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Aug 17, 2019


Sep 5, 2010
Libtards don't even understand self-defense.

Even after one of the attackers stated he was innocent.

You are proof that you really can't fix stupid.

Get ready for the "return".

LOL, Almost two years of 100% failed predictions and lies.

Only 3 or 4 idiots on this site even follow your bullshit.

Savage has exposed and destroyed you on a daily basis.

Funny and sad at the same time.
Aug 17, 2019
Get ready for the "return".

LOL, Almost two years of 100% failed predictions and lies.

Only 3 or 4 idiots on this site even follow your bullshit.

Savage has exposed and destroyed you on a daily basis.

Funny and sad at the same time.

Like you, the only thing savage has exposed is how delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled he is.

You are the Beavis and Butthead of the forum and everyone laughs at you daily.

The clowns of your own circus.

Nov 11, 2007
Like you, the only thing savage has exposed is how delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled he is.

You are the Beavis and Butthead of the forum and everyone laughs at you daily.

The clowns of your own circus.
How about for a change giving DOCUMENTED SPECIFIC examples of how/why I am delusional, brainwashed

and mind-controlled?

Does my having exposed your 99.9% FAILED predictions including the non-stop predictions of Trump's being reinstated

over the last 12 months a good example of this?

Does your claim that Trump won ALL 50 states in the Election and won over 90% of the Popular

Vote qualify you as a REALIST and me as brainwashed, delusional and mind-controlled?

Is it I who am delusional because I don't believe in your bullshit about body doubles for noted dignitaries

when according to you they have been executed at GITMO when you can't explain their presence any other way??

I could go on, but to the cut to the chase, it appears once again that you are trying and failing to try to turn the tables

on me with your predictable names calling and insults, when in fact you have nothing to offer in the way of

a LEGITIMATE response, and like the would-be bully you are, you simply try to dismiss me with you chicken shit

behavior to take me on DIRECTLY by simply claiming(actually lying) that you don't read my posts.

Your Honor-I rest my case as rebuttal to fpp/sbd's attempt to try to project his own massive

failures onto me with this post as a response to what he said above!!
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Aug 17, 2019

Savage1 is beyond delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

He is nothing but a fake news parrot.

A controlled asset of the fake news brainwashing.

He just repeats what he's told to think by fake news media, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

And posts nothing but fake links to these fake sources,

I will never forget the day he said, "look out now pal because I just signed up for The Daily Beast".

As if one of the biggest fake news publications was a game changer of information for him.

That didn't last long. :ROFLMAO:

And let's not forget Fauci "Man of the Year" and Cuomo "for President".

How did that work out? :ROFLMAO:

The delusional one claimed "Trump's documented 30,000+ lies".

NEVER proved one.

Now he claims the op "99.99% failed predictions"

But NEVER proved one.

He just took his hate for Trump and his obsessions over the 30,000+ lies fake news told him to think and applied the same auto-response to the op of this thread.

This is what brainwashed and mind-controlled people do!

During the last 20 months he hasn't provided ONE piece of CREDIBLE evidence proving anything posted here is wrong.

He just automatically says the opposite of what the op posts here.

And copies/pastes the same "99.99% failed predictions" text.

He did the same thing for Trump's "30,000+ lies".

It is beyond obvious that he doesn't even read what's posted here.

He just reacts blindly.

Meanwhile, the op has posted countless official documents, court documents, videos and links to some of the most credible sources you will ever find.

And savage1's response to this information is guaranteed to be a fake fact-checker. :ROFLMAO:

Savage1 thinks he is "killing it" with every post.

This just proves how delusional he really is. ?

He doesn't even understand the simple concept that just because something hasn't happened yet or that because it's not in public view yet doesn't mean it hasn't happened or is a "failed prediction".

He is so buried in ignorance and hate he doesn't even know he's been on the wrong side of the narrative the entire time.

Unless, of course, he is an anti-American or communist which is a possibility given his behavior.

I think most here agree the man could benefit from some professional help.

Perhaps someone in the Boston area knows someone that can help him?

Aug 17, 2019
Vaccine Alert: France Tells Millions of Citizens to Skip Moderna, Cites Crippling Heart Inflammation

France has become the highest-population European country to steer citizens away from the Moderna vaccine against the coronavirus, citing the risk of heart inflammation.

Officials cite data that shows young people who receive the Moderna shot are five times as likely to develop heart inflammation.

Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland have either banned or restricted use of the drug for those under 30, while Norway has encouraged those under 30 not to get the Moderna vaccine.

Pretty sure the op of this thread stated this at the onset and maintained it throughout.


"99.99% failed predictions"

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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Aug 17, 2019
Now let’s get the rest of the video the DOJ is fighting to be released for the sole purpose of crushing their bogus narrative out for all to see .

over 14,000 hours.

This fake narrative will end within the first hour of watching the footage.


Which means the libtards will officially need to raise the white flag since it's the only thing they have been jerking off to.


Nov 11, 2007

Savage1 is beyond delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

He is nothing but a fake news parrot.

A controlled asset of the fake news brainwashing.

He just repeats what he's told to think by fake news media, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

And posts nothing but fake links to these fake sources,

I will never forget the day he said, "look out now pal because I just signed up for The Daily Beast".

As if one of the biggest fake news publications was a game changer of information for him.

That didn't last long. :ROFLMAO:

And let's not forget Fauci "Man of the Year" and Cuomo "for President".

How did that work out? :ROFLMAO:

The delusional one claimed "Trump's documented 30,000+ lies".

NEVER proved one.

Now he claims the op "99.99% failed predictions"

But NEVER proved one.

He just took his hate for Trump and his obsessions over the 30,000+ lies fake news told him to think and applied the same auto-response to the op of this thread.

This is what brainwashed and mind-controlled people do!

During the last 20 months he hasn't provided ONE piece of CREDIBLE evidence proving anything posted here is wrong.

He just automatically says the opposite of what the op posts here.

And copies/pastes the same "99.99% failed predictions" text.

He did the same thing for Trump's "30,000+ lies".

It is beyond obvious that he doesn't even read what's posted here.

He just reacts blindly.

Meanwhile, the op has posted countless official documents, court documents, videos and links to some of the most credible sources you will ever find.

And savage1's response to this information is guaranteed to be a fake fact-checker. :ROFLMAO:

Savage1 thinks he is "killing it" with every post.

This just proves how delusional he really is. ?

He doesn't even understand the simple concept that just because something hasn't happened yet or that because it's not in public view yet doesn't mean it hasn't happened or is a "failed prediction".

He is so buried in ignorance and hate he doesn't even know he's been on the wrong side of the narrative the entire time.

Unless, of course, he is an anti-American or communist which is a possibility given his behavior.

I think most here agree the man could benefit from some professional help.

Perhaps someone in the Boston area knows someone that can help him?

Trying to cover up the 100% TRUTH I stated about YOU last night and hoping that by posting a long list of LIES

about me may make you feel good about yourself, but the FACT is that while some people agree with you about

politics, NOT ONE person has come forth to disagree with what I have DOCUMENTED ABOUT YOU over the last

20 months, namely because it is all true!!!

In addition, you modus operandi of begging the question, poisoning the well, using illogic, [paradoxes,

nonsequiturs, contradicting yourself from what you have said previously, and on and on and on is on

full display with the post to which I am responding.

I addition, lets just again that even though you CLAIM NEVER read my posts, you seem to know what I am

saying!!! lol

That's it-no need to gone on-I am VERY confident in what I and the others have done in documenting and

exposing you for that you are over the last 20 months.

That said, I am reposting what I did In my last post last night because fpp/sbd has read it and just tried

to block it with his longwinded post and knows as usual it is true and more importantly that it is going to resonate with

those who read it.

Here you go:

How about for a change giving DOCUMENTED SPECIFIC examples of how/why I am delusional, brainwashed

and mind-controlled?

Does my having exposed your 99.9% FAILED predictions including the non-stop predictions of Trump's being reinstated

over the last 12 months a good example of this?

Does your claim that Trump won ALL 50 states in the Election and won over 90% of the Popular

Vote qualify you as a REALIST and me as brainwashed, delusional and mind-controlled?

Is it I who am delusional because I don't believe in your bullshit about body doubles for noted dignitaries

when according to you they have been executed at GITMO when you can't explain their presence any other way??

I could go on, but to the cut to the chase, it appears once again that you are trying and failing to try to turn the tables

on me with your predictable names calling and insults, when in fact you have nothing to offer in the way of

a LEGITIMATE response, and like the would-be bully you are, you simply try to dismiss me with you chicken shit

behavior to take me on DIRECTLY by simply claiming(actually lying) that you don't read my posts.

Your Honor-I rest my case as a rebuttal to fpp/sbd's attempt to try to project his own massive

failures onto me with this post as a response to what he said above!!
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Sep 5, 2010
Coming soon.

The truth is out there.

Noone can stop what is coming.

This will be remembered for centuries.

Nov 11, 2007
ps I am going to respond DIRECTLY to what fpp/sbd in his last post using one example to give folks who somehow

don't already know what I am talking about when it comes to fpp/sbd.

Lets examine his quote here:

"During the last 20 months he hasn't provided ONE piece of CREDIBLE evidence proving anything posted here is wrong."

Hmm-how about using EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that despite your claims that Trump is about to be reinstated as POTUS

on time-specific dates or IMMINENTLY, a prediction which has been stated by you almost on a daily basis,

starting on the day after the 2020 Election, that this has NOT EVEN COME REMOTELY CLOSE TO OCCURRING!!!

Is that an example of what you refer to as "credible evidence proving anything posted here is wrong!!!" LOL

Perhaps fpp/sbd can make a "rare exception" from his claims that he does not read my posts and respond to above!!

If he does not, which is most likely, I will leave it to you in the jury to decide who is correct here and telling it as it is,

him or me!!

The example I used is a microcosm of lots more of what and I and the others have done in the way of documentation

for fpp/sbd's countless other FAILED predictions and statements spewed forth from this attention-seeking INTERNET


Anyone with a modicum of intelligence and education realizes he has lots of unresolved

psychological and emotional problems which are currently buried deep within his psyche and which somehow need

to be resolved in order for him to return to some kind of normalcy!!
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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Don't cry because reality and current events are not to your liking, Cultist.

Prison is gonna love his chubby white ass! :ROFLMAO:

Prison …AAAAAHAAAHAAA you feeble minded Canuck .

This prosecutor is either so grossly incompetent or is doing his best to try for a mistrial because this case has turned into a dumpster for him and his team .

"I was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence," Schroeder shouted. "That's basic law. It's been basic law in this country for 40 or 50 years … I don't know what you're up to."

Jan 13, 2019

Savage1 is beyond delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

He is nothing but a fake news parrot.

A controlled asset of the fake news brainwashing.

He just repeats what he's told to think by fake news media, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

And posts nothing but fake links to these fake sources,

I will never forget the day he said, "look out now pal because I just signed up for The Daily Beast".

As if one of the biggest fake news publications was a game changer of information for him.

That didn't last long. :ROFLMAO:

And let's not forget Fauci "Man of the Year" and Cuomo "for President".

How did that work out? :ROFLMAO:

The delusional one claimed "Trump's documented 30,000+ lies".

NEVER proved one.

Now he claims the op "99.99% failed predictions"

But NEVER proved one.

He just took his hate for Trump and his obsessions over the 30,000+ lies fake news told him to think and applied the same auto-response to the op of this thread.

This is what brainwashed and mind-controlled people do!

During the last 20 months he hasn't provided ONE piece of CREDIBLE evidence proving anything posted here is wrong.

He just automatically says the opposite of what the op posts here.

And copies/pastes the same "99.99% failed predictions" text.

He did the same thing for Trump's "30,000+ lies".

It is beyond obvious that he doesn't even read what's posted here.

He just reacts blindly.

Meanwhile, the op has posted countless official documents, court documents, videos and links to some of the most credible sources you will ever find.

And savage1's response to this information is guaranteed to be a fake fact-checker. :ROFLMAO:

Savage1 thinks he is "killing it" with every post.

This just proves how delusional he really is. ?

He doesn't even understand the simple concept that just because something hasn't happened yet or that because it's not in public view yet doesn't mean it hasn't happened or is a "failed prediction".

He is so buried in ignorance and hate he doesn't even know he's been on the wrong side of the narrative the entire time.

Unless, of course, he is an anti-American or communist which is a possibility given his behavior.

I think most here agree the man could benefit from some professional help.

Perhaps someone in the Boston area knows someone that can help him?

Savages degree of stupidity is astounding. It took him 75 years to master it! His pet monkey Wilbur is not far behind.

Nov 11, 2007
The court losses are piling up and the clock is ticking.

Tick tock

Get ready for the "return".
Good article and thanks for posting.

Imo once everything is said and done, Trump and/or is co-conspirators, as the judge states and implies, are going

to find out that they are NOT above the law and that justice applies to ALL no matter who they are and what their

political affiliation happens to be!!

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