
Nov 11, 2007
SheriffJoe said:
Daily Reminder πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Jan 6th, 2021.

After the Uniparty Swamp certified the Nov 3rd, 2020 "stollen" election illegally in secret, President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act.

πŸ‘‰"Proclamation to disperse" under 10 US Code 254 -- "Go home now, we have to have peace"

Listen carefully πŸ‘‡

The above video was the last Trump tweet before he ordered himself banned from the social media platform.

The CIC then called in 25,000 previously federalized National Guard (EO 13919) to seal off the "Swamp" with troops, barricades, barbed wire and security checkpoints trapping in all the criminals.

Nobody got out.

No evidence escaped.

Mass arrests followed in the middle of the night.

Clean and swift.

On Jan 6th, 2021, CIC Donald John Trump saved the Republic from Evil.

But yet-there is no documentation of even one arrest/executipn let alone thousands, and virtually all of the folks some of them

well noted democrats who have been seen and heard publicly too many time to count since their alleged arrests!!

Even more important what proves that sheriff joe is a crazed fool/whacko is his contention that "CIC Trump" took over bit over for

reasons unknown has not done ONE SOLITARY THING to prove he is the "acting CIC" and thus not corrected and of the injustices

he says Trump saved everyone from!!

But wait-sheriff joe also has a secondary backup fail-safe narrative he uses to try to deflect attention from the lie/ bullshit

I just cited.

This is the other simultaneous/concurrent narrative/prediction that he has made since January 6, 2021, the one revolving

Trump's devolution which he has predicted daily is imminent and yet we haven't seen even a speck of evidence

that is going to occur!!

In essence, sheriff joe would have you believe that on the one hand, Trump has been the "acting CIC" since January 6 of 2021

and saved the country with massive arrests on that day but has not provided any evidence of how he saved the country with

empirical evidence to prove it!!

On the other hand, rather than admit he cannot provide any proof that Trump is "acting CIC" and/or give reasons

why this has not occurred, he uses his companion devolution prediction to try to assure the doubters that everything is still very much on


This kind of inconsistent and contradictory bullshit will fly with some not-very-bright and/or uneducated members of

the Trump fellator clan who will buy into virtually anything that gives them hope, but it won't with intelligent, well-educated

folks like myself who can see through this doubletalk/ruse and bring it to the attention of anyone objective and intelligent

enough to understand it!!

Best of all, I thoroughly enjoy doing what I do and look forward to it each and every day!!


Nov 11, 2007
SheriffJoe said:
Extra SPECIAL Reminder for all TDS TARDS πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡


View attachment 83121

"Crooked Hillary doesn't matter anymore" - CIC Trump πŸ˜‚

:an_laugh:"Oh boy! We got him this time!!" - TDS Tard Nation 🀑

Stupid never learns!

It looks like my last post has sheriff joe so flustered and battered with nothing to rebut what I said, that he has resulted to sbd's

primary modus operandi when I have done to him, namely to try to taunt me but not with something with an ounce of truth to

it but rather another delusion and/or lie depending on whether his conscious and/or conscious mind is responsible for the post!!

Anyone who has a working knowledge of psychology and human nature realizes that sometimes when a person is cornered

such as is the case here with sheriff joe, they will become irrational and post anything to try to get back at the person who

exposed them with no regard that by posting what they do, they don't help their cause at all but instead just their the hole into

which they find themselves even deeper!!

Imo what sheriff joe just posted in response to what I posted is a clear example of that!!




Back in a bit.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Hmm-As usual we have an interesting and unresolved contradiction and paradox here:

Sheriff joe and sbd tell us that all is fine and well with Trump and that Trump has been the "acting CIC" year right along but without

a thing to worry about with the upcoming trials and possible convictions but that Trump himself doesn't feel that way at this juncture

and is scared shitless as anyone should be in his perilous position!!

tick tick tick ….

Weβ€˜re looking at about a coin flip chance you will even get to see JackMeOff in action before Election Day at this point Lightweight .

What would you , Witless and the rest of Libtard Nation do with yourselves ?

Remember when Judge Cannon doubted this hack ?

She told you and she told you and she told you

March 1 hearing in Florida as Judge Cannon wants an update from Jack Smith about status of DC trial.

Jay Bratt claimed DC trial would be resolved before classified docs case went to trial on May 20
Aug 17, 2019
πŸ‘‰ IT'S FRIDAY....

Just a reminder that tards are beyond delusional.


Like the op stated in the RR thread, they are going to cheer against God and defend Satan until they end.

And they are.

Many will be jumping soon.

Others will be institutionalized and highly medicated.

"less than 5 months"

It's going to be biblical!

πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†

We are almost at the point where tards officially jump or get carried away in straight jackets.

Nov 11, 2007
A few comments on Lenny Lenbo's post today that apply to just about all of his posts:

The good news is that he is in the minority along with sheriff joe and sbd of deifying Trump and looking the other way of even

the possibilty that he committed some transgressions and crimes before, on, and the aftermath of January 6.

Polling data shows that Trump should be tried and if convicted, punished.

The bad and disturbing news regarding Lenny and those of his ilk is that their focus of emphasis is 100% of findings ways

to get him off the hook such as delays in the trial and other material which has nothing to do with Trump's possible guilt

in the ninety-one indictments!!

The philosophical thought that comes to mind is if the current still provincial thinking of Lenny and people like him

takes hold and we become a society of "might makes right," what will that portend in the direction in which the country is


In essence will the prevailing thinking continue to be one of morality, that imo still exists but may be starting to lose

its grips, or one that does an about-face where the thinking and even more so with would-be criminals, is what the odds/chances

are that "I can get away with it" in the same manner in which one determines the statistical probability one has in deciding

to wager on a particular team.

If this alternative does become the prevailing norm and/or that activity such as Trump engaged in is not considered a big deal,

and not the merits for any investigation, imo it will be just one more sign of many that already exist that our country

is in a state of decline and accelerating to the point where it will become an also-ran assuming of course that the country

and the world as we know it do not become extinct, a possibility that is growing and growing each day for lots of obvious


That's it for now as I have some personal and financial matters to attend to

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
We told them this day was coming.

The day when every single fake narrative would be exposed and proven false.

And yet they STILL think "we got him this time" and "Trump won't be on the ballot come election day".

They are beyond stupid.

And the simple fact that they are still here trolling this thread proves just how stupid they are.
Imagine being so ignorant and arrogant as to invest all your time and energy "researching", reading, posting and hoping on PSYOP after PSYOP, only for the plot to take some bizarre inexplicable turn in the end and completely far apart... one by one, each and every time.

:an_laugh:"OMG! WE GOT HIM THIS TIME" :an_laugh: TARD DAILY REALITY. 🀑

You would THINK they would learn by now. But no.

The TRUTH would shatter their pathetic fragile little brainwashed and controlled egos. If they only knew...One quick phone from the BOSS is all it takes for salvage's latest TDS wet dream to completely implode.

As if a brilliant billionaire real estate tycoon would leave his successful lifestyle only to end up taking orders from the cabal like every other president stiff before him..


Patriots in full and total control!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A few comments on Lenny Lenbo's post today that apply to just about all of his posts:

The good news is that he is in the minority along with sheriff joe and sbd of deifying Trump and looking the other way of even

the possibilty that he committed some transgressions and crimes before, on, and the aftermath of January 6.

Polling data shows that Trump should be tried and if convicted, punished.

The bad and disturbing news regarding Lenny and those of his ilk is that their focus of emphasis is 100% of findings ways

to get him off the hook such as delays in the trial and other material which has nothing to do with Trump's possible guilt

in the ninety-one indictments!!

The philosophical thought that comes to mind is if the current still provincial thinking of Lenny and people like him

takes hold and we become a society of "might makes right," what will that portend in the direction in which the country is


In essence will the prevailing thinking continue to be one of morality, that imo still exists but may be starting to lose

its grips, or one that does an about-face where the thinking and even more so with would-be criminals, is what the odds/chances

are that "I can get away with it" in the same manner in which one determines the statistical probability one has in deciding

to wager on a particular team.

If this alternative does become the prevailing norm and/or that activity such as Trump engaged in is not considered a big deal,

and not the merits for any investigation, imo it will be just one more sign of many that already exist that our country

is in a state of decline and accelerating to the point where it will become an also-ran assuming of course that the country

and the world as we know it do not become extinct, a possibility that is growing and growing each day for lots of obvious


That's it for now as I have some personal and financial matters to attend to


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember the J6 Unselect Committee?


A PBS Documentary Revealed the J6 Committee Admitted it was one Big Publicity Stunt to Manipulate Americans- They Hired CBS Producer James Goldston as the Storyteller

It was one big Tell-a-Vision Mini-Series…

β€œWe knew how high the stakes were… we were going to make people realize that this is important, or one you’ve lost them, you’ve lost them for good.”

Psst, spoiler alert: They lost them for good! πŸ˜‚

:an_laugh: "Liz Cheney is a rising star in the GOP" - Tard Ringleader 🀑

How much time and energy did our brainwashed and controlled TARDS sink into this SCAM??

The Stupid!

It Burns!


Nov 11, 2007
Imagine being so ignorant and arrogant as to invest all your time and energy "researching", reading, posting and hoping on PSYOP after PSYOP, only for the plot to take some bizarre inexplicable turn in the end and completely far apart... one by one, each and every time.

:an_laugh:"OMG! WE GOT HIM THIS TIME" :an_laugh: TARD DAILY REALITY. 🀑

You would THINK they would learn by now. But no.

The TRUTH would shatter their pathetic fragile little brainwashed and controlled egos. If they only knew...One quick phone from the BOSS is all it takes for salvage's latest TDS wet dream to completely implode.

As if a brilliant billionaire real estate tycoon would leave his successful lifestyle only to end up taking orders from the cabal like every other president stiff before him..


Patriots in full and total control!

Rather than spend too much time responding to your post, which is nothing but delusion, begging the question, poisoning the well,

hope and projection with absolutely no basis to where Trump and the investigations are headed, I offer this great song and its

lyric and especially the title to express where Trump stands at the moment and moving forward.

Also, once again, how do you know what I post if you don't read my posts(yeah right) and why do you even care??

"Perhaps" it is because I am one of few in here who can and will splash some ice water in your face and it succeeds to the point

that it disturbs you so much on some kind of level of consciousness hat you feel the need to respond to it.

Without further adieu, I give you the song which symbolizes where the REAL patriots are at the moment with Trump and has

just started to get rolling.


Nov 11, 2007
But yet-there is no documentation of even one arrest/execution let alone thousands, and virtually all of the folks some of them

well noted democrats who have been seen and heard publicly too many time to count since their alleged arrests!!

Even more important what proves that sheriff joe is a crazed fool/whacko is his contention that "CIC Trump" took over bit over for

reasons unknown has not done ONE SOLITARY THING to prove he is the "acting CIC" and thus not corrected and of the injustices

he says Trump saved everyone from!!

But wait-sheriff joe also has a secondary backup fail-safe narrative he uses to try to deflect attention from the lie/ bullshit

I just cited.

This is the other simultaneous/concurrent narrative/prediction that he has made since January 6, 2021, the one revolving

Trump's devolution which he has predicted daily is imminent and yet we haven't seen even a speck of evidence

that is going to occur!!

In essence, sheriff joe would have you believe that on the one hand, Trump has been the "acting CIC" since January 6 of 2021

and saved the country with massive arrests on that day but has not provided any evidence of how he saved the country with

empirical evidence to prove it!!

On the other hand, rather than admit he cannot provide any proof that Trump is "acting CIC" and/or give reasons

why this has not occurred, he uses his companion devolution prediction to try to assure the doubters that everything is still very much on


This kind of inconsistent and contradictory bullshit will fly with some not-very-bright and/or uneducated members of

the Trump fellator clan who will buy into virtually anything that gives them hope, but it won't with intelligent, well-educated

folks like myself who can see through this doubletalk/ruse and bring it to the attention of anyone objective and intelligent

enough to understand it!!

Best of all, I thoroughly enjoy doing what I do and look forward to it each and every day!!

Nov 11, 2007
Using the Wheel of Fortune format, I would use the answer to this puzzle as a reminder to sheriffjoe and others who want to take

me on in this thread:

Pat Zajak-"The category is an expression,

For $1000:

Do t bi e o f m re th n y ou c n ch w!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Daily Reminder πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

When the Tard Ringleader isn't busy injecting himself with vaccines & boosters Deep State poison, pissing away Mommy and Daddy's inheritance on overpriced bitcoin and scouring the international web for gold-digging hoes, he's frantically trolling this thread promising any fool still reading his incoherent tripe how the latest FAKE "news" PSYOP will ensnare Big Bad Orange Man!

:an_laugh: "Great Reads" 🀑

:an_laugh:"Doing God's work" 🀑

:an_laugh: Just you wait..." 🀑

Forever batting ZERO.


Take a look at these "officers" at "Biden's" fake "inauguration" endlessly fidgeting and looking around wondering what the hell is going on!

Just watch πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Have you EVER seen the military conduct themselves so unprofessionally?

So what are you watching here? A movie - just like SBD and I told you all along.

Not to mention, "Biden" endlessly stumbling, falling and sounding like a complete senile fool shitting himself at every event.


Staged, fake and phony. As fake as "mail order brides", the J6 Unselect Committee and "81 million votes" πŸ˜‚

Raise your hands - who is NOT AWAKE yet??


Sep 21, 2004

No market crash like the orange encrusted buffoon wants.

Thanks Joe!

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Jobs were/are never a problem, problem always has been and will be finding people who WANT 2 work…. 276 days till and the change starts over again…

Nov 11, 2007
Daily Reminder πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

When the Tard Ringleader isn't busy injecting himself with vaccines & boosters Deep State poison, pissing away Mommy and Daddy's inheritance on overpriced bitcoin and scouring the international web for gold-digging hoes, he's frantically trolling this thread promising any fool still reading his incoherent tripe how the latest FAKE "news" PSYOP will ensnare Big Bad Orange Man!

:an_laugh: "Great Reads" 🀑

:an_laugh:"Doing God's work" 🀑

:an_laugh: Just you wait..." 🀑

Forever batting ZERO.


First of all, you once again gave irrefutable proof that you just read my posts and do read all my posts!!

Name-calling and insulting don't get it done with me and just show your inability to take on someone/me who is your

vastly intellectual superior!!

Why not be a man instead of a mouse and admit it even if you don't respond to me!!
Take a look at these "officers" at "Biden's" fake "inauguration" endlessly fidgeting and looking around wondering what the hell is going on!

Just watch πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Have you EVER seen the military conduct themselves this way?
In what way precisely and please show us with proof and evidence that what you are projecting in not hearsay, begging the question poisoning the well and unsupported gossip
So what are you watching here? A movie - just like SBD and I told you all along.
Again begging the question and poisoning the well and not explicitly telling how and why this is a movie and in any event implying that the ending of the movie will result in you pretermined conclusion.
Not to mention, "Biden" endlessly flopping around and sounding like a complete senile fool shitting himself at every event.
Irrelevant to your thesis and you can't use against us because we agree with you and don't want Biden to be the Democratic

nominee in any event.
Tell us precisely who the actors are and who they are acting for with SPECIFIC documentation and proof!!
Staged, fake and phony. As fake as "mail order brides", the J6 Unselect Committee and "81 million votes" πŸ˜‚
I just addressed this. What you say afterward just exemplifies once again your need to result to lies and insults when in fact you have nothing to support what you state.
Raise your hand - who is NOT awake yet??
This is simply a cumulative begging the question and poisoning the well as I pointed out above and amouts to slamming down the

gavel to weakly out some finality to what you said above but in fact does the opposite and actually slams down the gavel on my

end that you live in a world totally devoid of reality and just as importantly don't know how to present a narrative which an

intelligent and objective person like myself can shatter to pieces within seconds and with a minimum of thought and effort!!

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