
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The latest fake indictment from this corrupt Soros AG is even more retarded than the Deranged Jack Smith ones!

How is that even possible??

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Back in a little bit as I want to concentrate on the contents of the indictments!!

Sep 21, 2004
Ask sbd and sheriff joe when this will happen!!

After all, shouldn't we consult folks like this with a DOCUMENTED 99.8% FAILED PREDICTIONS as the first ones to turn to!! lol

No... I'm asking everyone if...

the place where the last battle between good and evil will be fought. Honestly this appears to be what is on Deck as the indictments are non stop. Good always wins when all is said and done. I'm ready ?

Nov 11, 2007
No... I'm asking everyone if...

the place where the last battle between good and evil will be fought. Honestly this appears to be what is on Deck as the indictments are non stop. Good always wins when all is said and done. I'm ready ?
Sorry for my misinterpretation- I am sure that our own "spot-on" prognosticators can also tell you WHERE as well as

when the struggle will occur!!

How about GITMO as a symbolic, appro[pruate and appropriate place for this monumental/final fight to the death to occur!! lol

Sep 21, 2004
Sorry for my misinterpretation- I am sure that our own "spot-on" prognosticators can also tell you WHERE as well as

when the struggle will occur!!

How about GITMO as a symbolic, appro[pruate and appropriate place for this monumental/final fight to the death to occur!! lol

I'd prefer Great American Ballpark... Go Reds! ?

Nov 11, 2007
I'd prefer Great American Ballpark... Go Reds! ?
No- I say FENWAY PARK and/or to make it fair, let half of the combatants duke it out at Fenway and the others at

Great American Park!!

If there any survivors from the encounters, then flip a coin to decide which one of the two ballparks gets the final game.

I also suggest that Marty Brennaman and a reincarnated Vin Scully be the designated folks to do the announcing and

commentary of this event!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
I thought the press conference by Ms. Wilis was a picture-perfect textbook example of how to conduct one!!

Nov 11, 2007
I would pay to see a sexual encounter between Trump and Fani Willis, but unfortunately, this could never occur no matter what

because even if she was his type well sadly she isn't the right color!!

Back in the am, and may the Trump/Willis entry be with all Trump supporters in this thread in their dreams!!
Sep 12, 2022

They are slowly converting toan all inorganic and GMO store that will be fully supported by AI.

And they are doing it all under the guise of their 365 brands and the "organic" and "natural" labels

Now is the time to stay local and shop at small nature stores and farms where there is full transparency is their sourcing.

Amazing. The only reason people shop there now is for the organic produce. If they drop that . . .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Angry Affirmative-Action Soros Fulton County AG leaked the indictment before it was voted on, lied about it after they were caught, and then forgot to redact the names of the grand jurors trying to imprison Trump for tweeting.

But I’m sure Fulton County ran a spotless and legit election in 2020.


Sep 12, 2022

Have "men-in'black" operatives from Team White Hat gotten to the despicable David Brooks (cough cough)? This is exactly the type of editorial that yours truly would have written if tasked with impersonating the subversive little bastard in order to deliver a camouflaged truth bomblet to a new audience. Yes, there is an obligatory (though rather mild) shot leveled at Trump, but the piece as a whole (as in 99% of it) has got to be demoralizing reading for the "educated" libtards who read Sulzberger's Slimes -- a fact confirmed by some of the upset Letters to the Editor later published in response to the Brooks column.

As someone who has long been monitoring this elitist piece of felonious filth -- whose "American" son served in the Israeli Defense Forces -- believe me, boys and girls: Brooks' published observations are astonishing to behold.

Let's analyze this.




David Brook's anti-elitist truth diatribe triggered several angry fellow Tribesmen to send in vicious anti-Trump attack letters.

Donald Trump seems to get indicted on a weekly basis. Yet he is utterly dominating his Republican rivals in the polls...... Trump’s poll numbers are stronger against Biden now than at any time in 2020.
Analysis: This line indicates that the Fake News is no longer preparing the way for Fake Election results. Without the constant advance trumpeting of "Trump is trailing," an election cannot be credibly stolen.

Brooks: What’s going on here? Why is this guy still politically viable, after all he’s done? We anti-Trumpers often tell a story to explain that. In this story, we anti-Trumpers are the good guys, the forces of progress and enlightenment. The Trumpers are reactionary bigots and authoritarians. Many Republicans support Trump no matter what, according to this story, because at the end of the day, he’s still the bigot in chief, the embodiment of their resentments and that’s what matters to them most.
Analysis: Can it be that Brooks is actually framing the argument of the "anti-Trumpers" as a Straw Man which he is about to knock down? It sure sounds like it.

Brooks: I partly agree with this story, .....
Analysis: I smell a "Yeah But" coming. Can you?

Brooks: .... but it’s also a monument to elite self-satisfaction.
Analysis: How about that! Brooks just Straw Manned and Yeah-Butted all of "elite" Libtardia!

Brooks: So let me try another story on you. I ask you to try on a vantage point in which we anti-Trumpers are not the eternal good guys. In fact, we’re the bad guys.
You're dad gum right y'all are the "bad guys!" -- Say, what's gotten in to you, Brooksie?

Brooks: This story begins in the 1960s, when high school grads had to go off to fight in Vietnam but the children of the educated class got college deferments.
Analysis: Tell it Brooksie, Tell it!.

Brooks: It continues in the 1970s, when the authorities imposed busing on working-class areas in Boston but not on the upscale communities like Wellesley where they themselves lived.
Analysis: Damn Brooksie! Surely you, as a Jew, must know that elite Wellesley -- both the town and the college -- are Jew-heavy. Keep talking like this and soon you'll have the ADL down on top of you.

Brooks: The ideal that we’re all in this together was replaced with the reality that the educated class lives in a world up here and everybody else is forced into a world down there.
Analysis: This is straight-up "forgotten man" MAGA talk --- Hitlerian even!

Brooks: Members of our class are always publicly speaking out for the marginalized, but somehow we always end up building systems that serve ourselves.
Analysis: Ya know, I might have to take the bus into Jew York Shitty and buy homeboy a bagel for that line.

Brooks: The meritocracy isn’t only a system of exclusion; it’s an ethos. During his presidency, Barack Obama used the word “smart” in the context of his policies over 900 times. The implication was that anybody who disagreed with his policies - and perhaps didn’t go to Harvard Law - must be stupid.
Analysis: Oy! Now he's dissin' Black Jesus himself! (whose Columbia and Harvard degrees were actually fake)

Brooks: Elite graduates monopolize the best jobs and at the same time invent new technologies that privilege super-skilled workers, making the best jobs better and all other jobs worse.”
Analysis: Damn! Sounds a lot like the lyrics to the populist hit, "Rich Men North of Richmond!"

Once we find our cliques, we don’t get out much. Members of the highly educated class tend to be the most insular.
Analysis: How refreshing to hear a diploma-decorated dickhead admit to being an out-of-touch snob. (and I say that, with all modesty, as a high-IQ Rutgers Graduate who counts among his dear friends people from the "high" and the "low" -- and all class tiers in between).




1. Town Hall in Wellesley, MA -- one of the most "elitist" enclaves in America, and libtarded through and through. // 2. Brooks' editorial complements the lyrics of Anthony Oliver's "Rich Men North of Richmond." // 3. Hitler's respect for the common laborers and farmers of Germany earned him the scorn of "elite" Jews and certain aristocratic types.

Reading through the rest of the column, one expects the normally sneaky Brooks to eventually circle back with a big closing "Yeah But" attacking Trump --- but it never came! The entire article -- from start to finish -- only bashes "progressives" and "the educated class." Here's Brook's goose-bumpy grand finale -- presented without further comment as none is necessary:

Brooks Finale: Armed with all kinds of economic, cultural and political power, we support policies that help ourselves. Free trade makes the products we buy cheaper, and our jobs are unlikely to be moved to China. Open immigration makes our service staff cheaper, but new, less-educated immigrants aren’t likely to put downward pressure on our wages.

We also change the moral norms in ways that suit ourselves, never mind the cost to others. For example, there used to be a norm that discouraged people from having children outside marriage, but that got washed away during our period of cultural dominance, as we eroded norms that seemed judgmental or that might inhibit individual freedom.

After this social norm was eroded, a funny thing happened. Members of our class still overwhelmingly married and had children within wedlock. People without our resources, unsupported by social norms, were less able to do that. Sixty percent of births to women with only a high school certificate occur out of wedlock, compared with only 10 percent to women with a university degree.

It’s easy to understand why people in less-educated classes would conclude that they are under economic, political, cultural and moral assault — and why they’ve rallied around Trump as their best warrior against the educated class. Trump understood that there was great demand for a leader who would stick his thumb in our eyes on a daily basis and reject the whole epistemic regime that we rode in on.

When will we stop behaving in ways that make Trumpism inevitable?

Final Analysis: This has got to be the first time that I have ever thoroughly enjoyed reading a Slimes Op-Ed. Is this really David Brooks? Or are you, "David Brooks?" --- More of this and "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Timeswill soon be out of business!

Something weirdly wonderful is slowly brewing in this country and throughout the world as the staged "Trial(s) of the Century" approacheth (January 2024).




The Globalist "elite" don't give a damn about anyone who is not in their class. Brooks' column eloquently, passionately and comprehensively exposes this reality.



  1. The Forgotten Man -- painting by Jon McNaughton.
Sep 12, 2022
Angry Affirmative-Action Soros Fulton County AG leaked the indictment before it was voted on, lied about it after they were caught, and then forgot to redact the names of the grand jurors trying to imprison Trump for tweeting.

But I’m sure Fulton County ran a spotless and legit election in 2020.

View attachment 74152
Don't they know there are cozy cells waiting for them in Gitmo?

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