
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Perhaps our own Lenny Lenbo, who tries to disparage this guy, can post his own "educational credentials and achievements" so

that all of us can decide which one we should pay attention to!!

CNN Legal Analyst

Only the warmest and the brightest Lightweight .


Norm Eisen files 14th Amendment lawsuit to block Trump from running for president in Colorado…​


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh my Lightweight . Could it be the pandering putz is worried about what clout the Hamas Squad has like Tlaib in Michigan ?

If only the administration crippled Iran like Trump did he wouldn’t be in such a pickle .

Another reason for Jews to abandon this feckless fool come November .


Nov 11, 2007

Perhaps our "highly educated"/at best high school diploma Lenny Lenbo sping this into good news for his lord and hero Donald Trump!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Perhaps our "highly educated"/at best high school diploma Lenny Lenbo sping this into good news for his lord and hero Donald Trump!!

Yawn . They are merely motions for the purpose they can be brought up on appeal genius .

Did you really think Abbe Lowell filed similar motions thinking Meth Mouth’s case would be dropped ?

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004



If “this gets to the 11th Circuit, it will both reverse Cannon again — AND I think it will remove her from the case- 3 reversals is more than enough for this inexperienced judge, who gets the law wrong and always in Trump's favor,” agreed former Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann.

Cannon is on “thin ice,” legal experts Norm Eisen, Danya Perry and Josh Colb wrote in a CNN op-ed.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Biden's comments on the incident quickly drew the ire of some individuals who blasted the president's remarks as hypocritical, since the U.S. conducted a drone strike in August 2021 that killed 10 civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan. The strike happened just days after the Biden administration's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members when ISIS terrorists detonated a bomb at an entrance to the Kabul airport.

"There's obvious hypocrisy there and lack of self-reflection," Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital on Wednesday. "I think it reflects the president's posture right now to be hypercritical of Israel whenever possible, as part of a sustained political warfare campaign against the Israeli government if there's an opportunity to amplify that criticism in order to make his left wing happier.

Sep 12, 2022
I was hoping he'd repent and convert. Instead he chose to go where all Tards will go if they don't wise up.

A grouchy Merrick Garland arrived at the gallows in handcuffs and leg irons Thursday morning after stabbing a guard with a shank he had fashioned from his eyeglasses. He had snapped off one of the arms and sharpened it against the concrete floor of his cell, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Garland had been crouching in the corner of his cell when a pair of MPs showed up to escort him to his demise, but they, for reasons unknown, ignored standard operating procedures—ordering Garland to face the rear wall on his knees, with fingers interlocked atop his head—and casually stepped inside the cell. His face in his hands, Garland quaked like a frightened animal and told the guards he did not want to die, that his stately and distinguished legacy needn’t culminate in dishonor–asphyxiation, strangulation, or a broken neck.

“Please, I don’t want to die, not like this,” Garland sobbed.

“You’re already dead; you just don’t know it yet,” a guard reportedly said. “You know the drill; hands on your head.”

Swift as a panther, Garland sprung upon the closest guard, shanking him twice in the abdomen. The wounded guard recoiled as his partner unloaded a whole can of pepper spray in Garland’s face. His eyes welled up with tears and snot dripped from his nostrils as he dropped the makeshift stiletto and rubbed his swollen eyes with his fingers. Teeth clenched, Garland hissed and muttered imprecations, vowing vengeance upon the guards and their families.

The MPs responded accordingly: They started clubbing Garland with steel batons.

“They probably would’ve killed him then had nearby MPs not intervened,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News. “They had to pull them off Garland. The injured guard—his wounds were shallow and not life-threatening. He went to the hospital to get patched up and also got a shot of antibiotics because Garland said he dipped the tip of the eyeglass arm in his own shit.”

Asked whether Garland was treated for injuries, he added, “No. The Camp Delta watch commander notified Adm. Crandall of the incident, and the admiral said if Garland was still alive, to get him to the gallows.”

The Deep Stater had sustained a decent bludgeoning, but his legs still worked as best they could in chains.

The admiral and several other officers were already in position when guards delivered Garland to the gallows at 10:05 a.m. He was led to the platform where the hangman and a rabbi awaited his arrival, one lowering the circle of rope and the other asking whether Garland wanted prayers recited as he transitioned to the afterlife.

“Go f*** yourself,” Garland told the rabbi.

Admiral Crandall asked Garland if he had any last words—besides insulting the rabbi.

“I do, Crandall,” Garland said.

A lengthy silence followed.

“We don’t have all day,” the admiral said.

Garland sneered. “You’re so far up Trump’s ass I can see the soles of your shoes.”

“Clever,” the admiral said.

The hangman put the noose around Garland’s neck and a cloth sack over his head.

“Let’s do it,” the admiral said.

The floor beneath Garland’s feet fell away, and he dropped. His neck snapped, ending his miserable life.

In closing, RRN questioned our source about GITMO’s policies governing what personal items detainees can keep while in custody.

“As far as eyeglasses go, we don’t leave them blind. If they have glasses with metal frames or glass lenses, we issue plastic ones instead, which we did with Garland. Of course, detainees can make weapons from almost anything. It’s extremely rare for a prisoner to use glasses as a weapon. They need glasses to see, and we’ll almost always notice if a detainee is suddenly not wearing them. Since Garland knew he was about to die, he figured he didn’t need them anymore. So, he broke off one temple to make the shank and seated the glasses on his face with the remaining one. One thing’s for sure, that little old geezer was deft in stabbing the guard. Can’t underestimate little bastards with a Napoleon complex.”

Sep 12, 2022
I was hoping he'd repent and convert. Instead he chose to go where all Tards go if they don't wise up.

A grouchy Merrick Garland arrived at the gallows in handcuffs and leg irons Thursday morning after stabbing a guard with a shank he had fashioned from his eyeglasses. He had snapped off one of the arms and sharpened it against the concrete floor of his cell, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Garland had been crouching in the corner of his cell when a pair of MPs showed up to escort him to his demise, but they, for reasons unknown, ignored standard operating procedures—ordering Garland to face the rear wall on his knees, with fingers interlocked atop his head—and casually stepped inside the cell. His face in his hands, Garland quaked like a frightened animal and told the guards he did not want to die, that his stately and distinguished legacy needn’t culminate in dishonor–asphyxiation, strangulation, or a broken neck.

“Please, I don’t want to die, not like this,” Garland sobbed.

“You’re already dead; you just don’t know it yet,” a guard reportedly said. “You know the drill; hands on your head.”

Swift as a panther, Garland sprung upon the closest guard, shanking him twice in the abdomen. The wounded guard recoiled as his partner unloaded a whole can of pepper spray in Garland’s face. His eyes welled up with tears and snot dripped from his nostrils as he dropped the makeshift stiletto and rubbed his swollen eyes with his fingers. Teeth clenched, Garland hissed and muttered imprecations, vowing vengeance upon the guards and their families.

The MPs responded accordingly: They started clubbing Garland with steel batons.

“They probably would’ve killed him then had nearby MPs not intervened,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News. “They had to pull them off Garland. The injured guard—his wounds were shallow and not life-threatening. He went to the hospital to get patched up and also got a shot of antibiotics because Garland said he dipped the tip of the eyeglass arm in his own shit.”

Asked whether Garland was treated for injuries, he added, “No. The Camp Delta watch commander notified Adm. Crandall of the incident, and the admiral said if Garland was still alive, to get him to the gallows.”

The Deep Stater had sustained a decent bludgeoning, but his legs still worked as best they could in chains.

The admiral and several other officers were already in position when guards delivered Garland to the gallows at 10:05 a.m. He was led to the platform where the hangman and a rabbi awaited his arrival, one lowering the circle of rope and the other asking whether Garland wanted prayers recited as he transitioned to the afterlife.

“Go f*** yourself,” Garland told the rabbi.

Admiral Crandall asked Garland if he had any last words—besides insulting the rabbi.

“I do, Crandall,” Garland said.

A lengthy silence followed.

“We don’t have all day,” the admiral said.

Garland sneered. “You’re so far up Trump’s ass I can see the soles of your shoes.”

“Clever,” the admiral said.

The hangman put the noose around Garland’s neck and a cloth sack over his head.

“Let’s do it,” the admiral said.

The floor beneath Garland’s feet fell away, and he dropped. His neck snapped, ending his miserable life.

In closing, RRN questioned our source about GITMO’s policies governing what personal items detainees can keep while in custody.

“As far as eyeglasses go, we don’t leave them blind. If they have glasses with metal frames or glass lenses, we issue plastic ones instead, which we did with Garland. Of course, detainees can make weapons from almost anything. It’s extremely rare for a prisoner to use glasses as a weapon. They need glasses to see, and we’ll almost always notice if a detainee is suddenly not wearing them. Since Garland knew he was about to die, he figured he didn’t need them anymore. So, he broke off one temple to make the shank and seated the glasses on his face with the remaining one. One thing’s for sure, that little old geezer was deft in stabbing the guard. Can’t underestimate little bastards with a Napoleon complex.”


Nov 11, 2007
I was hoping he'd repent and convert. Instead he chose to go where all Tards go if they don't wise up.

A grouchy Merrick Garland arrived at the gallows in handcuffs and leg irons Thursday morning after stabbing a guard with a shank he had fashioned from his eyeglasses. He had snapped off one of the arms and sharpened it against the concrete floor of his cell, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Garland had been crouching in the corner of his cell when a pair of MPs showed up to escort him to his demise, but they, for reasons unknown, ignored standard operating procedures—ordering Garland to face the rear wall on his knees, with fingers interlocked atop his head—and casually stepped inside the cell. His face in his hands, Garland quaked like a frightened animal and told the guards he did not want to die, that his stately and distinguished legacy needn’t culminate in dishonor–asphyxiation, strangulation, or a broken neck.

“Please, I don’t want to die, not like this,” Garland sobbed.

“You’re already dead; you just don’t know it yet,” a guard reportedly said. “You know the drill; hands on your head.”

Swift as a panther, Garland sprung upon the closest guard, shanking him twice in the abdomen. The wounded guard recoiled as his partner unloaded a whole can of pepper spray in Garland’s face. His eyes welled up with tears and snot dripped from his nostrils as he dropped the makeshift stiletto and rubbed his swollen eyes with his fingers. Teeth clenched, Garland hissed and muttered imprecations, vowing vengeance upon the guards and their families.

The MPs responded accordingly: They started clubbing Garland with steel batons.

“They probably would’ve killed him then had nearby MPs not intervened,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News. “They had to pull them off Garland. The injured guard—his wounds were shallow and not life-threatening. He went to the hospital to get patched up and also got a shot of antibiotics because Garland said he dipped the tip of the eyeglass arm in his own shit.”

Asked whether Garland was treated for injuries, he added, “No. The Camp Delta watch commander notified Adm. Crandall of the incident, and the admiral said if Garland was still alive, to get him to the gallows.”

The Deep Stater had sustained a decent bludgeoning, but his legs still worked as best they could in chains.

The admiral and several other officers were already in position when guards delivered Garland to the gallows at 10:05 a.m. He was led to the platform where the hangman and a rabbi awaited his arrival, one lowering the circle of rope and the other asking whether Garland wanted prayers recited as he transitioned to the afterlife.

“Go f*** yourself,” Garland told the rabbi.

Admiral Crandall asked Garland if he had any last words—besides insulting the rabbi.

“I do, Crandall,” Garland said.

A lengthy silence followed.

“We don’t have all day,” the admiral said.

Garland sneered. “You’re so far up Trump’s ass I can see the soles of your shoes.”

“Clever,” the admiral said.

The hangman put the noose around Garland’s neck and a cloth sack over his head.

“Let’s do it,” the admiral said.

The floor beneath Garland’s feet fell away, and he dropped. His neck snapped, ending his miserable life.

In closing, RRN questioned our source about GITMO’s policies governing what personal items detainees can keep while in custody.

“As far as eyeglasses go, we don’t leave them blind. If they have glasses with metal frames or glass lenses, we issue plastic ones instead, which we did with Garland. Of course, detainees can make weapons from almost anything. It’s extremely rare for a prisoner to use glasses as a weapon. They need glasses to see, and we’ll almost always notice if a detainee is suddenly not wearing them. Since Garland knew he was about to die, he figured he didn’t need them anymore. So, he broke off one temple to make the shank and seated the glasses on his face with the remaining one. One thing’s for sure, that little old geezer was deft in stabbing the guard. Can’t underestimate little bastards with a Napoleon complex.”

Seriously, sheriff joe/aka doctorsuccess and redeye, don't you have a more normal way in which to both physically

and emotionally "get your rocks off" than by posting admitted satire and hoping that there are people with an IQ above 50 believe

this to be true!!

Nov 11, 2007
I was hoping he'd repent and convert. Instead he chose to go where all Tards will go if they don't wise up.

A grouchy Merrick Garland arrived at the gallows in handcuffs and leg irons Thursday morning after stabbing a guard with a shank he had fashioned from his eyeglasses. He had snapped off one of the arms and sharpened it against the concrete floor of his cell, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Garland had been crouching in the corner of his cell when a pair of MPs showed up to escort him to his demise, but they, for reasons unknown, ignored standard operating procedures—ordering Garland to face the rear wall on his knees, with fingers interlocked atop his head—and casually stepped inside the cell. His face in his hands, Garland quaked like a frightened animal and told the guards he did not want to die, that his stately and distinguished legacy needn’t culminate in dishonor–asphyxiation, strangulation, or a broken neck.

“Please, I don’t want to die, not like this,” Garland sobbed.

“You’re already dead; you just don’t know it yet,” a guard reportedly said. “You know the drill; hands on your head.”

Swift as a panther, Garland sprung upon the closest guard, shanking him twice in the abdomen. The wounded guard recoiled as his partner unloaded a whole can of pepper spray in Garland’s face. His eyes welled up with tears and snot dripped from his nostrils as he dropped the makeshift stiletto and rubbed his swollen eyes with his fingers. Teeth clenched, Garland hissed and muttered imprecations, vowing vengeance upon the guards and their families.

The MPs responded accordingly: They started clubbing Garland with steel batons.

“They probably would’ve killed him then had nearby MPs not intervened,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News. “They had to pull them off Garland. The injured guard—his wounds were shallow and not life-threatening. He went to the hospital to get patched up and also got a shot of antibiotics because Garland said he dipped the tip of the eyeglass arm in his own shit.”

Asked whether Garland was treated for injuries, he added, “No. The Camp Delta watch commander notified Adm. Crandall of the incident, and the admiral said if Garland was still alive, to get him to the gallows.”

The Deep Stater had sustained a decent bludgeoning, but his legs still worked as best they could in chains.

The admiral and several other officers were already in position when guards delivered Garland to the gallows at 10:05 a.m. He was led to the platform where the hangman and a rabbi awaited his arrival, one lowering the circle of rope and the other asking whether Garland wanted prayers recited as he transitioned to the afterlife.

“Go f*** yourself,” Garland told the rabbi.

Admiral Crandall asked Garland if he had any last words—besides insulting the rabbi.

“I do, Crandall,” Garland said.

A lengthy silence followed.

“We don’t have all day,” the admiral said.

Garland sneered. “You’re so far up Trump’s ass I can see the soles of your shoes.”

“Clever,” the admiral said.

The hangman put the noose around Garland’s neck and a cloth sack over his head.

“Let’s do it,” the admiral said.

The floor beneath Garland’s feet fell away, and he dropped. His neck snapped, ending his miserable life.

In closing, RRN questioned our source about GITMO’s policies governing what personal items detainees can keep while in custody.

“As far as eyeglasses go, we don’t leave them blind. If they have glasses with metal frames or glass lenses, we issue plastic ones instead, which we did with Garland. Of course, detainees can make weapons from almost anything. It’s extremely rare for a prisoner to use glasses as a weapon. They need glasses to see, and we’ll almost always notice if a detainee is suddenly not wearing them. Since Garland knew he was about to die, he figured he didn’t need them anymore. So, he broke off one temple to make the shank and seated the glasses on his face with the remaining one. One thing’s for sure, that little old geezer was deft in stabbing the guard. Can’t underestimate little bastards with a Napoleon complex.”

Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the
Seriously, sheriff joe/aka doctorsuccess and redeye, don't you have a more normal way in which to both physically

and emotionally "get your rocks off" than by posting admitted satire and hoping that there are people with an IQ above 50 believe

this to be true!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm hearing President Trump personally attended Garland's hanging.


TARDS such clueless EPIC LOSERS jerking off to the latest Q-controlled "WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!" 🤡

Can't wait to see the new masked clone or actor.


Nov 11, 2007
I'm hearing President Trump personally attended Garland's hanging.


TARDS such clueless EPIC LOSERS jerking off to the latest Q-controlled "WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!" 🤡

Can't wait to see the new masked clone or actor.


Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the
Seriously, sheriff joe/aka doctorsuccess and redeye, don't you have a more normal way in which to both physically

and emotionally "get your rocks off" than by posting admitted satire and hoping that there are people with an IQ above 50 believe

this to be true!!



Sep 5, 2010
This says it all.





Shoe/bible salesman

Leader of a cult of morons.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe Lenny Lenbo can tell us what he thinks about sheriff joe's allegation that Garland has been executed!!

Will he respond this time and/or simply run away and hide as he has in the post 100% of the time when confronted with matters like this

rather than respond and tell us that he does not because of his massive insecurity and lack of balls that if he answered

truthfully, he might offend the sheriff and/or sbd!!

Stay tuned as we will know shortly!! lol

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