
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
National Emergency Executive Order 13848 - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

FAKE "Biden" once again renews President Trump's Election Fraud Military Sting Operation. This ties in perfectly to President Trump's recent "Cease and Desist" post giving would-be election fraud scoundrels PLENTY of warning.

EO 13848 is a cover story for the masses who don’t yet understand we are living under limited martial law in a Continuity of Government operation.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
From THIS 👇 👇 👇 👇


To THIS 👇👇👇👇


Remember, the Q military took back the GOLD from the Vatican and Royals.


Aug 17, 2019
National Emergency Executive Order 13848 - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

FAKE "Biden" once again renews President Trump's Election Fraud Military Sting Operation. This ties in perfectly to President Trump's recent "Cease and Desist" post giving would-be election fraud scoundrels PLENTY of warning.

EO 13848 is a cover story for the masses who don’t yet understand we are living under limited martial law in a Continuity of Government operation.

Final sting operation in place and underway.

Do you think tards and normies will understand once they show the election fraud "live"?

:an_laugh: Normies probably, tards not!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
LOL 30 seconds

Unearthed ABC News footage from 1995 shows Kamala Harris being asked if she is ex Willie Brown's daughter in San Francisco An old ABC News profile on San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown shows the young Kamala Harris out on the town with her much-older lover, where she is asked questions by reporters.


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Cool Q proof here you may not have heard before. The common ones are knowing when McCain would be announced dead, the change in the Lords prayer, and the most common one was when President said the phrase "tippy top". Here's another one to make the normies go hmmm. Video should start where the conversation starts about the proof.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Once DECLAS drops, the Q Operation will be forgotten. Except for historians interested in that sort of thing.

The Q Operation was the military scouring the Internet for modern virtual Paul Reveres so they could prepare and redpill the public for the enormity of what's coming. Where and when those "Anons" would appear and which ones would thrive nobody knew.

This why I laugh at doomers/the blackpill cult who claim they were into Q early but then realized it was "bullshit" and gave up. Basically admitting the "heavy lifting" of "Q boot camp" (learning to read and utilize the drops properly) was too difficult and complex for them. Boohoo. Well yeah, few have what it takes to become US Marines too. Military Work Ethic, Discipline & Excellence: the Q team did that deliberately. Many early followers didn't survive the blitzkrieg of "media debunking" either. Again, weak minds unworthy of the harsh, relentless and often thankless task of redpilling brainwashed normies... "only the best and brightest"..

Here's a secret: even if people don't believe you, you planted the seed. Which is enough to emotionally/psychologically "soften the blow" once these TRUTH bombs filter their way into the collective "mainstream" consciousness.

Note how Q recruited its army of Digital Soldiers in the 4chan chat groups, not right wing conservative blogs and forums like Free Republic. This tells you they had a certain profile in mind. They were right again. It turns out the best ANONS are the ones who were never political or ideological to begin with.

I don't follow this template, but look at the highest profile redpillers (top of my head - Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, even Anons like Clandestine etc). You know they're dialed into the Q Op because they utilize Q techniques and Q Intel. Yet, they don't specifically mention Q, while some go so far to say the whole thing is bullshit...obvious deliberate misdirection/disinformation in an information war. They evangelize everything Q, except Q itself because they understand the vast majority will never have any interest in the drops themselves. Smart.

Q "proofs" ("news unlocks the map") are little reward nuggets along this arduous multiyear journey to keep the Digital Army in high spirits fighting on, just like a real army needs on the battlefield. Same with COMMS - winky-winky winks from White Hats (often using humor) letting us know they are still with us. Although Q no longer posts, you can't spot and read Q comms or even Trump/White Hat comms from simple observation unless you understand you graduated from "Q boot camp" and remain active in communities with likeminded ANONS. Again, a satisfying reward exclusively for the ANON Digital Army.

All in all, it's a brilliant military operation, which historians will be writing about 100 years from now. The weaponization of the Common Man against the ruling class Deep State Cabal in preparation for a new revolution. A revolution which truly democratizes information, and will leave the old highly-centralized inefficient, CORRUPT horse and buggy Mind Control Machine of the Cabal on the asheep of history!

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!


Sep 12, 2022

JAG Convicts Alvin Bragg​

Michael Baxter
September 11, 2024

9/03/2024 — GITMO
Three US Navy officers last Tuesday unanimously convicted Alvin Bragg of treason and recommended he face a noose for having betrayed his oath of office, defrauded the country, and used the district attorney’s office to wage a personal vendetta against President Donald J. Trump.

As reported previously, Alvin Bragg was arrested by the US Army Criminal Investigation Division in June and sent to Guantanamo Bay for interrogation. Expectedly, he wasn’t cooperative and had insisted that his office’s charges against President Trump were legitimate, lawful, and unbeatable.

JAG saw the situation differently: Bragg weaponized his office to violate the Constitutional and Legal Rights of President Donald J. Trump, handpicked biased judges, and stacked grand juries with Deep State sympathizers eager to indict an innocent man.

Every person practicing law in New York must take a “constitutional oath of office,” swearing or affirming to “support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of New York.” By taking that oath Alvin Bragg was legally “bound to a constitutional course of conduct.” In his politicized efforts to indict and convict President Trump, he failed his oaths of office and committed treason.

His trial at Guantanamo Bay was unremarkable, as far as Deep State tribunals go, meaning it lacked the often-seen theatricality and idiotic flamboyance so commonly and comically displayed by Deep Staters whose lives hung in the balance. Bragg, who had chosen to represent himself, claiming his was the sharpest legal mind in existence, sat sullenly through Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall’s opening statement. The admiral called Bragg a “political opportunist” who had grandiose visions of serving as a member of Biden’s—or Harris’—cabinet in 2024, perhaps as attorney general.

The admiral’s evidence seemed irrefutable. He called to the stand a “mole” JAG had placed inside the district attorney’s office in early 2023, as Bragg’s grand jury began hearing testimony about the alleged hush money. The mole, a JAG lawyer, had applied for a job and worked under Bragg’s henchman, Matthew Colangelo (now in pre-trail detainment at GITMO), a previous Department of Justice official and prior to that worked at the New York Attorney General’s Office where he was part of the team that investigated the Trump Foundation.

The witness testified under oath that he had been in Bragg’s office when Bragg and Colangelo discussed “fucking Trump over” and vowing to put him in prison irrespective of whether he had broken any laws. He said Bragg had been singularly focused on stopping Trump from becoming the 2024 Republican nominee, having referred to Trump as a threat to democracy. Bragg, the witness said, dedicated his life to destroying Trump.
He had evidence to support his words, such as an SD card that held audio conversations between Bragg and various staffers. In a March 2023 recording, Bragg told Colangelo that he would “bury Trump” and “own Mar-a-Lago” once Justice Juan Merchan bankrupted Trump, his children, and the Trump Organization. Moreover, Bragg admitted on the recording he had no substantive evidence against Trump but would “bend” what he had to secure a formal indictment. Bragg had discussed everything from rummaging through Trump’s trash for “dirt” to bugging his attorneys’ offices. In another recorded segment, Bragg discussed empaneling a grand jury comprised of only registered Democrats.

The witness said he had personally heard Bragg issue unconstitutional instructions to eight staffers, including the now-imprisoned Susan Hoffinger. Neither she nor Colangelo appeared at Bragg’s trial.

As Admiral Crandall questioned the witness, Brag sat almost motionless at the defense table, his eyes fixed on the witness. His only objection came after the admiral finished his direct examination.

A soft-spoken Bragg didn’t refute the testimony or question the recording’s authenticity; however, he argued that the witness’s name did not appear in the discovery file and, therefore, his testimony be declared inadmissible.

“This cowboy law would never be allowed in my jurisdiction,” Bragg said.

The admiral took him down a notch. “In case you haven’t noticed, detainee Bragg, you’re not in the Southern District of New York, and you have no jurisdiction.”

“You managed to plant a spy and engaged in illegal wiretapping—”
The admiral cut him off. “A spy, if that’s the word you use, sure. Illegal wiretapping? You should know the laws in your own state, detainee Bragg. New York is a one-party consent state. And the evidence is admissible.”
He gave Bragg an opportunity to cross-examine the witness.

“Just how did you come to work for my office?” Bragg asked.

“I submitted an application, did two online and in-person interviews,” the witness said.

“Using fraudulent credentials?” Bragg asked.

“I am an attorney, with legal licensure in several states, including New York,” the witness said.

“Did you disclose on your application or interviews that you’re also a JAG officer in the United States Navy?” Bragg asked.

“Actually, yes, I did. In fact, I have a copy of it here. If your recruiters did due diligence, they should’ve picked up on that,” the witness said.

“Objection: argumentative,” Bragg said.

The admiral overruled him.

“Did we ever speak or meet prior to you getting the job?” Bragg asked.

“No, we did not. I just assumed you were too busy to meet or personally interview prospective employees,” said the witness coolly.

“Do you understand what the word ‘ethics’ means, and what conflict of interest is?” Bragg asked.

“I do,” said the witness.

“And you didn’t feel those were compromised?” Bragg asked.

“I am a lawyer, but I am also an officer who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, an oath I take very seriously,” the witness said.

“You mean an oath to Donald Trump,” Bragg interjected.

“No, my loyalty is to the country and the constitution, not an individual, any individual,” the witness said.

“This is pointless,” said Bragg as he sat down. “I’m done here.”

The officers deciding Bragg’s fate also felt he was done—done with living.

They found him guilty of treason and lesser charges and told Adm. Crandall that Bragg ought to be hanged for his crimes, a judgment the admiral said was reasonable and just.

Bragg shook his head as the verdict was read but said nothing.

The admiral scheduled his execution for September 17.

Aug 17, 2019

Foreign enemy armies have been covertly planted by the UN with explicit orders given to destroy the U.S. and U.K. infrastructure once they decide to give the orders to flip the switch.

Some version of this may happen very soon!

Are you prepared for lockdowns?

Time to take inventory of what you need for when this happens.


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