
Nov 11, 2007
Tards STILL think ballots are votes.

And that "Biden" is legal and legitimate president.

How can we ever expect them to understand they are being lied to?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You ask "how can we expect them to understand they are being lied to?

This is a no-brainer!!

All one has to do is to get Trump, a documented pathological liar, to explain it!!

I mean what better way to explain lying than to have the recognized liar extraordinaire himself explain it and how to effect it

and hopefully not get caught!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

Something tells me that when the dust settles and all is said and done, Trump and his attorneys are going to end up with the shi t

end of the stick!!

Nov 11, 2007

Since our polling guru, Lenny Lenbo, continues to wave polls day after day how popular is and especially so as far as getting

the nomination is concerned, perhaps he can offer some DIRECT AND SPECIFIC commentary on this as far as chances of winning

the election if he is the nominee!!

Nov 11, 2007
Traitor RINO Brian Kemp is in Davos right now.

Tells you everything you need to know.

In reality he is not a RINO but rather you who is a HINO, which stands for a Human In Name Only and also in reality a TF which

translates to a Trump Fellator!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If you think about it logically...

Based on how bad the Deep State wants to "Get Trump!"..

IF the military weren't in complete control, Trump would already be in jail...or worse 👉Stone Cold Lock of the Century!

If you knew nothing else, this is what we call, "common sense"

Never mind he travels in a mile-long "presidential motorcade" with an ambulance AND swat vehicles AND the "football" with an FAA No-Fly zone overhead..

Tards NEVER think logically. In fact, they don't think at all. All their so-called "thinking" is channeled through their dumpster fire "Great Reads" which lead them down the garden path over and over..

So mind-numbingly stupid and brainwashed, Patriots need to call 911 for their fourth-degree burns!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Since our polling guru, Lenny Lenbo, continues to wave polls day after day how popular is and especially so as far as getting

the nomination is concerned, perhaps he can offer some DIRECT AND SPECIFIC commentary on this as far as chances of winning

the election if he is the nominee!!

Yawn !


Nov 11, 2007

Since our polling guru, Lenny Lenbo, continues to wave polls day after day how popular is and especially so as far as getting

the nomination is concerned, perhaps he can offer some DIRECT AND SPECIFIC commentary on this as far as chances of winning

the election if he is the nominee!!
Polling like this makes clear that in the event of a conviction or if Trump is set to serve prison time, the 2024 election could be a landslide of epic proportions if Trump chooses to remain on the ballot.

Nov 11, 2007
If you think about it logically...
Begging the question, poisoning the well and using contradictions and unsupported opinions DOES NOT equate to the word logically!!
Based on how bad the Deep State wants to "Get Trump!"..
"Deep State" is a judgmental word/opinion in its own right and far from proven.
IF the military weren't in complete control, Trump would already be in jail...or worse 👉Stone Cold Lock of the Century!
Again begging the question, poisoning the well and total lack of any EMPIRICAL evidence that that this has even a remote basis!!
If you knew nothing else, this is what we call, "common sense"
As usual this simply begs the question and poisons the well of what you already begged the question and poisoned the well. Doubling down only makes you look even more desperate and clueless if that is possible at this juncture!! lol
Never mind he travels in a mile-long "presidential motorcade" with an ambulance AND swat vehicles AND the "football" with an FAA No-Fly zone overhead..
This makes about as much sense as saying that someone who lives in a slum ghetto area must be rich because

he drives around in a flashy car!!
Tards NEVER think logically. In fact, they don't think at all. All their so-called "thinking" is channeled through their dumpster fire "Great Reads" which lead them down the garden path over and over..
What I just stated above when taken in the composite addressed all of this-no need to repeat!!
So mind-numbingly stupid and brainwashed, Patriots need to call 911 for their fourth-degree burns!!
In my case so intelligent, well-educated and skilled in the art of debating, that you need to pretend to put me on ignore rather than

debate me straight up and by so doing, have your head handed to you!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Polling like this makes clear that in the event of a conviction or if Trump is set to serve prison time, the 2024 election could be a landslide of epic proportions if Trump chooses to remain on the ballot.

Yawn !

Some polling shows otherwise .

The evidence so far suggests the race might shift only slightly, by a few points. That could be important in another close election, but it’s not the kind of Trump collapse that Democrats may hope for — or Biden may need if his numbers don’t improve.

Dec 17, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
Before I depart until later on in the evening, from what he posted several times in the last few minutes, it looks like Lenny Lenbo

has added another word to his "arsenal" of "impeccable defense" for his hero and deity, Trump when he is unable to specifically

and directly refute the polls upon which he relies so heavily when the polls are in Trump's favor, namely the word "yawn."

In short, Lenny's take on polling in this thread when it comes to Trump, is the political one of "Heads I win and tails you lose!!"

Back no sooner than 10 tonight!!
Sep 12, 2022
If you think about it logically...

Based on how bad the Deep State wants to "Get Trump!"..

IF the military weren't in complete control, Trump would already be in jail...or worse 👉Stone Cold Lock of the Century!

If you knew nothing else, this is what we call, "common sense"

Never mind he travels in a mile-long "presidential motorcade" with an ambulance AND swat vehicles AND the "football" with an FAA No-Fly zone overhead..

Tards NEVER think logically. In fact, they don't think at all. All their so-called "thinking" is channeled through their dumpster fire "Great Reads" which lead them down the garden path over and over..

So mind-numbingly stupid and brainwashed, Patriots need to call 911 for their fourth-degree burns!!

I think we can all wholeheartedly agree, and all newcomers to this thread will immediately agree with us, that the Tards on this forum, and in particular this thread, are the dumbest, stupidest, and most ignorant people on the planet today.

All of them displaying clear symptoms of brain damage, most likely caused by their foolish injection of a fake vaccine for a fake virus.

And by the way, you make a great point. If Trump wasn't in charge, he would be long gone by now.
Sep 12, 2022
Tards better get their suppositories ready.


The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has, for about one year now, responsibly opined that Commander Trump's secret military government must have placed the Judenpresse under the same manner of submission which certain politicians -- consistent with Q Post #22 from 2017 and in accordance with subsequent Executive Orders -- have been compelled to accept.

You know, make a deal, or go to prison --- or worse! Speaking as someone who -- for the past 11 years now -- has been wading through Sulzberger's filth each day (3000 total issues!) so that "youse guys" don't have to, it now seems that not a day passes by without your favorite investigative reporter / historian / philosopher here being thunderstruck by an article or column that makes a patriotic truther say to himself: "The Slimes is reporting this???!"

To be clear, the overall spin of Fake News remains and will remain anti-Trump. The cleverness here lies in the injection of more and more objectivity pills and a noticeable reduction in the personal viciousness. The triumphant post-Iowa Caucus front-top page photo and this op-ed column by Turkish-born Zeynep Tufekci are the latest examples.

Both are respectful, positive and almost flattering. This stands in striking contrast to the manipulative "Trump can't win" and "Trump is the Devil" spin of 2016 -- and the "Trump is trailing slightly" polling lies of 2020. This time around, an unmistakable aura of invincibility and inevitability is being constructed around Trump. Even the most pessimistic doomer - gloomers of the Black Pill Society should be able to sense this by now.

After 8 years of mocking Trump supporters as "uneducated" rural rubes, the submissive Slimes is now telling "college-educated" voters it's OK to "love Trump?"

"Commander" Trump "never actually left." BOOM!

1 & 2. Ms. Tufekci's column almost makes her sound like a closet Trump cheerleader! // 2. Q told us a long time ago that the White Hats had the power to place people "under submission." Is this what we are now seeing at "the paper of record?"

The Op-Ed column is about Trump the "authoritarian" and the "strongman." But it's not what you think. There is no whining about "Fascism" here, nor any comparison to Hitler this time (which wouldn't be a bad thing in our eyes). There are no breathless warnings about the loss of liberty which awaits us if Trump returns -- blah, blah, blah.

To the contrary, the piece explains why so many voters actually desire a "strongman," and does so in a civil manner which makes the arguments of Trump supporters seem rational. To better illustrate this astonishing editorial transformation, let's examine some substantive excerpts. No commentary needed here. The almost flattering analysis presented -- by a Slimes columnist --stands on its own merits Take it away, Ms. Tufekci: *

"I first began attending Trump rallies eight years ago, to try to better understand a candidate who was then being described as a joke — and came away struck by his mix of charisma and powerful command of audiences. Rather than the bumbling celebrity I expected, I encountered a politician laying the groundwork for a powerful political realignment around subjects too readily brushed aside by the bipartisan establishment in Washington, such as the loss of manufacturing in the United States; those left behind by globalization and trade, especially trade with China; the legacy of the Iraq war and U.S. involvement in foreign wars in general; and, of course, immigration.

"I recently started going to Trump rallies and following his supporters’ online political conversations once again, to try to better understand something else: his base, and specifically the question of authoritarianism and the American voter. Authoritarian leaders project qualities that many voters — not just Trump voters — admire: strength, a sense of control, even an ends-justify-the-means leadership style. Our movie-hero presidents, Top Gun pilots and crusading lawyers often take matters into their own hands or break the rules in ways that we cheer.

They have something in common with Trump: They are seen as having special or singular strengths, an “I alone can fix it” power." "In New Hampshire, Jackie Fashjian made the case to me that during Trump’s presidency, 'there weren’t any active wars going on except for Afghanistan, which he did not start. He started no new wars. Our economy was great. Our gas prices were under 2 bucks a gallon. It’s just common sense to me. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.'

At the same rally, Debbie Finch leaped to her feet when Trump walked into the arena, and like many around us, she started filming. Finch defies stereotypes of Trump supporters: She’s Black and is concerned with racism, which she says greatly affects her life and that of her children. She doesn’t deny there are racists among Trump’s supporters, but as far as she’s concerned, that goes for Democrats, too. She told me she supports Trump because the economy was better under him."

"What I heard from voters drawn to Trump was that he had a special strength in making the economy work better for them than Biden has, and that he was a tough, “don’t mess with me” absolutist, which they see as helping to prevent new wars. His supporters also see him as an authentic strongman who is not a typical politician."

"Many didn’t trust the government or traditional media’s telling of what happened on Jan. 6. 'I’m not concerned with Jan. 6,' Finch said. 'I don’t trust our government. I don’t trust anything they’re saying. They’ve been doing this to Black people for so long, railroading them, so they have zero credibility. I don’t even care about it, and I don’t want to hear about Jan. 6.'”

"It’s easy to see why Trump’s political message can override concerns about democracy for many. What’s a bit of due process overstepped when all politicians are believed to be corrupt? Perhaps acknowledging that Trump’s appeal isn’t that mysterious can help people grapple with its power." *

Tell it, Ms. Tufekci. Tell it! Wow. Simply wow.

This coming from "the paper of record" which, in 2016, once ran a total of 32 hate-filled, anti-Trump attack articles in a single Sunday issue! Seriously, who installed this Turkish chick at the Slimes? Erdogan? Oh yeah --- Patriots Are Now In Control. They have to be.

Tufecki's respectful and objective column couldn't get any better for Trump than this. It featured quotes by, and images of, an older White woman, a young Black man and a middle-aged Black woman -- all wildly pro-Trump!

Nov 11, 2007
I think we can all wholeheartedly agree, and all newcomers to this thread will immediately agree with us, that savage1, wilbur andschmirt and and in particular this thread, are the sharpest, most intelligent, and most perceptive people on the planet today.

All of them display such abilities to destroy me, sheriff joe and sbd, that we had no choice to pretend to put them on ignore in the hopes that by so doing it would exonerate us from responding to them in order not to absorb more SAVAGE batterings day after day
Once again the typo/savage1 man has come to the rescue to correct your post!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tards better get their suppositories ready.


The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has, for about one year now, responsibly opined that Commander Trump's secret military government must have placed the Judenpresse under the same manner of submission which certain politicians -- consistent with Q Post #22 from 2017 and in accordance with subsequent Executive Orders -- have been compelled to accept.

You know, make a deal, or go to prison --- or worse! Speaking as someone who -- for the past 11 years now -- has been wading through Sulzberger's filth each day (3000 total issues!) so that "youse guys" don't have to, it now seems that not a day passes by without your favorite investigative reporter / historian / philosopher here being thunderstruck by an article or column that makes a patriotic truther say to himself: "The Slimes is reporting this???!"

To be clear, the overall spin of Fake News remains and will remain anti-Trump. The cleverness here lies in the injection of more and more objectivity pills and a noticeable reduction in the personal viciousness. The triumphant post-Iowa Caucus front-top page photo and this op-ed column by Turkish-born Zeynep Tufekci are the latest examples.

Both are respectful, positive and almost flattering. This stands in striking contrast to the manipulative "Trump can't win" and "Trump is the Devil" spin of 2016 -- and the "Trump is trailing slightly" polling lies of 2020. This time around, an unmistakable aura of invincibility and inevitability is being constructed around Trump. Even the most pessimistic doomer - gloomers of the Black Pill Society should be able to sense this by now.

After 8 years of mocking Trump supporters as "uneducated" rural rubes, the submissive Slimes is now telling "college-educated" voters it's OK to "love Trump?"

"Commander" Trump "never actually left." BOOM!

1 & 2. Ms. Tufekci's column almost makes her sound like a closet Trump cheerleader! // 2. Q told us a long time ago that the White Hats had the power to place people "under submission." Is this what we are now seeing at "the paper of record?"

The Op-Ed column is about Trump the "authoritarian" and the "strongman." But it's not what you think. There is no whining about "Fascism" here, nor any comparison to Hitler this time (which wouldn't be a bad thing in our eyes). There are no breathless warnings about the loss of liberty which awaits us if Trump returns -- blah, blah, blah.

To the contrary, the piece explains why so many voters actually desire a "strongman," and does so in a civil manner which makes the arguments of Trump supporters seem rational. To better illustrate this astonishing editorial transformation, let's examine some substantive excerpts. No commentary needed here. The almost flattering analysis presented -- by a Slimes columnist --stands on its own merits Take it away, Ms. Tufekci: *

"I first began attending Trump rallies eight years ago, to try to better understand a candidate who was then being described as a joke — and came away struck by his mix of charisma and powerful command of audiences. Rather than the bumbling celebrity I expected, I encountered a politician laying the groundwork for a powerful political realignment around subjects too readily brushed aside by the bipartisan establishment in Washington, such as the loss of manufacturing in the United States; those left behind by globalization and trade, especially trade with China; the legacy of the Iraq war and U.S. involvement in foreign wars in general; and, of course, immigration.

"I recently started going to Trump rallies and following his supporters’ online political conversations once again, to try to better understand something else: his base, and specifically the question of authoritarianism and the American voter. Authoritarian leaders project qualities that many voters — not just Trump voters — admire: strength, a sense of control, even an ends-justify-the-means leadership style. Our movie-hero presidents, Top Gun pilots and crusading lawyers often take matters into their own hands or break the rules in ways that we cheer.

They have something in common with Trump: They are seen as having special or singular strengths, an “I alone can fix it” power." "In New Hampshire, Jackie Fashjian made the case to me that during Trump’s presidency, 'there weren’t any active wars going on except for Afghanistan, which he did not start. He started no new wars. Our economy was great. Our gas prices were under 2 bucks a gallon. It’s just common sense to me. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.'

At the same rally, Debbie Finch leaped to her feet when Trump walked into the arena, and like many around us, she started filming. Finch defies stereotypes of Trump supporters: She’s Black and is concerned with racism, which she says greatly affects her life and that of her children. She doesn’t deny there are racists among Trump’s supporters, but as far as she’s concerned, that goes for Democrats, too. She told me she supports Trump because the economy was better under him."

"What I heard from voters drawn to Trump was that he had a special strength in making the economy work better for them than Biden has, and that he was a tough, “don’t mess with me” absolutist, which they see as helping to prevent new wars. His supporters also see him as an authentic strongman who is not a typical politician."

"Many didn’t trust the government or traditional media’s telling of what happened on Jan. 6. 'I’m not concerned with Jan. 6,' Finch said. 'I don’t trust our government. I don’t trust anything they’re saying. They’ve been doing this to Black people for so long, railroading them, so they have zero credibility. I don’t even care about it, and I don’t want to hear about Jan. 6.'”

"It’s easy to see why Trump’s political message can override concerns about democracy for many. What’s a bit of due process overstepped when all politicians are believed to be corrupt? Perhaps acknowledging that Trump’s appeal isn’t that mysterious can help people grapple with its power." *

Tell it, Ms. Tufekci. Tell it! Wow. Simply wow.

This coming from "the paper of record" which, in 2016, once ran a total of 32 hate-filled, anti-Trump attack articles in a single Sunday issue! Seriously, who installed this Turkish chick at the Slimes? Erdogan? Oh yeah --- Patriots Are Now In Control. They have to be.

Tufecki's respectful and objective column couldn't get any better for Trump than this. It featured quotes by, and images of, an older White woman, a young Black man and a middle-aged Black woman -- all wildly pro-Trump!
Haha, the Slimes planting seeds for what's coming. The "tape delay version", so to speak, of everything we've been saying for many years now.

The true genius of the media operation in this historic monumental "Plan" lies in how White Hats ensure FAKE "news" maintains its TDS veneer just enough to keep the Sheep engaged while simultaneously dropping more "objectivity pills" into their copy to wake more people up.

If someone is thirsty in the dessert, you don't blast them with water using a firehose.

It has to be gradual. Drip drip flood!

Of course Tards are too stupid and brainwashed to notice all these subtle tactics embedded in their OWN clown "sources". Hilarious!

Patriots in Full Control!


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