
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Bush Funeral Envelopes

More White Hat arrests with the entire world watching..




Endless books will be written about this chapter in history.

The Fall of the Cabal.


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
The Bush Funeral Envelopes

More White Hat arrests with the entire world watching..


View attachment 84244

View attachment 84245

Endless books will be written about this chapter in history.

The Fall of the Cabal.

Seriously are you either so lacking for new material and/or have nothing better to do with your life daily than to post material that is over

three years old which was a lie and a prediction that failed to come true then and remains and will remain in the same status today!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A very nice document for your reading pleasure.

Judge Dismisses Attempts to Disqualify Fani Willis in High-Stakes Trump RICO Case​






Shoe salesman

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

The article would lead you to believe a final decision has been made on whether or not Fatti and her ambulance chasing lawyer boyfriend , who just happened to be named lead prosecutor remain on the bogus RICO case ….

If you’re a borderline retard who doesn’t read past the headline and a “highly educated” TDS sufferer who gave it a thumbs up .

Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
A very nice document for your reading pleasure.

Judge Dismisses Attempts to Disqualify Fani Willis in High-Stakes Trump RICO Case​






Shoe salesman

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
For me what counts the most is not whether Fani Willis is actually removed or not but an open, tacit admission

that Trump and his including those in this thread are so desperate and in need of this to happen in the hopes

that if she is removed, it will torpedo the entire case!!

This sends a message to me and imo any objective person that the reason for this focus of emphasis is because these folks realize

that Trump is guilty as charged with what he did in Georgia, and that the evidence is so overwhelming that it is a necessity to have her

removed. and by having someone replace her, it will simply delay the trial beyond the 2024 Election, at which time if Trump is elected,

he can order whoever the AG is to dismiss the case and/or for the case to lose all relevance!!

In essence, for them, this thinking is just a fail-safe mechanism that is needed in their minds for a real-life possibility that cannot

simply be dismissed by their usual cliches and vague mantra that all of the 91 indictments, and investigations are nothing but

political intervention against their "deity"/Donald Trump and one that needs an outside event to prevent a Trump conviction,

which is the worst possibility regarding his electability in the 2024 Election!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Do you have a specific year in mind when you'll give up on this or you gonna be telling me about it in our re-education camp in 2031?
The cabal's infiltration and complete takeover of the world was a silent coup and the White Hat countercoup is just as stealth, perhaps more so.

You mean you've been waiting on CNN to tell you what's actually happening? Like those 25,000 National Guard ordered into DC on Jan 6th because of a "MAGA Insurrection"? Overthrowing who again? Trump the president! These FAKE "news" narratives don't even make any sense!

You just need better sources to show you the truth.

Incoming 25th Amendment for "Biden"

Enjoy the show!


Nov 11, 2007
The cabal's infiltration and complete takeover of the world was a silent coup and the White Hat countercoup is just as stealth, perhaps more so.
Says who-you!!

Your "documentation" of this lies deep in the deepest sections of your psyche where your unresolved personal problems remain and will remain not until they are resolved. Simply subjugating them to thinking like this will not do so and if anything will simply bury hem further in the recesses of your mind!!
You mean you've been waiting on CNN to tell you what's actually happening? Like those 25,000 National Guard ordered into DC on Jan 6th because of a "MAGA Insurrection"? Overthrowing who again? Trump was the president at the time! These FAKE "news" narratives don't even make any sense!
Says who-you!!

Your "documentation" of this lies deep in the deepest sections of your psyche where your unresolved personal problems remain and will remain not until they are resolved. Simply subjugating them to thinking like this will not do so and if anything will simply bury hem further in the recesses of your mind!!

You just need better sources to show you the truth.
Kindly tell us who these "sources" are and with convincing/irrefutable evidence that these sources are reliable, credible and trustworthy!!
Incoming 25th Amendment for "Biden"
Really?-the operative question is why should anyone believe you with your track record over the last three-plus years with such matters

as daily predictions that Trump's devolution is imminent or better, that Trump is and has always been the "acting CIC" with

ZERO/NADA/ZILCH/NOTHING in the way of empirical and tangible proof of anything he has done to support this delusion/lie!!

Enjoy the show!
I don't know whether the "show" that you present us with every day with your posts can be defined as simply as delusion, paranoia,

psychosis, attention-seeking, lies, etc.

What matters is that the SHOW consists of a person who lives way outside the parameters of what is considered human

normalcy, and thus whose posts should be and are taken with a grain of salt by those who live withing the parameters of

what is accepted as reality in this time and place on this planet!!

be and are taken
Back in a bit!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me what counts the most is not whether Fani Willis is actually removed or not but an open, tacit admission

that Trump and his including those in this thread are so desperate and in need of this to happen in the hopes

that if she is removed, it will torpedo the entire case!!

This sends a message to me and imo any objective person that the reason for this focus of emphasis is because these folks realize

that Trump is guilty as charged with what he did in Georgia, and that the evidence is so overwhelming that it is a necessity to have her

removed. and by having someone replace her, it will simply delay the trial beyond the 2024 Election, at which time if Trump is elected,

he can order whoever the AG is to dismiss the case and/or for the case to lose all relevance!!

In essence, for them, this thinking is just a fail-safe mechanism that is needed in their minds for a real-life possibility that cannot

simply be dismissed by their usual cliches and vague mantra that all of the 91 indictments, and investigations are nothing but

political intervention against their "deity"/Donald Trump and one that needs an outside event to prevent a Trump conviction,

which is the worst possibility regarding his electability in the 2024 Election!!

Whether or not ghetto trash and her ambulance chasing lawyer turned lead prosecutor remain on , this garbage RICO case has little to no chance of taking place before the election .

Book it pip squeak .

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Do you have a specific year in mind when you'll give up on this or you gonna be telling me about it in our re-education camp in 2031?
Do you have a specific time when you will finally open yer eyes on this operation or just waiting until we all share a drink together in a few years whilst telling us how you should have figured it out at the time?

You seem to do quite a bit of reading and learning on OTHER topics, why do you refuse to do the same with Q?

So much information regarding Satanists, pedos , the DS , MSM propaganda and more that you and others can recognize as FACTS today
were just conspiracy theories before Trump got elected and Q started posting.
If it werent for Q, anons and the rise of citizen journalists that info would STILL be hidden to the majority of people.

The DeepState is getting crushed piece by piece, its just not obvious to Doomers who can only see the view from ground level.

But if it make you feel "better", its gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets I dont expect that your dooming is gonna stop any time soon....but we will revisit in a couple months

The best is yet to come!!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Keep marching to that beat of FAKE "news" (bullshit cover stories for what's REALLY happening behind the scenes).

Some of you blackpillers and tardpillers do it sooooo well! LOL

There's a reason this thread is EXPLODING in reads and views.

People want the TRUTH 👉Ask and you shall receive.



The Insurrection Act authorizes the employment of the land and naval forces of the United States, in cases of insurrections.

👉“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, AS HE CONSIDERS NECESSARY to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

👉Whenever the President considers it necessary to use this act, “he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

No matter how much the FAKE "news", corrupt politicians, criminal government agencies, blackmailed judges, and Globalist "election officials" who were involved in stealing the 2020 Election tell you that it was the most "safe and secure election in history", the fact is, they all committed TREASON.


General Flynn told us on January 5, 2021 in an interview that President Trump signed the Insurrection Act.

President Trump told the people to go home on January 6, 2021, which he needed to do in order for the Insurrection Act to go into effect. This is the LAW.

The Deep State and the Sheep were made to believe that he was speaking to the Patriots at the Capitol, but he was actually speaking to THEM.

It would have been DERELICTION OF DUTY for President Trump to do nothing.

Remember, “he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, AS HE CONSIDERS NECESSARY to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

AS HE CONSIDERS NECESSARY 👉The fact that it has all been done behind the scenes and it appears as though the Deep State is in control, means absolutely nothing.

In order to prevent a civil war and to get most of the people behind him, he needed to allow the steal to happen (optically) and let them run the country, but with safeguards to prevent us from starting WW3.

The military is in FULL control, and will protect the 2024 Election. Once President Trump wins in November in the biggest landslide in history, and takes over the White House, RETRIBUTION will begin....the "tape delay version" for the Sheep so to speak.

The CURRENT mass arrests, prosecutions, tribunals and executions for TREASON, SEDITION, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, and other WAR CRIMES, will all be revealed to Sheep Nation. Either they're already dead or cooperating under FULL White Hat submission.

The Best Is Yet To Come!

Sep 12, 2022
Do you have a specific year in mind when you'll give up on this or you gonna be telling me about it in our re-education camp in 2031?
Repetition is a necessary part of learning. That's why children repeat their ABCs, multiplication tables, etc. Unfortunately, there are always slower children with lower IQs who require more time to pick up what the smarter kids learn easily. So the entire class has to engage in repetition until the slower children learn.

I think that's what the good sheriff is doing here. Repeating information until the slower children learn. However, this particular meme looks new. I've never seen it before.

Also, there are newcomers to this thread who have never seen any of this information before, as well as hundreds, possibly thousands, of lurkers who come here specifically to see Sheriff Joe and SBD's posts. They love posts like this and keep coming back for more. I don't blame them. It's better than a college education.

Those same lurkers also love seeing Salvage and the Tards put in their place and thoroughly humiliated, which SJ and SBD are both masters of. The lurkers want more.

Nov 11, 2007
Do you have a specific time when you will finally open yer eyes on this operation or just waiting until we all share a drink together in a few years whilst telling us how you should have figured it out at the time?

You seem to do quite a bit of reading and learning on OTHER topics, why do you refuse to do the same with Q?

So much information regarding Satanists, pedos , the DS , MSM propaganda and more that you and others can recognize as FACTS today
were just conspiracy theories before Trump got elected and Q started posting.
If it werent for Q, anons and the rise of citizen journalists that info would STILL be hidden to the majority of people.

The DeepState is getting crushed piece by piece, its just not obvious to Doomers who can only see the view from ground level.

But if it make you feel "better", its gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets I dont expect that your dooming is gonna stop any time soon....but we will revisit in a couple months

The best is yet to come!!!
You offer nothing but parrotlike responses to what Sheriff Joe offers, which as I have documented and pointed out amounts to

99.9% failed predictions, paranoia, delusion, serious psychosis, projection, and in short, the ramblings of a very disturbed and demented

anti-Semiec who has chosen this unfortunate route to take rather than trying to deal with your massive failings in life

and your terrible self-image and obvious lack of confidence!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Nancy Pelosi on "Biden's" inauguration day appears to be getting direction from multiple female US Marshalls.

Caught on a hot mic.. Or was it an intentional Easter egg just like the rest..??

"Don't say nothin"

"I won't"


Friendly reminder that BOTH "Joe and Jill" were wearing the "BOOT" long before this FAKE inauguration!

"I caught them all!" - CIC Trump


Nov 11, 2007
Repetition is a necessary part of learning. That's why children repeat their ABCs, multiplication tables, etc. Unfortunately, there are always slower children with lower IQs who require more time to pick up what the smarter kids learn easily. So the entire class has to engage in repetition until the slower children learn.

I think that's what the good sheriff is doing here. Repeating information until the slower children learn. However, this particular meme looks new. I've never seen it before.

Also, there are newcomers to this thread who have never seen any of this information before, as well as hundreds, possibly thousands, of lurkers who come here specifically to see Sheriff Joe and SBD's posts. They love posts like this and keep coming back for more. I don't blame them. It's better than a college education.
Sheriff joe/aka doctor success-They "love" these posts so much and agree with them so much that out of a 90-95% Trump/Republican

dominated thread with thousands of hits, that outside of the regular posters and a few others who post here from time to

time, virtually no one else comes forward to even give a thumbs-up let agree with some of the non-presidential

attention-seeking/delusional crackpot bullshit that is posted here!!

Why is that do you thing-Lifeline please!! lol

Those same lurkers also love seeing Salvage and the Tards put in their place and thoroughly humiliated, which SJ and SBD are both masters of. The lurkers want more.
I just commented on this sheriff joe aka doctorsuccess!!

You once again showed what a totally clueless dolt you are by claiming that you and sbd humiliate me.

I find that interesting for two reasons:

1) If I have been on ignore for several years as you claim, then how the fuck do you know what I posted in the first place!! lol

You can't "humiliate" the postings of someone about which/whom you allegedly know nothing!!

2) In any case if I am such an easy person to humiliate, why is it that neither you, sbd nor your alter ego bot doctorsuccss

are petrified to debate me openly about the stuff you profess??

ps To be fair I also believe that at times there is a lurker in here who wishes to remain in the shadows who helps out sheriff joe

and the bot doctorsucess because he level of intelligence shown in he posts if nothing else far surpasses their own!!

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