
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Aug 17, 2019
Is that when he ran away?

Something very specific scared the living shit out of him.


The op started posting many truths about the "chosen ones" in the weeks leading up to his departure on May 4th.

These posts focused on the Brooklyn Synagogue and the underground tunnels.

Then David Saltzman, a member of the Synagogue, came out and talked openly about the tunnels being used for rituals.

The question was then posed about Paul "savage1" Saltman potentially disguising himself by eliminating the "z" from his last name to avoid any connections to the bigger picture playing out.

The question was justified on the basis that "savage1" claimed he was a devout Jew, and Saltman is English, not Jewish like Saltzman.

2 days before savage1 left the op posted truth on 9/11 that proved the "chosen ones" were responsible for it.

Was this the ultimate trigger for him to leave?

And now an email surfaces involving Pizzagate and one of the addressees is "lsavage55".

Saltman vs. Saltzman, savage1 vs. lsavage55.

What are the chances?

Let's not forget that savage1 purchased [trafficked?] his wife [many Jews view wives as property].

And that he later purchased [trafficked?] an immigrant child [slave?].

When you start connecting the potential dots it's starting look as if savage1 may have some connection at some level to what's playing out in the movie we are watching.


Sep 12, 2022
Savage1 . . . 1Savage . . . What are the odds?

Something spooked him and sent him running like a frightened little bitch.

Actually, the entire contingent of ignorant Tards has abandoned ship and run off like frightened little bitches.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Proof that Claire Woodall-Vogg and her cabal stole the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin, see the 2 page affidavit and then retweets:

receipts included....of course the scabbages, cuckdodo brains, la booozies, and willbutt heads will STILL insist there is no evidence.
Sep 12, 2022

JAG Catches Another Alvin Bragg Staffer​

Michael Baxter
July 7, 2024

A third prosecutor from the New York County D.A.’s office—and his spouse–has joined Alvin Bragg and Chief of Investigations Division Susan Hoffinger at Guantanamo Bay’s Camp Delta internment facility for Deep State prisoners, JAG sources told Real Raw News.
Last week JAG investigators caught up with senior counsel Matthew Colangelo, a Deep State Harvard graduate who rejoined the Manhattan D.A.’s office in 2023 as part of Bragg’s self-stated “all-star” anti-Trump squad. Under Bragg’s supervision, Colangelo devoted unimaginable time to frivolously investigating the Trump Foundation and President Trump personally. Like many of Bragg’s minions, Colangelo has ties to Barack Hussein Obama, having served on the Dark Lord’s National Economic Council.

JAG investigators, our source said, visited Colangelo’s residence on July 2, a month after a different JAG team posing as FBI agents beguiled Susan Hoffinger into accompanying them, claiming rabid MAGA was speeding to her house to kill her. Unlike Hoffinger, Colangelo had gone into hiding before JAG showed up at his house with handcuffs and a military arrest warrant signed by Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall. A thorough search of the vacant house, however, yielded a clue. A magnetic calendar on the refrigerator door had his possible whereabouts written on the June 29 box.

“It was one of those dry-erase boards, showed he left for St. Croix on June 15. It’s not smart to leave a big breadcrumb for us to find. It could’ve been a misdirection, but he wasn’t that clever,” our source said.

He added that JAG craftily learned that Colangelo was indeed on the island and had rented a pricey suite at the Buccaneer Beach & Golf Resort under an easily guessable alias. The source wouldn’t share Colangelo’s fake name or how JAG zeroed in on him, as public knowledge of their methods would complicate future operations.

The 6-man JAG unit that arrived on St. Croix on July 5 spotted Colangelo and his wife, Anne Small, a vociferous critic of President Trump, sunning themselves poolside, imbibing copious amounts of alcohol and inappropriately fondling each other while young children were nearby, frolicking in the pool.

Small has been serving on the board of directors at the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, which has been vocal against former President Trump, since early 2020. Last year, she filed a motion with the Supreme Court requesting that Trump be disqualified from running for office in 2024, citing her interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

“She’s evil like her husband, and damn disgusting messing around with kids around, if you ask me,” our source said. “Our intelligence, faulty it seems, placed her at an NAACP conference in California. We weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Two birds, one stone,” our source said.
Colangelo, the filthy bastard, was so lazy and inebriated that he jumped in the pool to urinate instead of walking five yards to a public restroom, the source added.

Small showed more discretion. After consuming two frozen margaritas and a Long Island Iced Tea, she drunkenly stood upright and staggered toward the restroom. As she neared the door, an investigator ambushed her from the rear, placing a hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream and dragging her behind a cluster of coconut palms, where a second agent helped bind her hands and tape her mouth. They overpowered her quickly.

“The plan was to drag her off to the shadows and have her phone her husband and say she fell and hurt her leg and needed his help. Lure him to our people. But she’d left her purse and phone with him at the pool. Our guys thought he’d come looking for her after several minutes, being a loving husband and all that, but nope, he fell asleep drunk on a lounger,” our source said.

While Colangelo slept off his bender, the investigators divided their forces, half surveilling him and the rest guarding Small in the back of a rented van. Colangelo was motionless for two hours until a resort employee, possibly fearing he had died of alcohol poisoning, roused him. He was more interested in ordering another drink than worrying about why his wife wasn’t lying on the lounger beside his, and in a single swallow, he drank an espresso martini.

“He probably thought she returned to the suite. But he finished his booze, got to his feet, and stumbled in the direction of the resort. Took a few steps and lost his balance. Colangelo almost fell and would have if a couple of tourists hadn’t helped steady him. He didn’t know those tourists in Bermuda shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and sandals were our guys,” our source said.

“They guided the boozy bastard off the property and tossed his Deep State ass in the van with his wife. Their eyes were filled with terror as they looked at each other, not knowing exactly what was happening at first. Then they panicked more being told they’ve been arrested for treason, seditious conspiracy, and election interference,” he went on, adding that the couple was flown off the island that night.
Colangelo and Small are currently being held in pretrial detainment at GITMO, the source said.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The op started posting many truths about the "chosen ones" in the weeks leading up to his departure on May 4th.

These posts focused on the Brooklyn Synagogue and the underground tunnels.

Then David Saltzman, a member of the Synagogue, came out and talked openly about the tunnels being used for rituals.

The question was then posed about Paul "savage1" Saltman potentially disguising himself by eliminating the "z" from his last name to avoid any connections to the bigger picture playing out.

The question was justified on the basis that "savage1" claimed he was a devout Jew, and Saltman is English, not Jewish like Saltzman.

2 days before savage1 left the op posted truth on 9/11 that proved the "chosen ones" were responsible for it.

Was this the ultimate trigger for him to leave?

And now an email surfaces involving Pizzagate and one of the addressees is "lsavage55".

Saltman vs. Saltzman, savage1 vs. lsavage55.

What are the chances?

Let's not forget that savage1 purchased [trafficked?] his wife [many Jews view wives as property].

And that he later purchased [trafficked?] an immigrant child [slave?].

When you start connecting the potential dots it's starting look as if savage1 may have some connection at some level to what's playing out in the movie we are watching.


Savage1 vs 1Savage...what are the odds, indeed.

Since we all have him on Ignore, it's impossible to finger the exact post that set off a nuclear explosion in his pants, but something definitely did. Or perhaps it was the cumulation of all the evidence suddenly hitting him all at once now that we're in the homestretch and Trump still isn't serving his 717 year prison sentence. 😂

Without taking him off Ignore and going back, if I had to make an educated guess, I would say something or someone very specific involving the trials. I suspect he's known the truth all along, but did his best to put up a great disinformation front deluding himself into hoping it would all stop if his heroes could somehow "GET TRUMP!"

Savage's people are the "chosen ones", alright 👉 chosen for GITMO!


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
"Biden" is Kicking ASS on Morning Joe show.

He is MUCH more entertaining when you understand what is going on....for a thought experiment even if you dont believe what SheriffJoe and others are saying about Biden being WH controlled, just PRETEND for a minute that HE IS......dont his actions make much more sense in the grand scheme of things?

Aug 17, 2019
👉 "It's one hundred percent certain that we're gonna have a terror attack"- President Trump

In a chilling interview with Sean Hannity, President Donald Trump once again sounded the alarm about a terrorist attack set to occur within the United States.

"It's one hundred percent certain that we're gonna have a terror attack," he declared with absolute certainty.

Trump has now issued multiple urgent warnings about an impending terrorist attack.


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