
Apr 14, 2006
Imagine banning your top political opponent from all social media, raiding his house with the FBI, indicting him 4x, and removing him off the ballot

…and thinking you’re the “good guys”

Reality check:

You are the fascists

Nov 11, 2007
Imagine conspiring and planning to overturn the results of the 2020 Election, inciting a insurrection on January 6th, being

a whining baby still claiming that he (Trump) won even though every piece of evidence indicates he lost and 70+ legal challenges

including to the SCOTUS all FAILED, illegally stealing documents to take your home after your term as POTUS was over, making

phone calls to Georgia trying to overturn the results of the Election, sexually abusing women and lying about it, lying/falsifying

documents for one's financial advantage, paying hush money to silence someone with whom he had sex while still married,

lying over 33,000 documented times as POTUS and so much more and thinking that he the model human being and in lots of cases

perceived as a deity whom all of us should try to emulate and pattern our lives!!

And thinking you are the "good guys!!" lol

Reality check :

He/Trump is not only a traitor but also a lying/ self-serving wannabe tyrant/dictator/fascist pig who should at best be deported

to Russia, China, North Korea, etc where he would fit in fine and at worst quickly dispatched off to GITMO for a trial for treason and then

executed if found guilty!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Comey on Hillary Clinton: '“no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case "

Special Counsel Hur on Joe Biden: "would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him"

Who needs a legal system anyway when the investigated has a D next to his name ?

Apr 14, 2006

Nov 11, 2007
Unlike Lenny Lenbo's static polls which show only how a theoretical election between Biden and Trump would turn if it were held today

and does not consider what could happen between now and the 2024 election to change the polling direction and how much and why

it would change the polling data in and in whose direction, the poll I present is one which while showing the current polling

data also shows how a conviction between now and the Election could/would alter the polling data.

Here you go:

Aug 17, 2019
Imagine banning your top political opponent from all social media, raiding his house with the FBI, indicting him 4x, and removing him off the ballot

…and thinking you’re the “good guys”

Reality check:

You are the fascists

"no no they are the good guys... "the industry's finest" news networks told me so and the fact-checkers confirmed it... and this morning I came across a "good read" that also confirmed it and another "good read" that said Trump is a fascist and won't even be on the ballot on election day because he will be convicted by then and sent to prison for 717 years and may even get the death penalty..." 🤡


Nov 11, 2007
I regard the news surrounding Biden and his possession of classified material as GREAT news because imo it makes the possibilty

higher than it is that he will step down and pave the way for someone else to run which immediately in itself hurts Trump's

because lots and I mean LOTS of the present polling data favoring him is in actuality not an endorsement of him but

a rejection of Biden!!

A fresh breath of air is what the country needs as the polling data suggests, namely that the vast majority of people do not

want either Trump or Biden to be the nominee for their respective Party!!
Sep 12, 2022

He sounds a lot like the OP.

Yes, it is Tuesday…AND while I am awaiting at least ONE good clip of that amazing interview that none other than American Journalist, Tucker Carlson, that just completed earlier today with Russian President Vladimir Putin…. When the video is available, I will present it here and I will share with readers my own two cents worth on what was said in that great interview….

But in the meantime, I want to do my regular Tuesday report on the status of this entire SCAMDEMIC… I have long concluded that THIS criminal act of genocide is probably the greatest crime committed against Humanity in all human history as the KILL SHOTS administered to some 6.5 BILLION former human beings on this planet is THE deadliest creation in all of Human history as well…

And I first want to start off in saying that I am STILL getting a lot of flak for my statements that whomever takes these VALID Kill Shots and not a ‘placebo’ or ‘saline solution’ into their bodies is absolutely FUCKED!!!! ANY valid death jab will cause PERMANENT mutations to the recipients cells and turn that person into something that is definitely no longer HUMAN in any sense of that word….

These KILL SHOTS are indeed mutagenic and cause the recipients’ cells to permanently be turned into SPIKE PROTEIN manufacturing centres that produce that deadly antigen that wrecks their bodies forever or until the recipient dies….There is NO ‘shutting off’ of this process at all, and for those who still claim that there are ‘chemical solutions’ to this problem, then they do not understand genetics at all… Chemicals cannot stop a genetic process, as the only possible ‘cure’ would be a reverse genetic process that would revert the victims’ cells back to ‘HUMAN’ and obviously that is not what these criminals have intended at all when they created these deadly concoctions…

Therefore when I call those who have taken these KILL SHOTS into their bodies ‘MUTANTS’ I stand firm in that statement of FACT…..There are presently as many as 6.5 BILLION persons around this planet of ours that have taken ‘valid’ KILL SHOTS, and each and every one of them are indeed MUTANTS…The remaining 2 Billion or so that did NOT take these death jabs are the only HUMANS left on this planet at all, including yours truly…..



Well.. I first want to start off with the following link to an important report that comes courtesy of the BURNING PLATFORM online website at that also backs up everything that I have been stating for over 2 years now about these KILL SHOTS causing permanent genetic hijacking of the recipients’ cells to produce deadly SPIKE PROTEINS.. HERE is that link:

Yes, it has taken so long for so many to now realize that yours truly has been RIGHT for the last 2 plus years when I stated early on that the mutation of the recipients cells to produce antigen SPIKE PROTEINS is absolutely PERMANENT… Now I am being vindicated on a daily basis, even though it has taken 2 years for so many to see that I was indeed saying this as the truth so early on ….

And of course so many have been asking me what the ‘cure’ is to this deadly problem? Well, suffice to say but the ONLY ‘cure’ is to NEVER TAKE THE KILL SHOTS IN THE FIRST PLACE!! YES, I have harped about this exact solution for nearly 3 years now, and sadly so few actually have listened.. To those who took my advice, I can only say that you are indeed still capable of rational thought and logic….

And yes, I do want to reach out to those who have truly been ‘warriors’ in this fight for humanity.. I have received a multitude of links recently to a whole new batch of ‘substack’ sites that are now coming out and trying to reach EVERYONE that they possibly can to warn them all about how this SCAMDEMIC is far from over and that these criminals in charge are indeed now gearing up for ‘ROUND 2’ (or is it ROUND 3??) in this fight for our enslavement via these KILL SHOTS, including the diabolical upcoming “PANDEMIC TREATY” that the criminal scumbags are nearly ready to launch this coming MAY!!!

And yes, there are so many in the real ‘truth movement’ that have been doing their part with their exposes on their own blogs and websites about the TRUTH about this entire SCAMDEMIC fraud… One of those is of course my fellow Canadian real truth seeker, GREENCROW, who hails from the ‘LEFT COAST’ out in the lower mainland of British Columbia, and writes her excellent blog at … In fact, Greencrow just released today a fabulous new article that looks at some recent ‘news’ concerning this entire SCAMDEMIC with a lot of focus on what has been happening right here in CANADA.. Here in fact is the link to that brand new article:

Yes, I again want to thank Greencrow for this excellent report…. It adds ‘fuel to the fire’ in my own efforts to try to get the message out to everyone about where we stand today in regards to this entire sickening genocidal program…



And yes, as a CANADIAN, I absolutely agree with what Greencrow shows in her article.. I was one who was COERCED by the evil corporation that thankfully I am no longer ’employed’ with to either take the KILL SHOTS into my body or face permanent termination…After so many ‘threats’ and so many of my ‘fellow employees’ trying to “urge” (FORCE) me into being a good compliant slave, I said ‘ HELL NO’ and was thus ‘terminated’ for a period of 6 months back in early 2022 with letters of ‘reprimand’ stating that my ‘temporary termination’ could become PERMANENT if I still refused to take the shots….

“Luckily” after 6 months, I was ‘recalled’ to ‘work’ (with no apologies from that corporation of course..) but even my return to ‘work’ became a living HELL as I was so badly mistreated and shunned by my ‘fellow employees’ that I knew my days were numbered.. After enduring that for 9+ months and with no ‘apologies’ from ANYONE for the hell that they were doing to myself, I decided to call it quits and retire from that hell hole…. Good riddance, as now I realize that I was so RIGHT in taking my stand and to those other ’employees’ that bowed down to tyranny and are on their way to a certain death, I just hope that they all die off very soon to not be burdens on Canada’s already failing ‘health care system’….

Well… There are other aspects of this plan to murder as much of humanity via these KILL SHOTS to cover here, and I will cover a few of the key points for this article…

I want to start off of course with once again tackling the issue of ‘PRION DISEASE’ that is absolutely one of the most diabolical HORRORS associated with taking these KILL SHOTS.. I have in previous articles shown clear evidence that ANYONE who takes a valid form of these death jabs will undoubtably come down with a form of PRION DISEASE, including ‘CJD’ (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease), in one form or another basically due to the FACT that the Spike Proteins and other deadly antigens (including deadly PRIONS) produced by the victims’ mutated cells absolutely has an affinity for DESTROYING brain cells…. Thus the production of deadly misfolding Prions was absolutely incorporated in the design of these KILL SHOTS, and once a brain starts to incorporate these misfolding Prions, there is a ‘cascade effect’ that leads to permanent destruction of their brains…



I therefore want to turn to the following report that comes courtesy of the NATURAL NEWS website at where apparently the ‘CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL’ in America aka the ‘CDC’ has failed to inform Americans that these KILL SHOTS do indeed cause ‘DEMENTIA’ in victims due to the destruction of their very brain tissue via PRION diseases! HERE is that link:

YES… And I am indeed observing this exact problem now being seen EVERYWHERE in the MUTANTS that I continue to encounter in my daily travels… So many seem to have lost their very minds, and some appear absolutely ‘lost’ at times as well… It does appear that so many are now coming down with Dementia, and in some cases it is not happening in just the ‘elderly’ at all but in so many younger people as well…..

And yes, the cases of ‘Dementia’ as well as ‘Alzheimer’s’ disease are exploding EVERYWHERE…And those cases are absolutely increasing exponentially in those who have taken valid KILL SHOTS into their bodies… Thus the link between ‘Dementia’ and this increasing and diabolical horror of PRION disease is right there for all to see happening…

And yes, I continue to receive a great amount of information from readers, via so many links to articles that are sent my way… I do want to thank them all for their work and all I can say is KEEP THEM COMING!!

And one astute reader to this site sent me the link to an interesting report that just came out the other day, that comes courtesy of the NATIONAL PULSE online website at , and in that article there is now the suggestion that the KILL SHOTS have killed 14x the number of victims than the ‘COVID’ BS ‘virus’ has killed… Here is that link:

Well.. I want to be perfectly honest here.. I have yet to have found ANY evidence that this fraudulent ‘COVID 19 virus’ has actually KILLED anyone… I have already explained in so many previous articles that these criminals have falsified ALL ‘COVID deaths’ by having victims claimed to have died ‘with’ the COVID ‘virus’ with nobody at all actually dying ‘from’ the ‘virus’! THIS is exactly how these monsters have lied about ‘COVID deaths’ and how they covered the lies by claiming victims dying due to ‘co-morbidities’ aka dying from something else such as ‘CANCER’ or even “INFLUENZA” and claiming that the victim also had ‘COVID’ at the same time…

Thus this article’s claim that the jabs killed 14x the number of deaths than the virus itself is absolutely horse shit…. But again, so many have yet to come to the simple conclusion that there never was a ‘COVID’ virus at all, and what we have seen over the last 4 years is nothing more than the ‘rebranded’ INFLUENZA virus instead….

And right now I do want to give a salute to the man that to me has been a true warrior in this entire SCAMDEMIC and sadly has been so falsely vilified by the very criminals that have been running this entire plan for world wide genocide.. That man is of course DOCTOR VERNON COLEMAN out of the UK, and sadly I have to report that the good doctor has indeed now stopped making his ‘old man in a chair’ videos while taking care of his very sick wife..

In fact, I do want to present here the very LAST video made by Doctor Vernon Coleman, that comes courtesy of BITCHUTE.. HERE is that video:

To me, Doctor Coleman is a true hero and hopefully when we finally win this war against these monsters, that he be hailed as a true hero for all humanity as well…

Well… I do want to of course finish off this report with once again presenting the links to the last couple of PODCASTS between JEFF RENSE and ERIKA KHAN, as they continue to expose this entire program of genocide, in their 3x a week podcasts over at . Here are the links to the last three important podcasts:

HERE is the one from last week, Wednesday January 31st 2024:

Audio Player


HERE is the one from last week, Friday February 2nd 2024:

Audio Player


And finally, here is the latest one from yesterday, Monday February 5th 2024:

Audio Player


I must say that I have listened to nearly ALL of JEFF and ERIKA’s fabulous reports closely for nearly the last 4 full years.. And I have found NOTHING that has ever proven them to be wrong in terms of what they bring forward in these important reports..

I again implore readers to listen to ALL of these podcasts, for the information presented is dynamite and does indeed give so much truth especially now when the internet is filled with those who will lead everyone astray and away from the real facts about these KILL SHOTS and the entire program of mass death…

Well.. Hopefully that is enough for the moment… I will continue with these exposes and try my best to give everyone as much information that I can so that you too can spread it around to others to hopefully wake them up to the real truths behind this horrible program of mass genocide… I will be back very soon with more articles at this blog, so stay tuned..

More to come

Sep 12, 2022
Imagine banning your top political opponent from all social media, raiding his house with the FBI, indicting him 4x, and removing him off the ballot

…and thinking you’re the “good guys”

Reality check:

You are the fascists
Imagine doing all that and then having your controlled opposition plant as the only candidate on the ballot and losing heavily to None of the Above.

Nov 11, 2007
Imagine doing all that and then having your controlled opposition plant as the only candidate on the ballot and losing heavily to None of the Above.
Imagine conspiring and planning to overturn the results of the 2020 Election, inciting a insurrection on January 6th, being

a whining baby still claiming that he (Trump) won even though every piece of evidence indicates he lost and 70+ legal challenges

including to the SCOTUS all FAILED, illegally stealing documents to take your home after your term as POTUS was over, making

phone calls to Georgia trying to overturn the results of the Election, sexually abusing women and lying about it, lying/falsifying

documents for one's financial advantage, paying hush money to silence someone with whom he had sex while still married,

lying over 33,000 documented times as POTUS and so much more and thinking that he the model human being and in lots of cases

perceived as a deity whom all of us should try to emulate and pattern our lives!!

And thinking you are the "good guys!!" lol

Reality check :

He/Trump is not only a traitor but also a lying/ self-serving wannabe tyrant/dictator/fascist pig who should at best be deported

to Russia, China, North Korea, etc where he would fit in fine and at worst quickly dispatched off to GITMO for a trial for treason and then

executed if found guilty!!

Sep 5, 2010
I regard the news surrounding Biden and his possession of classified material as GREAT news because imo it makes the possibilty

higher than it is that he will step down and pave the way for someone else to run which immediately in itself hurts Trump's

because lots and I mean LOTS of the present polling data favoring him is in actuality not an endorsement of him but

a rejection of Biden!!

A fresh breath of air is what the country needs as the polling data suggests, namely that the vast majority of people do not

want either Trump or Biden to be the nominee for their respective Party!!
I would vote for a block of wood before the orange encrusted buffoon.






February 18th coming soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
A very good document to read.

Unless you are a toothless ultra low iqanon that has sent all their money to the orange encrusted buffoon.

Trump Calls Bombing Middle East 'Unnecessary' Despite Dropping Record Number of Bombs On Middle East​






February 18th

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
I would vote for a block of wood before the orange encrusted buffoon.






February 18th coming soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
I would vote for a piece of dog sh t before voting for Trump.

That is actually incorrect because the two terms are synonymous!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I regard the news surrounding Biden and his possession of classified material as GREAT news because imo it makes the possibilty

higher than it is that he will step down and pave the way for someone else to run which immediately in itself hurts Trump's

because lots and I mean LOTS of the present polling data favoring him is in actuality not an endorsement of him but

a rejection of Biden!!

A fresh breath of air is what the country needs as the polling data suggests, namely that the vast majority of people do not

want either Trump or Biden to be the nominee for their respective Party!!

Still the best you’ve got . Wake us when you have even the slightest clue as to who that breath of fresh air may be .

Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says a special counsel's report​


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Unlike Lenny Lenbo's static polls which show only how a theoretical election between Biden and Trump would turn if it were held today

and does not consider what could happen between now and the 2024 election to change the polling direction and how much and why

it would change the polling data in and in whose direction, the poll I present is one which while showing the current polling

data also shows how a conviction between now and the Election could/would alter the polling data.

Here you go:

The senile fool calls a presser to defend his mental capacity after a scathing special counsel report and comes out with yet another gem.

Big mistake .

But yeah , Jack Smith



Sep 17, 2010
Nothing will happen.
Globalist Dems will just rig the election in November, take the House back while they are at it. The kill shot.
Probably a white cop will shoot an unarmed AA and / or a new strain of the chinavirus in the next few months to scramble everything around as they take Biden out of the picture.
Michelle? Hillary? Whitmer? Newsome? Warren? Who?

Sep 5, 2010
great read.

The orange encrusted buffoon knows he's on the ropes.

'Let our country heal!' Trump begs Jack Smith to drop 'all litigation' against him​






Soon, real soon.

Some, ultra low iqanons, will not like how this movie ends!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
Nothing will happen.
Globalist Dems will just rig the election in November, take the House back while they are at it. The kill shot.
Probably a white cop will shoot an unarmed AA and / or a new strain of the chinavirus in the next few months to scramble everything around as they take Biden out of the picture.
Michelle? Hillary? Whitmer? Newsome? Warren? Who?

Nov 11, 2007
Poor Lenny must have mixed feelings about the Biden documents news today!!

On the one hand, it gives him more opportunities to bash them but on the other presents the not-so-nice possibility

that he might not be the nominee and the rightful worry and concern that whoever is nominated might take a LOT

of votes away from Trump assuming of course he hasn't been convicted by then and is still the nominee!!!

As the saying goes, "you can't have your cake and eat it too!!"

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