
Nov 11, 2007
All I know is that April 15 is Monday, and that means that despite the desperate attempts of Trump and his legal team to delay it,

it is going to happen!!

That's good enough for me at this juncture!!

Sep 21, 2004
In my world, witness demeanor is almost as important and sometimes more important than the actual witness testimony they offer,ā€ he said

I think DJT demeanor is what was changing the world we don't see without him!

Sep 21, 2004
All I know is that April 15 is Monday, and that means that despite the desperate attempts of Trump and his legal team to delay it,

it is going to happen!!

That's good enough for me at this juncture!!

It was happening with him as CIC now nothing is happening other then his trials? Who cares? Most know there are 2 sets of rules... 2 for for them and 1 for you and me šŸ•³ļø

Nov 11, 2007
It was happening with him as CIC now nothing is happening other then his trials? Who cares? Most know there are 2 sets of rules... 2 for for them and 1 for you and me šŸ•³ļø
Why do you say it was happening to Trump in the past tense when sheriff joe/doctor success and sbd claim he has been the "acting CIC"

for the entire Biden presidency??

Sep 21, 2004
Why do you say it was happening to Trump in the past tense when sheriff joe/doctor success and sbd claim he has been the "acting CIC"

for the entire Biden presidency??
Good Point, neither are CIC! Everyone knows neither are making the calls now.

When will Red Sox win at Fenway aka Home?

Nov 11, 2007
Good Point, neither are CIC! Everyone knows neither are making the calls now.

When will Red Sox win at Fenway aka Home?
You know as a Sox diehard since 1952 at age 8, I have some very good teams, some mediocre teams and some God awful teams along the


Regarding this year's team so far, although their 7-3 record on the road to start the season gave me a LITTLE bit of optimism, I fully realized

that the W's were against some very weak teams in AL West and I still had lots of doubts.

Judging by the last three games against the O's at homes in which they pissed away leads and lost including tonight, my initial

suspicions were justified.

When I stand back and look at this roster, other than Devers, Casas and perhaps Yoshida, this is a very mediocre team at best,

and compared to other Red Sox teams over the years, personnel-wise is in the lower third at best.

Of course the fact that Story is out for the season doesn't help.

The great pitching they showed on the West Coast was great but now in the last three days it has come back down to earth

dramatically in the bp for sure!!

Imo unless they can beat the good teams, they are destined for last again, with their only hope being that Tampa or Toronto

falters and the Sox can inch into the fourth-I wouldn't bet on it though!!

What is your early assessment of the Reds??

ps The Sox were horrible at home last year also especially near the end of the season when they couldn't beat anyone.

To be honest, at this juncture talking baseball is a lot more fun, productive and enjoyable than talking both Biden and Trump--

imo there are much better choices on each side for lots of known and obvious reasons!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
I don't think he was guilty.

Eyewitnesses reported four men running from the scene. Original autopsy determined two knives were used, one by a left-handed attacker. Goldman had multiple bruises on his knuckles from fighting back. OJ not a scratch on him.

It's one of those things we could discuss all night long over beers.
A lot of fucked up shit happened that night for sure. OJ knows something and maybe in his mind, if this is the case, he was present but didnā€™t commit the act. Victims blood all over inside the Bronco. I mean Cā€™mon, OJ was there. Itā€™s easy to think youā€™re innocent if even you hired people to carry out some intimidation tactic that turned bad. And now OJ becomes an accomplice. Maybe Nicole fought back and Goldman was there with her defending and he wasnā€™t supposed to be there as part of some intimidation factor, in which, OJ was there, and the whole plan went sour and ā€œunexpectedā€ murder in which OJ had a convenient flight out of LA that night to elude suspicion.

If OJ ā€œDIDNā€™Tā€ do it then he sure Hell knows who did. OJ was there.

Did the killers just decide to find OJā€™s Bronco to plant blood evidence?

I was there watching tv seeing OJ the ā€˜Naked Gunā€™ series funny character being reduced to being chased down an LA freeway in a Bronco driven by AC Cowlings. Everyone supported him including me. But this man of innocence was not acting rationally. Maybe he was distraught his separated wife was killed and he wanted to die too, I mean, screw his kids without a parent, right? Peculiar behavior and the spectacle it brought is weird for sure. Very very very weird.

Now I donā€™t know if this was meant to be JFK 2.0 where we all get caught up in theories, evidence, witness reports, and multiple theories mixed in with variations of fact and fiction that lead to different conclusions but I will say thisā€¦

OJ knows (correction) knew something that he took to his grave.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014

Letā€™s not forget the witnesses reporting OJ driving erratically honking and running red lights yelling out his window for people to get out of the way shortly after the reported murder times and he was in close proximity of the murder scene. Oh, and what was he driving? A ā€œracistā€ WHITE Ford Bronco.

Nov 11, 2007
I have no problem if the networks including CNN want to spend the entire day reminiscing and showing photos of ex-Presidents

and top political figures who passed away, famous musicians like Michael Jackson and other noted entertainers.

However, when it comes to horrible people and murderers like OJ Simpson, there shouldn't much time given other than let people

know he has died.

But then again, we all know that the media and its sponsors are motivated by money and ratings, which cannot always be equated

to relative importance.

Imo today's coverage of OJ's death clearly falls into the latter category.

Obviously a topic like this is subjective which means that I am not going to debate it.

ps For the record I am not interested in conspiracy theories about the murder which happened 30 years ago anymore

than the theories surrounding JFK's assassination 60 years ago!!

Nov 11, 2007
OJ did it and pretty much admitted it.

Saved by an all star legal team that created just enough reasonable doubt along with a jury that didn't want more Rodney King race riots.

The guy was a total sociopath.
Perhaps if Trump had a similar all-star legal team, he would be in a much stronger position than he is currently!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
I have no problem if the networks including CNN want to spend the entire day reminiscing and showing photos of ex-Presidents

and top political figures who passed away, famous musicians like Michael Jackson and other noted entertainers.

However, when it comes to horrible people and murderers like OJ Simpson, there shouldn't much time given other than let people

know he has died.

But then again, we all know that the media and its sponsors are motivated by money and ratings, which cannot always be equated

to relative importance.

Imo today's coverage of OJ's death clearly falls into the latter category.

Obviously a topic like this is subjective which means that I am not going to debate it.

ps For the record I am not interested in conspiracy theories about the murder which happened 30 years ago anymore

than the theories surrounding JFK's assassination 60 years ago!!
I let you off for one post and this is the best you can come up with. You learn nothing from history. Typical Communist who wants to erase history and focus not so much as to how we got here. You want to erase history because you donā€™t want anyone to learn from it. FOCUS ON THE NOW! ā€¦right? Forget how you got here, we the fascist are in control and thatā€™s all that matters! Hereā€™s you; 9/11 has already been debunked as being an inside job. Shut up! Itā€™s in the past! Move on! Oh for GODā€™S SAKE YOUā€™RE NOW TALKING ABOUT JFK? Move on! OH FOR GODā€™S SAKE YOUā€™RE NOW TALKING ABOUT BIDENā€™S RIGGED ELECTION?! ITā€™s done and over with, Move on..

Maybe in your pea sized brain world there really is nothing to learn from HISTORY because all tyrannical idiots like you hate the fact you canā€™t take over if it wasnā€™t for the fact we learn from history. History needs to be analyzed and discussed for the sake of truth and learning. If maybe your dumb ass and people like you understood that principle then maybe you wouldnā€™t be in the position like you are now defending Resident Biden.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
I honestly canā€™t do this Savage guy. Communist plant or just a guy who gets his rocks off and being dumb to gain attention. Nothing gained engaging, nothing learned. What is there to learn from someone who repeats Orange man bad? Ok, Orange man bad so are you going to go off like Robert DeNiro who doesnā€™t explain his irrational hatred behavior other than Orange man bad?? Itā€™s totally irrational.

Sadvage provides no insight here and this I will block his stupid Communist ass yet, again.

Nov 11, 2007
I let you off for one post and this is the best you can come up with. You learn nothing from history. Typical Communist who wants to erase history and focus not so much as to how we got here. You want to erase history because you donā€™t want anyone to learn from it. FOCUS ON THE NOW! ā€¦right? Forget how you got here, we the fascist are in control and thatā€™s all that matters! Hereā€™s you; 9/11 has already been debunked as being an inside job. Shut up! Itā€™s in the past! Move on! Oh for GODā€™S SAKE YOUā€™RE NOW TALKING ABOUT JFK? Move on! OH FOR GODā€™S SAKE YOUā€™RE NOW TALKING ABOUT BIDENā€™S RIGGED ELECTION?! ITā€™s done and over with, Move on..

Maybe in your pea sized brain world there really is nothing to learn from HISTORY because all tyrannical idiots like you hate the fact you canā€™t take over if it wasnā€™t for the fact we learn from history. History needs to be analyzed and discussed for the sake of truth and learning. If maybe your dumb ass and people like you understood that principle then maybe you wouldnā€™t be in the position like you are now defending Resident Biden.
You, pal, are nothing pal, but an arrogant Trump di ck-sucking lowlife who AT BEST lives in a world of fantasy, imagination

and totally devoid of reality as well as seriously lacking in debating skills!!

All you have essentially done in our first paragraph is do what sheriff joe/doctorsuccess and sbd do, namely base your

argument/thesis on OUR OPINION/not facts, begging the question and poisoning the well and then use them to draw

conclusions, which thus are flawed and meaningless because of what I cited. namely because your premise is no a fact!!

Example-you claim 9/11 has been debunked.

Really, by whom and why should we believe that your sources are correct, on your say so??-lot of informed folks

like myself and my sources disagree with you!!

What you state in the second paragraph about history is also flawed and meaningless because once again you beg the

question and poison the well and use YOUR OPINION only as logic and reasoning to to draw your conclusions.

To be clear of course history is important as a guide in our lives, but for it to be of any use it has to be based

on empirical evidence of what actually happened rather than unsupported opinions and gossip which is what you offer!!

If one wants to know any more and please correct me if I am wrong, but you are one of the ones who has been predicting

that Trump's devolution is imminent for the last 39 months or at least giving thumbs up to sheriff joe/doctorsuccess

and sbd.

If I am correct please tell me why that has not occurred and/or contradict yourself as sheriff joe has by stating that Trump has been the

"acting CIC" since Day One of the Trump Adminstration!!

Upon further review of your post, it looks like you have admitted hat Biden not Trump is the acting CIC because of your

comments about the "rigged election!"

That's it for tonight!!

Better luck tomorrow!!

Nov 11, 2007
I honestly canā€™t do this Savage guy. Communist plant or just a guy who gets his rocks off and being dumb to gain attention. Nothing gained engaging, nothing learned. What is there to learn from someone who repeats Orange man bad? Ok, Orange man bad so are you going to go off like Robert DeNiro who doesnā€™t explain his irrational hatred behavior other than Orange man bad?? Itā€™s totally irrational.

Sadvage provides no insight here and this I will block his stupid Communist ass yet, again.
Go ahead and PRETEND to block me like the others who realize that they don't have the intelligence, education, experience

nor debating skills to openly take me on, and with good reason if they read my previous post to you!!
Sep 12, 2022
I honestly canā€™t do this Savage guy. Communist plant or just a guy who gets his rocks off and being dumb to gain attention. Nothing gained engaging, nothing learned. What is there to learn from someone who repeats Orange man bad? Ok, Orange man bad so are you going to go off like Robert DeNiro who doesnā€™t explain his irrational hatred behavior other than Orange man bad?? Itā€™s totally irrational.

Sadvage provides no insight here and this I will block his stupid Communist ass yet, again.
The difference between Patriots and Tards (Salvage) is Patriots rely on evidence and facts. Tards rely on emotions and brainwashing via the Fake News media.

Being a Tard
Is not so hard

Just close your eyes
And believe all the lies

If you don't like what you see
Take a suppository
Sep 12, 2022
A lot of fucked up shit happened that night for sure. OJ knows something and maybe in his mind, if this is the case, he was present but didnā€™t commit the act. Victims blood all over inside the Bronco. I mean Cā€™mon, OJ was there. Itā€™s easy to think youā€™re innocent if even you hired people to carry out some intimidation tactic that turned bad. And now OJ becomes an accomplice. Maybe Nicole fought back and Goldman was there with her defending and he wasnā€™t supposed to be there as part of some intimidation factor, in which, OJ was there, and the whole plan went sour and ā€œunexpectedā€ murder in which OJ had a convenient flight out of LA that night to elude suspicion.

If OJ ā€œDIDNā€™Tā€ do it then he sure Hell knows who did. OJ was there.

Did the killers just decide to find OJā€™s Bronco to plant blood evidence?

I was there watching tv seeing OJ the ā€˜Naked Gunā€™ series funny character being reduced to being chased down an LA freeway in a Bronco driven by AC Cowlings. Everyone supported him including me. But this man of innocence was not acting rationally. Maybe he was distraught his separated wife was killed and he wanted to die too, I mean, screw his kids without a parent, right? Peculiar behavior and the spectacle it brought is weird for sure. Very very very weird.

Now I donā€™t know if this was meant to be JFK 2.0 where we all get caught up in theories, evidence, witness reports, and multiple theories mixed in with variations of fact and fiction that lead to different conclusions but I will say thisā€¦

OJ knows (correction) knew something that he took to his grave.
If you want to take a deep dive down the O.J. Simpson rabbit hole, read Legacy of Deception by Stephen Singular.

You won't be able to put it down.

It caused a sensation when it was leaked while the trial was still in progress.

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