
Sep 5, 2010
A very good read.

Life is good unless you are an ultra low iqanon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Aug 17, 2019

Tards STILL haven't figured out they are watching movie 100% controlled by the "white hats".

And they STILL believe "we got him this time".

And that Trump won't be on the ballot come November.

Stupid is at an all-time high!

And the simple fact that the 3 stooges are still here posting their "great reads" is all the proof you need to know that brainwashing and mind-control are real.


Nov 11, 2007

Tards STILL haven't figured out they are watching movie 100% controlled by the "white hats".

And they STILL believe "we got him this time".

And that Trump won't be on the ballot come November.

Stupid is at an all-time high!

And the simple fact that the 3 stooges are still here posting their "great reads" is all the proof you need to know that brainwashing and mind-control are real.

A VERY forced, repetitive post today full of the same boring cliches, mantras, hackneyed expressions taunts we

have heard too many times to count!!

At least try to post something not quite as soporific in the future!!

Nov 11, 2007
As has been the case for a while on weekends, my participation in this thread will be limited to a few posts a day

because I have better things to do than try to debate folks who have nothing else to do in their empty lives than fellate

Trump, bash Biden and who live in a world 100% of fantasy and imagination when it comes to Trump both now and his

future, and in the case of sbd try to taunt us with stuff most of which he doesn't believe himself!! lol

Back mid to late afternoon at the earliest!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Tards STILL haven't figured out they are watching movie 100% controlled by the "white hats".

And they STILL believe "we got him this time".

And that Trump won't be on the ballot come November.

Stupid is at an all-time high!

And the simple fact that the 3 stooges are still here posting their "great reads" is all the proof you need to know that brainwashing and mind-control are real.

They still haven't gotten past "81 million votes" and "Safe and Effective"

It's like not being able to advance past the easiest kiddie level in a video game.

Their Q-Controlled "Great Reads" keep them brainwashed, stupid, controlled and submissive.

And forever trolling... "We Got Him This Time For Real!!!"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sep 12, 2022

Tards STILL haven't figured out they are watching movie 100% controlled by the "white hats".

And they STILL believe "we got him this time".

And that Trump won't be on the ballot come November.

Stupid is at an all-time high!

And the simple fact that the 3 stooges are still here posting their "great reads" is all the proof you need to know that brainwashing and mind-control are real.

There it is - Saturday Sendoff!

Tards losing bigly!

Patriots winning on every front!

Nov 11, 2007
I scanned the posts both late this afternoon and just now and see/saw nothing I haven't seen many times before from the Trump


I will follow the same format for tomorrow, namely to post any link worthy of being posted but with no commentary to anyone unless

I see something that isn't a rehash/repackaging of the same attention-seeking lies, delusions, and overall bullshit that these folks

are known for!!
Sep 12, 2022

A fair and balanced source of news.

Last weekend I finally got some time to watch the full two hour interview Tucker Carlson did with Vladimir Putin. I wanted to post more detailed thoughts on this interview earlier, but the news cycle has been crazy and unfortunately my time is limited. Due to the fact that evil Jews control America, I am unable to run this website as my full time job. It is what it is I guess.

The interview has been out for a little over a week and has been watched by many millions of people. Regardless of your thoughts on either of these two men, I do believe that this interview will go down in history as a fairly significant one. It has over 17 million views on YouTube since its release with many more on Twitter/X and other sites. At the very least, it is the most important interview Putin has done with an American journalist since Russia’s military operations commenced in the Ukraine back in the early part of 2022.

As many of you know, I have some questions about Tucker and his true motivations. There are many things he says that I agree with but there are also a number of things he pushes that I very much disagree with. Namely some of the things he has said about China and his promotion of UFO hoaxes.

With that said, I thought that Tucker did a fairly decent job interviewing Putin. He let Putin speak and fully articulate his views on various topics. Putin hilariously implied that Tucker was CIA at the start of the interview which set an interesting tone. It was funny because there is a non-zero chance that Tucker is actually CIA. Putin mostly dominated the conversation from that point forward.

The interview focused largely on the Ukraine war and Russia’s relations with the United States. Tucker did fail to ask questions about many topics that I thought for sure he’d ask like the Palestine-Israel situation, the now deceased Alexey Navalny etc.. He certainly didn’t challenge Putin like I thought he would. Even Putin himself said that he expected a tougher interview and was in some respects disappointed that he wasn’t challenged more. The topics Tucker chose to challenge Putin on were strange choices in my opinion.

Tucker specifically made a big deal about the Jewish Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovichwho has been jailed in Russia for espionage activities. He weirdly implied that Gershkovich who is in his 30s was just some “kid” who didn’t know what he was doing and that Russia was mean for keeping him in prison. It was an utterly stupid position and Putin responded in kind. Greshkovich has almost a decade worth of experience in the media field and could potentially be some sort of CIA or Mossad asset. It is absurd to suggest that he was acting naively.

A number of people felt that the first half hour of the interview was boring. During this time, Putin went into some detail about how the Ukrainian state came to be and how it really isn’t a country at all.

I totally disagree with the people who found Putin’s historical commentary boring. It provided additional insight as to how things developed into the situation that exists today. It is important history that people should know if they are to understand the war and why Putin chose to send military forces into these lands. The people who were bored with this either have short attention spans or lower IQs. You could argue that this might not have been the best approach considering the interview was clearly meant for Western audiences, but I did not see any real problem with this.

As I’ve noted previously, the Ukraine is a fake country that only became its own country because of the chaotic breakup of the Soviet Union. It was later given a fake national identity through the use of Neo-Nazism. Putin noted the artificial nature of all this and even described some of his experiences as a young man traveling into the Western parts of the Ukraine. He specifically noted how only Russian and Hungarian languages were used in a town he visited. His larger point was that the lands that comprise the modern day Ukrainian state are lands that historically belonged to Russians, Hungarians and Poles.

Beyond providing the basic historical context of how things developed he spoke in detail about more recent events. He talked about how he asked Bill Clinton if Russia could join NATO, how he asked the US to stop supporting terrorism in the North Caucuses and how his many attempts at peace were rebuffed as NATO expanded towards Russia’s borders. He talked about the Minsk agreements following the Maidan coup and how that was totally undermined by the West.

The main point he articulated was that the Ukraine war could end quickly if the West stopped sending weapons. He also reiterated how he has no desire to attack the West and would only attack a NATO country like Poland if Russia were attacked first.

Other topics were explored as well.

Putin accused the US of destroying the Nord Stream pipe system while jokingly accusing Tucker of doing it. He also said that Russian embassy people thought the 2020 American election was a fraud.

Tucker Blew Up NordStream?
"You, of course," Putin replied when asked who blew up the 'Nord Stream.'
Carlson said he was busy that day. 1
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) February 9, 2024
Putin said that the US was stupid for weaponizing the dollar as this has forced countries to abandon it for alternatives.

Putin said with Tucker Carlson that "the US Government is killing the dollar with their own hands."
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) February 18, 2024
Putin mentioned was how he wanted to work with the West on missile technology. When the US decided against this cooperation, Russia developed their own systems which now surpass what the US has in its arsenal.

Putin’s comments about Western/US propaganda aka Jewish propaganda was also interesting.

“In the world of propaganda, it’s very difficult to defeat the United States, since they control the world’s media”
— Russian President Putin
(During Tucker Carlson interview)
— S.L. Kanthan (@Kanthan2030) February 11, 2024
Another strange point that Tucker made was his assertion that the West is more afraid of China than Russia. Putin rightly said that this was nonsense because China has no interest in war.

Those were some of the more significant pieces of the interview. I would encourage everyone to watch it for yourselves and draw your own conclusions. I found Putin’s mastery of history and geopolitics to be far beyond what we see from the political class in the West. Unlike Western politicians who primarily rely on empty rhetoric and buzzwords, Putin’s commentary is highly substantive and he provides logical explanations for his decisions and policies.

All throughout the West, political leaders and media pundits have been very angry at this interview. There’s many reasons why they are upset that this interview happened, but a big reason they are raging is that it shows how incompetent and inadequate they are in their chosen professions.

Take in point former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson who put out an unhinged rant about it on social media. Johnson demanded people not believe the “ludicrous interview” without specifically explaining what was “ludicrous” about it.

🚨🇬🇧 Boris Johnson on Tucker Carlson – Vladimir Putin interview
“Don’t believe this ludicrous interview”
Putin claimed Boris scuppered an available peace deal months after the conflict began – this was reported widely in independent media.
Who do you believe – Putin or Boris? 1
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) February 9, 2024
There’s already talk of Tucker doing a second interview with Putin. Regardless of Tucker’s motivations, I hope they do another one later in the year. This first interview has been an important vehicle in helping many people in the US better understand Russia and why Putin decided to employ military force in the Ukraine. The more dialogue we have with Russia the better and the lack of dialogue is why everything has devolved into such a horrible mess.

Sep 5, 2010
Well it's February 18th.

Today is the day that something BIG is going to happen according to ultra low iqanon and the threads delusional predictor.

Will something happen today, such as the return?

Or as usual the goal posts will be moved yet again.

Or just cowardly crickets?

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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