
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I feel so ashamed and embarassed I bought into the 9/11 govt bullshit back then and mocked the "conspiracy theorists" because "Popular Mechanics debunked" it all.

Popular Mechanics and Mythbusters convinced a SHIT TON of people that certain FACTS were just conspiracy theories.

Very slick when you can present MOSTLY good info to people on various topics so that they trust you when they LIE about other topics.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Ha Ha, Bet fake news hated posting this one


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Popular Mechanics and Mythbusters convinced a SHIT TON of people that certain FACTS were just conspiracy theories.

Very slick when you can present MOSTLY good info to people on various topics so that they trust you when they LIE about other topics.
Yeah, truthful on the obvious fluff, but then beyond wickedly deceitful on things that 9/11.

I guess this was the biggest wake up call for me, the depth of deception and the amount of money behind it. That and their depth of evil. Things so horrifying I couldn't even imagine some of these concepts. Like andrenochrome...FFS!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hardly anyone was alive when the Deep State killed JFK, so a few document dumps from JFK, RFK, MLK Jr etc. that happened decades ago probably wouldn't move the needle, certainly wouldn't bring anyone to the precipice.


A REAL LIFE assassination attempt might get people's attention.

"Holy shit! After all the failed lies and LAWFARE, they actually tried to kill him!!" - Sheep stuck in Normiedom

Sometimes, you can't tell people the truth, you must SHOW them!

Aug 17, 2019

This move confuses some but makes sense strategically.

Screen Shot 2024-07-15 at 8.30.31 PM.png


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Jack Smith arrested immediately after Judge Cannon tossed out the classified documents case against President Trump.

Details to follow..


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Marines Arrest Jack Smith

By Michael Baxter -July 15, 2024


Special counsel Jack Smith was arrested by U.S. Marines Monday morning minutes after Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the federal criminal case against Donald Trump charging him with hoarding national security secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate and then obstructing government efforts to reclaim them, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Canon ruled that Jack Smith’s appointment was unlawful and violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

“The Court is convinced that Special Counsel Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

General Smith, our source said, had prior knowledge of Cannon’s ruling and had positioned Marines outside a property Jack Smith owned in upstate New York, with orders to take him “dead or alive” following the judge’s announcement, adding that the general would have eventually issued orders to grab Smith regardless of Cannon’s decision.

“It’s not like the timing wasn’t entirely coincidental. We’ve had plans to get Smith all along, but since the general knew what was coming down the pipeline, and I don’t know how he got the intel, he figured it’d be an opportune moment to surprise Smith with a little welcome to detainee status party. We had Marines on target,” our source said.

Smith and his wife, liberal documentary filmmaker Katy Chevigny, sold their Nashville, TN, home in June 2023, alleging that MAGA insurrectionists had doxed his address, trespassed his property, and made countless threatening phone calls. He then purchased 11 lavish houses in 11 states, nomadically moving among them and ensuring that he and Chevigny never occupied the same space at the time. Most were bought using fake identities or were deeded to innocuous-sounding LLCs. Smith had created to obfuscate the purchases.

“We knew where he’d been staying the last couple of weeks, and Marines were ready to take him,” our source said.

Those Marines, he added, stormed a 5-acre tract of land Smith secretly owned in Fulton County, New York, and breached the front and rear doors of his split-level manor, catching an unwary Smith with his defenses down in the shower, their laser sights penetrating the steam and dotting Smith’s torso with beads of light.

Smith, wearing only a towel around his waist, demanded an explanation for the intrusion and asked the Marines if they knew with whom they were dealing, and threatened them with “consequences” unless they immediately left his property.

“Get out of my house. I know President Biden. Leave, go, go now, or else,” Smith had said.

But the Marines, unmoved by the Deep Stater’s saber rattling, showed him a military arrest warrant charging him with treason, seditious conspiracy, and defrauding the United States of America, crimes for which he could be executed if found guilty at a military tribunal.

“Today’s just not your day, is it, Smith?” the lead Marine said while handcuffing him and then punching him solidly in the kidney for good measure.

Our source said Smith has been taken to a processing center for “interrogation.”

“Oddly, he bought that house; Fulton County is deep, deep Republican territory. He was a sheep hiding among wolves. Don’t be surprised if Smith’s is one of the first televised tribunals. President Trump’s been mulling that idea for a good while,” our source said.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Notice a trend… that adds to THE PLAN:

You see all the “prayers” by the Left who are vicious and hateful people towards ALL of us for President Donald John Trump.

But, do you see President Trump saying “unite the country” without changing his position on the left wing radicals?

No, you don’t.

What do you see in this post today by 45-47?

👉 Election Interference

Election Interference = Executive Order 13848

Which is an Executive Order with a National Emergency.

An Executive Order that made ABSOLUTELY ZERO critical, logical, strategical, or common sense for “Joe Biden” to extend past its automatic two year termination, IF he was really president.

Since “he” extended it, that’s due to be extended or resolved on September 12, 2024.

The extension by the way = enforcing the Law in which it was established to track all Fraudulent Activities at voting booths:



2024 - the Final Battle

Since 45 put the EO into place… the ONLY Resolution for it is going to be showing ALL the evidence of:

“We Have It ALL, we’ve caught them ALL”

👉 in a Court of LAWS and ORDERS.

Stop saying “nothing is happened” or “I can’t see anything happening”…

It most certainly is.

“The BEST is yet to come.”

They’ve been trapped.

The goal wasn’t to beat “Joe Biden” and the radical left.

President Donald John Trump and the Generals along with World Leaders BESTed the whole swamp globally.

The king is stalemate.

By BESTing them, they have to admit their defeat.

To the world.

Their only safe place to hide = Gitmo.

And remember…

Remember Nancy Pelosi telling President Trump, “I’m praying for you” and his immediate response:

“I don’t need YOUR prayers.”

As the Bible says: ‘salt water and fresh water cannot flow from the same spring.’

Prayers don’t come with vicious and malicious actions wrapped around “prayers.”

👉 that’s called hypocrisy and evil.

You’ve all been a front row witness to the most Biblical, Historical, Monumental Special Operation in World History.

Knowing the Military and Federal Laws and Orders currently in place equals viewing the show. 🍿🎥

Unfortunately, some will never realize what they’ve been watching, but for those of you who do, cheers 🥂🍻

The home stretch of the Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

Hang tight and enjoy the Final Battle.

Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 93708

Notice a trend… that adds to THE PLAN:

You see all the “prayers” by the Left who are vicious and hateful people towards ALL of us for President Donald John Trump.

But, do you see President Trump saying “unite the country” without changing his position on the left wing radicals?

No, you don’t.

What do you see in this post today by 45-47?

👉 Election Interference

Election Interference = Executive Order 13848

Which is an Executive Order with a National Emergency.

An Executive Order that made ABSOLUTELY ZERO critical, logical, strategical, or common sense for “Joe Biden” to extend past its automatic two year termination, IF he was really president.

Since “he” extended it, that’s due to be extended or resolved on September 12, 2024.

The extension by the way = enforcing the Law in which it was established to track all Fraudulent Activities at voting booths:



2024 - the Final Battle

Since 45 put the EO into place… the ONLY Resolution for it is going to be showing ALL the evidence of:

“We Have It ALL, we’ve caught them ALL”

👉 in a Court of LAWS and ORDERS.

Stop saying “nothing is happened” or “I can’t see anything happening”…

It most certainly is.

“The BEST is yet to come.”

They’ve been trapped.

The goal wasn’t to beat “Joe Biden” and the radical left.

President Donald John Trump and the Generals along with World Leaders BESTed the whole swamp globally.

The king is stalemate.

By BESTing them, they have to admit their defeat.

To the world.

Their only safe place to hide = Gitmo.

And remember…

Remember Nancy Pelosi telling President Trump, “I’m praying for you” and his immediate response:

“I don’t need YOUR prayers.”

As the Bible says: ‘salt water and fresh water cannot flow from the same spring.’

Prayers don’t come with vicious and malicious actions wrapped around “prayers.”

👉 that’s called hypocrisy and evil.

You’ve all been a front row witness to the most Biblical, Historical, Monumental Special Operation in World History.

Knowing the Military and Federal Laws and Orders currently in place equals viewing the show. 🍿🎥

Unfortunately, some will never realize what they’ve been watching, but for those of you who do, cheers 🥂🍻

The home stretch of the Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

Hang tight and enjoy the Final Battle.


It's been the greatest show ever on earth!

And it's only to going to get better in the coming weeks, more intense, but better.
Aug 17, 2019
Marines Arrest Jack Smith

By Michael Baxter -July 15, 2024

View attachment 93706

Special counsel Jack Smith was arrested by U.S. Marines Monday morning minutes after Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the federal criminal case against Donald Trump charging him with hoarding national security secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate and then obstructing government efforts to reclaim them, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Canon ruled that Jack Smith’s appointment was unlawful and violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

“The Court is convinced that Special Counsel Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

General Smith, our source said, had prior knowledge of Cannon’s ruling and had positioned Marines outside a property Jack Smith owned in upstate New York, with orders to take him “dead or alive” following the judge’s announcement, adding that the general would have eventually issued orders to grab Smith regardless of Cannon’s decision.

“It’s not like the timing wasn’t entirely coincidental. We’ve had plans to get Smith all along, but since the general knew what was coming down the pipeline, and I don’t know how he got the intel, he figured it’d be an opportune moment to surprise Smith with a little welcome to detainee status party. We had Marines on target,” our source said.

Smith and his wife, liberal documentary filmmaker Katy Chevigny, sold their Nashville, TN, home in June 2023, alleging that MAGA insurrectionists had doxed his address, trespassed his property, and made countless threatening phone calls. He then purchased 11 lavish houses in 11 states, nomadically moving among them and ensuring that he and Chevigny never occupied the same space at the time. Most were bought using fake identities or were deeded to innocuous-sounding LLCs. Smith had created to obfuscate the purchases.

“We knew where he’d been staying the last couple of weeks, and Marines were ready to take him,” our source said.

Those Marines, he added, stormed a 5-acre tract of land Smith secretly owned in Fulton County, New York, and breached the front and rear doors of his split-level manor, catching an unwary Smith with his defenses down in the shower, their laser sights penetrating the steam and dotting Smith’s torso with beads of light.

Smith, wearing only a towel around his waist, demanded an explanation for the intrusion and asked the Marines if they knew with whom they were dealing, and threatened them with “consequences” unless they immediately left his property.

“Get out of my house. I know President Biden. Leave, go, go now, or else,” Smith had said.

But the Marines, unmoved by the Deep Stater’s saber rattling, showed him a military arrest warrant charging him with treason, seditious conspiracy, and defrauding the United States of America, crimes for which he could be executed if found guilty at a military tribunal.

“Today’s just not your day, is it, Smith?” the lead Marine said while handcuffing him and then punching him solidly in the kidney for good measure.

Our source said Smith has been taken to a processing center for “interrogation.”

“Oddly, he bought that house; Fulton County is deep, deep Republican territory. He was a sheep hiding among wolves. Don’t be surprised if Smith’s is one of the first televised tribunals. President Trump’s been mulling that idea for a good while,” our source said.


Smith will be one of the first Tribunals along with Hobbs.

savage1 and his tard buddies are going to see just how stupid they really were to put all their chips on good ole Jack.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Something's gonna happen!" - Commander Trump since the "STOLLEN" election in 2020

That "something" of course is 👉 the long anticipated EBS/Big Reveal/"tape delay" TV Military Tribunals for normies.

That "something" is 👉 the unsealing of 500,000+ indictments accumulated over the course of this 6+ year Military Operation.

That "something" are the taped confessions and executions of all the criminal politicians, celebs, heroes that so many people blindly trusted.

That "something" is 👉 "We Have It ALL, I Caught Them ALL!"

Logical inference tells us that "Something" cannot happen if and when President Trump is back in office, and the reason is obvious.

It would look like vengeance.

It would look like "Trump is doing it", which cannot happen. It can't.

Nope, in the eyes of the public. WHEN shit hits the fan, Commander Trump has to be as far away from "THE STORM" as possible which - and I hate posting this - COULD...mean..."reports" of his death through yet another assassination attempt and/or the downing of his plane. After all we've witnessed throughout this movie, these are things you need to be psychologically prepared for.

And if you've been reading this thread all along, you ARE prepared for whatever the demons throw at you.

You are AWAKE.

You are LUCID.

You are STRONG.


You are a WARRIOR, strong with GOD.

You've seen endless RECEIPTS 👉 You KNOW why the TARDS checked out!

👉"What Storm, Mister President?"

👉👉👉"You'll find out!"

"The Storm" is the BIGGEST Biblical, Historical, Monumental Special Operation in World History.

Anyone who STILL labels you a "conspiracy theorist" is a fucking idiot! Seriously...after everything that has happened, people are STILL going around using this term??? Beyond brainwashed, stupid and hopeless!

When Satan's Globalists can't win arguments or find themselves defeated by FACTS, they resort to censorship and infantile terms like "conspiracy theorists".

When they cannot control world leaders through corruption, they resort to LAWFARE and now ASSASSINATION.

Yes...not a "conspiracy theory" 👉 FACT. Everyone has now SEEN it!

And not just Trump.

Slovakia’s anti-Globalist Prime Minister Robert Fico also barely survived an assassination attempt, while FAKE "news" declared “entirely justified” due to his beliefs in what they described as “dangerous conspiracy theories.”

These demons deserve everything that's coming, and anyone who blindly believes them deserves to be dragged through the GATES OF HELL right along with them. For real.

It's a war and this IS THE FINAL BATTLE 👉 "THE STORM" is coming!

God's Patriots vs Satan's shrieking demons.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!


Buckle up!


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