Oct 30, 2006
SheriffJoe said:
Imagine believing in this totally idiotic made-up concept known as "Russian Collusion" and being told by FAKE "news" this is somehow "illegal"...
Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine being told Stormy Daniels is going to take down Trump on a sex scandal..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine watching Michael Cohen's office raided by the FBI which signifies the final nail in the coffin for Trump for sure this time..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine being promised Trump will testify on "Russian Collusion", which your "great reads" tell you is a trap as it will allow Robert Mueller to nail him on "Obstruction"..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine watching all of Trump's friends and colleagues raided by the FBI one-by-one believing they really have the goods and the end is near for Bad Orange Man....

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine Democrats in Congress impeaching President Trump for digging into crimes committed by Biden (quid-pro-quo in Ukraine)..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine being told Liz Cheney will expose Jan 6th, lock up MAGA and Trump, and in so doing become a "national star" propelling herself to the GOP nomination. At long last, McCain-Romney-Ryan sanity coming back to the GOP!

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine Cheney's "star witness" telling the world Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the Beast knowing it is absolutely OVER for Trump this time..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine Merrick Garland appointing a Special Prosecutor promising Jack Smith will succeed where Robert Mueller failed..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine watching Mar-a-Lago raided by the FBI looking for top secret classified documents which the media tells you threatened national security...

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine witnessing history on TV - the "former president" "indicted" and "arrested" not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES...facing a total 717 years in prison....

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine all said "indictments" and "arrests" dissolving in front of your eyes, one by one, day by day - from strong rebukes by judges against your special prosecutor, to hilarious embarrassing sex scandal exposes against another prosecutor, Hoochi Mama Fani Willis..

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Then imagine being told Trump overvalued/undervalued his properties in NYC and a Soros AG is going to confiscate everything! CNN "expert" panels can hardly contain their glee telling you Trump may have to "sell Mar-a-Lago", only for Trump to tell a reporter he will posting his reduced bail in CA$H!

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Imagine believing all of this from your "reliable sources" and going to the TDS well for after day...

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

Imagine being FAKE "NEWS" and being WRONG on ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to date - not a single accurate prediction!

Imagine... life of a trolling TDS TARD....

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

:an_laugh: "WE GOT HIM FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!" 🤡😂

Just imagine Crackpot Joe being right and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" for the last three plus years and hat after over three years

of failed predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent, it is still going to happen!!

View attachment 85942

Nov 11, 2007
Did I miss something or did you forget to tell us what time Trump got up, what he ate for breakfast, what time he peed and took a shit,

what he ate for lunch, whether he got his rocks off and by whom, who spoke to on phone and about what and what

his overall agenda is for today.

Then after you finish with that, I would remind you that you never responded to what your vast superior posted to you on Tuesday:

"Roadreeler bites the dust once again with no response when pummeled by superior opposition, in this case here daddy, who is also daddy

to all of the other Trump fellators and attention-seeking non-existent conspiracy AHoles in this thread!!

roadreeler57 said:
If they put you on ignore there’s probably a good reason...Im in & out of this thread so I dont follow it like a soap opera....They know trying to pound sense into somebody that doesnt have any is a waste of time...You dont understand my posts because Im 3 or 4 planes plus 8 or more dimensions superior to you thats why we call you guys tards...
Nice answer which is a lie/rationalization and in no way refutes what I said!!

You always run away and hide when I confront you with matters for which you have no answers with my superior intellect,

education and debating skills.

You just showed it in fact by your vague generalized comment about pounding sense with no specifics and your 3 or four planes

plus 8 comments without giving any specific examples!!

The fact that you continue to fellate/praise Trump 24/7/365 as you always have tells me that you were either raised in the sewer

and/or simply for other reasons don't have any sense of right and wrong!!

I suspect as is the case with so many Trump supporters, you have nothing to hang your hat on so far in your existence

and believe that you can somehow you can assimilate things that seem to be important such as money, fame, power and bullying

others by being a wannabe Trump!!

Good luck in your FAILED life!!

ps You are welcome to come back of course if your masochist tendencies return and you want to absorb more punishment

inflicted and administered by yours truly!!"

Unlike the multiple threads you start and/or participate in where you have virtually no opposition who can dispose of you,

in this thread you do an don't forget it unless you are a masochist!!
Oct 30, 2006
Did I miss something or did you forget to tell us what time Trump got up, what he ate for breakfast, what time he peed and took a shit,

what he ate for lunch, whether he got his rocks off and by whom, who spoke to on phone and about what and what

his overall agenda is for today.

Then after you finish with that, I would remind you that you never responded to what your vast superior posted to you on Tuesday:

"Roadreeler bites the dust once again with no response when pummeled by superior opposition, in this case here daddy, who is also daddy

to all of the other Trump fellators and attention-seeking non-existent conspiracy AHoles in this thread!!

Nice answer which is a lie/rationalization and in no way refutes what I said!!

You always run away and hide when I confront you with matters for which you have no answers with my superior intellect,

education and debating skills.

You just showed it in fact by your vague generalized comment about pounding sense with no specifics and your 3 or four planes

plus 8 comments without giving any specific examples!!

The fact that you continue to fellate/praise Trump 24/7/365 as you always have tells me that you were either raised in the sewer

and/or simply for other reasons don't have any sense of right and wrong!!

I suspect as is the case with so many Trump supporters, you have nothing to hang your hat on so far in your existence

and believe that you can somehow you can assimilate things that seem to be important such as money, fame, power and bullying

others by being a wannabe Trump!!

Good luck in your FAILED life!!

ps You are welcome to come back of course if your masochist tendencies return and you want to absorb more punishment

inflicted and administered by yours truly!!"

Unlike the multiple threads you start and/or participate in where you have virtually no opposition who can dispose of you,

in this thread you do an don't forget it unless you are a masochist!!
Blah Blah Blah....Nutcase....Now here comes 2 pages of crap to try to counter this post....Orange Man bad...

Nov 11, 2007
Blah Blah Blah....Nutcase....Now here comes 2 pages of crap to try to counter this post....Orange Man bad...
The bottom line is that your blah, blah, blah does nothing to respond to the questions I asked and points I made about you!!

While I give you credit for feebly trying to stand up to me unlike the cowardly sheriff joe/doctor success entry, sbd and MagaPOOP who

PRETEND to put me on ignore, you are still better mouthing off and praising Trump and bashing Biden in the

other threads which I don't even read and as stated before, where either everyone agrees with you and/or doesn't

give a flying fuck because it is just a rehash with a few words with a few words changed here and there from what

you have already said a zillion times before in fellating Trump 24/7/365!!

But hey, if you are bored and occasionally wish to confront me directly as you just did, I welcome your "challenge!!"
Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2024-04-05 at 6.14.11 PM.png

New 52-week high.

My cash alternative is now up 50% from my cost of $17.50.

And we are just getting started.

Meanwhile, tards made 5% on their CDs during the same time period.

Easy to understand why they need to troll here for $8/hr.


Nov 11, 2007
Back late tonight as I have to work my other part-time $ 8-an-hour job to make ends meet!! lol

Seriously, let's just say at this juncture that if things go the way I expect them to over the next few years, and speaking of the

number 8, my net worth currently in the seven digits will at the very least get within shouting distance of eight digits!!

Enjoy your evening everyone!!

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed this very good read.

No chance this will ever be successful': MSNBC panel dumps on Truth Social's future​






shoe/bible salesman

Leader of a cult of morons.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Aug 17, 2019

Tards STILL haven't figured out they are watching movie 100% controlled by the "white hats".

And they STILL believe "we got him this time".

And that Trump won't be on the ballot come November.

Stupid is at an all-time high!

And the simple fact that the 3 stooges are still here posting their "great reads" is all the proof you need to know that brainwashing and mind-control are real.

👆 👆 👆👆👆

Nov 11, 2007
Once again the weekend here, and for me as has been the case for the last 2-3 months minimizing my presence here to a few

posts and just posting links rather than wasting valuable time with the failed, lowlife Trump fellator peons in here who have nothing

else to do in their miserable sn bereft lives but extol Trump, bash Biden and in the case of sheriff joe, sbd and MagaPOOP

seek attention with their absurd failed predictions, non-existent conspiratorial and other made-up delusional nonsense!!

Back at the earliest sometime around the tipoff of the first NCAA Tournament game today!!

Until then have fun everyone!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 86519

No, this is not "natural" or "normal".

And no it's not coincidence that it's happening the weekend leading into the 8th.

Let's pray for the people of NYC and surrounding areas.



The last time an "earthquake" happened in NJ/NYC was in 2011.

At that time intel confirmed the point of origin was, in fact, Virginia and a major underground network was blown up by "white hats".

The "origin" of this "earthquake" was just a few miles from Trump's Bedminster, NJ location.

Not an attack on him.

But rather "white hats" destroying another DS underground network.

This underground DS operation housed a technology that was a major threat to humanity and the planet.

The magnitude of this "earthquake" was almost the exact as 2011, indicating the same explosives were used.

It is NOT normal to get earthquakes in NJ or NYC.

And remember what the op stated at the outset of the original RR thread - "earthquakes in unsuspecting places".

Since the start of that thread many "earthquakes" have happened in these non-earthquake zones around the globe.

All at the same time the op reported on the "white hat" underground operation that was taking place.

Nothing is a coincidence.

Stay aware. Stay safe!

Sep 12, 2022
Shifty knows what he has done....Standard Hotel crimes are a tiny portion of his crimes against humanity

It's not just him. If the White Hats ever visit this thread and read all of the treasonous and traitorous posts some have chosen to make, then Salvage and the Tards will find themselves warming cells in Gitmo and awaiting trial.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
^^^^^ mini earthquakes = odds on favorite are DUMBS being blown up being not scabbage and wilbutt rather DeepUndergroundMilitaryBases

Especially if it is along the known 1000's of miles of tunnel lines

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