
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Nov 11, 2007
Lucifer was also incredibly dumb. Shortsighted and greedy.

Wise people understand lusting after money and power does not create inner peace and happiness.

So yes, no doubt our enemies are evil, but also very stupid.

Never fear these maroons.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!


"Wise people understand lusting after money and power does not create inner peace and happiness."

Hmm-That doesn't apply to a certain ex-POTUS-is he an exception or did you simply forget!! lol

Your stupidity and/or belief that you can get away with anything you say may work with the red-neck DOPES you

cater to but not with the highly intelligent and educated folks like myself who will continue to pound and expose

expose your incredibly flawed narratives!!
Sep 12, 2022
We have to remember this date. It's the day Patriots CRUSHED the child-molesting Tards into complete oblivion! Blew them to smithereeens and scattered the ashes to the four winds. Total annihilation!
Sep 12, 2022

Welcome to my prophetic nightmare --- the one that didn't come true.
Who can ever forget Election Night, November 8th, 2016? For this writer, it was memorable not for the unexpected excitement over the unforeseen unfolding and shocking final defeat of Satanic Witch Killary Clinton (not a metaphor, seriously, the bitch worships Satan).

I didn't even stay up to watch the historic event. No, the permanent memory was the sense of foreboding, despair and despondence keenly felt when going to bed early that night. You see, none of us knew about Q and the White Hats acting as Trump's invisible "guardian angels" back then. There was no way that (((the powers that be))) would ever allow her to lose, or so it seemed. Imagine the shock the following morning!

It truly seemed that it was over before it began, and that publication of my books and articles would in due time be branded as illegal "hate speech" by Killary's wicked regime. Indeed, months prior to the election, Killary herself openly spoke about the importance of working with "our friends in the technology world" to "deny online space" to "terrorists."

Killary: "You're going to hear all of the usual complaints—you know, 'freedom of speech,' etc., but if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we've got to shut off their means of communicating."

Now, once one understands that "Islamic Terrorism" was created and controlled by the very same "usual suspects" who created and controlled the Clinton Crime Syndicate, the question arises: Who would be the real targets of Killary's internet censorship proposal? Hmmm?

Look in mirror. Hell's Bells of "terrorist" censorship and persecution were tolling for thee, boys and girls! No doubt about it, the horrible harridan, the loony lesbian, the crooked communist was fixin' to close down the "digital army" of truthers once and for all.

But even such a personal disappointment would have been bearable because it would have been nothing compared to the Hell-on-Earth that she -- in service to her dark lord -- was plotting to visit upon humanity. For the benefit of the "Black-Pilled" holdouts who still refuse to acknowledge what the rise of Trump saved us all from, let us pretend that 'Madam President" is now in the 8th year of her 24/7 glorified crisis-presidency, and review her "accomplishments."

As you go through these points, understand that very little, if any, of this is conjecture or retroactive "prophecy." This is basic "if-then" flowchart stuff.

1. Me on Election Night, 2016 -- expecting Killary to win and being declared a "far right terrorist" in the near future. // 2. Trump "Ditched the Witch" and shocked the world. // 3. Simple flowchart logic reveals where we'd all be by now in the 8th year of our sainted and untouchable "Madam President." HELL ON EARTH!

  • A basic knowledge the power players behind that Satanic Witch and an understanding of the history of the Clinton Crime Family are all one needs to logically infer the points of this "what if" scenario with near certainty. If Killary was in Year 8, then most or all of the following would likely have happened by now:

  • * As of 2020, American ATM's would have been churning out the $20 bill with Aunt Jemima's (Harriet Tubman) face on them -- not Andrew Jackson's. All of the other bills were set for "diversity" modification on the backs as well. In your face, White Man! But it was Trump who ignored the pressure and reversed Obongo's order.

  • * Race tension and riots, stirred up by Al Charlatan and the BLM operatives -- with Killary tacitly encouraging the mayhem and capitalizing upon it.

  • * The ISIS proxy war with Syria would either have toppled Assad or led to war with Russia, Iran and China in the Middle East.

  • * The Korean Cold War -- with potential to bring the US into war against China -- would still be a trigger point.

  • * Ukraine would have been a member of NATO by now -- another World War 3 trigger point.

  • * The Supreme Court would have a young 6 out of 9 Marxist majority, with one compromised "centrist" and isolated conservative justices Thomas and Alito both in their 70s.

  • * The record number of satisfactory to excellent Federal judges appointed by Trump would not be there today --- their positions held by vicious Marxist Jews and nasty lesbians instead.

  • * The U.S. would be fully implementing the economically destructive policies of the Paris Climate Accords --- including the colossal carbon credit scam and both seen and hidden taxes.

  • * The U.S. would have joined the sovereignty-killing TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)

  • * The enormous blackmail operation that was Epstein-Maxwell-Wexner Mossad Island would still be in business with no end in sight. Bill Clinton himself was a regular at Epstein-Mossad Island!

  • * With Epstein Island still in business and the US still fully engaged in the Middle East, Israeli warmongering toward Lebanon and Iran would have reached new levels of intensity and insanity.

  • * The US would still be in Afghanistan.

  • * Murderous drone bombings would still be happening all over the Central Asia and Africa.

  • * The CIA-Mossad international proxy army known as ISIS would still be stirring up chaos in as many as 30 different nations.

  • *CIA "Color Revolutions" would still be destabilizing nationalist governments the world over.

  • *"ObamaCare" -- which was planned to fail -- would have been replaced by the total communistic system which Killary, as First Lady, wanted to impose (along with a European-style 22% VAT tax) on the United States in 1993.

  • * Roe vs Wade / unlimited abortion would still be in effect.

  • * "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust Denial" laws -- prompted by false flag vandalism attacks -- would have been imposed by now along with total Internet censorship.

  • * There would be no border wall (Trump's was mostly completed and will be totally completed upon his return).

  • * The EPA would be exercising its authority to control CO2 "emissions" and cripple the energy sector.

  • * The Demonrats would have rigged permanent majority control of the House and Senate by now.

  • * The GOP "opposition" would be led by weak traitors such as Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, the Cheneys, the Bushes et al. (all of whom were publicly humiliated and then disempowered by Trump).

  • * People like Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Andrew Cuomo and so many other Deep State villains who "fell into the Trump Quicksand" would still be prominent.

  • * The Killary administration would have been packed with angry abusive lesbians at all levels.

  • * The Communist John Brennan -- or someone even worse -- would still be heading the CIA.

  • *The Congressional Freedom Caucus would have remained marginalized as "far right kooks" --- instead of now running Congress.

  • *There would NOT currently be an unfolding investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption -- a trail of fraud that is ultimately going to lead to Obongo, Clinton herself and above.

  • *Voter fraud would have been expanded and protected to such an extent that any challenge to the Establishment would have been mathematically impossible by now.

  • *The vast, secret, international child abduction, torture, rape and murder industry would have expanded massively with one of its chief practitioners in the White House.

  • *School shootings (which were all CIA hoaxes) would still be going on and semi-automatic rifles probably banned by now.

  • *The Covid Hoax would still have been launched (probably after 2020). The lockdowns, I-phone "contact tracing," "stimulus" payments, "variants" and mandatory "self quarantines" would have lasted up to 5 years as the broken world anxiously waited for the magic vaccine.

  • *The Killary-Gates vaccine would have been MANDATORY, genocidal for 10-15% of humanity, and contained tracking chips to monitor and control us in Orwellian fashion.

  • *Covid dissenters would have been subjected to forced isolation in detention camps which Killary once joked about as "fun camps for adults." (Satanists love to telegraph their evil intentions by joking about them.)

  • *Total demoralization and neutralizing of conservatives with no means of communicating or spreading truth online -- Jack Dorsey still at Twitter and no Gab, BitChute, Rumble, Q posts or Truth Social either.

  • *The epic mass misery, war, death, disease, poverty, pessimism, fear and hunger would have positioned the normies of the world up for an easy and accepted transition into "The Great Reset" -- a glorious One World Order in which we would "own nothing" and "be happy" packed into storage-unit-sized apartments in herded urban areas and eating fried insects.
  • *

  • And there are more, many more, horrors that we can add to the list --- as well as the 'X-factor" nasty surprises we would not have been able to foresee. Oh, and one more thing -- we'd be set up perfectly now for eight years of "Big Mike" Obongo, who would probably "come out" sometime during his/her presidency.

The hate-filled nasty witch glows in the presence of evil Globalist billionaires -- all of whom have been attacked and taken down under Trump. (Weinstein is in prison and we believe that Soros and Gates are also in Gitmo -- Killary as well.)

The Rothschilds and the Clintons

Mossad's Ghislane Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding!
1. Totally in league with Klaus Schwab of the WEF. // 2. The wretched race-hustler / vote fraudster Al Charlatan would have had the ear of "Madam President." // 3. Imagine the Queen of child-sex-trafficking in the White House!

Do the points of the retroactive forecast not constitute an accurate and objective picture of where the world would be right now with that Satanic, child killing, blood-drinking, lesbian bitch from Hell lording over us and, by extension, the world? Is this in any way an exaggeration of the scope of this Hellish Hag's evil intent, or that of her NWO bosses?

Did not her first reign as co-president (1993-2001) -- during which she and her tranny Attorney General, Janet Reno, roasted and suffocated 76 innocent American men, women and children alive at Waco, Texas -- reveal what she was capable of? Did not the likes of George Soros, Mike Bloomberg and Klaus Schwab, in essence, say -- both in spoken word and in writing for the consumption of their fellow "elites" -- that this was their plan for the world?

Is this not what that infamous mural image at the creepy Denver Airport depicts? Do any of the "never-Trumpers" of the "far right" care to dispute the "if-then" validity of the points from the above-listed retroactive forecast?

Donald Trump -- who also speaks in code -- was NOT exaggerating when he talked about "saving the world" from an "invisible enemy" and "saving 100 million lives." Actually, his tireless peacemaking and early Covid-lockdown-busting may have saved BILLIONS of lives.

And yet, hearing some of the "Black-Pilled" among our ranks continue to make inadvertently careless common cause with the Council on Foreign Relations, the US Communist party, the Church of Satan, Soros, Rothschild, the New York Slimes, Hollyweird and Jewish Quackademia by viciously dumping on Trump -- whose epic, extremely difficult, dangerous, strategic and time-consuming task isn't even finished yet -- is as astonishing as it is disappointing.

1. Very early in Satanist Killary's first term as co-president, in 1993, the Feds attacked a harmlessly eccentric Christian sect with tanks and flammable tear gas -- mass-murdering 76 people (17 of them little children) for no reason at all. //

2. Long before Big Mike Obongo, 6' 2" strong-jawed, broad-shouldered AG Janet Reno stood eye to eye with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, both 6' 2" as well.

World War III + widespread fear and poverty + MANDATORY Gates vaccine (after 5-year lockdown) with pure poison and injected microchips = New World Order. Madam President's Nightmarish Program (Denver Airport Mural) was thwarted by Donald Trump and the White Hats.

But but Batman... I read online that Trump is a Globalist. Why didn't he get rid of the Deep State when he was president? And what about muh bump stocks, and muh Israel, and muh Ivanka and......

SMACK! -- "A vast, deeply-rooted, centuries-old global Mafia is not legally dismantled, by the letter of the law, in a day!"

Nov 11, 2007
If what you posted makes your boat float, great and enjoy it while you can until the roof inevitably caves in and comes

crashing down on you, Trump supporters and of course Trump himself!!

Once again and to be brief, you claim all of these things about Trump being the "acting CIC" whereas Trump says just

the opposite and that he cannot do anything until he is elected!!

But of course we should not believe him because you have the real "inside scoop!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Trump is going to need a lot more than a fu king MAGA Hat or for that matter, even a MAGA Crash Helmet to protect his sorry ass when

the Jack Smith skyscraper comes toppling down on him!!

I am not sure that even an underground bunker buried several miles in the ground will save him from what awaits his fate!!

Nov 11, 2007
SheriffJoe said:
Oh look! Another delusional TARD "OH BOY! WE GOT HIM NOW!" PSYOP already completely falling apart!


LIARS gonna LIE!



If Trump is the "acting CIC" as you keep claiming, then how come he hasn't dismissed the investigations and indictments by Presidential

Immunity that would mean the end of Jack Smith also??

If you want to use your fail-safe alternative if his devolution is indeed "imminent" as you have been predicting for three years, why

even mention/worry about the "We've got him now" scenario because by even mentioning the possibility, you are contradicting

yourself in that when he is devolutioned as POTUS, nothing can be done to him in any event!!

Seriously your narratives are sophomoric, full of holes and in short clueless, which leads me to believe that on some level

of consciouness you are a masochist and love being ripped apart by persons like myself who are in a position to do so!!



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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
We have to remember this date. It's the day Patriots CRUSHED the child-molesting Tards into complete oblivion! Blew them to smithereeens and scattered the ashes to the four winds. Total annihilation!
Tards are still slogging around town in their FAKE "news" horses and fact-choker buggies, and scooping up the manure their BS prograganda machines leave behind.

Patriots (Anons/Digital Soldiers) are flying circles around them in their F-22 Raptors.

Tards look up at the sky, hear something buzzing and don't even know what they are looking at. Their "Truth Gatekeepers" haven't even allowed them to expand their narrow ignorant worldview and frame of references. So they're programmed to reject anything they don't understand. Duhhhh devolution...What's that?? Debunked!!!

The idea these clowns believe they think at our level and that their patently evil and stupid overlords can/are/will outfox Trump is hilarious.

Everything they throw at him boomerangs right back in their faces. Their puppet masters promised their tards those (fake) "indictments" would sink his trust and popularity. Instead, Trump used them to rally and unite the country against the Deep State, which made him even stronger, even more inevitable and woke more people up.

Moves and countermoves.

White Hats are playing to win!


Nov 11, 2007
I are still slogging around town in my FAKE "news" horses and fact-choker buggies, and scooping up the manure my FAILEDBS prograganda machines leave behind.

Savage1, wilbur and schmirt (Anons/Digital Soldiers) are flying circles around me in their F-22 Raptors.

I look up at the sky, hear something buzzing and don't even know what I are looking at. My "Truth Gatekeeper" hasn't even allowed me to expand their my ignorantdelusional worldview and frame of references. I am programmeddugged to reject anything I don't understand like devolution an imaginary concept that exists only in my mind!!

The idea that I believe the delusional shit cited is clwr evidence of my psychosis and am badly in need of help!!

Everything I throw at them boomerangs right back in my face because I am no match for them intellectually speaking. My puppet master promised me those "indictments" would sink my trust and popularity. and he was right, Trump used them to try and rally and appease his fellators such as myself against the Deep State, which along with his crimes and resultand investigations and indictmens faile and reulted in his beingt up shit's creek with no way out!!
I promise I will try in the future to to make a complete AHole out of myself. Any help from anyone out there to effect his will be greatly appreciated!!
Being a masochist at heart, I pray for Divine Intervention to lead me back onto the road of Rightousness and and from the hostage of the demonic forces which at the moment have total control of my mind, body and slul!!

I corrected your glaring typos-no charge as I am in a great mood tonight for lots of reasons!!

Back in the am.

May the toadstool weenie be with you at all times!! loll

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Welcome to my prophetic nightmare --- the one that didn't come true.
Who can ever forget Election Night, November 8th, 2016? For this writer, it was memorable not for the unexpected excitement over the unforeseen unfolding and shocking final defeat of Satanic Witch Killary Clinton (not a metaphor, seriously, the bitch worships Satan).

I didn't even stay up to watch the historic event. No, the permanent memory was the sense of foreboding, despair and despondence keenly felt when going to bed early that night. You see, none of us knew about Q and the White Hats acting as Trump's invisible "guardian angels" back then. There was no way that (((the powers that be))) would ever allow her to lose, or so it seemed. Imagine the shock the following morning!

It truly seemed that it was over before it began, and that publication of my books and articles would in due time be branded as illegal "hate speech" by Killary's wicked regime. Indeed, months prior to the election, Killary herself openly spoke about the importance of working with "our friends in the technology world" to "deny online space" to "terrorists."

Killary: "You're going to hear all of the usual complaints—you know, 'freedom of speech,' etc., but if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we've got to shut off their means of communicating."

Now, once one understands that "Islamic Terrorism" was created and controlled by the very same "usual suspects" who created and controlled the Clinton Crime Syndicate, the question arises: Who would be the real targets of Killary's internet censorship proposal? Hmmm?

Look in mirror. Hell's Bells of "terrorist" censorship and persecution were tolling for thee, boys and girls! No doubt about it, the horrible harridan, the loony lesbian, the crooked communist was fixin' to close down the "digital army" of truthers once and for all.

But even such a personal disappointment would have been bearable because it would have been nothing compared to the Hell-on-Earth that she -- in service to her dark lord -- was plotting to visit upon humanity. For the benefit of the "Black-Pilled" holdouts who still refuse to acknowledge what the rise of Trump saved us all from, let us pretend that 'Madam President" is now in the 8th year of her 24/7 glorified crisis-presidency, and review her "accomplishments."

As you go through these points, understand that very little, if any, of this is conjecture or retroactive "prophecy." This is basic "if-then" flowchart stuff.

1. Me on Election Night, 2016 -- expecting Killary to win and being declared a "far right terrorist" in the near future. // 2. Trump "Ditched the Witch" and shocked the world. // 3. Simple flowchart logic reveals where we'd all be by now in the 8th year of our sainted and untouchable "Madam President." HELL ON EARTH!

  • A basic knowledge the power players behind that Satanic Witch and an understanding of the history of the Clinton Crime Family are all one needs to logically infer the points of this "what if" scenario with near certainty. If Killary was in Year 8, then most or all of the following would likely have happened by now:

  • * As of 2020, American ATM's would have been churning out the $20 bill with Aunt Jemima's (Harriet Tubman) face on them -- not Andrew Jackson's. All of the other bills were set for "diversity" modification on the backs as well. In your face, White Man! But it was Trump who ignored the pressure and reversed Obongo's order.

  • * Race tension and riots, stirred up by Al Charlatan and the BLM operatives -- with Killary tacitly encouraging the mayhem and capitalizing upon it.

  • * The ISIS proxy war with Syria would either have toppled Assad or led to war with Russia, Iran and China in the Middle East.

  • * The Korean Cold War -- with potential to bring the US into war against China -- would still be a trigger point.

  • * Ukraine would have been a member of NATO by now -- another World War 3 trigger point.

  • * The Supreme Court would have a young 6 out of 9 Marxist majority, with one compromised "centrist" and isolated conservative justices Thomas and Alito both in their 70s.

  • * The record number of satisfactory to excellent Federal judges appointed by Trump would not be there today --- their positions held by vicious Marxist Jews and nasty lesbians instead.

  • * The U.S. would be fully implementing the economically destructive policies of the Paris Climate Accords --- including the colossal carbon credit scam and both seen and hidden taxes.

  • * The U.S. would have joined the sovereignty-killing TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership)

  • * The enormous blackmail operation that was Epstein-Maxwell-Wexner Mossad Island would still be in business with no end in sight. Bill Clinton himself was a regular at Epstein-Mossad Island!

  • * With Epstein Island still in business and the US still fully engaged in the Middle East, Israeli warmongering toward Lebanon and Iran would have reached new levels of intensity and insanity.

  • * The US would still be in Afghanistan.

  • * Murderous drone bombings would still be happening all over the Central Asia and Africa.

  • * The CIA-Mossad international proxy army known as ISIS would still be stirring up chaos in as many as 30 different nations.

  • *CIA "Color Revolutions" would still be destabilizing nationalist governments the world over.

  • *"ObamaCare" -- which was planned to fail -- would have been replaced by the total communistic system which Killary, as First Lady, wanted to impose (along with a European-style 22% VAT tax) on the United States in 1993.

  • * Roe vs Wade / unlimited abortion would still be in effect.

  • * "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust Denial" laws -- prompted by false flag vandalism attacks -- would have been imposed by now along with total Internet censorship.

  • * There would be no border wall (Trump's was mostly completed and will be totally completed upon his return).

  • * The EPA would be exercising its authority to control CO2 "emissions" and cripple the energy sector.

  • * The Demonrats would have rigged permanent majority control of the House and Senate by now.

  • * The GOP "opposition" would be led by weak traitors such as Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, the Cheneys, the Bushes et al. (all of whom were publicly humiliated and then disempowered by Trump).

  • * People like Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Andrew Cuomo and so many other Deep State villains who "fell into the Trump Quicksand" would still be prominent.

  • * The Killary administration would have been packed with angry abusive lesbians at all levels.

  • * The Communist John Brennan -- or someone even worse -- would still be heading the CIA.

  • *The Congressional Freedom Caucus would have remained marginalized as "far right kooks" --- instead of now running Congress.

  • *There would NOT currently be an unfolding investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption -- a trail of fraud that is ultimately going to lead to Obongo, Clinton herself and above.

  • *Voter fraud would have been expanded and protected to such an extent that any challenge to the Establishment would have been mathematically impossible by now.

  • *The vast, secret, international child abduction, torture, rape and murder industry would have expanded massively with one of its chief practitioners in the White House.

  • *School shootings (which were all CIA hoaxes) would still be going on and semi-automatic rifles probably banned by now.

  • *The Covid Hoax would still have been launched (probably after 2020). The lockdowns, I-phone "contact tracing," "stimulus" payments, "variants" and mandatory "self quarantines" would have lasted up to 5 years as the broken world anxiously waited for the magic vaccine.

  • *The Killary-Gates vaccine would have been MANDATORY, genocidal for 10-15% of humanity, and contained tracking chips to monitor and control us in Orwellian fashion.

  • *Covid dissenters would have been subjected to forced isolation in detention camps which Killary once joked about as "fun camps for adults." (Satanists love to telegraph their evil intentions by joking about them.)

  • *Total demoralization and neutralizing of conservatives with no means of communicating or spreading truth online -- Jack Dorsey still at Twitter and no Gab, BitChute, Rumble, Q posts or Truth Social either.

  • *The epic mass misery, war, death, disease, poverty, pessimism, fear and hunger would have positioned the normies of the world up for an easy and accepted transition into "The Great Reset" -- a glorious One World Order in which we would "own nothing" and "be happy" packed into storage-unit-sized apartments in herded urban areas and eating fried insects.
  • *

  • And there are more, many more, horrors that we can add to the list --- as well as the 'X-factor" nasty surprises we would not have been able to foresee. Oh, and one more thing -- we'd be set up perfectly now for eight years of "Big Mike" Obongo, who would probably "come out" sometime during his/her presidency.

The hate-filled nasty witch glows in the presence of evil Globalist billionaires -- all of whom have been attacked and taken down under Trump. (Weinstein is in prison and we believe that Soros and Gates are also in Gitmo -- Killary as well.)

The Rothschilds and the Clintons

Mossad's Ghislane Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding!
1. Totally in league with Klaus Schwab of the WEF. // 2. The wretched race-hustler / vote fraudster Al Charlatan would have had the ear of "Madam President." // 3. Imagine the Queen of child-sex-trafficking in the White House!

Do the points of the retroactive forecast not constitute an accurate and objective picture of where the world would be right now with that Satanic, child killing, blood-drinking, lesbian bitch from Hell lording over us and, by extension, the world? Is this in any way an exaggeration of the scope of this Hellish Hag's evil intent, or that of her NWO bosses?

Did not her first reign as co-president (1993-2001) -- during which she and her tranny Attorney General, Janet Reno, roasted and suffocated 76 innocent American men, women and children alive at Waco, Texas -- reveal what she was capable of? Did not the likes of George Soros, Mike Bloomberg and Klaus Schwab, in essence, say -- both in spoken word and in writing for the consumption of their fellow "elites" -- that this was their plan for the world?

Is this not what that infamous mural image at the creepy Denver Airport depicts? Do any of the "never-Trumpers" of the "far right" care to dispute the "if-then" validity of the points from the above-listed retroactive forecast?

Donald Trump -- who also speaks in code -- was NOT exaggerating when he talked about "saving the world" from an "invisible enemy" and "saving 100 million lives." Actually, his tireless peacemaking and early Covid-lockdown-busting may have saved BILLIONS of lives.

And yet, hearing some of the "Black-Pilled" among our ranks continue to make inadvertently careless common cause with the Council on Foreign Relations, the US Communist party, the Church of Satan, Soros, Rothschild, the New York Slimes, Hollyweird and Jewish Quackademia by viciously dumping on Trump -- whose epic, extremely difficult, dangerous, strategic and time-consuming task isn't even finished yet -- is as astonishing as it is disappointing.

1. Very early in Satanist Killary's first term as co-president, in 1993, the Feds attacked a harmlessly eccentric Christian sect with tanks and flammable tear gas -- mass-murdering 76 people (17 of them little children) for no reason at all. //

2. Long before Big Mike Obongo, 6' 2" strong-jawed, broad-shouldered AG Janet Reno stood eye to eye with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, both 6' 2" as well.

World War III + widespread fear and poverty + MANDATORY Gates vaccine (after 5-year lockdown) with pure poison and injected microchips = New World Order. Madam President's Nightmarish Program (Denver Airport Mural) was thwarted by Donald Trump and the White Hats.

But but Batman... I read online that Trump is a Globalist. Why didn't he get rid of the Deep State when he was president? And what about muh bump stocks, and muh Israel, and muh Ivanka and......

SMACK! -- "A vast, deeply-rooted, centuries-old global Mafia is not legally dismantled, by the letter of the law, in a day!"
Civil war.

That's why the military had to step in and arrest that vile Satanic witch when they did on 9/11..long before Trump was even elected.

Even if she had won, the real Crooked Hillary would have never made it into office. White Hats left nothing to chance and made sure of that. Instead, they would have set up a Fake Hillary (similar to the current Fake Biden) with a different plan to wake people up while simultaneously making certain the cabal couldn't finish off the country.

Now for those who shudder in horror at such deceptive operations... Well, what the hell do you think happened under all the previous puppet presidents? JFK struck down with bullets. Same as his brother. Nixon ousted by the 1970s version of "Russian Collusion" - CIA-manufactured scandal. Reagan barely escaped an assassination himself... then they tried to oust him again with Iran Contra.

Notice a pattern whenever a president went rogue and "colored outside Deep State lines"?

We haven't lived in a free country for a very, very long time.

Patriots in full and total control!

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