Sep 12, 2022

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Another great read.

Potential blow for Trump as lawyer-turned-witness leaves legal team, report says​

Just another big nothing burger in ultra low iqanonland.





shoe/bible salesman


:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Speaking of low IQ . A borderline retard who can barely read posts a ”bombshell report“ from “highly educated” Lightweight‘s favorite news outlet and given a thumbs up by BOZO .

What could possibly go wrong


Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said Corcoran "remains on the legal team and is continuing to help fighting the Biden Trial witch-hunts," adding, "Any assertion otherwise is fake news peddled by uninformed sources and untruthful reporting that seeks to leak disinformation and misinformation."

Nov 11, 2007
I just finished watching Real Time With Bill Maher.

It included a scintillating interview with William Shatner, now 93, as physically and mentally sharp as ever!!

At age 79, he is my role model in the hopes that I can come close to what he has achieved if I live hat long!!

I just skimmed over the posts tonight and essentially see nothing worth commenting about as it is pretty

much repetitive, which makes them look as stupid as ever especially sheriff joe's assertion that Trump is and has been t

he "acting CIC" for the entire Biden Presidency with nothing to prove it and conversely LOTS to prove it has not occurred

and never will occur as well as his continued implied alternative prediction will still be devolutioned even after 39

months of FAILED predictions that it is "imminent!!"

To conclude for tonight, I am reposting what I posted at the start of the night to the Trump PIGLINGS in case they didn't see

it the first time regarding my gratitude for allowing me in GOD'S NAME AND MISSION to destroy them while at the time

thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.

Here you go and back tomorrow and the weekend for some brief appearances only as has been the case for the last 2-3 months.

"Before I depart for the evening, I want to personally thank Ham Glaze, sheriffjoe/aka doctor success and Roadrodent for giving me

the opportunity to overwhelm them with my intelligence and debating skills over the last few days to the point

where Ham Glaze and Roadrodent, who unlike the others admit to reading my posts, were knocked out in the first round

and were unable to respond to what I offered as a response to what they offered!!

I realize that GOD frowns on gloating, but on the other hand, I have confidence that he will forgive me since I have dutifully

carried out his assignment to me over the last 49 months in destroying those in this thread who do not act in accordance

Sep 12, 2022

Nuland Hanged at GITMO, Ahead of Schedule​

Victoria Nuland was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Thursday afternoon after telling a fellow detainee that Admiral Crandall was a “cowardly wimp” who lacked the “balls” to execute or order the execution of someone of her distinction and prominence. She also boasted, through deceit or delusion, she had surrendered to JAG voluntarily because “President Obama” wanted her on the inside to gather intelligence on GITMO activities. “I can leave anytime I want, today even, and there’s nothing anyone here can do to stop me,” Nuland boasted.

Detainees at Camp Delta’s “death row” typically spend their last days in isolation and have no contact with even their nearest neighbors. They have no amenities or privileges and leave their cells under heavy guard twice weekly to shower. However, overcrowding and JAG’s reluctance to methodize same-day executions—hang them immediately upon conviction—have led to inmates mingling in corridors, passing notes, and speaking to one another through air vents discreetly.

Nuland didn’t know the meaning of “discretion” and wanted the inhabitants to understand that her freedom, unlike theirs, was only a phone call away. “One call, one call to Biden or Obama, that’s all it takes and I’m out of here. You can’t go home, but I can. I can leave this place whenever I want, today even,” Nuland told an inmate.

A guard overheard Nuland’s bragging and reported her to the watch commander, who reportedly informed Admiral Crandall that Nuland’s behavior had become intolerable and disruptive.

Admiral Crandall honored her with a personal visit.

“So, word on the street is you can leave GITMO today, detainee Nuland. I’ve thought about this and decided you’re right: you leave today.”

The color drained from Nuland’s face. “No, no, you said the sixteenth. You promised. Today’s only the eleventh,” Nuland said.

“I promised you nothing, detainee Nuland. I said ‘tentatively’ the sixteenth, and tentative means whatever I say it means. And it means now,” the admiral said.

Two hours later, Nuland stood atop the gallows quaking in fear with a rope around her neck and terror in her eyes. She did not answer when the admiral asked if she had final words, as if fear had sucked the breath from her mouth.
“Last chance,” the admiral said.

Nuland seemed to muster a bit of courage. She straightened her body and took a deep breath.

“I pledge allegiance to Obama—”

“Hell of a lot of good he did for you,” the admiral quipped, nodding his head as he watched Nuland’s soon-to-be lifeless body dangling from the rope and gasping for air.

At the utterance of Obama’s name, he had ordered the hangman to open the door underneath Nuland’s feet.

She was pronounced dead three minutes later.



Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Nuland Hanged at GITMO, Ahead of Schedule​

Victoria Nuland was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Thursday afternoon after telling a fellow detainee that Admiral Crandall was a “cowardly wimp” who lacked the “balls” to execute or order the execution of someone of her distinction and prominence. She also boasted, through deceit or delusion, she had surrendered to JAG voluntarily because “President Obama” wanted her on the inside to gather intelligence on GITMO activities. “I can leave anytime I want, today even, and there’s nothing anyone here can do to stop me,” Nuland boasted.

Detainees at Camp Delta’s “death row” typically spend their last days in isolation and have no contact with even their nearest neighbors. They have no amenities or privileges and leave their cells under heavy guard twice weekly to shower. However, overcrowding and JAG’s reluctance to methodize same-day executions—hang them immediately upon conviction—have led to inmates mingling in corridors, passing notes, and speaking to one another through air vents discreetly.

Nuland didn’t know the meaning of “discretion” and wanted the inhabitants to understand that her freedom, unlike theirs, was only a phone call away. “One call, one call to Biden or Obama, that’s all it takes and I’m out of here. You can’t go home, but I can. I can leave this place whenever I want, today even,” Nuland told an inmate.

A guard overheard Nuland’s bragging and reported her to the watch commander, who reportedly informed Admiral Crandall that Nuland’s behavior had become intolerable and disruptive.

Admiral Crandall honored her with a personal visit.

“So, word on the street is you can leave GITMO today, detainee Nuland. I’ve thought about this and decided you’re right: you leave today.”

The color drained from Nuland’s face. “No, no, you said the sixteenth. You promised. Today’s only the eleventh,” Nuland said.

“I promised you nothing, detainee Nuland. I said ‘tentatively’ the sixteenth, and tentative means whatever I say it means. And it means now,” the admiral said.

Two hours later, Nuland stood atop the gallows quaking in fear with a rope around her neck and terror in her eyes. She did not answer when the admiral asked if she had final words, as if fear had sucked the breath from her mouth.
“Last chance,” the admiral said.

Nuland seemed to muster a bit of courage. She straightened her body and took a deep breath.

“I pledge allegiance to Obama—”

“Hell of a lot of good he did for you,” the admiral quipped, nodding his head as he watched Nuland’s soon-to-be lifeless body dangling from the rope and gasping for air.

At the utterance of Obama’s name, he had ordered the hangman to open the door underneath Nuland’s feet.

She was pronounced dead three minutes later.

These reads are so good, I usually read them over at least 2-3 times. :popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
One more encore performance for this before I hit the sack!!

When things get to be desperate as is the case with Trump fellators everywhere including this thread, the latter wheel Real Raw News

to try to reassure themselves and others that everything is great.

Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the

Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

Nov 11, 2007
These reads are so good, I usually read them over at least 2-3 times. :popcorn:
When things get to be desperate as is the case with Trump fellators everywhere including this thread, the latter wheel Real Raw News

to try to reassure themselves and others that everything is great.

Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the

Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

Sep 5, 2010
A very good read on this fine Saturday morning.

For all his bombast, Trump is plummeting – financially, legally and politically​





Shoe/bible salesman

Felon soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
These reads are so good, I usually read them over at least 2-3 times. :popcorn:
Demon Figurine Found in Nuland’s Cell

A stone figurine carved in the likeness of Beelzebub, another name for Satan, and, in demonology, one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell, was found in a GITMO cell formerly occupied by the now-deceased Victoria Nuland, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

A cleaning crew found the demonic sculpture, four inches tall and shaped like a fly, tucked inside a blanket that reportedly smelled like rotten eggs.

Theological sources depict the entity in various forms. It is sometimes called the Lord of the Flies and represents gluttony and envy, two of the seven deadly sins. The Christian Bible mentions Beelzebub in the Books of Luke, Matthew, and Mark.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

Matthew 12:25-28

Deep Staters have historically coalesced around fiendish, malevolent entities: From Gavin Newsom’s guttural curses to Stephan Bancel writing in diaries that Baphomet had periodically possessed him since childhood, cabalists have demonstrated a propensity for worshipping evil and allowing evil to consume their souls and minds. It was broadly reported that Hillary Clinton reeked of sulfur and that clouds of pestilent flies often hovered above Obama’s head, sometimes landing on his jug-handle ears and cosmetically altered nose at public appearances. He either never noticed them or enjoyed having them on his face. There are endless examples of Deep Staters embracing symbolism and demonism.

“Frankly, we don’t care who these idolaters worship,” a GITMO source told RRN. “They can pray to Gozer the Gozerian for all we care. We’re arresting them because they’ve committed treason in contravention of the United States Constitution. We don’t think Nuland made it. It was too intricate, and she wasn’t a sculptor. Somehow, someway, someone got it to her and we didn’t spot it. Still, it’s contraband, and we’ll be shaking cells down to see if we find more of them, or the person making them.”


Nov 11, 2007
When things get to be desperate as is the case with Trump fellators everywhere including this thread, the latter

wheels out Real Raw News to try to reassure themselves and others that everything is great.


Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the

Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

Nov 11, 2007
This is a typical non sequitur and also begs the question/poisons the well from you as a person, who doesn't have the faintest clue

as to how to debate!

First of all, you have established a premise here that is debatable that Biden has done a shit show, which is not a fact and is nothing

more than a subjective opinion and have then drawn an illogical conclusion in any case!!

What if a person despises both Biden and Trump for entirely different reasons.

Your inference in this case is that because someone despises/hates Biden, it means that they should no longer despise/hate Trump!!

if one is adverse to spinach and broccoli, does it mean that if forced to make a choice which he hates more, it means that

that he no longer should hate the food which he despises less!!

That is it until late in te afternoon as I am sticking to my policy established several months ago to limit my presence in this

thread on weekends and especially because it is beneath my dignity to get dragged down in the gutter too often with

those who are way beneath my deep intellectual level of thinking.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A very good read on this fine Saturday morning.

For all his bombast, Trump is plummeting – financially, legally and politically​





Shoe/bible salesman

Felon soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

For all of Joe Biden’s missteps and mistakes, his candidacy is demonstrating unexpected vitality.

So why and when does he step down ?

Maybe the highly educated one can help .

Sep 12, 2022
Demon Figurine Found in Nuland’s Cell

A stone figurine carved in the likeness of Beelzebub, another name for Satan, and, in demonology, one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell, was found in a GITMO cell formerly occupied by the now-deceased Victoria Nuland, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

A cleaning crew found the demonic sculpture, four inches tall and shaped like a fly, tucked inside a blanket that reportedly smelled like rotten eggs.

Theological sources depict the entity in various forms. It is sometimes called the Lord of the Flies and represents gluttony and envy, two of the seven deadly sins. The Christian Bible mentions Beelzebub in the Books of Luke, Matthew, and Mark.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”

Matthew 12:25-28

Deep Staters have historically coalesced around fiendish, malevolent entities: From Gavin Newsom’s guttural curses to Stephan Bancel writing in diaries that Baphomet had periodically possessed him since childhood, cabalists have demonstrated a propensity for worshipping evil and allowing evil to consume their souls and minds. It was broadly reported that Hillary Clinton reeked of sulfur and that clouds of pestilent flies often hovered above Obama’s head, sometimes landing on his jug-handle ears and cosmetically altered nose at public appearances. He either never noticed them or enjoyed having them on his face. There are endless examples of Deep Staters embracing symbolism and demonism.

“Frankly, we don’t care who these idolaters worship,” a GITMO source told RRN. “They can pray to Gozer the Gozerian for all we care. We’re arresting them because they’ve committed treason in contravention of the United States Constitution. We don’t think Nuland made it. It was too intricate, and she wasn’t a sculptor. Somehow, someway, someone got it to her and we didn’t spot it. Still, it’s contraband, and we’ll be shaking cells down to see if we find more of them, or the person making them.”

Oh my gosh. This is horrifying. And yet these are the very same people that Salvage and the Tards worship and grovel before!

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