It wouldnt suprise me if Savage was cheating on his blow up doll with Wilbur. They are fucktards of a feather!
All from one of the persons I referred to earlier as being chickenshit to respond to my questions asked repeatedly
as to whether he agrees with fpp/sbd's statements about sting operations, executions at GITMO, body doubles, etc.
and to comment on his 99.9% failed predictions!!!
This is the same guy who back on February in one of his posts told fpp/sbd that he is an idiot and badly in need of
psychological help.
He won't answer my question because he is obviously SCARED that if tells fpp/sbd what he REALLY thinks of
the stuff cited above, he might fall out of favor with the "Master"(bator), and that fpp/sbd might no longer allow
him to suck on his dick every day!!!
ps How is your drunken/ drug-addicted/slutty wife doing??
Sh should be eternally grateful to you when you took out from the bar when you met her when she was in a drunken
stupor not knowing who she was/is and then took her your dwelling and somehow convinced her to marry
To change the old saying slightly to fit the occasion as it applies to you, "Slime of a feather fu ck together!!"