
Nov 11, 2007
You almost have to feel sorry for them. Imagine going through life mentally deranged.
The difference between you aka and/or your alter egos sbd and sheriff HOE and me is that you toss out vague generalities with no

SPECIFICS, whereas as you can see here, I post DOCUMENTED SPECIFICS about your attention-seeking delusions, projections and


Here you go from earlier today from your mentor:

"Only quick comment because I have addressed all of this in one way or another before.

Re: the first line only, does "truth" defined as believing that Trump won all 50 states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the

Popular Vote!!

Does "truth" consist of claiming/predicting daily for the last 31 months that Trump is going to reinstated/devolutioned and

that it is "IMMINENT!!"

Does "truth" consist of proclaiming that THOUSANDS of members of the "evil ds" have already been tried and executed

at GITMO over the last few years including the likes of the Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci and so

many more when these folks have been seen and heard too many times to count in public or via the media!!




Finally for now and along the same lines is it the "truth" that DamarHamlin actually did die from cardiac arrest back in Buffalo

on the football field induced by the cardiac arrest even though he has been seen and heard many times since that time and most

importantly is at training camp ready to resume his football career!!

I suggest that folks like doctor success aka sbd and/or sheriff joe as well as any objective person reading what they claim is

the "truth" consider what I just posted also as well as their own feelings based on whatever criterion they wish to use!!

If posting what I just posted makes me and anyone who believes what I do candidates for Hell, I will take my chances!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Porky the pig will not respond to your post, as usual.

Porky will post some useless polls instead!
Maybe if we are lucky and speaking of "polls," perhaps Lenny will post something about Trump's toadstool "pole!!" lol
Sep 12, 2022
You almost have to feel sorry for them. Imagine going through life mentally deranged.

This is over the head of the average Tard, but Patriots will get it.


Ten years ago, in 2013, at a time when virtually all of duped alternative media was praising the “ex-CIA agent” turned NSA “whistleblower” Edward Snowden, The Real History Chan (then known as stood alone in the Truther community in calling the whole phony affair out as “The Snowden Snow Job.” Here’s what RHC posted (dug up from the immortal “Wayback Machine” archive) in 2013:

“The media would NEVER hype a story, or an individual, that poses a true threat to the ruling class which it serves. Remember the silent treatment given to Ron Paul? When all of the MSM start pushing/hyping the same given narrative, of any given issue, all at the same time, understand that the ruling class is selling you something!

Why is this
mysterious “whistleblower,” who allegedly threw away his $200,000 yearly salary, his girlfriend, and his life, just to tell the world what was already known – namely, that the NSA can listen to phone calls and read E-mails -- receiving such attention?

Snowden is now a "fugitive,” but no explanation is given as to how he managed to escape, or how this wanted man was able to get on a plane and flee to CIA-infested Hong Kong -- where his "cause" is supported by a bizarre instant flash-mob equipped with professionally made bilingual banners and picket signs! Snowden is now an international star."

************** END OF EXCERPT **************

What "The Editorial Board" did not know at the time – and clearly stated that we did not know – was the ultimate motive behind Snowden’s bizarre mission which so embarrassed the NSA (part of US Military Intelligence).

Again, from Anti-New York Times 2013:

"The Snowden drama has yet to play out fully, but we do feel confident at this point in declaring this to be a government intelligence operation. Be not deceived by feigned indignation of the Obama administration & friends. The fake condemnation of Snowden is intended to give him credibility ('sheep-dipping'). This is clearly an orchestrated government-media circus, and The New York Times is "in on it".
What is the purpose of this phony operation? We shall know soon enough.” (emphasis added)

************** END OF EXCERPT **************

At home and abroad, Snowdenmania was manufactured. The English-language signs had been printed up in advance for protests organized in CIA-infested Hong Kong (since cleansed by Xi)

It wasn’t until the rise of Q in late 2017 that we were able to finally figure out that “purpose of this phony operation.” Q mentions Snowden many times and threatens to get him -- while confirming for us that he was indeed CIA but also perhaps "working for another country" (Israel?). You see, CIA/Mossad knew that the NSA (Military White Hats) was monitoring all of their criminal and treasonous activities. In fact, the United States Army Signal Intelligence Service – the forerunner of NSA – had, unbeknown even to US Presidents, tracked and documented the communications of communist subversives embedded high up in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations during World War II and beyond. This was finally declassified in 1995 as the “Venona Intercepts.”

By injecting CIA agent Snowden into the NSA for the purpose of "whistle-blowing," the Black Hats had hoped to create the necessary pretext for stripping the NSA of certain capabilities and even transferring those powers to the CIA. As planned, the Snowden Snow Job led to the formation of a “panel” of five experts who would make recommendations to President Obongo. The five “experts” were, as you can imagine, drawn from the scum of the American Intelligence and Academic Establishment. Naturally, their final “recommendations” called for NSA to be cut down to size and stripped of certain capabilities. This proved to be easier said than done as the military remains, in many respects, a power unto its own. The NSA survived the media onslaught untouched, and continued gathering dirt from the cell phones and computers of the“bad guys.”

This ties in directly with Trump’s coming “defense” in his coming criminal trials. Yes, the White Hats have been watching over America all along, but were powerless to intervene because the evidence was not obtained according to legal / judicial protocols – making it non-actionable. Satan help the Deep Staters if the world ever found out and if the data could somehow be legally introduced into the judicial system!


NY Times Cartoon
1. White Hats in Military Intel have been watching and monitoring for a long time. Only now -- thanks to their front man Trump -- can their data be used legally. // 2. Admiral Mike Rogers headed the NSA and met with Trump at Trump Tower before the inauguration of 2017. // 3. NY Times cartoon mocks NSA for snooping on private citizens at home and abroad. In reality, what the criminal Deep State feared was that their members were being monitored.


Washington Post
1. Anti-NSA Panel member and 9/11 cover-up artist Richard Clarke // 2. Anti-NSA Panel member and 9/11 cover-up artist Cass Sunstein once openly called for the "cognitive infiltration" of online conspiracy theorist groups by government shills for the purpose of creating confusion and discord (Black Pills). // 3. Anti-NSA Panel member Michael Morell was a deputy director of the C.I.A who once openly called for the covert killing of Russians.

Q has posted, on several occasions, “We have it all” --- with much of the “it” being NSA & Space Force data that includes the REAL election results of 2020 and other years. Q has also posted, on several occasions, “How do you introduce evidence legally?” The answer to that question is, of course, through controlled raids, controlled investigations and controlled trials. "Hey boss! Look what I just found by accident!"

The unclear (at the time) events of Snowdenmania in 2013 now directly connect to the approaching “storm” of Trump’s criminal trial -- a made for TV spectacle which chess master Trump has dubbed, “The Trial of the Century.” Additional shoes will be dropping beyond that.

While everyone else was going gaga over Ed Snowden, we pretty much nailed his phony ass 10 years ago. Now we have the FULL picture. Snowden -- that despicable Deep State plant -- has, we suspect, already been snuffed a la ‘Elon Musk” -- with his cyber persona commandeered to serve the White Hats.

Stay tuned for the “Trial of the Century.” * Libtards and communists worldwide will be shocked to their core when Trump produces -- in court and before a global TV audience -- FORENSIC EVIDENCE proving that 2020 election was rigged by some very powerful people.

* Editor's Note: A trial date has not been set, but the "prosecution" is calling for it by year's end.


Q Post 1279

Q Post 1287

Bloomberg News
Sep 12, 2022
It's interesting how the Patriots are drawn to the worldly and highly intelligent President Trump, while the Tards prefer the bumbling fake Joe Biden and the uneducated and mentally deficient homosexual Obama.

Nov 11, 2007
This is over the head of the average Tard, but Patriots will get it.


Ten years ago, in 2013, at a time when virtually all of duped alternative media was praising the “ex-CIA agent” turned NSA “whistleblower” Edward Snowden, The Real History Chan (then known as stood alone in the Truther community in calling the whole phony affair out as “The Snowden Snow Job.” Here’s what RHC posted (dug up from the immortal “Wayback Machine” archive) in 2013:

“The media would NEVER hype a story, or an individual, that poses a true threat to the ruling class which it serves. Remember the silent treatment given to Ron Paul? When all of the MSM start pushing/hyping the same given narrative, of any given issue, all at the same time, understand that the ruling class is selling you something!

Why is this
mysterious “whistleblower,” who allegedly threw away his $200,000 yearly salary, his girlfriend, and his life, just to tell the world what was already known – namely, that the NSA can listen to phone calls and read E-mails -- receiving such attention?

Snowden is now a "fugitive,” but no explanation is given as to how he managed to escape, or how this wanted man was able to get on a plane and flee to CIA-infested Hong Kong -- where his "cause" is supported by a bizarre instant flash-mob equipped with professionally made bilingual banners and picket signs! Snowden is now an international star."

************** END OF EXCERPT **************

What "The Editorial Board" did not know at the time – and clearly stated that we did not know – was the ultimate motive behind Snowden’s bizarre mission which so embarrassed the NSA (part of US Military Intelligence).

Again, from Anti-New York Times 2013:

"The Snowden drama has yet to play out fully, but we do feel confident at this point in declaring this to be a government intelligence operation. Be not deceived by feigned indignation of the Obama administration & friends. The fake condemnation of Snowden is intended to give him credibility ('sheep-dipping'). This is clearly an orchestrated government-media circus, and The New York Times is "in on it".
What is the purpose of this phony operation? We shall know soon enough.” (emphasis added)

************** END OF EXCERPT **************

At home and abroad, Snowdenmania was manufactured. The English-language signs had been printed up in advance for protests organized in CIA-infested Hong Kong (since cleansed by Xi)

It wasn’t until the rise of Q in late 2017 that we were able to finally figure out that “purpose of this phony operation.” Q mentions Snowden many times and threatens to get him -- while confirming for us that he was indeed CIA but also perhaps "working for another country" (Israel?). You see, CIA/Mossad knew that the NSA (Military White Hats) was monitoring all of their criminal and treasonous activities. In fact, the United States Army Signal Intelligence Service – the forerunner of NSA – had, unbeknown even to US Presidents, tracked and documented the communications of communist subversives embedded high up in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations during World War II and beyond. This was finally declassified in 1995 as the “Venona Intercepts.”

By injecting CIA agent Snowden into the NSA for the purpose of "whistle-blowing," the Black Hats had hoped to create the necessary pretext for stripping the NSA of certain capabilities and even transferring those powers to the CIA. As planned, the Snowden Snow Job led to the formation of a “panel” of five experts who would make recommendations to President Obongo. The five “experts” were, as you can imagine, drawn from the scum of the American Intelligence and Academic Establishment. Naturally, their final “recommendations” called for NSA to be cut down to size and stripped of certain capabilities. This proved to be easier said than done as the military remains, in many respects, a power unto its own. The NSA survived the media onslaught untouched, and continued gathering dirt from the cell phones and computers of the“bad guys.”

This ties in directly with Trump’s coming “defense” in his coming criminal trials. Yes, the White Hats have been watching over America all along, but were powerless to intervene because the evidence was not obtained according to legal / judicial protocols – making it non-actionable. Satan help the Deep Staters if the world ever found out and if the data could somehow be legally introduced into the judicial system!


NY Times Cartoon
1. White Hats in Military Intel have been watching and monitoring for a long time. Only now -- thanks to their front man Trump -- can their data be used legally. // 2. Admiral Mike Rogers headed the NSA and met with Trump at Trump Tower before the inauguration of 2017. // 3. NY Times cartoon mocks NSA for snooping on private citizens at home and abroad. In reality, what the criminal Deep State feared was that their members were being monitored.


Washington Post
1. Anti-NSA Panel member and 9/11 cover-up artist Richard Clarke // 2. Anti-NSA Panel member and 9/11 cover-up artist Cass Sunstein once openly called for the "cognitive infiltration" of online conspiracy theorist groups by government shills for the purpose of creating confusion and discord (Black Pills). // 3. Anti-NSA Panel member Michael Morell was a deputy director of the C.I.A who once openly called for the covert killing of Russians.

Q has posted, on several occasions, “We have it all” --- with much of the “it” being NSA & Space Force data that includes the REAL election results of 2020 and other years. Q has also posted, on several occasions, “How do you introduce evidence legally?” The answer to that question is, of course, through controlled raids, controlled investigations and controlled trials. "Hey boss! Look what I just found by accident!"

The unclear (at the time) events of Snowdenmania in 2013 now directly connect to the approaching “storm” of Trump’s criminal trial -- a made for TV spectacle which chess master Trump has dubbed, “The Trial of the Century.” Additional shoes will be dropping beyond that.

While everyone else was going gaga over Ed Snowden, we pretty much nailed his phony ass 10 years ago. Now we have the FULL picture. Snowden -- that despicable Deep State plant -- has, we suspect, already been snuffed a la ‘Elon Musk” -- with his cyber persona commandeered to serve the White Hats.

Stay tuned for the “Trial of the Century.” * Libtards and communists worldwide will be shocked to their core when Trump produces -- in court and before a global TV audience -- FORENSIC EVIDENCE proving that 2020 election was rigged by some very powerful people.

* Editor's Note: A trial date has not been set, but the "prosecution" is calling for it by year's end.


Q Post 1279

Q Post 1287

Bloomberg News
Stay tuned for the “Trial of the Century.” * Libtards and communists worldwide will be shocked to their core when Trump produces -- in court and before a global TV audience -- FORENSIC EVIDENCE proving that 2020 election was rigged by some very powerful people.

"Step right up, folks, and right before your very eyes you will see irrefutable evidence from Donald Trump himself that the 2020

Election was rigged and he not only won but he won in the greatest landslide in history winning all 50 states and getting over 90

percent of the Popular Vote, which has been claimed right along by RX Chat Forum guru who is referred to as sbd!!

"A source that spoke on the condition of anonymity stated the forensic evidence was compiled by a multitude of "unbiased" people including

Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Stev Bannon, Michael Flynn, John Eastman and Sidney Powell!!

Stay tuned for more on this story and more importantly, prepare yourself for Trump's reinstatement/devolution because it

is IMMINENT and because there is nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening!! ":moon: :moon: :moon: ???

Nov 11, 2007
It's interesting how the Patriots are drawn to the worldly and highly intelligent President Trump, while the Tards prefer the bumbling fake Joe Biden and the uneducated and mentally deficient homosexual Obama.
ps Why is it that folks like yourself and alter ego's and/or aliases sbd and sheriff HOE are drawn to an ex-POTUS who sexually abused

his daughter/Ivanka when she was a young teenager or even younger and who still lusts after her even as a grown married adult with

children, and who has openly been quoted as saying that he would love to engage in sex with her(I am using this phrase in case

they found the word "f uck" not acceptable!!lol)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's interesting how the Patriots are drawn to the worldly and highly intelligent President Trump, while the Tards prefer the bumbling fake Joe Biden and the uneducated and mentally deficient homosexual Obama.
Deranged Jack Smith has direct ties to Obama.

This corrupt DC judge has direct links to Obama.

When Trump Truthed "IF YOU COME AFTER ME, I'M GOING AFTER YOU!" in CAPS it was a shot across the bow to OBAMA.


Nov 11, 2007
Deranged Jack Smith has direct ties to Obama.

This corrupt DC judge has direct links to Obama.

When Trump Truthed "IF YOU COME AFTER ME, I'M GOING AFTER YOU!" in CAPS it was a shot across the bow to OBAMA.

What do you and your alter egos and/or other posting name care because after all you keep telling us morning, noon and night

that Trump is and has always been the acting CIC, meaning that Jack Smith should have been disqualified a long time ago

if even permitted to partake in the various investigations in the first place!!

In addition and along the same lines, why even worry if what you keep saying and have been stating for the last 31 months

that Trump's devolution is imminent-shouldn't that in itself take care of any possible threat offered by Jack Smith

and/or any other members of the "evil ds!"

But go ahead and continue to claim to have me on ignore as an excuse to avoid hard-hitting but 100%

fair questions like this!!

I don't exactly what they taught you in sheriff's school but it sure as hell wasn't how to debate and sure as hell not against

someone like myself who has 34 years of professional experience in destroying people when it comes to stuff like this which

involve logic, consistency and intellectual capabilities, which in your case amount to slightly above ZERO!!

Nov 11, 2007
Jack Smith is the one who has it all, and if you attended a fireworks display on July 4th and thought it was impressive, well

let's just say you ain't seen nothing yet compared to the one being hosted by Jack Smith which is

about to get going and for which sunglasses may be required in order to protect and shield your eyes from the blinding

and spectacular light show, which will culminate in the trial and conviction of a MISTER Donald Trump!!
Aug 17, 2019

"Q" continues to cause a lot of confusion for people.

So I am going to clarify and keep as simple as I can.

Q is NOT a military operation.

Although there are many high ranking military people involved, almost all have the highest security clearance.

Q is NOT President Trump, although he is the face of Q and very instrumental in this operation.

Q IS real.

The Q movement IS real.

Q encompasses humans on earth and off planet BENEVOLENT NON-HUMANS.

Some of us have had the privilege of seeing the benevolent intentions of this Q movement and know it is very real.

However, there are many frauds, clones and maleficent humans and non-humans who have attempted to hijack the movement with misinformation which makes it very confusing for those who don't have the ability to discern through it all.

Many of these negative groups have used the Q movement to try to capitalize financially and/or advance their own personal agendas.

Q is a very complicated structure and operation, one that is inter-dimensional.

This clarification is necessary.

The timing is intentional.

Aug 17, 2019

Since the UFO circus at the congressional hearings ended 10 days ago, UFO sightings have increased dramatically.

Most notably a video of multiple saucers flying across Nevada.

Screen Shot 2023-08-07 at 7.24.34 AM.png

These UFOs are NOT "alien" craft.

And they certainly are NOT benevolent.

These craft came from Groom Lake [aka Dreamland or Area 51], which is their main hub.

The coordinates are 1150 50’N 37°20W

This location is run by the NWO along with demonic beings.

The CIA is also there.

And so is the Security Service Corp. [formerly known as Wackenhut Security].

There are 2 large underground facilities [DUMBS] close to but separate from Groom Lake.

They are known as Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge S-4.

They are controlled by negative demonic beings.

They test many different UFO types and other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth.

These sites also do biological work including the creation of, and raising of, small "grey aliens".

Groom Lake is a dry lake.

The underground base is 11,3900 feet deep, has 29 levels and a 7 mile long runway.

It includes an S-66 installation which is the highest level of secrecy.

This location was responsible for the "Roswell" incident.

The Roswell crash was NOT extraterrestrial.

It was an experimental flight involving one of their craft, with their biological "greys".

This is why the MiBs showed up so fast and took control of everything.

This is important to understand.


Nov 11, 2007
I have a ton of empathy and compassion for them.

But we are at a point where there is no "saving" them now.

This is why all tards are on ignore.

It's truly between them and God now.
What you mean and is obvious is that YOU pretend to have us on ignore because in reality, you have nothing left in your "arsenal" and

for that matter never did, to stop justice occurring as it applies to Trump which is already happening right now as I write this!!

Nov 11, 2007

Since the UFO circus at the congressional hearings ended 10 days ago, UFO sightings have increased dramatically.

Most notably a video of multiple saucers flying across Nevada.

View attachment 73859

These UFOs are NOT "alien" craft.

And they certainly are NOT benevolent.

These craft came from Groom Lake [aka Dreamland or Area 51], which is their main hub.

The coordinates are 1150 50’N 37°20W

This location is run by the NWO along with demonic beings.

The CIA is also there.

And so is the Security Service Corp. [formerly known as Wackenhut Security].

There are 2 large underground facilities [DUMBS] close to but separate from Groom Lake.

They are known as Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge S-4.

They are controlled by negative demonic beings.

They test many different UFO types and other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth.

These sites also do biological work including the creation of, and raising of, small "grey aliens".

Groom Lake is a dry lake.

The underground base is 11,3900 feet deep, has 29 levels and a 7 mile long runway.

It includes an S-66 installation which is the highest level of secrecy.

This location was responsible for the "Roswell" incident.

The Roswell crash was NOT extraterrestrial.

It was an experimental flight involving one of their craft, with their biological "greys".

This is why the MiBs showed up so fast and took control of everything.

This is important to understand.

Hmmm-if Trump is the acting CIC as you and your alter egos/other identities keep claiming (even though he hasn't officially

been devolutioned yet), and of course assuming he knows what you as an "insider" know, then why doesn't he/James Bond Trump bomb

the shit out of this place and save the country and planet from these "evil folks" who wish to establish this NWO!!

Yeah, I know as usual, "timing is everything" and it will be done accordingly!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007

"Q" continues to cause a lot of confusion for people.

So I am going to clarify and keep as simple as I can.

Q is NOT a military operation.

Although there are many high ranking military people involved, almost all have the highest security clearance.

Q is NOT President Trump, although he is the face of Q and very instrumental in this operation.

Q IS real.

The Q movement IS real.

Q encompasses humans on earth and off planet BENEVOLENT NON-HUMANS.

Some of us have had the privilege of seeing the benevolent intentions of this Q movement and know it is very real.

However, there are many frauds, clones and maleficent humans and non-humans who have attempted to hijack the movement with misinformation which makes it very confusing for those who don't have the ability to discern through it all.

Many of these negative groups have used the Q movement to try to capitalize financially and/or advance their own personal agendas.

Q is a very complicated structure and operation, one that is inter-dimensional.

This clarification is necessary.

The timing is intentional.

Why write a separate response to this from the one I just wrote as the same applies, so here you go:

Hmmm-if Trump is the acting CIC as you and your alter egos/other identities keep claiming (even though he hasn't officially

been devolutioned yet), and of course assuming he knows what you as an "insider" know, then why doesn't he/James Bond Trump bomb

the shit out of this place and save the country and planet from these "evil folks" who wish to establish this NWO!!

Yeah, I know as usual, "timing is everything" and it will be done accordingly!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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