
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Aug 17, 2019

haarp waves.png

These waves were seen all along the coast of Florida in the days leading up to hurricane Helene, from the Panhandle around to the east coast, and up to Georgia and the Carolinas. The swells were massive all up the entire East coast.

These waves are NOT part of any natural phenomena, they are created by HAARP high frequency weapons (DEWs).

They pulsated the oceans to create massive swells with the intent to destroy.

They also manipulated the storm to steer it directly to Asheville with the intent to destroy.

Boots on the ground in Asheville all say the same thing, "we never saw it coming" and when they did it was already too late.

The storm actually accelerated and intensified in the moments leading up to the direct hit in Asheville.

None of this normal.

The People of Asheville need our prayers.

There are so many people still unaccounted for.



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How the Military recruited, equipped and trained ANONS and Digital Soldiers to bypass and eventually wipe out the Deep State FAKE "news" brainwashing machine



We are the news now!

Genius military planning and precision.

What a ride!

What a journey!

Fifth Generation Warfare

The Great Awakening, one precious soul at a time!

Sep 12, 2022

White Hats Mobilize 25,000 Troops to Stop Election Interference​

Michael Baxter
October 1, 2024

White Hats are mobilizing 25,000 troops to deter the Department of Homeland Security from interfering in the presidential election, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Last week, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command intercepted conversations between DHS Deputy Secretary Kristie Canegallo in Washington and DHS Chief Security Officer Richard McComb at a department satellite office in Lansing, Michigan, a battleground state. Canegallo had asked McComb whether 7,500 agents were enough to police the streets for “MAGA agitators” in the seven swing states. McComb laughed at the question. He replied, “Twice that number, and probably more,” and informed her that his underlings were presently briefing agency personnel in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona on methods to combat MAGA insurrectionists. McComb did not elaborate on what those methods were.

What the White Hats call the Department of Deep State Security is the largest law enforcement branch in the United States, employing 80,000 armed agents across nine agencies. Many of these agents are hardworking people collecting paychecks, and many are regime loyalists who have sworn allegiance to the Biden/Harris cabal. The Department’s maestro, Alejandro Mayorkas, has been labeled a war criminal by the White Hats, but the wiggly worm has thus far eluded capture.

“We don’t know which feds are corrupt and which aren’t, so we have to err on the side of caution. If they think they’re gonna intimidate or threaten patriots, we have something to say about that. There might be multiple forces in play on Election Day,” our source said.

The forces he alluded to include the DHS, White Hats, United Nations “Blue Helmets,” and the Red Hats, whose apparent dormancy of late has concerned Gen. Smith, our source said. When Gen. Smith and Red Hat leader Col. Kurtz last spoke, the latter said he would turn America’s streets red with federal blood if the Deep State interfered in the election. He had also spoken of collateral damage, calling it an unfortunate necessity. The Red Hats have largely fallen off the radar, leaving Gen. Smith to wonder whether Kurtz has been secretly mustering forces in preparation for an all-out strike. While they share the same goal—eradication of the Deep State—they have diametrically opposite ideologies. Gen. Smith aims to stop election interference without spilling innocent blood.

As for the Blue Helmets, Gen. Smith reportedly sent António Guterres a message after White Hats stopped busloads of U.N. “peacekeepers” at the southern border in August. According to our source, the general said blue helmets caught on American soil would be summarily executed.

“At this point, we’re more concerned about the feds. And of them posing as MAGA to cause trouble for patriots. Now, the Deep State knows we listen in, and the convo between Kristie Canegallo and Richard McComb could be a ploy, a red herring. We’re working on getting verification from 5th Columnists, but we can’t afford to sit on our laurels until then. That’s why the general’s put things in motion. We’ve trained four years for this; we’re ready,” our source said.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ports Shutdown & Sex Trafficking!

US ports from Maine to Texas will shutdown if a union representing 45,000 dockworkers carries through with a threatened strike.

But why are they striking? No, really...what's the REAL reason?

Question to anyone AWAKE: What are shipping containers commonly used for?

Human trafficking 👉👉👉 both adults and children

The shutdown of these ports is the perfect time for the Military to stage raids and rescue operations bringing the full Cabal human trafficking operation into full view for Norm and Norma Normie.

👉Think: #Evergreen
👉Think: Pedo Diddy (unsealed)
👉 Think: the Clinton Foundation (sealed)


Is this a White Hat Operation?

Of course!

Is the Military already on site in these ports?

Of course!

Does Joe have public RECEIPTS?

Of course!


Still think :an_laugh: "Q is bullshit🤡"???

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



Hence why so many military vehicles are being reported at the ports.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Please do your due diligence and know where your 401ks & IRAs are invested. You have every right to transfer those funds into any investment of your choosing. Gold, silver, money markets etc.

A stock's value must reflect its company's earnings. If profits are down for ABC Company and they're not hiring, but their shares are up 20%, that's called an artificial BUBBLE. Most likely, a Fed-induced BUBBLE.

If you buy a truck for 80K but in reality it's only worth 50k, what happens when you resell it on the open market? Will some good Samaritan be reimbursing you for your 30k mistake? No, of course not... that 30k is gone forever.

That's what the market is.

WHEN the new gold-backed financial system gets switched on, the market will be FORCED to reflect REALITY - no more FAKE Fed-induced BUBBLES - and there will be a correction across the board.

Please do your due diligence and protect your investment portfolios from these market corrections.

Thank you very much.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yes, Tim Walz Has Befriended School Shooters


By Michael Baxter -October 2, 2024

VP candidate Tim Walz did not misspeak when he said “I’ve become friends with school shooters” at last night’s vice-presidential debate.

Walz and his opponent, Republican Senator J.D. Vance, had been sparring cordially over diverging policies on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment as the Minnesota governor shockingly confessed to a propensity for befriending school shooters. Plural.

Although Vance, probably mortified beyond the ability to articulate a response, glossed over the comment, and the Deep State moderators conveniently ignored it, the rest of the world watching the debate reacted with a mix of shock and horror.

Watching in real-time on the campaign trail, President Trump posted to Truth Social: “Did Tampon Tim just say he has become friends with school shooters. Is he insane?”

Later, the mainstream media tried to downplay Walz’s bizarre comment, describing it as a verbal gaffe.

“He meant to say ‘I’ve become friends with survivors of school shooters’,” MSNBC mouthpiece Rachel Maddow said.

She was among the bevy of Walz apologists, all of whom apparently had the clairvoyance to intuit what Walz meant to say.

But Walz said what he said. He made no attempt to correct his words while standing behind the podium, which astonished White Hats who had already authored a sealed indictment against him.

“It was an incredibly candid disclosure,” a JAG source told Real Raw News. “Our interest in Walz had nothing to do with who picks for friends, but he has a history of sympathetically reaching out to school shooters, and the parents of school shooters, and, as he said, befriending them. But you’ll never hear that on the news.”

While investigating Walz’s checkered history in August, JAG learned that Walz had written a heartfelt letter to the parents of Aiden Hale (born Audrey Elizabeth Hale), the 28-year-old transgender who gunned down seven at the Covenant School in Nashville in March 2023. It was the state’s deadliest school shooting. Hale was killed by police after randomly killing her victims.

“…I don’t believe your son was evil, but misguided. Transgenders are non-violent but often targets of harassment and discrimination. I’m sure your son, may he rest in peace, was the victim of some inequity that pushed him past the edge, beyond the point of no return. I can’t condone his actions, but I condemn those discriminating against our transgender community. If I can assist, please don’t hesitate to call my office,” Walz purportedly wrote to Hale’s parents.

Additionally, Walz this year sent a letter to school shooter 18-year-old Christian Acevedo, who shot and killed two Benito Juarez Community Academy, a Chicago high school, students in December 2022. The altercation involved gang affiliations, and Acevedo was sentenced to 20 years for each murder charge.

“Gang-related violence is terrible, tragic, and I can’t imagine what injustice pushed you to the point of pointing and firing a gun that day…If we had known each other, if we had talked before you took their lives, I’m confident we could’ve found a more palatable solution…Were you forced into gang life, like so many are? Was that your only option to avoid becoming a target of violence yourself? That’s a story I hear a lot…Your friend in Christ, Governor Tim Walz,” Walz wrote to Acevedo.

It’s unclear if Acevedo replied to Walz’s correspondence.

Our source said: “Personally, we’d be a better world if these gang members just wiped each other out completely, but that’s beside the point. The point is that Walz has a perverse fondness for school shooters. It’s sick and weird. Digs school shooters. Loves Antifa and BLM. Stolen valor. He has Deep State written all over his face.”

Asked when JAG would apprehend Walz, he added, “He’s center stage now, but once President Trump’s officially back in office, maybe even on day one, Walz is coming to GITMO.”

Sep 12, 2022
Everything but the real cause.

Heart attacks in young people are rare — but rates are rising. Experts point to 4 possible reasons.​

Natalie Rahhal
Natalie Rahhal
Wed, October 2, 2024, 11:10 AM PDT·8 min read

A young woman holds both hands over her heart.

Heart attack rates have risen sharply among young adults — and especially women — in the U.S., due in part to the prevalence of obesity, experts say. (Getty Images) (Boy_Anupong via Getty Images)

When paramedics responded to a 911 call from the mother of Raquel Hutt, they saw a slender, scared 24-year-old and assumed that the “crazy shooting pains” down her left arm were the result of a panic attack. Hutt didn’t look like a typical heart attack patient. But after Hutt’s mother, Jenny, insisted her daughter be taken to the hospital, doctors confirmed that that’s exactly what Hutt was: a 24-year-old heart attack patient. “It really shocked me how the EMT just looked at me — because of my age and because of my body type and because of the history I was explaining — like I was perfectly healthy,” Hutt told Today.

It’s true that heart attacks rarely strike young adults — but it’s becoming more common. Read on for why experts think this is happening and what you can do to help prevent a heart attack at any age.

The young adult heart attack rate has risen by 2/3rds in 4 years​

In 2019, only 0.3% of U.S. adults between ages 18 and 44 had suffered a heart attack, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. That figure went up to 0.5% last year. So while heart attacks in this age group are still rare, that’s an increase of more than 66% over the past four years.

While heart attacks are far more common among older people overall, NCHS data shows that rates in every other adult age group have actually declined since 2019. Doctors and scientists are still trying to work out what is driving up heart attacks among young adults — a group historically less at risk for acute cardiovascular events — but several parallel trends are likely at play.

1. Obesity rates continue to rise​

Adults under 50 are by no means the only age group affected by the so-called obesity epidemic, but experts suspect their cardiovascular health may be impacted more dramatically than that of older generations. “Even though obesity has increased in every age group, the slope of increase is much steeper in young adults than older adults,” Dr. Andrew Moran, a Columbia University preventive cardiologist and epidemiologist, tells Yahoo Life.

That may be, in part, because “nutrition habits are pretty well-formed in childhood,” Cedars-Sinai cardiology professor Dr. Noel Bairey Merz tells Yahoo Life. “I still eat pretty much the way I was raised” in the 1950s and 1960s, she says. “This was before fast food, before all the highly processed and snacking foods,” she explains. Fast food became widely available following World War II, and by 2010, the share of meals that people eat outhad eclipsed the proportion cooked at home. Younger patients — those now in their 40s and below — developed their eating habits in the heyday of McDonald’s, Doritos, snack bars and Big Gulps. Bairey Merz suspects that younger adults who were raised with a diet full of these high-calorie, low-nutrient foods are still eating them out of habits formed in childhood.

Low-quality diets and more sedentary lifestyles have contributed to the development of what Bairey Merz calls the “diabesity epidemic,” referring to the coinciding increases in obesity and diabetes rates. Obesity and diabetes are major risk factors for high blood pressure. And all three are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks because they can damage blood vessels and put a strain on your heart.

2. COVID may have fueled a further increase in premature heart attacks​

We now know that COVID-19 can damage the heart and cardiovascular system, in some cases causing a dangerous form of heart inflammation called myocarditis, as well as attacking the lungs. Severe infections are relatively rare among young people. But when they happen, it’s often to young adults with risk factors for heart attacks, including obesity, says Moran. “The virus’s effect on the heart muscle has led to acute cardiovascular events related to COVID,” he explains.

During the first two years of the COVID pandemic, there were 30% more heart attack deaths than would be expected among people between ages 25 and 44, one study found. Another study estimated that 4 out of every 100 people in the U.S. develop some heart-related symptom in the year after they recover from COVID. “We have to look at the traditional risk factors like obesity and hypertension,” which we know are rising among young adults, Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Ashish Sarraju tells Yahoo Life. “But it’s hard to ignore that the COVID-19 pandemic happened at the same time, and the virus affects the heart in a number of different ways that we’re still trying to understand, so we need to look at nontraditional factors as well.”

3. Younger men are ‘lost to the health care system’​

Men of all ages are more likely than women to suffer heart attacks. But young men — more of whom are now obese, diabetic or both — with warning signs may slip more easily through the cracks, says Moran. “A proportion of young women will end up in the medical system because they see a gynecologist,” which is recommended annually, he explains. “But young adult men are basically lost to the health care system ... they don’t know if they have high blood pressure or diabetes until they wind up in the hospital.”

4. Smoking, diabetes, periods and stress: Unique risk factors for younger women​

The rise in heart attack rates has been steepest among young women, some research suggests. From 1995 to 2014, hospitalizations for heart attacks in women between ages 35 and 54 rose from 21% to 31%, according to one study. Bairey Merz is among those trying to find out why the rate is spiking among young women, and she has several theories. For one, “the ‘diabesity’ epidemic is clearly contributing to a rising rate of heart disease,” she says. “And diabetes is a stronger risk factor [for cardiovascular problems] for women than for men, but we don’t know why.”

There’s also the problem of smoking and vaping, both of which increase the risk of a heart attack. “We clearly are seeing a demographic of college-educated women who are more likely to start smoking when they go away to college ... for what they say is weight management,” Bairey Merz says. She adds that e-cigarettes are a big part of this problem and are likely just as bad for cardiovascular health as traditional cigarettes.

Finally, the relationship between stress, periods and hormones may pose a unique heart attack risk to women. This is an emerging area of research, says Bairey Merz. “But it’s becoming pretty clear in research that younger women are facing more stress, anxiety and pressure, and a lot of this is related to social media.” High levels of stress can disrupt menstrual cycles; specifically, it can lead to missed periods. “When you’re not ovulating each month, your estrogen levels are very low and this is a contributing factor to heart disease” and, consequently, heart attacks, Bairey Merz explains.

What you can do to reduce your risks​

Some good news: There’s a lot you can do to reduce your heart attack risks, starting now.
  1. Eat better: “Consume fresh food, including fruits and vegetables, and minimize the amount of packaged food you eat,” Moran advises. “If you follow that basic advice, you’re going to have a much lower-sodium diet,” which is crucial for heart disease prevention.
  2. Be more active: “Do something that’s sustainable for you,” like getting the recommended two and a half hours of moderate physical activity per week, or getting in 7,000 steps a day.
  3. Quit tobacco: “Don’t smoke; e-cigarettes are the same, vaping is the same, smoking cannabis is the same,” says Bairey Merz. “There is no safe tobacco or cannabis” smoke.
  4. Get healthy sleep: Sarraju says many young adults may be unaware of how important “sleep quality and sleep quantity” are for heart health. The AHA recommends seven to nine hours of sleep each night for adults.
  5. Drink less alcohol: A glass of red wine was once thought of as heart-healthy. But recent research has debunked that myth (and others) about alcohol consumption. In fact, drinking any amount of alcohol has now been linked to greater heart disease risks.
  6. Manage weight: Talk to your health care provider about what a healthy weight for you would be, and manage it with “nutrition and daily activity,” says Bairey Merz.
  7. Get cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure checked: Find out what your blood pressure is along with your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. “There’s a short list of tests that everyone should have done,” says Moran. He recommends asking for these checks, talking to your health care provider about your family history and finding out what steps to take to get any high levels under control.
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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Q told us MSM polls are FAKE and RIGGED

👇 👇 👇 👇


Last night's VP debate:

CNN & CBS are trying to claim it was "even"




Yet organic polls show a 46 point landslide.



That’s not a "margin of error"

It's a Q Proof.

So the TARDbreakers waiving FAKE polls around are...well, TARDS.

👉👉👉It's a 75-25 race and country.

When you are AWAKE you can see CLEARLY.

Just LAUGH at this MK-Ultra stupidity and protect your minds.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


👇 👇 👇 👇

👉 Endless CORRUPT DOJ/FBI LAWFARE against President Trump
👉 At least TWO assassination attempts against President Trump
👉 DNC banning RFK Jr from debates, then cancelling primaries because they knew he would win
👉 "D" Party removing RFK Jr from state ballots
👉 "Biden" not providing RFK Jr Secret Service protection
👉 "D" party threatening "Biden" and forcing him to step down last minute, then INSTALLING someone NOBODY voted for 👉 ZERO delegates in the primaries
👉 Iran spying on Trump feeding that info to "Kamala" campaign
👉 FAKE, PHONY and FALSE MSM Polls 👉75-25 race, NOT "50/50" 🤡
👉 ABC moderators "fact checking" Trump, NOT "Kamala"
👉 ABC providing questions to "Kamala" campaign in advance
👉 "Kamala" wearing an earpiece at the debate
👉 Lindsey Davis, ABC moderator, sorority sister of "Kamala"
👉 Google RIGGING search results against Trump
👉 Hurricane Helene
👉 CBS moderator "fact-checking" JD Vance, but not Tampon Tim

So what do you suppose is going to happen election night (if they run it)?

This is not about Trump. And this is not another 4 year election - elected INSTALLED "R" and "D" establishment candidates "taking turns"

This is about exposing a totally RIGGED CORRUPT CRIMINAL SYSTEM.

This election is nothing more than SHOWING THE PEOPLE they don't get to choose their leaders, the Criminal Deep State Swamp does it for them, while destroying ANYONE who gets in their way.

Soon EVERYONE will understand WHY the ADULTS took over 👉 "Peaceful Transition to Military Power" & Continuity of Government Operations.



"Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning — because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."
-- President Trump's Inaugural Address (with the military standing behind him)

Trust the plan.


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