
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The polls don’t seem real.
Yes, 100% RIGGED and making it super obvious.

Any MAGA supporter remotely worried about this staged clown show just isn't awake enough.


👉 🍿🎥🍿🎥🍿🎥🍿🎥

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

After Friday’s disastrous proposal of cracking down on “price gauging” through price controls I think Comrade Kamala just might stick Witless.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Fire up the Boat Parades

Love the Boat at 57 seconds (the one in YT thumbnail)....lots of MAGA is finally catching on, hope they are starting some good converstations with the other boaters.

Aug 17, 2019



The Trump "assassination" didn't go as planned for the bad ETs who have kept humans enslaved for aeons.

The bad ETs wanted to use the Trump "assassination" to link our timeline back to the same timeline of the Reagan, Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations, in order to maintain control over this prison planet.

Using "assassination" timelines is something that has always worked for the bad ETs.

However, their plan failed this time because the Trump "assassination" resulted in something they never expected - another mass awakening around the world and, instead of going backwards in timelines, we catapulted into a future timeline where their mechanisms they have used to control humanity for aeons will no longer work!

Great news for humanity!

Horrible news for the bad ETs.

And now they are pissed.

They are planning their "alien invasion" just like the op stated would happen in the original RR thread as their final move.

They are planning to use project blue beam [blue skies in the outer worlds] to accomplish this.

But the Guardians (good ETs) are working in cooperation with the Red Skies projects to defend the planet and humanity.

Earlier this year the good ETs [Guardians] "winked" at those of us who are on the front lines of the spiritual war, letting us know the fail-safe plan is in place.

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 7.45.24 AM.png

There is going to be a major conflict between the good ETs and the bad ETs.

Things are already happening in Antarctica and south pole, the biggest bad ET and SSP base on the planet.

This conflict is going to escalate and be brought into full public view around the world.

DECLAS will be the catalyst to start it!

DECLAS is critical because it not only exposes the bad ETs crimes against humanity, it also exposes their control mechanisms like secrecy, bribery, manipulation, etc.

And this becomes the end for the bad ETs.

Once they realize that humans are fully aware of their crimes they will lose control of the population (they already are).

When you lose control of the population, you lose control of the planet.

Typically, the negative ETs would blow up the planet on their way out, or create some cataclysmic event to kill off the population.

This is NOT going to happen.

The good ETs are more powerful than they are and WILL NOT allow it to.

There will be no cataclysms, Nuke wars or anything else on that level.

But you will almost definitely see the "battle" in the skies regardless of where you live.

This event is necessary because it is the only thing that will unite all cultures, races, sexes, religions, etc around the world.

It was Reagan who said, "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world... I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?"

DECLAS also paves the way for our off-planet ET groups to exit the shadows from where they've been helping us in this "silent war" and to show themselves.

It WILL happen, it's imminent.

This is important to understand.

It is extremely important to our evolution because humans need to know the truth of who they are and our connection to the cosmos.

We ARE galactic beings.

And humanity will know the TRUTH soon!

The op has drip dripped some of this since the outset of the original RR thread.

And now it is closer to becoming the reality than you think.

Exact timing?

Only GOD knows.

But remember, DECLAS is the catalyst.

Once DECLAS happens there won't be one person who can pretend it's not happening, because life as we know it will change forever.

Stay safe, stay aware, be fearless.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

🐵 The 17’s keep coming. OF COURSE there are 17,000 "cases" of Monkeypox and 517 "deaths" in Africa.

What other numbers would the White Hats use to stage the narrative?

Wakey wakey normies.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's hard to believe just how stupid that group of Tards actually are. Just unbelievably stupid and mentally deranged.
The endless drama and stupidity over the last 4 years and this election cycle - the "movie" exclusively for normies - is beyond words.

Most Americans can barely name the three branches of government, so easy to understand how so many dupes were fooled by all the Cabal PSYOPs over DECADES. That's how we got into this demonic mess in the first place.

Every single day, the National Guard are out of their states. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I could post the call signs and flight pattern screenshots DAILY but it gets boring after a while....know what I mean?

Out of state 👉 Federalized

The ONLY person who can Federalize 👉The President

The ONLY President who’s Federalized recently 👉President Donald J. Trump

👉 Wartime Powers which had to be invoked and haven't changed since.

👉FACTS. FACTS which apparently nobody can be bothered to research.

ANYONE can look them up online and read all the bipartisan Laws and Orders.

ANYONE can read the National Emergency Executive Orders still in effect.

But nobody does. 🙄 Sheeple expect Cabal News to spoon feed them TRUTH. :an_smash:

Stupid and ignorant doesn't begin to the describe our TARDS and the ENDLESS NONSENSE they cluttered this thread with since their FAKE "News" told them "Biden" won with "81 million votes" 😂

This week, the DNC :an_laugh:CLOWN SHOW CENTRAL 🤡 🤡 🤡 in this 🍿 "movie" 🎥

Beyond obvious WHY the military had to do it this way.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
General Flynn fueling the narrative that Commander Trump will be jailed

👇 👇 👇 👇

Now what’s going to happen [Sept. 18] that judge, I believe is going to put Trump in jail…. Why wouldn’t he?… it’s just more of the same Shit.”

Remember, if and when the military ACTS, Trump MUST be out of the picture.

Just like Jan 6th 2021, after President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act and ordered himself BANNED from Twitter immediately after.


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