Sep 12, 2022
Cracks me up the tards trying to pretend Biden is a good person a good “President” & a good Candidate running for his first term again for the 10th time now with 1 foot in the grave...
It's not surprising. Salvage and the Tards knelt down in servitude and homosexual lust before the uneducated and ignorant faggot Kenyan. So naturally they're doing the same with the actor pretending to be Biden.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why do TARDS still post here anyway?

Are they so delusional to believe anyone is listening to them? That they are part of the conversation and their TDS FAKE "news" opinions are contributing to these huge views and reads?

If any of these brainwashed trolling loons started their own threads, they would get next to ZERO replies and views. Nobody cares.

The previous SBD thread had over 2 million views and was showing up in multiple Google searches. Why? Because in this clown world saturated with so much stupidity and propaganda, people want the truth. The movie on TV just doesn't seem real...because it isn't. But since so few have the right sources on their social media feeds, they don't have access to the info and analysis posted.

Anons/Digital Soldiers are literally destroying the corrupt industries which shape the TARD worldview. Yet, they're still here somehow believing their dying sources are "debunking" the stuff we're posting.

Have you ever witnessed anything so stupid and delusional?

Hilarious! 😂

Nov 11, 2007
Some CNN watching twerp called her a scatterbrain. Lol
More proof she nailed it .

You wouldn’t stand a chance with her . She’s talking policy .

Rebuttal : Trump is Hitler , loves Putin and is a threat to democracy.

Lather rinse repeat
As my only post to you for today, you are a person who deifies Trump, has no sense of right and wrong, and/or doesn't care because

of improper upbringing, and who is so scared of his own shadow and such a low opinion of yourself that you run away and hide

when asked legitimate questions by me that if answered truthfully would not agree with the crackpot theories of sbd and sheriff joe,

and your fear that they would look unfavorably on you!!

Speaking of nailing it, Lenny Boy, what does it say about an alleged adult in his fifties who is unable to detach his umbilical

cord nor to admit that his daddy does have some character flaws, in fact, LOTS OF THEM!!

You are a lost cause, and your life is a total mess.

You are also quite clueless and uneducated when it comes to debating skills and just showed it again by begging the question and

poisoning the well by alluding to the Trump/Hitler comparison and remark about Putin, etc but without any specifics why

hey are not valid!!

I can fully understand why you empathize with the SCATTERBRAIN in the video because you are simply defending the mirror image

of yourself!!!


Nov 11, 2007
Why do TARDS still post here anyway?

Are they so delusional to believe anyone is listening to them? That they are part of the conversation and their TDS FAKE "news" opinions are contributing to these huge views and reads?

If any of these brainwashed trolling loons started their own threads, they would get next to ZERO replies and views. Nobody cares.

The previous SBD thread had over 2 million views and was showing up in multiple Google searches. Why? Because in this clown world saturated with so much stupidity and propaganda, people want the truth. The movie on TV just doesn't seem real...because it isn't. But since so few have the right sources on their social media feeds, they don't have access to the info and analysis posted.

Anons/Digital Soldiers are literally destroying the corrupt industries which shape the TARD worldview. Yet, they're still here somehow believing their dying sources are "debunking" the stuff we're posting.

Have you ever witnessed anything so stupid and delusional?

Hilarious! 😂
Real fast-other than the usual FEW people who give you a thumbs-up or respond to your posts, in a Trump-dominated thread,

how come no one comes forth to agree with you or sbd and your crackpot theories!!

Why is that do you think?? lol

Also the very fact that you need to try to put folks down like me clearly indicates 1) that you do read my posts despite your lies

to the contrary and 2) that I irritate you because if I did not, you would pretend that I didn't exist and say nothing!!

Nov 11, 2007
Using Trump's terminology I wold be a dictator for a day and one of the first things I would do is deport any known avowed person who

professed allegiance to Putin including of course sheriff joe.

This would in effect be deporting a DICK in sheriff joe who was professing allegiance to another "DICK"tator!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As my only post to you for today, you are a person who deifies Trump, has no sense of right and wrong, and/or doesn't care because

of improper upbringing, and who is so scared of his own shadow and such a low opinion of yourself that you run away and hide

when asked legitimate questions by me that if answered truthfully would not agree with the crackpot theories of sbd and sheriff joe,

and your fear that they would look unfavorably on you!!

Speaking of nailing it, Lenny Boy, what does it say about an alleged adult in his fifties who is unable to detach his umbilical

cord nor to admit that his daddy does have some character flaws, in fact, LOTS OF THEM!!

You are a lost cause, and your life is a total mess.

You are also quite clueless and uneducated when it comes to debating skills and just showed it again by begging the question and

poisoning the well by alluding to the Trump/Hitler comparison and remark about Putin, etc but without any specifics why

hey are not valid!!

I can fully understand why you empathize with the SCATTERBRAIN in the video because you are simply defending the mirror image

of yourself!!!


And you speak about highly educated with MAGA being a cult .

You’ve been fed this BS for years as you sat there soaking it all in lIke the gullible dope you are . Lol

Yeah see you way later you overmatched loser .


Nov 11, 2007
As my only post to you for today, you are a person who deifies Trump, has no sense of right and wrong, and/or doesn't care because

of improper upbringing, and who is so scared of his own shadow and such a low opinion of yourself that you run away and hide

when asked legitimate questions by me that if answered truthfully would not agree with the crackpot theories of sbd and sheriff joe,

and your fear that they would look unfavorably on you!!

Speaking of nailing it, Lenny Boy, what does it say about an alleged adult in his fifties who is unable to detach his umbilical

cord nor to admit that his daddy does have some character flaws, in fact, LOTS OF THEM!!

You are a lost cause, and your life is a total mess.

You are also quite clueless and uneducated when it comes to debating skills and just showed it again by begging the question and

poisoning the well by alluding to the Trump/Hitler comparison and remark about Putin, etc but without any specifics why

hey are not valid!!

I can fully understand why you empathize with the SCATTERBRAIN in the video because you are simply defending the mirror image

of yourself!!!

Just to show every objective person how STUPID Lenny is, he just did this again in his last post and proved once again what he is all about:

"You are also quite clueless and uneducated when it comes to debating skills and just showed it again by begging the question and

poisoning the well by alluding to the Trump/Hitler comparison and remark about Putin, etc but without any specifics why

they are not valid!!"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oct 30, 2006
Of course, my opinion doesn't mean jack to low class, not very bright and uneducated TURDS like yourself who were raised

in the sewer and/or have no sense of what is acceptable and not acceptable in life just, and why you deify someone of

your ilk in Donald Trump who holds the same values!!

I have a measured IQ which I would guess is at least 50 points higher than yours.

My well-thought-out and inciteful posts for the most part are way beyond your level of comprehension and one reason

you are unable to respond and in addition why sheriff joe, his alter ego doctor success and abd PRETEND to put me on ignore

rather than debate me about some of their notions, namely because they know I would destroy them as I am doing to you right

now, and as I have to similar dolts like Lenny Lenbo since he has been here!!

Conversely, I do believe there are objective folks in this thread who do read my posts/takes and are intelligent enough to at the very

least and respect my point of view on Trump and other matters unlike folks like you who consider Trump some kind of a fucking

deity when in fact he is just the opposite and this appeals to folks/LOSERS in life like yourself who need someone to grasp

onto in the hopes that they(Trump_ can somehow magically turn around your meaningless and failed existence!!

That's it for now as I don't want to take away any more precious time from your sniffing Trump's ass today both figuratively

and literally, so that you can tell us the quality of the "perfume" emanating from his being today!!

ps I will let this post also serve as a response to the last posts of sheriff joe and sbd, who are cut out the same slimy Trump

di ck fellating mold as you are!!
50 points higher than my 119 would be pretty high but I doubt you even break 100 so give it a break dry up & blow away...

Nov 11, 2007
50 points higher than my 119 would be pretty high but I doubt you even break 100 so give it a break dry up & blow away...
If it really is 119 which I doubt, then my iq is a "mere" 31 points higher at 150, which is not surprising as I come from a fine Jewish family

with historically great genes on both sides and with a lot of professional accomplishments to support it!!

As it applies to this thread, all one has to do is notice that folks like sheriff joe and sbd are at least smart enough to recognize this

as well as my fine education, professional experience and debating skills to stay away and PRETEND to put me on ignore

as an excuse not to openly debate me!!

The fact that I have already nailed your sorry ass several times with posts for which you do not have anything that will fly outside

of those of your ilk is just more evidence of my overall intellectual superiority thanks to GOD!!
Sep 12, 2022
Why do TARDS still post here anyway?

Are they so delusional to believe anyone is listening to them? That they are part of the conversation and their TDS FAKE "news" opinions are contributing to these huge views and reads?

If any of these brainwashed trolling loons started their own threads, they would get next to ZERO replies and views. Nobody cares.

The previous SBD thread had over 2 million views and was showing up in multiple Google searches. Why? Because in this clown world saturated with so much stupidity and propaganda, people want the truth. The movie on TV just doesn't seem real...because it isn't. But since so few have the right sources on their social media feeds, they don't have access to the info and analysis posted.

Anons/Digital Soldiers are literally destroying the corrupt industries which shape the TARD worldview. Yet, they're still here somehow believing their dying sources are "debunking" the stuff we're posting.

Have you ever witnessed anything so stupid and delusional?

Hilarious! 😂
I think they continue to post here as a means of dealing with their own failed lives. They can't face the fact that they've failed miserably in life, so they take out their frustration on places like this, which is a total waste of time. Especially since no one reads their posts.

They also post because of a very feminine need they have to attract attention to themselves. They appear to be borderline, if not full blown, homosexuals.

Nov 11, 2007
If it really is 119 which I doubt, then my iq is a "mere" 31 points higher at 150, which is not surprising as I come from a fine Jewish family

with historically great genes on both sides and with a lot of professional accomplishments to support it!!

As it applies to this thread, all one has to do is notice that folks like sheriff joe and sbd are at least smart enough to recognize this

as well as my fine education, professional experience and debating skills to stay away and PRETEND to put me on ignore

as an excuse not to openly debate me!!

The fact that I have already nailed your sorry ass several times with posts for which you do not have anything that will fly outside

of those of your ilk is just more evidence of my overall intellectual superiority thanks to GOD!!
ps While my posts can be long, they are also filled with deep thoughts that a low IQ person couldn't write!!

Thus when sheriif joe or sbd says I am of low IQ, I just chuckle and take it as jealousy and envy because they do not have the intelligence

and other skills needed to be able to produce posts of the same depth and thought processes necessary to do so!!
Oct 30, 2006
If it really is 119 which I doubt, then my iq is a "mere" 31 points higher at 150, which is not surprising as I come from a fine Jewish family

with historically great genes on both sides and with a lot of professional accomplishments to support it!!

As it applies to this thread, all one has to do is notice that folks like sheriff joe and sbd are at least smart enough to recognize this

as well as my fine education, professional experience and debating skills to stay away and PRETEND to put me on ignore

as an excuse not to openly debate me!!

The fact that I have already nailed your sorry ass several times with posts for which you do not have anything that will fly outside

of those of your ilk is just more evidence of my overall intellectual superiority thanks to GOD!!

Really is 119 & I come from a fine mostly German Family...Im not a debate guy Im a common sense guy....If your IQ is really 150 then your common sense IQ is about 20.....Brains without common sense is nothing...Go back here where you bought yours & exchange for one with an equal mix of common sense & then you might be on a little closer plane to us conservatives here…

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