Wise words from a very sharp woman and ex-Trump supporter.
This is why junking the old thread with 2++ million views was such a disservice.Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe Trump won't be the nominee, won't be on the ballot in November, will be convicted and will be in jail.
You are 100% and we can answer!!If we could talk to our hopeless TARDS on video this what we would see
You are one of the ones who is going to be holding the shit end of the stick with Trump sometime between now andJust a few more of the thousands of big reasons we call them tards,libtards,commies,dweebs,goofballs,wierdos,malcontents,kooks,criminals,democrats & lowlife scumbags...
Prior to this death, he bragged about how his family created the Zionist terror entity of Israel.BREAKING: Jacob Rothschild, a son of Satan and one of the most evil people in the World, has died aged 87.
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) February 26, 2024
He seemed to be big into Satanism.Jacob Rothschild has died aged 87.
His family is the wealthiest in the world and influenced the global economy and events over the past 300 years.
Jacob Rothschilds zionist family created the national home of Israel 75 years ago.
30,000 Palestinians will anxiously await his…
— Pelham (@Resist_05) February 26, 2024
Jacob Rothschild with Marina Abramovic in front of the painting 'Satan summoning his legions'.
He will now be seeing this in person. 1
— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) February 26, 2024
Tards are the ones who begged for it to be taken down - in order to hide their 100% failure rate in predictions.This is why junking the old thread with 2++ million views was such a disservice.
We should be able to go back and bump all their laughable takes/"predictions" without any edits in their own words. Raw TARD stupidity exposed for everyone!
"5000 Trump Lies!"
It's clear beyond any shadow of a doubt, Salvage and the Tards have no idea what's going on in the world. They are on a one-way track to hell.Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe Trump won't be the nominee, won't be on the ballot in November, will be convicted and will be in jail.
You are 100% wrong and we can answer!!This is hilarious!
Salvage and the low-IQ Tards can't even articulate what they're fighting against!