Is it detrimental to create or use AI images, like for decorations, print ads, book covers, etc.?ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IS NOT BENEVOLENT
Technology advancements is a normal part of evolution.
However, AI is NOT benevolent.
If it was benevolent it wouldn't be called "artificial".
AI is part of the Transhumanism agenda and is the inversion of God's technologies and designed to replace the human brain and create automatons.
DO NOT get sucked into AI.
It's a major trap most won't be able to escape.
The vaxxed have little chance of ever escaping it because they are walking transmitters like the op stated at the outset of the original RR thread.
Thanks. I'm only using it for images that would take me forever to draw or cost a lot to pay someone to do.If you want/need to use it, use it as a tool for things like this and get out.
When you start to use it to "think" and "speak" for you, it's a serious problem that you may not be able to escape.
Doc,"Dead in the water."
Has Salvage ever been right - about anything - even once in his entire life?
To be fair, Project Looking Glass and the entire Q Operation, which wargamed every possibility a million different ways with an infinite number of pieces moving simultaneously is AI technology.If you want/need to use it, use it as a tool for things like this and get out.
When you start to use it to "think" and "speak" for you, it's a serious problem that you may not be able to escape.
To be fair, Project Looking Glass and the entire Q Operation, which wargamed every possibility a million different ways with an infinite number of pieces moving simultaneously is AI technology.
It's no accident Commander Trump is always five steps ahead of the enemy. Only a military supercomputer can do that.