White Hats Arrest Traitors in the National Security Council
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By Michael Baxter -January 14, 2025
White Hats on Monday arrested two career civil servants and members of the National Security Council after President Trump’s transition team voiced concerns that the duo planned to dupe Trump by providing him with faulty intelligent reports, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
Incoming administration officials last week began questioning so-called nonpolitical NSC employees over their allegiance to Trump, asking about questionable social media histories and whether they had donated cash to Kamala Harris’ campaign. Michael Waltz, Trump’s pick to lead the NSC, has expressed willingness to purge the council of non-conformists whose agendas aren’t aligned with the president’s.
Reportedly, some career intelligence officials—a few on loan to the NSC from the FBI and CIA—buckled under questioning and started clearing out their offices. They at least had the courage to admit they disliked Trump and his policies, and resigned without incident.
Not all suspected traitors, however, were as forthcoming.
Trump’s team of tactical geniuses, experts at 5D chess and spotting subterfuge, were immediately suspicious of a pair of intelligence analysts who had been working at the NSC since 2021. The duo, identified as 37-year-old Dakota Sternberg and 39-year-old Eli Strausman, seemed too obsequious to be earnest when questioned by Trump’s people. Both men heaped fawning praise on Trump, said they were MAGA, claimed they despised Biden’s foreign and domestic policies, and said any intelligence reports they curated for Trump would be concise and dependable. More than just co-workers, they were close friends; they had joined the NSC the same week, they live on the same street in suburb of DC, and they often attended each other’s backyard barbeques in the summer. While no law prohibits fraternization among civil servants, it seemed to Trump’s people that Sternberg and Strausman had rehearsed their answers.
A background probe revealed they had in 2022 jointly authored an intelligence brief recommending funding Ukraine for 20 years because Vladimir Putin possessed innovative weapons that could fundamentally alter the balance of power in Eastern Europe. Their report, true or false, intimated that Putin had “Rods from God” technology by which he could, and probably would, obliterate Kyiv without using nuclear weapons. Their proposal: Dedicate one-fifth of the United States’ national defense to support Ukrainian sovereignty.
When Trump’s team questioned Sternberg and Strausman separately about the report, the two men had convenient answers at their fingertips, asserting that although they opposed surrendering US tax dollars to Ukraine, Biden and Harris had forced them to say otherwise, under threat of ruining their careers.
The President’s interrogators, though, found the story incredulous and continued snooping for facts. On Saturday, January 11, they found incontrovertible evidence that Sternberg and Strausman were Biden loyalists plotting to feed Trump disinformation starting on Inauguration Day.
Trump’s crew had wiretapped Sternberg’s and Strausman’s phones and accessed their electronic devices. On Strausman’s home computer they found a folder titled “Fucking over T” and which held dozens of encrypted documents. Assuming that “T” stood for “Trump,” they informed the President he might have traitors in his midst.
Trump, our source said, asked White Hats at US Army Cyber Command to decipher the files, which they did, and what they found was shocking—250 prewritten, post-dated intelligence briefings meant to show up on the Resolute Desk regularly beginning on January 23. Fictitious data on North Korean nuclear advancements. Bogus reports of Chinese troop movements in Canada and a flotilla of “bulletproof balloons” practicing aerial warfare inside the Alaskan Air Defense identification Zone.
ARCYBER also learned that Strausman and Sternberg had added notes to the reports and wrote they hoped to “Fuck Trump over” at every opportunity.
“For intelligence analysts they weren’t very intelligent,” our source said. “They were parroting what they thought Trump might want to hear but their reports had absurdities that defied belief—like Elon Musk was secretly a member of the Chinese Ministry of State Security. Batshtit crazy nonsense they wanted to sell Trump. How they ever got in the NSC is miracle. Trump would never believe that crap, but what was their angle? Two lunatics? Two traitors? Well, President Trump doesn’t take chances, and these guys were conspiring to commit treason, regardless of if they were sane or crazy.”
Trump, he added, told Gen. Smith to have Sternberg and Strausman arrested on charges of treason and conspiracy to incite insurrection.
On Monday morning US Marines apprehended Sternberg outside his home; an hour later, a different Marine Squad confronted Strausman moments after he had arrived at his office at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in DC. Labeled “enemy combatant,” Strausman and Sternberg were subdued and taken to a JAG detainment facility, where they refused to answer questions unless they could speak with Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Advisor.
“Traitors don’t get to make demands,” our source said. “Now JAG’s interrogating them to find the underlying cause of this, you know, to see if these are a couple of jokers or real threats. One thing that seems is that Mike Waltz will have to do a wholesale clearing of NSC to get rid of Biden and Obama era holdovers.”