
Nov 11, 2007
This is great. You can also say . . .

If you love America and have a clean conscience, you don't need to hate President Trump . . . But if you're a child-molesting scumbag, then you pretty much have to.
What about if you/Trump sexually abused your/his daughter(Ivanka) when she was a young teenager or even younger and still openly

lust after her even as a grown married adult with children-then what-does that mean you should love Trumo or for that matter should

Trump love himself??

Can someone please respond to this as I need clarification!!

Nov 11, 2007

This pandering wet-behind-the-ears unknown punk can say whatever he wants to!!

Anyone with half a brain can see that he is auditioning for the future and by entering the race is simply trying to become more

familiar with his name when he believes the time is right!!

His wishy-washy statements about why he is a better candidate than Trump simply corroborate that he has a long way to

go before he is Presidential material!!
Aug 17, 2019

I am getting a lot of questions lately around this topic since we are seeing both terms thrown around frequently.

What is the difference between the two?

And which one is the "white hats"?

First, neither one of them is the "white hats".

Both involve evil off planet groups with very dark agendas, who are literally battling for control of the planet.

?The New World Order (NWO) is a negative group of Luciferians known as the Sons of Belial.

They are Annunaki from planet Nibiru, the 12th planet of our solar system that few know about, and are working with groups from Orion and Sirius.

Their headquarters on earth is in the UK, near Stonehenge.

They are responsible for the dictators, chem trails, secret societies like the Knights Templar and Free Masons and genetic hybridization of species.

Their end goal is to fully control and enslave humans.

?The One World Order (OWO) is a negative group of Satanists called the Black Suns.

They are primarily Draconians, Reptilians and Zetas.

Their main headquarters on earth is the Vatican City.

They are sick and evil, a divide/conquer species, soulless!

They are the pedos responsible for the child/human trafficking and blood sacrifice.

They are the Globalists, the "swamp".

They are our governments, big pharma, religious organizations, financial, healthcare, WHO, WEF, etc.

They are responsible for the plandemic, the vaxx and push of Artificial Intelligence (AI/5G) and transhumanism.

Their end goal is to use 5G to create an AI planet.

5G has nothing to do with your cell service being "better" or "faster".

5G is an AI neural network grid for activating full AI takeover.

And your smartphone is a weapon, not a phone.

In fact, anything "smart" (phones, appliances, alexa, siri, navigation systems, etc.) isn't smart at all, it's quite dumb and a death trap.

They are all necessary tools to accomplish their full AI takeover plan.

If you are watching this movie it should be pretty obvious which actors fit into which groups.


Sep 21, 2004
Got my attention… Where is this movie playing?

.If you are watching this movie it should be pretty obvious which actors fit into which groups.

Nov 11, 2007

I am getting a lot of questions lately around this topic since we are seeing both terms thrown around frequently.

What is the difference between the two?

And which one is the "white hats"?

First, neither one of them is the "white hats".

Both involve evil off planet groups with very dark agendas, who are literally battling for control of the planet.

?The New World Order (NWO) is a negative group of Luciferians known as the Sons of Belial.

They are Annunaki from planet Nibiru, the 12th planet of our solar system that few know about, and are working with groups from Orion and Sirius.

Their headquarters on earth is in the UK, near Stonehenge.

They are responsible for the dictators, chem trails, secret societies like the Knights Templar and Free Masons and genetic hybridization of species.

Their end goal is to fully control and enslave humans.

?The One World Order (OWO) is a negative group of Satanists called the Black Suns.

They are primarily Draconians, Reptilians and Zetas.

Their main headquarters on earth is the Vatican City.

They are sick and evil, a divide/conquer species, soulless!

They are the pedos responsible for the child/human trafficking and blood sacrifice.

They are the Globalists, the "swamp".

They are our governments, big pharma, religious organizations, financial, healthcare, WHO, WEF, etc.

They are responsible for the plandemic, the vaxx and push of Artificial Intelligence (AI/5G) and transhumanism.

Their end goal is to use 5G to create an AI planet.

5G has nothing to do with your cell service being "better" or "faster".

5G is an AI neural network grid for activating full AI takeover.

And your smartphone is a weapon, not a phone.

In fact, anything "smart" (phones, appliances, alexa, siri, navigation systems, etc.) isn't smart at all, it's quite dumb and a death trap.

They are all necessary tools to accomplish their full AI takeover plan.

If you are watching this movie it should be pretty obvious which actors fit into which groups.

How does Trump fit into all of this attention-seeking/insane delusional bullshit-has he been sent here by God to eliminate

these alleged evil folks??

In addition in the past you have talked about your alleged "benevolent beings" buddies.

What is their role if any in stopping the destruction of the human race and the planet-please be specific!! lol

Most important are the One Order and the New World Order doing this as a joint venture??

Do they get along with each other and/or are they warring factions, the latter if true could be a hindrance

in their mission to wipe out mankind and/or take control of the planet??

And most important of all, if one and/or both of these missions accomplish their goals, does that mean that this thread

will go belly-up?? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps since the Rubber Room is no longer around, management and/or the moderators ought to start a new thread entitled

the Whacko Room where the former can place/move threads and/or posts such as post 142 by sbd which sure as hell would live

up to the title of the thread!! lol

Sep 21, 2004
Perhaps since the Rubber Room is no longer around, management and/or the moderators ought to start a new thread entitled

the Whacko Room where the former can place/move threads and/or posts such as post 142 by sbd which sure as hell would live

up to the title of the thread!! lol
How does Trump fit into all of this attention-seeking/insane delusional bullshit-has he been sent here by God to eliminate

these alleged evil folks??

In addition in the past you have talked about your alleged "benevolent beings" buddies.

What is their role if any in stopping the destruction of the human race and the planet-please be specific!! lol

Most important are the One Order and the New World Order doing this as a joint venture??

Do they get along with each other and/or are they warring factions, the latter if true could be a hindrance

in their mission to wipe out mankind and/or take control of the planet??

And most important of all, if one and/or both of these missions accomplish their goals, does that mean that this thread

will go belly-up?? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
like you both to read.. Virus explained and explain letter to Darwin he has a resume unfortunately he died like The virus… LOL

Nov 11, 2007

I am getting a lot of questions lately around this topic since we are seeing both terms thrown around frequently.

What is the difference between the two?

And which one is the "white hats"?

First, neither one of them is the "white hats".

Both involve evil off planet groups with very dark agendas, who are literally battling for control of the planet.

?The New World Order (NWO) is a negative group of Luciferians known as the Sons of Belial.

They are Annunaki from planet Nibiru, the 12th planet of our solar system that few know about, and are working with groups from Orion and Sirius.

Their headquarters on earth is in the UK, near Stonehenge.

They are responsible for the dictators, chem trails, secret societies like the Knights Templar and Free Masons and genetic hybridization of species.

Their end goal is to fully control and enslave humans.

?The One World Order (OWO) is a negative group of Satanists called the Black Suns.

They are primarily Draconians, Reptilians and Zetas.

Their main headquarters on earth is the Vatican City.

They are sick and evil, a divide/conquer species, soulless!

They are the pedos responsible for the child/human trafficking and blood sacrifice.

They are the Globalists, the "swamp".

They are our governments, big pharma, religious organizations, financial, healthcare, WHO, WEF, etc.

They are responsible for the plandemic, the vaxx and push of Artificial Intelligence (AI/5G) and transhumanism.

Their end goal is to use 5G to create an AI planet.

5G has nothing to do with your cell service being "better" or "faster".

5G is an AI neural network grid for activating full AI takeover.

And your smartphone is a weapon, not a phone.

In fact, anything "smart" (phones, appliances, alexa, siri, navigation systems, etc.) isn't smart at all, it's quite dumb and a death trap.

They are all necessary tools to accomplish their full AI takeover plan.

If you are watching this movie it should be pretty obvious which actors fit into which groups.

Perhaps Sean Connery/James Bond should be exhumed and brought back to life to star in a REAL movie, as it sure

as hell would make an intriguing thriller that would gross many millions of dollars!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Before I depart from this thread until at least late tonight, i just want to say how wonderful and heartwarming for at least some

of the networks to lead with the Tony Bennett passing today rather than with anything about Trump, Biden, etc.

He was a beautiful, loving and compassionate man who many millions loved irrespective of his political affiliation

because he brought pleasure and joy not only with his singing but because of the way he conducted himself as a human being!!

May he rest in peace!!

Sep 21, 2004
Sent this to Washington… because he brought pleasure and joy not only with his singing but because of the way he conducted himself as a human being!! If only those in charge would put themselves on skid row for a month! They would ”sing” another way…
Aug 17, 2019
? ? ? ? ?
Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 10.02.00 PM.png

"cameras in the courtroom" you say?

This would be fake news media's worst nightmare, right?

And tards too, right?

Let America see the TRUTH!


Nov 11, 2007
? ? ? ? ?
View attachment 72777

"cameras in the courtroom" you say?

This would be fake news media's worst nightmare, right?

And tards too, right?

Let America see the TRUTH!

More delusional bullshit on your part!!

You are obviously so desperate at this point you will cling/ grasp at anything to try to save your deity from his ultimate fate, which

is your worst nightmare!!

Why don't you tell us what the fucking "truth" is if you know everything!!

I mean after all your "inside sources" told us that at least two groups of evil beings out there are deadset on destroying

the human race if not the planet!!

Surely it should be a piece of cake for these same sources to tell you the "truth" so that you can relay it to us!!
Sep 12, 2022

The much-publicized screening of Sound of Freedom at Trump's Golf Club in Bedminster New Jersey -- accompanied by Trump's glowing appraisal of the film and gushing congratulatory remarks for its stars and makers -- completes the 6-year knotting process binding together Trump, Q / Q Anon and Sound of Freedom. The three entities are now a package deal. If you accept one as legitimate, then you must accept all three. If you reject one as a "psyop" (rolling eyes), then you must reject all three.

No, this is NOT a manipulative False Dichotomy Fallacy (Philosopher Mike doesn't do fallacies). There is simply no other logical way around the reality of this union -- not when each of the three entities has openly embraced the other two (although the long-silent Q himself hasn't posted anything about SoF, the entire community of "Q Tards" is aggressively promoting the movie.)

The pedo-rapist protectors at "the paper of record" understand very clearly that this terrifying threesome of Trump (Republicans), Q & SoF is made up of related elements of the same powerful force of nature that is bearing down upon them. The reporting makes that clear.

From the Slimes article:

"Sound of Fredom's endorsement from presidential candidates echoes grass-roots energy around what Sarah Longwell, a Republican strategist, called the “mainstreaming of the center of the QAnon movement, which is that this is about protecting children.” (emphasis added)

*Editor's Note:
Trump inauguration, the first Q post, and the writing of the script for SoF all happened in 2017. Coincidence?




Trump, Q & Sound of Freedom now represent three ropes all inextricably tied together.

Let's have a look at how the principals of the triumvirate have, by design, intertwined themselves:

(2012) Trump on killing child rapists: "Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty."

(2017) Q on why Trump ran for office: "....because he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged and raped while leaders of law enforcement around the world turn a blind eye."

(2017-2020) Q on child rape / ritual murder: * There are a few hundredindividual Q posts -- and also many disturbing images --about this subject which has always been at the heart of the Q Anon movement.

(2017-2020) Q on public awareness: "Crimes against children unite all humanity."

(2020) Trump on Q Anon movement: “Let me just tell you what I do hear about it (Q Anon) is they are very strongly against pedophilia and I agree with that. I agree with it very strongly.”

(2023) Trump to Cavaziel & Ballard: "Jim that was unbelievable ... You made this the hottest movie anywhere in the world,."

(2023) Jim Cavaziel on Trump: “(Trump) has got to be in there because he’s going to go after the traffickers. This is the new Moses. I mean, I’m still Jesus, but he’s the new Moses. Pharaoh, let my children go free.”

(2023) Trump on Sound of Freedom: "That was incredible. Great movie. It is an incredible inspiration. Now I understand why it's doing so well. It's setting records by the way, it's eating the biggest movies out there, they have some of the big summer blockbusters and this is knocking the socks off of them."

(2023) Jim Cavaziel on Q Anon: "They say Q Anon is evil. Now, by way of analogy, if I were the apostle Saul (Paul) and I'm a Pharisee, I'm going to go after the Christians and take them down. Now, let's remove Christians and make it QAnon, I'm going to destroy them because the Romans told me they are evil."

(2023) Trump on killing child traffickers: (stated immediately after the screening of SoF):
"I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, without delay. I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border receives the death penalty -- immediately."

There are many more linking statements as well as actions. Oh there's no doubt about this one, boys and girls -- Trump, Q and Sof are all "legit," and they now go together like peanut butter, grape jelly and a cold glass of milk. If you have previously swallowed the Black Pill on Trump and/or Q, yet now support the massive public awareness which SoF is generating --- then please reconsider your contradictory and logically untenable position -- and get back aboard the Trump Train (as well as the subscriber / donor base of RealHistoryChan which some of you lurkers hastily abandoned).


The Independent (UK)



When one digs into the many Q posts about child sex traffic / rape/ murder, it's easy to understand why the same "elites" who attack Q also attack the Sound of Freedom.




"muh Carlos Slim" -- "muh Freemasons" -- "muh Tracking Chips" -- muh Ballard is a Mormon"

1. Trump and film maker Eduardo Verastegu have known each other at least since 2019.
2 & 3. The Digital Army needs you in the fight! Stay away from online Deep State operatives pretending to be "far right" and peddling Black Pill sedatives about Sound of Freedom.

Nov 11, 2007

Perhaps the operative question should be whether to "expunge" Trump himself if found guilty of treasonous activity against

the United States of America!!

Nov 11, 2007
Final thought/question for the evening:

If one wants to claim that Biden/Garland have weaponized the DOJ for their own liking, can't the same be said in Trump's

appointing folks to the SCOTUS and other courts who he believes(d) and hoped(s) will/would make rulings to his liking!!
Aug 17, 2019

The much-publicized screening of Sound of Freedom at Trump's Golf Club in Bedminster New Jersey -- accompanied by Trump's glowing appraisal of the film and gushing congratulatory remarks for its stars and makers -- completes the 6-year knotting process binding together Trump, Q / Q Anon and Sound of Freedom. The three entities are now a package deal. If you accept one as legitimate, then you must accept all three. If you reject one as a "psyop" (rolling eyes), then you must reject all three.

No, this is NOT a manipulative False Dichotomy Fallacy (Philosopher Mike doesn't do fallacies). There is simply no other logical way around the reality of this union -- not when each of the three entities has openly embraced the other two (although the long-silent Q himself hasn't posted anything about SoF, the entire community of "Q Tards" is aggressively promoting the movie.)

The pedo-rapist protectors at "the paper of record" understand very clearly that this terrifying threesome of Trump (Republicans), Q & SoF is made up of related elements of the same powerful force of nature that is bearing down upon them. The reporting makes that clear.

From the Slimes article:

"Sound of Fredom's endorsement from presidential candidates echoes grass-roots energy around what Sarah Longwell, a Republican strategist, called the “mainstreaming of the center of the QAnon movement, which is that this is about protecting children.” (emphasis added)

*Editor's Note:
Trump inauguration, the first Q post, and the writing of the script for SoF all happened in 2017. Coincidence?


Trump, Q & Sound of Freedom now represent three ropes all inextricably tied together.

Let's have a look at how the principals of the triumvirate have, by design, intertwined themselves:

(2012) Trump on killing child rapists: "Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty."

(2017) Q on why Trump ran for office: "....because he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged and raped while leaders of law enforcement around the world turn a blind eye."

(2017-2020) Q on child rape / ritual murder: * There are a few hundredindividual Q posts -- and also many disturbing images --about this subject which has always been at the heart of the Q Anon movement.

(2017-2020) Q on public awareness: "Crimes against children unite all humanity."

(2020) Trump on Q Anon movement: “Let me just tell you what I do hear about it (Q Anon) is they are very strongly against pedophilia and I agree with that. I agree with it very strongly.”

(2023) Trump to Cavaziel & Ballard: "Jim that was unbelievable ... You made this the hottest movie anywhere in the world,."

(2023) Jim Cavaziel on Trump: “(Trump) has got to be in there because he’s going to go after the traffickers. This is the new Moses. I mean, I’m still Jesus, but he’s the new Moses. Pharaoh, let my children go free.”

(2023) Trump on Sound of Freedom: "That was incredible. Great movie. It is an incredible inspiration. Now I understand why it's doing so well. It's setting records by the way, it's eating the biggest movies out there, they have some of the big summer blockbusters and this is knocking the socks off of them."

(2023) Jim Cavaziel on Q Anon: "They say Q Anon is evil. Now, by way of analogy, if I were the apostle Saul (Paul) and I'm a Pharisee, I'm going to go after the Christians and take them down. Now, let's remove Christians and make it QAnon, I'm going to destroy them because the Romans told me they are evil."

(2023) Trump on killing child traffickers: (stated immediately after the screening of SoF):
"I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, without delay. I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border receives the death penalty -- immediately."

There are many more linking statements as well as actions. Oh there's no doubt about this one, boys and girls -- Trump, Q and Sof are all "legit," and they now go together like peanut butter, grape jelly and a cold glass of milk. If you have previously swallowed the Black Pill on Trump and/or Q, yet now support the massive public awareness which SoF is generating --- then please reconsider your contradictory and logically untenable position -- and get back aboard the Trump Train (as well as the subscriber / donor base of RealHistoryChan which some of you lurkers hastily abandoned).


The Independent (UK)

When one digs into the many Q posts about child sex traffic / rape/ murder, it's easy to understand why the same "elites" who attack Q also attack the Sound of Freedom.



"muh Carlos Slim" -- "muh Freemasons" -- "muh Tracking Chips" -- muh Ballard is a Mormon"

1. Trump and film maker Eduardo Verastegu have known each other at least since 2019.
2 & 3. The Digital Army needs you in the fight! Stay away from online Deep State operatives pretending to be "far right" and peddling Black Pill sedatives about Sound of Freedom.
At the onset of the RR thread, one of the first posts made by the op was "our women and children are safe".

And many proofs were posted of the major rescue plan that was happening.

Many of these sick and evil pedos have since been "eliminated".

And the planet becomes a better and safer place with each one removed.

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