
Nov 11, 2007
Tards just think it's a Qincidence!

Talk about stupid!
It is no coincidence that I have been exposing and documenting your attention-seeking, evil and thederanged entity you are as well

as your 99.8% FAILED predictions and lies from virtually Day One per orders of the REAL GOD, not the "God" you worship of hate,

racism, neo-Nazism, fascism, anti-Semitism, tyranny and espoused by your "God's" representative on earth, DONALD TRUMP!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


Are you starting to feel like a mouse trying to escape the maze ?

How‘s this for endorsing your +1 . Let’s fill in the box for the possible candidate that courted an Anti Israel activist for years .

Go for it !


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Damn that xenophobe was right again . Want to know how ?​

His prescient words are being described by the human pieces of sh*t on the left as “Republicans pounce“ regarding recent events involving ILLEGALS in the news such as crime , drugs and rape .

“When Mexico (or insert your country of choice ) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”​

― Donald J. Trump


Sep 12, 2022
:an_laugh: "Liz Cheney fastest "rising star" in the GOP!" 🤡

Reality Check: Lost her seat by the largest margin for an incumbent Rep in history! 😂😂😂

Liz Cheney
Chris Christie
Ron DeSantis
Nikki Haley

... Will be the nominee in November! Just you wait!!

This is what happens when you have a Ph.D in FAKE" news"

Did Salvage Yard really say that?


We need to keep a list of all his failed predictions. All 1,717 of them.

Sep 12, 2022
Meet Joseph Spencer.

Served As United States Top Secret Operative, Worked For 7 Years As A Counterintelligence Agent For The CIA

“Every year, at least 8 million children go missing in the world. I can attest that one third of them are abducted by government operatives and transported to any one of the 1,477 underground military installations on the planet.”

8 million!

My gosh, and Salvage and the Tards are completely complicit in this.

They need to be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to serve their master in hell.

Nov 11, 2007
Are you starting to feel like a mouse trying to escape the maze ?

How‘s this for endorsing your +1 . Let’s fill in the box for the possible candidate that courted an Anti Israel activist for years .

Go for it !

Real fast and for my only self-imposed limit of one post to you today:

Before you criticize Whitmer or anyone else for anti-Semitism or racism, you ought to tell us why it is ok for your

"deity" to have had dinnerwith two of the most avowed anti-Semites in the world recently as well as the

fact as I have posted and documented(in case for some reason someone doesn't know) that Trump is a RACIST and

has been one for his adult life!!

That's it today, Mr. Reincarnated Trump condom, Lenny Lenbo!!

Your hero is going to lose and lose BIG and bring the entire Republican Party if somehow he hasn't been conducted by the 2024

Sep 12, 2022
President Trump's second term is shaping up quite nicely for his third.

👉 The Majority believe the 2020 election was RIGGED.

👉The Majority believe Democrats are using LAWFARE against him.

👉The Majority think Trump did a better job on the border and now support a wall to fix it.

👉The Majority now know Democrats and the Intelligence Clowns invented the entire "Russia collusion" witch hunt.

👉The Majority believe "Biden" is corrupt.

👉 The Majority woke up to the scamdemic and are now waking up to the "climate" hoax.

👉The Majority now know the "news" is FAKE and are tuning out.

👉Everyone who isn't a TDS loon knows Jan 6th Insurrection was an FBI/Democrat op.

👉It is now common knowledge the "Very Fine People" hoax was the centerpiece of Biden's campaign.

👉No reasonable person thinks "Biden" is mentally capable of doing the job.

Although the worst Deep State evil reveals are yet to come, the stage has been set to justify what has to be done. Now the American people will give President the mandate to do it in his third term.

Sometimes you can't tell people the truth, you must SHOW them.

In my humble opinion, he will be remembered as the greatest president of all time. Belongs on Mount Rushmore.

Nov 11, 2007
I hear someone interesting was picked up in Colorado. Heh-heh.
What's the matter, SHERIFF JOE=it looks like your anger is getting the best of your by responding so fast to what I just posted

rather that waiting for a while in order to PRETEND you don't read my posts!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Real fast and for my only self-imposed limit of one post to you today:

Before you criticize Whitmer or anyone else for anti-Semitism or racism, you ought to tell us why it is ok for your

"deity" to have had dinnerwith two of the most avowed anti-Semites in the world recently as well as the

fact as I have posted and documented(in case for some reason someone doesn't know) that Trump is a RACIST and

has been one for his adult life!!

That's it today, Mr. Reincarnated Trump condom, Lenny Lenbo!!

Your hero is going to lose and lose BIG and bring the entire Republican Party if somehow he hasn't been conducted by the 2024


Yeah , things are looking real good on your end . Lol !
The demented fool is still the best your party has to offer .
Michigan just turned a slighter shade of red after last night .
At least useless bitch Tlaib is good for something .

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
OMG at it again


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
One extra post for you today.

My line is -500 it goes to trial BEFORE the election and +350 it does not.

Uh oh !

Any changes to those odds ?


Hearing in April . Decision most likely late June . Jury selection 6-8 weeks .

See you in September . Maybe . Then there’s the DOJ policy of election interference and trials .

Not that the runt Garland will let it affect his decision if it moves forward or not .

And all that is irrelevant if the Court rules in Trump’s favor .

Things just keep looking brighter and brighter for you Lightweight .


Supreme Court stalls Trump’s federal election trial while weighing his immunity bid​

Donald Trump’s federal trial for seeking to subvert the 2020 election is likely to remain on hold for several more months while the Supreme Court takes up his argument that he is immune from prosecution for actions he took while president.

In a one-page order Wednesday, the court set an expedited schedule to hear the immunity issue, with oral arguments to be set during the week of April 22. In the meantime, proceedings in the trial court will remain frozen.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yesterday’s decision by a three judge panel in DC was expected and the first of several steps that are going to be taken before this case goes to trial .

It’s a coin flip if it goes to trial before the election IMO.

And one more thing about yesterday’s decision . I’ll leave you with this analysis from the other side of the aisle .

How do you think SCOTUS feels about three judges on the DC Appeals court putting them on a clock?

Ahem !

SCOTUS order has a back-handed slap at DC Circuit for playing games with the rules on issuance of the Mandate back to the District Court.

Nov 11, 2007
As I said before, Biden and/or the Democrats are playing everything like a chess game and like a college football game that goes overtime

to see if Biden is going to be the nominee on Election Day.

That includes the ruling today by the SCOTUS when the Immunity ruling and trials occur!!

There is just so much to play out including possible third-party candidates and in the eyes of Biden and/or the higher-ups how this can

play out as well as of course how it affects polling data.

Imo when/if everything is considered, it looks like Trump is in the lead(and it doesn't look like the trials will be started or finished

before the Election) and Biden is still the nominee, he will step down and/or with the machinery at hand he will

be removed and replaced with someone where the polling data shows that person is leading Trump!!

That's it!!

Each to their own!!

if I could get even odds today and had to bet today I would be that Biden will NOT be the Democratic nominee in 2024!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As I said before, Biden and/or the Democrats are playing everything like a chess game and like a college football game that goes overtime

to see if Biden is going to be the nominee on Election Day.

That includes the ruling today by the SCOTUS when the Immunity ruling and trials occur!!

There is just so much to play out including possible third-party candidates and in the eyes of Biden and/or the higher-ups how this can

play out as well as of course how it affects polling data.

Imo when/if everything is considered, it looks like Trump is in the lead(and it doesn't look like the trials will be started or finished

before the Election) and Biden is still the nominee, he will step down and/or with the machinery at hand he will

be removed and replaced with someone where the polling data shows that person is leading Trump!!

That's it!!

Each to their own!!

if I could get even odds today and had to bet today I would be that Biden will NOT be the Democratic nominee in 2024!!

Jack Smith trial goes / doesn’t go before the election odds off the board at the book of Savage .

How are things going over at the 🤡 News Network tonight ?


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