
Dec 17, 2004
Libtards, you better get dressed and get lined up at the door.


Nov 11, 2007
Benjamin "Satanyahoo" will be the first "public arrest" and great catalyst to trigger Mass Awakening.

Of course we already know the REAL evil 9/11 Mastermind SOB is long gone.


Hey, sheriff joe-perhaps you should at least post something to bump your original devolution thread to let folks know that there is

such a thread since no one has posted anything in it since November 28 of last year or for that matter even given you a thumbs-up

This is not surprising since virtually no one gave a flying fu ck about your whacko/psychotic imagination over there

regarding devolution, which is the same as here other than your alter ego/puppet/Clark Kent/superman bot, doctorsuccess, and

sbd who has shown that he doesn't believe in it himself but who uses it as an intended taunting mechanism only!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Funny how the whole "Russiagate" thing is back in the news now with "new evidence" right after SCOTUS ruled presidents no longer have immunity from prosecution.

Funny how that works.

Obama's crimes, treason and sedition are too numerous to mention - beginning with the fact he was never eligible to be president in the first place. Groomed and installed by Saudi Prince Alwaleed and the CIA, Obama's the reason Patriots in the military couldn't take it anymore and almost physically overthrew him with force - literally a military coup, consequences be damned.

Russiagate ("political crime of the century") will officially expose the Kenyan at the ultimate TRAITOR... at least in the eyes of the public. Bathhouse Barry sent out a tweet congratulating the Chiefs and their RIGGED Super Bowl, as did Crooked Hillary 👉 major comms. Both are long gone.

Dan the Man putting out some major "We Caught Them All!" vibes with this post..

TREASON at the highest level!

Buckle up!

The fun is just getting started!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Correction: not SCOTUS. It's an appeals court that ruled presidents are no longer immune from prosecution. My mistake.

SCOTUS taking their sweet time and in no hurry to take on this case.


Nov 11, 2007
Funny how the whole "Russiagate" thing is back in the news now with "new evidence" right after SCOTUS ruled presidents no longer have immunity from prosecution.

Funny how that works.

Obama's crimes, treason and sedition are too numerous to mention - beginning with the fact he was never eligible to be president in the first place. Groomed and installed by Saudi Prince Alwaleed and the CIA, Obama's the reason Patriots in the military couldn't take it anymore and almost physically overthrew him with force - literally a military coup, consequences be damned.

Russiagate ("political crime of the century") will officially expose the Kenyan at the ultimate TRAITOR... at least in the eyes of the public. Bathhouse Barry sent out a tweet congratulating the Chiefs and their RIGGED Super Bowl, as did Crooked Hillary 👉 major comms. Both are long gone.

Dan the Man putting out some major "We Caught Them All!" vibes with this post..

TREASON at the highest level!

Buckle up!

The fun is just getting started!

It is not surprising that you scrambled to put up something right after I totally embarrassed you with my commentary on

your FAILED devolution thread!!

But of course it is just a coincidence as you haven't read any of my posts in a couple of years!! lol

Let me introduce you to...Devolution

Hey, sheriff joe-perhaps you should at least post something to bump your original devolution thread to let folks know that there is

such a thread since no one has posted anything in it since November 28 of last year or for that matter even given you a thumbs-up

This is not surprising since virtually no one gave a flying fu ck about your whacko/psychotic imagination over there

regarding devolution, which is the same as here other than your alter ego/puppet/Clark Kent/superman bot, doctorsuccess, and

sbd who has shown that he doesn't believe in it himself but who uses it as an intended taunting mechanism only!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is something else for folks hew to this thread need to know and/or for those who forgot regarding sheriff joe:

When I was forced out of the rubber room and the thread I had going in that rubber room was moved over to the political

section, after a couple of days sheriff joe started screaming and yelling that I was not a new poster but actually vitterd,

who has been banned here, and that I was simply using a new posting name!!

A few months later when he FINALLY got it through his thick head that I was not in any way vitter and moe importantly

since vitterd did return using a new name which contained the "vitterd," he stopped making that laughable accusation.

Vitterd agree on a lot of things but have distinct and differing posting styles!!

The main point here is that in the same way that sheriff joe saw and imagined things that simply weren't there re:

me and vitterd, he does the same thing with his psychotic ramblings about devolution and other related matters

without even a SPECK of evidence to support them and thus the lack of credibility he has with roughly 99% of

the people who are members of this Forum!!

Nov 11, 2007
Let's just say that I derive particular enjoyment about nailing sheriff's joe's ass twice already today!!

I say that because if he doesn't respond, it indicates that he has no rebuttal to what I said and that it is all true.

On the other hand, if he does address and try to rebut what I said, it will indicate that he is lying about having me on ignore!!

Poor joey hoey should have considered stuff like this before PRETENDING to put me on ignore, but in all fairness he has shown

over and over again with his posts that he isn't all that intelligent to begin with and thus doesn't have the thought

processes necessary to consider situations like this!!

Nov 11, 2007
Memory and commentary from this observer:

I still distinctly my mom bringing me to a late summer whistle-stop campaign speech of Adlai Stevenson in late summer of 1952.

Even though as an eight-year-old, I really was not that much interested in politics and thus didn't understand everything

he said I was totally impressed with his intelligence, his delivery and how he comported himself in a dignified and

classy manner.

As my political interest started to grow every year since that time and I started listening to more speeches from both

Democrat and Republican candidates for office, I continue to be impressed if not by their political views, but by how well they

presented themselves as dignified human beings, whether they actually ended up winning or losing the Election!!

This continued right up to the Trump era beginning in 2016, when the Trump Era began!!

He was and is still is an about-face to the people I descibed above, namely one without any dignity, class

and in general, someone who appeals to people without either proper upbringing on their own and/or who

acquired the same type of personality on their own and thus have no sense of what is right and wrong

and/or socially acceptable/is not socially acceptable.

Thankfully I am proud to come from a heritage and upbringing to totally reject the values of Trump and how he comports himself

as a human being!!

The old saying goes, "If you lie down with dogs, you will get fleas!!"

For me this means as it applies to this thread, there are a lot of "dogs," in this thread, who are actually pigs.

This means that I don't want to take the chance that I can be assimilated into their culture and thinking!!

That is the reason that I will vanish permanently from this thread with no participation at all sometime between now and

latest one week after the 2024 Election depending on events as they pertain to Trump turn out!!
Sep 12, 2022
Funny how the whole "Russiagate" thing is back in the news now with "new evidence" right after SCOTUS ruled presidents no longer have immunity from prosecution.

Funny how that works.

Obama's crimes, treason and sedition are too numerous to mention - beginning with the fact he was never eligible to be president in the first place. Groomed and installed by Saudi Prince Alwaleed and the CIA, Obama's the reason Patriots in the military couldn't take it anymore and almost physically overthrew him with force - literally a military coup, consequences be damned.

Russiagate ("political crime of the century") will officially expose the Kenyan at the ultimate TRAITOR... at least in the eyes of the public. Bathhouse Barry sent out a tweet congratulating the Chiefs and their RIGGED Super Bowl, as did Crooked Hillary 👉 major comms. Both are long gone.

Dan the Man putting out some major "We Caught Them All!" vibes with this post..

TREASON at the highest level!

Buckle up!

The fun is just getting started!

The ignorant, uneducated Kenyan is no match for President Trump.

Nov 11, 2007
The ignorant, uneducated Kenyan is no match for President Trump.
Barack Obama attended Columbia University in New York City, where he graduated in 1983 with a degree in political science. Later, he pursued his legal education at Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1991. During his time at Harvard, he made history by becoming the first Black editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review. 🎓📚🇺🇸

How does Obama's education compare with your own-lifeline please!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The only "degree" you and your ventriloquist sheriff joe hold is a PHD in racism, anti-Semitism, fascism, neo-Naziism and xenophobia!!
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Defense Secretary Loyd Austin has been moved to a Critical Care Unit.

Quick: name one REAL thing about this FAKE and PHONY 'administration'

Just one.

The other day savage's Senile Pants Shitter in Chief told an audience he just talked to "Helmut Kohl" (died in 2017 😂 ). The week before that it was "Francois Mitterand" (died in 1996 😂 😂)

"Biden" is TALKING to dead presidents 👉 because HE is already dead too. Get it? Not "senility"....COMMs.

You are watching a spectacular White Hat production!


"critical care unit" = morgue, where he's been stored for weeks now.

Nov 11, 2007
Barry Otero has a fake birth certificate and fake Ivy league diplomas.

Like savage1, he loves anything fake, including a fake woman who pretends to be his wife.
Can't stand the fact that you can't get rid of me and that I am your daddy!! lol

Who and what is YOUR wife/husband as compared to mine with whom I am going to celebrate our SUCCESSFUL 18th anniversary

next month!!

My gut feeling is that your significant other is your right hand which you use to get yourself off because no respectable woman or man

if that is the case would be interested in you!!

My guess is that when you "spank your salami," you are most likely fantasizing about having Trump's toadstool weenie deeply

entrenched in your mouth until the results "cum" to fruition!!

The only remaining question is whether you would swallow it or spit it out!! lol

Nov 11, 2007


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