery in his J6 case.

Bannon has filed a lawsuit to make the documents public.

CNN, ABC and more than a dozen other news outlets have filed briefs in support of Bannon's suit.

View attachment 20684

Well this can't be good for libtards.

CNN fake news network and more than a dozen other JOINING up with Bannon in the lawsuit?

And WHY is the DOJ trying to block the release?


Bannon wanted this brought out in the second sham impeachment but the spineless RINOs wanted no part of it .

I’ll say it again . They picked the wrong guy . They wanted a fight , they’ll get it .
Aug 17, 2019

But not seeing or hearing too much from them now that the Maxwell trial is underway.


Because they know President Trump's alleged ties are fake and just another a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER.

Any libtard who actually believes something is coming out of this for President Trump should consider:

At CPAC in 2015, Trump randomly brought up Epstein Island when asked about Bill Clinton, saying “he's got a lot of problems coming up in my opinion with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein”.

He then went on to essentially say that Prince Andrew had visited the island and also suggested that Bill’s Epstein ties could be a political problem for Hillary.

If Trump were involved in this pedophile ring, do you really think he would be randomly bringing up Epstein Island YEARS before Epstein was even in the news?

Do you think Trump would have stepped forward in 2008, the ONLY person to come forward at that time, to provide investigators with the information that ultimately led to Epstein's conviction?

Do any of you libtards have any ability to think logically?

Because NOT ONE of you has demonstrated this ability at any time during the past 20+ months of this thread.

Aug 17, 2019
Get it ?

Tim Scott +5000 +1400

Donald Trump Jr. +8000 +2500

Bannon wanted this brought out in the second sham impeachment but the spineless RINOs wanted no part of it .

I’ll say it again . They picked the wrong guy . They wanted a fight , they’ll get it .

Bannon has been waiting for this day for a long time!

They picked the wrong guy.

He's about to destroy them all!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Bannon has been waiting for this day for a long time!

They picked the wrong guy.

He's about to destroy them all!

Federal prosecutors have petitioned the judge overseeing the criminal contempt of Congress case against ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon to reject his request to make most of the evidence against him public because granting it would allow him to engage in witness tampering.

Laughable .

I wonder which side tards who are all for freedom of speech will side with in this case . You think they know thousands of hours of video are also being kept from public viewing also ?

Jan 13, 2019
BREAKING: Fox's Peter Doocy says on Thursday the White House plans to announce some of the strictest Covid restrictions on Americans yet.


The op stated at the onset to pay attention to Australia because America was next.

And here it comes.

The fake pandemic's path to global communism:

1. A hidden enemy to scare the public. [OMNICRON]
2. Mandates to stifle freedom. [COMING THURSDAY]
3. "Show me your papers."
4. Social credit scores designed to cancel you.
5. Artificial inflation for destroying the economy.
6. Turning your home into a prison.

If you STILL think this has something to do with a "virus" with a 99.8% survival rate, you are beyond delusional.

And you are the problem, not the solution.

This might not be a bad thing, maybe it will finally get the people fed up enough to throw down on this corrupt government.

Nov 11, 2007
BREAKING: Fox's Peter Doocy says on Thursday the White House plans to announce some of the strictest Covid restrictions on Americans yet.


The op stated at the onset to pay attention to Australia because America was next.

And here it comes.

The fake pandemic's path to global communism:

1. A hidden enemy to scare the public. [OMNICRON]
2. Mandates to stifle freedom. [COMING THURSDAY]
3. "Show me your papers."
4. Social credit scores designed to cancel you.
5. Artificial inflation for destroying the economy.
6. Turning your home into a prison.

If you STILL think this has something to do with a "virus" with a 99.8% survival rate, you are beyond delusional.

And you are the problem, not the solution.

Your paranoia and/or is it attention-seeking are off of the scale.

I have heard this same kind of delusional bullshit about commumism taking over the country starting with MCcarthy

back in the fifties and continuing through the present day.

Guess what-none of it ever happened.

That said, imo over the next 10-20 years there will be some form a form of socialism that takes hold of this country,

which has already started.

I call it evolution as opposed to devolution, and imo using fpp/sbd's terminology, there is nothing anyone can do to prevent

it from happening!!

Nov 11, 2007
Bannon has been waiting for this day for a long time!

They picked the wrong guy.

He's about to destroy them all!
"Destroy them" how specifically?

I mean anyone can make vague predictions and then choose any definition they want after everything unfolds to "prove" they were right.

Nov 11, 2007
Reminder ?

Since the onset the op posted info. from personal sources, info. that was not in public view.

This includes arrests and tribunals for high profile people.

Many of those have gone through the stages above.

Remember, when a fake fact-checker "checks" it, it's confirmed truth.

This is how the channel of communication works.

The bottom line is that you are lying and/or imagining that you have these alleged sources.

In addition, it is FACT that there have none of the sting allegations you allege have occurred.

It is also FACT that the likes of Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton as well as Bill Gates, Cuomo, Newsom are every much

alive and were NEVER arrested let alone executed and are still very much in public view despite your laughable

attempts to say that these folks are body doubles, etc.

Even the few folks in this thread who come to your rescue with other things you say do not believe this bullshit.

If they did, they would have come forth and said so as opposed to running away and hiding every single time I have

asked them to comment on this stuff!!


Nov 11, 2007

But not seeing or hearing too much from them now that the Maxwell trial is underway.


Because they know President Trump's alleged ties are fake and just another a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER.

Any libtard who actually believes something is coming out of this for President Trump should consider:

At CPAC in 2015, Trump randomly brought up Epstein Island when asked about Bill Clinton, saying “he's got a lot of problems coming up in my opinion with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein”.

He then went on to essentially say that Prince Andrew had visited the island and also suggested that Bill’s Epstein ties could be a political problem for Hillary.

If Trump were involved in this pedophile ring, do you really think he would be randomly bringing up Epstein Island YEARS before Epstein was even in the news?

Do you think Trump would have stepped forward in 2008, the ONLY person to come forward at that time, to provide investigators with the information that ultimately led to Epstein's conviction?

Do any of you libtards have any ability to think logically?

Because NOT ONE of you has demonstrated this ability at any time during the past 20+ months of this thread.

On the contrary, my friend.

The bottom line is that I and the others have been able to "think logically" enough to document and expose oYur 99.9% failed

predictions, including Trump's reinstatement which was supposed to happen on specific dates or imminently too many times to


Just as importantly, we have been able to "think logically" enough to document your 100% lack of accountability

for all of these failed predictions, whacko delusional statements about arrests, executions, etc!!

The rest of your post is nothing more than your usual modus operandi of begging the question and poisoning the well, and

a lousy job of doing it!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Christie gets it, do you?

Probably not.

Q told me.


Chris Christie's new book on how to 'save' the Republican Party sells paltry 2,289 copies during its first week on shelves despite huge media blitz by ex-NJ governor.

Press Run author Eric Boehlert called the sales figures a 'a colossal publishing flop' and 'debacle' for Christie .

People don’t want what the establishment is trying to sell .

He’ll be road kill once again if he thinks he has a shot at beating Trump.

Get it ?

Nov 11, 2007

This article mirrors my beliefs and what I have been saying right along, namely that Covid is an evolving virus/disease, meaning that

no one and I mean no one knows for sure how serious the variants and new ones to come are/will be and what steps will

be needed to combat them and how successful they will be.

Anyone who says that the virus and variants are a hoax/made-up is simply making a fool out of himself and living in a world of fantasy

and denial, and even more so if they are not a physician who specializes in infectious diseases and is in a position to offer an opinion!!

Nov 11, 2007

Chris Christie's new book on how to 'save' the Republican Party sells paltry 2,289 copies during its first week on shelves despite huge media blitz by ex-NJ governor.

Press Run author Eric Boehlert called the sales figures a 'a colossal publishing flop' and 'debacle' for Christie .

People don’t want what the establishment is trying to sell .

He’ll be road kill once again if he thinks he has a shot at beating Trump.

Get it ?
Did you read my post and proposed bet about Biden NOT being the nominee in 2024 and/or just finishing his term??

If so the proposed bet is still open.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Did you read my post and proposed bet about Biden NOT being the nominee in 2024 and/or just finishing his term??

If so the proposed bet is still open.

1) I don’t believe devolution will occur

2) You’re more pessimistic than I am about him not finishing his term although the mental and physical decline is quite obvious . His handlers can do what they did during the campaign. Keep him hidden and medicated as long as they can get away with it .

Nov 11, 2007
1) I don’t believe devolution will occur

2) You’re more pessimistic than I am about him not finishing his term although the mental and physical decline is quite obvious . His handlers can do what they did during the campaign. Keep him hidden and medicated as long as they can get away with it .
Well for a welcome change we agree on something, definitely the first and pretty much the second.

I am not sure how old you are, but I assume that while you are no kid, you are somewhat younger than me, who is now 77.

I say that because being in the same age range of Biden, I can compare him to myself both physically and mentally.

Not to brag, but I consider myself I much better shape at least mentally than he is.

When he speaks, I just get an overall gut feeling that someone like this should not be in the important, position he is at this point

of his life.

It is an overall uneasy feeling that I can't express in words.

I realize that he has a Cabinet and advisers who hopefully help him in making decisions, but still, he strikes me a someone

who should just be relaxing at home, enjoying life and having fun watching his grandchildren grow up.

To be fair and perhaps it is because I am biased because I retired while still in my fifties, I can't imagine many people

in their mid to late 70's who is fairly well off wanting to continue work especially one which is so stressful as being POTUS.

But hey that's me and my philosophy.

I can't exchange places with Biden or for that matter Trump or anyone else.

If working into their seventies or even into eighties or even beyond suits them and for whatever reasons they love what they are doing.

including billionaires like Warren Buffett, good fo them-life is about doing what one makes happy at any age!!
Aug 17, 2019
The same people here that are saying the op has been wrong 99+% of the time are the same people who:

> think covid is deadly even though it has been proven to have a 99.8% survival rate,

> lined up for an experimental shot with no proven history,

> are even shooting their innocent and defenseless children up with the deadly shot,

> believe their decision to get the deadly shot saved the world,

> believe Fauci is Man of the Year,

> believe fake news like CNN and MSN are credible,

> think Andersen Cooper and Don Lemon are award winning journalists,

> believe fake fact-checkers are real,

> think George Floyd is a hero,

> think Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty,

> think frmr. gov. Cuomo is Presdiential material,

> believe Jan. 6th was a real insurrection,

> doesn't understand the 2020 election was the real insurrection,

> doesn't believe election fraud is real despite the irrefutable evidence,

> thinks Biden is actually the real and legitimate president,

> thinks Biden got 81 million votes,

> believe Trump is a dictator,

> believe "we got him this time"

> believe covid variants are real,

> are lining back up for their booster shots despite the overwhelming evidence that the shots don't work and are deadly,

> STILL think this is all about a "virus",

> STILL doesn't understand this is a mass genocide event,

> STILL doesn't see the attempted socialist-communist takeover attempt,

> believe that people here actually read their posts or care about what they have to say,

> believe the op has been wrong 99%+ of the time despite the countless events that happened or are happening as the op said they would.

All of this, and more, but somehow the readers here are supposed to believe anything they say or post.

They are beyond delusional, brainwashed, mind-controlled and just plain stupid!

No wonder why most members here, including the op, laugh at them daily.

These people are the problem, not the solution.

And soon each and every one of them is in for a very rude awakening!


F me, F U
Oct 15, 2004
Well for a welcome change we agree on something, definitely the first and pretty much the second.

I am not sure how old you are, but I assume that while you are no kid, you are somewhat younger than me, who is now 77.

I say that because being in the same age range of Biden, I can compare him to myself both physically and mentally.

Not to brag, but I consider myself I much better shape at least mentally than he is.

When he speaks, I just get an overall gut feeling that someone like this should not be in the important, position he is at this point

of his life.

It is an overall uneasy feeling that I can't express in words.

I realize that he has a Cabinet and advisers who hopefully help him in making decisions, but still, he strikes me a someone

who should just be relaxing at home, enjoying life and having fun watching his grandchildren grow up.

To be fair and perhaps it is because I am biased because I retired while still in my fifties, I can't imagine many people

in their mid to late 70's who is fairly well off wanting to continue work especially one which is so stressful as being POTUS.

But hey that's me and my philosophy.

I can't exchange places with Biden or for that matter Trump or anyone else.

If working into their seventies or even into eighties or even beyond suits them and for whatever reasons they love what they are doing.

including billionaires like Warren Buffett, good fo them-life is about doing what one makes happy at any age!!
Since I'm not banging keyboards within this thread ad nauseam like others w/in a little just sounded like a normal person for once? And I'll cut you some slack that it appears you can have a normal thought provoking comment(s)...I too agree w/ your statement.

Carry on ;)

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