Is that the best you can do in the way of a response??Another award winning source from another delusional libtard.
They all love CNN and MSN.
They all love being told what to think and say.
Sheep, not lions.
The only number which really matters and is REAL is 100, in this case 100%, for the massive documentation, exposure and totalCollective IQ still below 50 for the group you are referring to.
Collective IQ still below 50 for the group you are referring to.
And oh yeah, let us not forget about the other 100% , the 100% of YOUR LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ALL OF YOURThe only number which really matters and is REAL is 100, in this case 100%, for the massive documentation, exposure and total
annihilation I and the others have unleashed/inflicted upon you over the last 20 months with yout massive failures in everything you
have predicted, most notably Trump's alleged "reinstatement," and other whacko nonexistent delusional conspiracies
and the like such as 100% IMAGINED arrests and executions of notable from the ds such as the Clintons, Bill Gates,
Cuomo, etc. at GITMO.
I am sure you would add Dr. Fauci to the list also, but have decided not to as he is in the news just about every day, and that even
you have the common sense to understand that no one would believe you if you said he has been executed and the person
we see every day is a body double or hologram of him like you have done with the Clintons and other folks!!! lol
A black man plowing through a crowd, killing 5 people and injuring 40 - No evidence of racist intent.
A young white man kills 2 white criminals while protecting himself, and is acquitted by a jury - RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!!!
Liberalism is a mental disorder !
Speaking of "not making this shit up", take a look at yourself, pal, with your 99.9% Laughable/delusional FAILED predictions as well asANOTHER JANUARY 6TH DISASTER FOR LIBTARDS.
The dimwits on the on Unselect Committee subpoenaed Bernie Kerik because he supposedly attended a secret meeting as reported in Bob Woodward's latest book.
The only problems are:
1. Kerick has proof that he wasn't in town the day of the alleged meeting.
2. Kerik wasn't mentioned in Woodward's book.
You can't make this shit up!
As usual, you are defining the word "fake" to fit your current narrative and current narrative only.
I am curious-will she be shipped off to GITMO for trial and execution like "all of the others," and if so, will theyANITA DUNN ARRESTED BY MARINES - REMEMBER HER?
She was Biden's top advisor until she abruptly resigned on August 12th.
But she never left.
She continued to influence everything as a member of the "shadow" group behind fake Biden.
And she is the major player in the fake pandemic and the tyranny you are seeing everywhere.
She has been instrumental in the "shadow's" [DS] plans to dismantle the U.S. military, defund the police, strengthen ANTIFA and BLM, drive inflation higher, bankrupt businesses, push vaccines and mask mandates and strengthen foreign adversaries like China.
They have all the proof including LIVE RECORDED CONVERSATIONS.
This won't end well end well for her.
Also as you will see in a minute, this story is the courtesy of one of fpp/sbd's "trusted and reliable" sources, Real Raw News, whichANITA DUNN ARRESTED BY MARINES - REMEMBER HER?
She was Biden's top advisor until she abruptly resigned on August 12th.
But she never left.
She continued to influence everything as a member of the "shadow" group behind fake Biden.
And she is the major player in the fake pandemic and the tyranny you are seeing everywhere.
She has been instrumental in the "shadow's" [DS] plans to dismantle the U.S. military, defund the police, strengthen ANTIFA and BLM, drive inflation higher, bankrupt businesses, push vaccines and mask mandates and strengthen foreign adversaries like China.
They have all the proof including LIVE RECORDED CONVERSATIONS.
This won't end well end well for her.
The dimwits on the on Unselect Committee subpoenaed Bernie Kerik because he supposedly attended a secret meeting as reported in Bob Woodward's latest book.
The only problems are:
1. Kerick has proof that he wasn't in town the day of the alleged meeting.
2. Kerik wasn't mentioned in Woodward's book.
You can't make this shit up!
Yeah right-the chances of Arizona decertifying the Election results, and especially after the Maricopa Audit disaster at this point